#!/usr/bin/perl my $PROGNAME = "pve-zsync"; my $CONFIG_PATH = '/var/lib/'.$PROGNAME.'/'; my $CONFIG = "$PROGNAME.cfg"; my $CRONJOBS = '/etc/cron.d/'.$PROGNAME; my $VMCONFIG = '/var/lib/'.$PROGNAME.'/'; my $PATH = "/usr/sbin/"; my $QEMU_CONF = '/etc/pve/local/qemu-server/'; my $DEBUG = 0; my $LOCKFILE = $VMCONFIG.$PROGNAME.'lock'; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use Fcntl qw(:flock SEEK_END); use Getopt::Long; use Switch; check_bin ('cstream'); check_bin ('zfs'); check_bin ('ssh'); check_bin ('scp'); sub check_bin { my ($bin) = @_; foreach my $p (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { my $fn = "$p/$bin"; if (-x $fn) { return $fn; } } warn "unable to find command '$bin'\n"; } sub cut_to_width { my ($text, $max) = @_; return $text if (length($text) <= $max); my @spl = split('/', $text); my $count = length($spl[@spl-1]); return "..\/".substr($spl[@spl-1],($count-$max)+3 ,$count) if $count > $max; $count += length($spl[0]) if @spl > 1; return substr($spl[0], 0, $max-4-length($spl[@spl-1]))."\/..\/".$spl[@spl-1] if $count > $max; my $rest = 1 ; $rest = $max-$count if ($max-$count > 0); return "$spl[0]".substr($text, length($spl[0]), $rest)."..\/".$spl[@spl-1]; } sub lock { my ($fh) = @_; flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or die "Cannot lock config - $!\n"; seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or die "Cannot seek - $!\n"; } sub unlock { my ($fh) = @_; flock($fh, LOCK_UN) or die "Cannot unlock config- $!\n"; } sub check_config { my ($source, $name, $cfg) = @_; my $id = $source->{vmid} ? $source->{vmid} : $source->{abs_path}; my $status = $cfg->{$id}->{$name}->{status}; if ($cfg->{$id}->{$name}->{status}){ return $status; } return undef; } sub check_pool_exsits { my ($pool, $ip) = @_; my $cmd = ''; $cmd = "ssh root\@$ip " if $ip; $cmd .= "zfs list $pool -H"; eval { run_cmd($cmd); }; if($@){ return 1; } return undef; } sub write_to_config { my ($cfg) = @_; open(my $fh, ">", "$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG") or die "cannot open >$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG: $!\n"; my $text = decode_config($cfg); print($fh $text); close($fh); } sub read_from_config { unless(-e "$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG") { return undef; } open(my $fh, "<", "$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG") or die "cannot open > $CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG: $!\n"; $/ = undef; my $text = <$fh>; close($fh); my $cfg = encode_config($text); return $cfg; } sub decode_config { my ($cfg) = @_; my $raw = ''; foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}){ foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}){ $raw .= "$source: $sync_name\n"; foreach my $parameter (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}}){ $raw .= "\t$parameter: $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$parameter}\n"; } } } return $raw; } sub encode_config { my ($raw) = @_; my $cfg = {}; my $source; my $check = 0; my $sync_name; while ($raw && $raw =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) { my $line = $1; next if $line =~ m/^\#/; next if $line =~ m/^\s*$/; if ($line =~ m/^(\t| )(\w+): (.+)/){ my $par = $2; my $value = $3; if ($par eq 'source_pool') { $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: SourcePool value doubled\n" if ($check & 1); $check += 1; } elsif ($par eq 'source_ip') { $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: SourceIP value doubled\n" if ($check & 2); $check += 2; } elsif ($par eq 'status') { $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: Status value doubled\n" if ($check & 4); $check += 4; } elsif ($par eq 'method') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: Method value doubled\n" if ($check & 8); $check += 8; } elsif ($par eq 'interval') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: Iterval value doubled\n" if ($check & 16); $check += 16; } elsif ($par eq 'limit') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: Limit value doubled\n" if ($check & 32); $check += 32; } elsif ($par eq 'dest_pool') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: DestPool value doubled\n" if ($check & 64); $check += 64; } elsif ($par eq 'dest_ip') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: DestIp value doubled\n" if ($check & 128); $check += 128; } elsif ($par eq 'dest_path') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: DestPath value doubled\n" if ($check & 256); $check += 256; } elsif ($par eq 'source_path') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: SourcePath value doubled\n" if ($check & 512); $check += 512; } elsif ($par eq 'vmid') { $cfg -> {$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: Vmid value doubled\n" if ($check & 1024); $check += 1024; } elsif ($par =~ 'lsync') { $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: lsync value doubled\n" if ($check & 2048); $check += 2048; } elsif ($par =~ 'maxsnap') { $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{$par} = $value; die "error in Config: maxsnap value doubled\n" if ($check & 4096); $check += 4096; } else { die "error in Config\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ m/^((\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):)?([\w\-\_\/]+): (.+){0,1}/){ $source = $3; $sync_name = $4 ? $4 : 'default' ; $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name} = undef; $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip} = $2 if $2; $check = 0; } } return $cfg; } sub parse_target { my ($text) = @_; if ($text =~ m/^((\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):)?((\w+)\/?)([\w\/\-\_]*)?$/) { die "Input not valid\n" if !$3; my $tmp = $3; my $target = {}; if ($2) { $target->{ip} = $2 ; } if ($tmp =~ m/^(\d\d\d+)$/){ $target->{vmid} = $tmp; } else { $target->{pool} = $4; my $abs_path = $4; if ($5) { $target->{path} = "\/$5"; $abs_path .= "\/$5"; } $target->{abs_path} = $abs_path; } return $target; } die "Input not valid\n"; } sub list { my $cfg = read_from_config("$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG"); my $list = sprintf("%-25s%-15s%-7s%-20s%-10s%-5s\n" , "SOURCE", "NAME", "ACTIVE", "LAST SYNC", "INTERVAL", "TYPE"); foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}){ foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}){ my $source_name = $source; $source_name = $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}.":".$source if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}; $list .= sprintf("%-25s%-15s", cut_to_width($source_name,25), cut_to_width($sync_name,15)); my $active = ""; if($cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{status} eq 'syncing'){ $active = "yes"; } else { $active = "no"; } $list .= sprintf("%-7s", $active); $list .= sprintf("%-20s",$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{lsync}); $list .= sprintf("%-10s",$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{interval}); $list .= sprintf("%-5s\n",$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{method}); } } return $list; } sub vm_exists { my ($target) = @_; my $cmd = ""; $cmd = "ssh root\@$target->{ip} " if ($target->{ip}); $cmd .= "qm status $target->{vmid}"; my $res = run_cmd($cmd); return 1 if ($res =~ m/^status.*$/); return undef; } sub init { my ($param) = @_; open(my $lock_fh, ">", $LOCKFILE) || die "cannot open Lock File: $LOCKFILE\n"; lock($lock_fh); my $cfg = read_from_config; my $vm = {}; my $name = $param->{name} ? $param->{name} : "default"; my $interval = $param->{interval} ? $param->{interval} : 15; my $source = parse_target($param->{source}); my $dest = parse_target($param->{dest}); $vm->{$name}->{dest_pool} = $dest->{pool}; $vm->{$name}->{dest_ip} = $dest->{ip} if $dest->{ip}; $vm->{$name}->{dest_path} = $dest->{path} if $dest->{path}; $param->{method} = "local" if !