Local ZFS Pool Backend ---------------------- include::attributes.txt[] Storage pool type: `zfspool` This backend allows you to access local ZFS pools (or ZFS filesystems inside such pools). Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The backend supports the common storage properties `content`, `nodes`, `disable`, and the following ZFS specific properties: pool:: Select the ZFS pool/filesystem. All allocations are done within that pool. blocksize:: Set ZFS blocksize parameter. sparse:: Use ZFS thin-provisioning. A sparse volume is a volume whose reservation is not equal to the volume size. .Configuration Example (`/etc/pve/storage.cfg`) ---- zfspool: vmdata pool tank/vmdata content rootdir,images sparse ---- File naming conventions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The backend uses the following naming scheme for VM images: vm-- // normal VM images base-- // template VM image (read-only) subvol-- // subvolumes (ZFS filesystem for containers) ``:: This specifies the owner VM. ``:: This scan be an arbitrary name (`ascii`) without white spaces. The backend uses `disk[N]` as default, where `[N]` is replaced by an integer to make the name unique. Storage Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZFS is probably the most advanced storage type regarding snapshot and cloning. The backend uses ZFS datasets for both VM images (format `raw`) and container data (format `subvol`). ZFS properties are inherited from the parent dataset, so you can simply set defaults on the parent dataset. .Storage features for backend `zfs` [width="100%",cols="m,m,3*d",options="header"] |============================================================================== |Content types |Image formats |Shared |Snapshots |Clones |images rootdir |raw subvol |no |yes |yes |============================================================================== Examples ~~~~~~~~ It is recommended to create and extra ZFS filesystem to store your VM images: # zfs create tank/vmdata To enable compression on that newly allocated filesystem: # zfs set compression=on tank/vmdata You can get a list of available ZFS filesystems with: # pvesm zfsscan ifdef::wiki[] See Also ~~~~~~~~ * link:/wiki/Storage[Storage] endif::wiki[]