#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use PVE::QemuServer; use PVE::Tools qw(run_command); my $iface = shift; die "no interface specified\n" if !$iface; die "got strange interface name '$iface'\n" if $iface !~ m/^tap(\d+)i(\d+)$/; my $vmid = $1; my $netid = "net$2"; my $conf = PVE::QemuServer::load_config ($vmid); die "unable to get network config '$netid'\n" if !$conf->{$netid}; my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_net($conf->{$netid}); die "unable to parse network config '$netid'\n" if !$net; my $bridge = $net->{bridge}; die "unable to get bridge setting\n" if !$bridge; system ("/sbin/ifconfig $iface promisc up") == 0 || die "interface activation failed\n"; if ($net->{rate}) { my $rate = int($net->{rate}*1024*1024); my $burst = 1024*1024; system("/sbin/tc qdisc del dev $iface ingres >/dev/null 2>&1"); system("/sbin/tc qdisc del dev $iface root >/dev/null 2>&1"); run_command("/sbin/tc qdisc add dev $iface handle ffff: ingress"); # this does not work wit virtio - don't know why #run_command("/sbin/tc filter add dev $iface parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src police rate ${rate}bps burst ${burst}b drop flowid :1"); # so we use avrate instead run_command("/sbin/tc filter add dev $iface parent ffff: " . "protocol ip prio 50 estimator 1sec 8sec " . "u32 match ip src police avrate ${rate}bps drop flowid :1"); # tbf does not work for unknown reason #$TC qdisc add dev $DEV root tbf rate $RATE latency 100ms burst $BURST # so we use htb instead run_command("/sbin/tc qdisc add dev $iface root handle 1: htb default 1"); run_command("/sbin/tc class add dev $iface parent 1: classid 1:1 " . "htb rate ${rate}bps burst ${burst}b"); # enable this to debug tc if (0) { print "DEBUG tc settings\n"; system("/sbin/tc qdisc ls dev $iface"); system("/sbin/tc class ls dev $iface"); system("/sbin/tc filter ls dev $iface parent ffff:"); } } system ("/usr/sbin/brctl addif $bridge $iface") == 0 || die "can't add interface to bridge\n"; exit 0;