$dest->{ip} && !$source->{ip}; $vm->{$name}->{status} = "ok"; $vm->{$name}->{interval} = $interval; $vm->{$name}->{method} = $param->{method} ? $param->{method} : "ssh"; $vm->{$name}->{limit} = $param->{limit} if $param->{limit}; $vm->{$name}->{maxsnap} = $param->{maxsnap} if $param->{maxsnap}; if ( my $ip = $vm->{$name}->{dest_ip} ) { run_cmd("ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root\@$ip"); } if ( my $ip = $source->{ip} ) { run_cmd("ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root\@$ip"); } die "Pool $dest->{abs_path} does not exists\n" if check_pool_exsits($dest->{abs_path}, $dest->{ip}); my $check = check_pool_exsits($source->{abs_path}, $source->{ip}) if !$source->{vmid} && $source->{abs_path}; die "Pool $source->{abs_path} does not exists\n" if undef($check); my $add_job = sub { my ($vm, $name) = @_; my $source = ""; if ($vm->{$name}->{vmid}) { $source .= $vm->{$name}->{vmid}; } else { $source .= $vm->{$name}->{source_pool}; $source .= $vm->{$name}->{source_path} if $vm->{$name}->{source_path}; } die "Config already exists\n" if $cfg->{$source}->{$name}; $cfg->{$source}->{$name} = $vm->{$name}; write_to_cron($cfg); write_to_config($cfg); }; if ($source->{vmid}) { die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if !vm_exists($source); my $disks = get_disks($source); $vm->{$name}->{vmid} = $source->{vmid}; $vm->{$name}->{lsync} = 0; $vm->{$name}->{source_ip} = $source->{ip} if $source->{ip}; &$add_job($vm, $name); } else { $vm->{$name}->{source_pool} = $source->{pool}; $vm->{$name}->{source_ip} = $source->{ip} if $source->{ip}; $vm->{$name}->{source_path} = $source->{path} if $source->{path}; $vm->{$name}->{lsync} = 0; &$add_job($vm, $name); } lock($lock_fh); close($lock_fh); eval {sync($param) if !$param->{skip};}; if(my $err = $@) { destroy($param); print $err; } } sub destroy { my ($param) = @_; modify_configs($param->{name}, $param->{source},1); } sub sync { my ($param) = @_; open(my $lock_fh, ">", $LOCKFILE) || die "cannot open Lock File: $LOCKFILE\n"; lock($lock_fh); my $cfg = read_from_config("$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG"); my $name = $param->{name} ? $param->{name} : "default"; my $max_snap = $param->{maxsnap} ? $param->{maxsnap} : 1; my $method = $param->{method} ? $param->{method} : "ssh"; my $dest = parse_target($param->{dest}); my $source = parse_target($param->{source}); my $sync_path = sub { my ($source, $name, $cfg, $max_snap, $dest, $method) = @_; ($source->{old_snap},$source->{last_snap}) = snapshot_get($source, $dest, $max_snap, $name); my $job_status = check_config($source, $name, $cfg) if $cfg; die "VM Status: $job_status syncing will not done!\n" if ($job_status && !($job_status eq "ok" || $job_status eq "stoped")); if ($job_status) { my $conf_name = $source->{abs_path}; $conf_name = $source->{vmid} if $source->{vmid}; $cfg->{$conf_name}->{$name}->{status} = "syncing"; write_to_config($cfg); } my $date = undef; eval{ $date = snapshot_add($source, $dest, $name); send_image($source, $dest, $method, $param->{verbose}, $param->{limit}); snapshot_destroy($source, $dest, $method, $source->{old_snap}) if ($source->{destroy} && $source->{old_snap}); }; if(my $err = $@){ if ($job_status){ my $conf_name = $source->{abs_path}; $conf_name = $source->{vmid} if $source->{vmid}; $cfg->{$conf_name}->{$name}->{status} = "error"; write_to_config($cfg); my $source_target = $source->{ip} ? $source->{ip}.":" : ''; $source_target .= $source->{vmid} ? $source->{vmid} : $source->{abs_path}; write_to_cron($cfg); lock($lock_fh); close($lock_fh); } die "$err\n"; } if ($job_status) { my $conf_name = $source->{abs_path}; $conf_name = $source->{vmid} if $source->{vmid}; $cfg->{$conf_name}->{$name}->{status} = "ok"; $cfg->{$conf_name}->{$name}->{lsync} = $date; write_to_config($cfg); } }; $param->{method} = "ssh" if !$param->{method}; if ($source->{vmid}) { die "VM $source->{vmid} doesn't exist\n" if !vm_exists($source); my $disks = get_disks($source); foreach my $disk (sort keys %{$disks}) { $source->{abs_path} = $disks->{$disk}->{pool}; $source->{abs_path} .= "\/$disks->{$disk}->{path}" if $disks->{$disk}->{path}; $source->{pool} = $disks->{$disk}->{pool}; $source->{path} = "\/$disks->{$disk}->{path}"; &$sync_path($source, $name, $cfg, $max_snap, $dest, $method); } if ($method eq "ssh") { send_config($source, $dest,'ssh'); } } else { &$sync_path($source, $name, $cfg, $max_snap, $dest, $method); } lock($lock_fh); close($lock_fh); } sub snapshot_get{ my ($source, $dest, $max_snap, $name) = @_; my $cmd = "zfs list -r -t snapshot -Ho name, -S creation "; $cmd .= $source->{abs_path}; $cmd = "ssh root\@$source->{ip} ".$cmd if $source->{ip}; my $raw = run_cmd($cmd); my $index = 1; my $line = ""; my $last_snap = undef; while ($raw && $raw =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) { $line = $1; $last_snap = $line if $index == 1; if ($index == $max_snap) { $source->{destroy} = 1; last; }; $index++; } $line =~ m/^(.+)\@(rep_$name\_.+)(\n|$)/; return ($2, $last_snap) if $2; return undef; } sub snapshot_add { my ($source, $dest, $name) = @_; my $date = get_date(); my $snap_name = "rep_$name\_".$date; $source->{new_snap} = $snap_name; my $path = $source->{abs_path}."\@".$snap_name; my $cmd = "zfs snapshot $path"; $cmd = "ssh root\@$source->{ip} ".$cmd if $source->{ip}; eval{ run_cmd($cmd); }; if (my $err = $@){ snapshot_destroy($source, $dest, 'ssh', $snap_name); die "$err\n"; } return $date; } sub write_to_cron { my ($cfg) = @_; my $text = 'SHELL=/bin/sh'."\n"; $text .= 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin'."\n"; open(my $fh, '>', "$CRONJOBS") or die "Could not open file: $!\n"; foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}){ foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}){ next if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{status} ne 'ok'; $text .= "*/$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{interval} * * * * root "; $text .= "$PATH$PROGNAME sync"; $text .= " -source "; if ($cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{vmid}) { $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{vmid} "; } else { $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_pool}"; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_path}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_path}; } $text .= " -dest "; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_ip}:" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_ip}; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_pool}"; $text .= "$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_path}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{dest_path}; $text .= " -name $sync_name "; $text .= " -limit $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{limit}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{limit}; $text .= " -maxsnap $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{maxsnap}" if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{maxsnap}; $text .= "\n"; } } print($fh $text); close($fh); } sub get_disks { my ($target) = @_; my $cmd = ""; $cmd = "ssh root\@$target->{ip} " if $target->{ip}; $cmd .= "qm config $target->{vmid}"; my $res = run_cmd($cmd); my $disks = parse_disks($res, $target->{ip}); return $disks; } sub run_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; print "Start CMD\n" if $DEBUG; print Dumper $cmd if $DEBUG; my $output = `$cmd 2>&1`; die $output if 0 != $?; chomp($output); print Dumper $output if $DEBUG; print "END CMD\n" if $DEBUG; return $output; } sub parse_disks { my ($text, $ip) = @_; my $disks; my $num = 0; my $cmd = ""; $cmd .= "ssh root\@$ip " if $ip; $cmd .= "pvesm zfsscan"; my $zfs_pools = run_cmd($cmd); while ($text && $text =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) { my $line = $1; my $disk = undef; my $stor = undef; my $is_disk = $line =~ m/^(virtio|ide|scsi|sata){1}\d+: /; if($line =~ m/^(virtio\d+: )(.+:)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+),(.*)$/) { $disk = $3; $stor = $2; } elsif($line =~ m/^(ide\d+: )(.+:)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+),(.*)$/) { $disk = $3; $stor = $2; } elsif($line =~ m/^(scsi\d+: )(.+:)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+),(.*)$/) { $disk = $3; $stor = $2; } elsif($line =~ m/^(sata\d+: )(.+:)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+),(.*)$/) { $disk = $3; $stor = $2; } die "disk is not on ZFS Storage\n" if $is_disk && !$disk && $line !~ m/cdrom/; if($disk && $line !~ m/none/ && $line !~ m/cdrom/ ) { my $cmd = ""; $cmd .= "ssh root\@$ip " if $ip; $cmd .= "pvesm path $stor$disk"; my $path = run_cmd($cmd); if ($path =~ m/^\/dev\/zvol\/(\w+).*(\/$disk)$/){ $disks->{$num}->{pool} = $1; $disks->{$num}->{path} = $disk; $num++; } else { die "ERROR: in path\n"; } } } return $disks; } sub snapshot_destroy { my ($source, $dest, $method, $snap) = @_; my $zfscmd = "zfs destroy "; my $name = "$source->{path}\@$snap"; eval { if($source->{ip} && $method eq 'ssh'){ run_cmd("ssh root\@$source->{ip} $zfscmd $source->{pool}$name"); } else { run_cmd("$zfscmd $source->{pool}$name"); } }; if (my $erro = $@) { warn "WARN: $erro"; } if ($dest){ my $ssh = $dest->{ip} ? "ssh root\@$dest->{ip}" : ""; my $path = ""; $path ="$dest->{path}" if $dest->{path}; my @dir = split(/\//, $source->{path}); eval { run_cmd("$ssh $zfscmd $dest->{pool}$path\/$dir[@dir-1]\@$snap "); }; if (my $erro = $@) { warn "WARN: $erro"; } } } sub snapshot_exist { my ($source ,$dest, $method) = @_; my $cmd = ""; $cmd = "ssh root\@$dest->{ip} " if $dest->{ip}; $cmd .= "zfs list -rt snapshot -Ho name $dest->{pool}"; $cmd .= "$dest->{path}" if $dest->{path}; my @dir = split(/\//, $source->{path}); $cmd .= "\/$dir[@dir-1]\@$source->{old_snap}"; my $text = ""; eval {$text =run_cmd($cmd);}; if (my $erro = $@) { warn "WARN: $erro"; return undef; } while ($text && $text =~ s/^(.*?)(\n|$)//) { my $line = $1; return 1 if $line =~ m/^.*$source->{old_snap}$/; } } sub send_image { my ($source, $dest, $method, $verbose, $limit) = @_; my $cmd = ""; $cmd .= "ssh root\@$source->{ip} " if $source->{ip}; $cmd .= "zfs send "; $cmd .= "-v " if $verbose; if($source->{last_snap} && snapshot_exist($source ,$dest, $method)) { $cmd .= "-i $source->{abs_path}\@$source->{old_snap} $source->{abs_path}\@$source->{new_snap} "; } else { $cmd .= "$source->{abs_path}\@$source->{new_snap} "; } if ($limit){ my $bwl = $limit*1024; $cmd .= "| cstream -t $bwl"; } $cmd .= "| "; $cmd .= "ssh root\@$dest->{ip} " if $dest->{ip}; $cmd .= "zfs recv $dest->{pool}"; $cmd .= "$dest->{path}" if $dest->{path}; my @dir = split(/\//,$source->{path}); $cmd .= "\/$dir[@dir-1]\@$source->{new_snap}"; eval { run_cmd($cmd) }; if (my $erro = $@) { snapshot_destroy($source, undef, $method, $source->{new_snap}); die $erro; }; } sub send_config{ my ($source, $dest, $method) = @_; if ($method eq 'ssh'){ if ($dest->{ip} && $source->{ip}) { run_cmd("ssh root\@$dest->{ip} mkdir $VMCONFIG -p"); run_cmd("scp root\@$source->{ip}:$QEMU_CONF$source->{vmid}.conf root\@$dest->{ip}:$VMCONFIG$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{new_snap}"); } elsif ($dest->{ip}) { run_cmd("ssh root\@$dest->{ip} mkdir $VMCONFIG -p"); run_cmd("scp $QEMU_CONF$source->{vmid}.conf root\@$dest->{ip}:$VMCONFIG$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{new_snap}"); } elsif ($source->{ip}) { run_cmd("mkdir $VMCONFIG -p"); run_cmd("scp root\@$source->{ip}:$QEMU_CONF$source->{vmid}.conf $VMCONFIG$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{new_snap}"); } if ($source->{destroy}){ if($dest->{ip}){ run_cmd("ssh root\@$dest->{ip} rm -f $VMCONFIG$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{old_snap}"); } else { run_cmd("rm -f $VMCONFIG$source->{vmid}.conf.$source->{old_snap}"); } } } } sub get_date { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my $datestamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); return $datestamp; } sub status { my $cfg = read_from_config("$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG"); my $status_list = sprintf("%-25s%-15s%-10s\n","SOURCE","NAME","STATUS"); foreach my $source (sort keys%{$cfg}){ foreach my $sync_name (sort keys%{$cfg->{$source}}){ my $status; my $source_name = $source; $source_name = $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}.":".$source if $cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{source_ip}; $status = sprintf("%-10s",$cfg->{$source}->{$sync_name}->{status}); $status_list .= sprintf("%-25s%-15s", cut_to_width($source_name,25), cut_to_width($sync_name,15)); $status_list .= "$status\n"; } } return $status_list; } sub enable{ my ($param) = @_; modify_configs($param->{name}, $param->{source},4); } sub disable{ my ($param) = @_; modify_configs($param->{name}, $param->{source},2); } sub modify_configs{ my ($name, $sou, $op) = @_; $name = $name ? $name : "default"; open(my $lock_fh, ">", $LOCKFILE) || die "cannot open Lock File: $LOCKFILE\n"; lock($lock_fh); my $cfg = read_from_config("$CONFIG_PATH$CONFIG"); my $source = parse_target($sou); my $change_configs = sub { my ($path, $name, $cfg, $op) = @_; die "Source does not exist!\n" unless $cfg->{$path} ; die "Sync Name does not exist!\n" unless $cfg->{$path}->{$name}; my $source = $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_ip} ? "$cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_ip}:" : ''; $source .= $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_pool} if $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_pool}; $source .= $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_path} ? $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{source_path} :''; my $dest = $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_ip} ? $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_ip} :""; $dest .= $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_pool} if $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_pool}; $dest .= $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_path} ? $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{dest_path} :''; if($op == 1){ delete $cfg->{$path}->{$name}; delete $cfg->{$path} if keys%{$cfg->{$path}} == 0; write_to_config($cfg); } if($op == 1 || $op == 2) { if ($op == 2) { $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{status} = "stoped"; write_to_config($cfg); } write_to_cron($cfg); } elsif($op == 4) { my $job = {}; $cfg->{$path}->{$name}->{status} = "ok"; write_to_config($cfg); write_to_cron($cfg); } }; if ($source->{vmid}) { my $path = $source->{vmid}; &$change_configs($path, $name, $cfg, $op) } else { my $path = $source->{pool}; $path .= $source->{path} if $source->{path}; &$change_configs($path, $name, $cfg, $op); } unlock($lock_fh); close($lock_fh); } my $command = $ARGV[0]; my $commands = {'destroy' => 1, 'create' => 1, 'sync' => 1, 'list' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'help' => 1, 'enable' => 1, 'disable' => 1}; if (!$command || !$commands->{$command}) { usage(); die "\n"; } my $dest = ''; my $source = ''; my $verbose = ''; my $interval = ''; my $limit = ''; my $maxsnap = ''; my $name = ''; my $skip = ''; my $help_sync = "$PROGNAME sync -dest -source [OPTIONS]\n \twill sync one time\n \t-dest\tstring\n \t\tthe destination target is like [IP:][/Path]\n \t-limit\tinteger\n \t\tmax sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited\n \t-maxsnap\tinteger\n \t\thow much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1/n \t-name\tstring\n \t\tname of the sync job, if not set it is default. \tIt is only necessary if scheduler allready contains this source.\n \t-source\tstring\n \t\tthe source can be an or [IP:][/Path]\n"; my $help_create = "$PROGNAME create -dest -source [OPTIONS]/n \tCreate a sync Job\n \t-dest\tstringn\n \t\tthe destination target is like [IP]:[/Path]\n \t-interval\tinteger\n \t\tthe interval in min in witch the zfs will sync, \t\tdefault is 15 min\n \t-limit\tinteger\n \t\tmax sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited\n \t-maxsnap\tstring\n \t\thow much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1\n \t-name\tstring\n \t\tname of the sync job, if not set it is default\n \t-skip\tboolean\n \t\tif this flag is set it will skip the first sync\n \t-source\tstring\n \t\tthe source can be an or [IP:][/Path]\n"; my $help_destroy = "$PROGNAME destroy -source [OPTIONS]\n \tremove a sync Job from the scheduler\n \t-name\tstring\n \t\tname of the sync job, if not set it is default\n \t-source\tstring\n \t\tthe source can be an or [IP:][/Path]\n"; my $help_help = "$PROGNAME help [OPTIONS]\n \tGet help about specified command.\n \t\tstring\n \t\tCommand name\n \t-verbose\tboolean\n \t\tVerbose output format.\n"; my $help_list = "$PROGNAME list\n \tGet a List of all scheduled Sync Jobs\n"; my $help_status = "$PROGNAME status\n \tGet the status of all scheduled Sync Jobs\n"; my $help_enable = "$PROGNAME enable -source [OPTIONS]\n \tenable a syncjob and reset error\n \t-name\tstring\n \t\tname of the sync job, if not set it is default\n \t-source\tstring\n \t\tthe source can be an or [IP:][/Path]\n"; my $help_disable = "$PROGNAME disable -source [OPTIONS]\n \tpause a syncjob\n \t-name\tstring\n \t\tname of the sync job, if not set it is default\n \t-source\tstring\n \t\tthe source can be an or [IP:][/Path]\n"; sub help{ my ($command) = @_; switch($command){ case 'help' { die "$help_help\n"; } case 'sync' { die "$help_sync\n"; } case 'destroy' { die "$help_destroy\n"; } case 'create' { die "$help_create\n"; } case 'list' { die "$help_list\n"; } case 'status' { die "$help_status\n"; } case 'enable' { die "$help_enable\n"; } case 'disable' { die "$help_enable\n"; } } } my $err = GetOptions ('dest=s' => \$dest, 'source=s' => \$source, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'interval=i' => \$interval, 'limit=i' => \$limit, 'maxsnap=i' => \$maxsnap, 'name=s' => \$name, 'skip' => \$skip); if ($err == 0) { die "can't parse options\n"; } my $param; $param->{dest} = $dest; $param->{source} = $source; $param->{verbose} = $verbose; $param->{interval} = $interval; $param->{limit} = $limit; $param->{maxsnap} = $maxsnap; $param->{name} = $name; $param->{skip} = $skip; switch($command){ case "destroy" { die "$help_destroy\n" if !$source; check_target($source); destroy($param); } case "sync" { die "$help_sync\n" if !$source || !$dest; check_target($source); check_target($dest); sync($param); } case "create" { die "$help_create\n" if !$source || !$dest; check_target($source); check_target($dest); init($param); } case "status" { print status(); } case "list" { print list(); } case "help" { my $help_command = $ARGV[1]; if ($help_command && $commands->{$help_command}) { print help($help_command); } if ($verbose){ exec("man $PROGNAME"); } else { usage(1); } } case "enable" { die "$help_enable\n" if !$source; check_target($source); enable($param); } case "disable" { die "$help_disable\n" if !$source; check_target($source); disable($param); } } sub usage{ my ($help) = @_; print("ERROR:\tno command specified\n") if !$help; print("USAGE:\t$PROGNAME [ARGS] [OPTIONS]\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME help [] [OPTIONS]\n\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME create -dest -source [OPTIONS]\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME destroy -source [OPTIONS]\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME disable -source [OPTIONS]\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME enable -source [OPTIONS]\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME list\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME status\n"); print("\t$PROGNAME sync -dest -source [OPTIONS]\n"); } sub check_target{ my ($target) = @_; chomp($target); if($target !~ m/(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:)?([\w\-\_\/]+)(\/.+)?/){ print("ERROR:\t$target is not valid.\n\tUse [IP:][/Path]!\n"); return 1; } return undef; } __END__ =head1 NAME pve-zsync - PVE ZFS Replication Manager =head1 SYNOPSIS zfs-zsync [ARGS] [OPTIONS] zfs-zsync help [OPTIONS] Get help about specified command. string Command name -verbose boolean Verbose output format. zfs-zsync create -dest -source [OPTIONS] Create a sync Job -dest string the destination target is like [IP]:[/Path] -interval integer the interval in min in witch the zfs will sync, default is 15 min -limit integer max sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited -maxsnap string how much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1 -name string name of the sync job, if not set it is default -skip boolean if this flag is set it will skip the first sync -source string the source can be an or [IP:][/Path] zfs-zsync destroy -source [OPTIONS] remove a sync Job from the scheduler -name string name of the sync job, if not set it is default -source string the source can be an or [IP:][/Path] zfs-zsync disable -source [OPTIONS] pause a sync job -name string name of the sync job, if not set it is default -source string the source can be an or [IP:][/Path] zfs-zsync enable -source [OPTIONS] enable a syncjob and reset error -name string name of the sync job, if not set it is default -source string the source can be an or [IP:][/Path] zfs-zsync list Get a List of all scheduled Sync Jobs zfs-zsync status Get the status of all scheduled Sync Jobs zfs-zsync sync -dest -source [OPTIONS] will sync one time -dest string the destination target is like [IP:][/Path] -limit integer max sync speed in kBytes/s, default unlimited -maxsnap integer how much snapshots will be kept before get erased, default 1 -name string name of the sync job, if not set it is default. It is only necessary if scheduler allready contains this source. -source string the source can be an or [IP:][/Path] =head1 DESCRIPTION This Tool helps you to sync your VM or directory which stored on ZFS between 2 servers. This tool also has the capability to add jobs to cron so the sync will be automatically done. =head2 PVE ZFS Storage sync Tool This Tool can get remote pool on other PVE or send Pool to others ZFS machines =head1 EXAMPLES add sync job from local VM to remote ZFS Server zfs-zsync -source=100 -dest= =head1 IMPORTANT FILES Where the cron jobs are stored /etc/cron.d/pve-zsync Where the VM config get copied on the destination machine /var/pve-zsync Where the config is stored /var/pve-zsync Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see .