#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use lib '/usr/share/pve-client'; use lib '.'; use Data::Dumper; use PVE::JSONSchema; use PVE::CLIHandler; use PVE::APIClient::LWP; use PVE::APIClient::Helpers; use PVE::APIClient::Commands::remote; use PVE::APIClient::Commands::list; use PVE::APIClient::Commands::lxc; use PVE::APIClient::Commands::help; use JSON; sub call_method { my ($path, $method, $args) = @_; die "missing API path\n" if !defined($path); my $info = PVE::APIClient::Helpers::lookup_api_method($path, $method); my $param = PVE::JSONSchema::get_options($info->{parameters}, $args); print Dumper($param); die "implement me"; } my $cli_class_handlers = { list => 'PVE::APIClient::Commands::list', lxc => 'PVE::APIClient::Commands::lxc', remote => 'PVE::APIClient::Commands::remote', help => 'PVE::APIClient::Commands::help', }; my $cmd = shift; if (!defined($cmd)) { PVE::APIClient::Commands::help->help({}); exit(-1); } my $method_map = { create => 'POST', set => 'PUT', get => 'GET', delete => 'DELETE', }; if (my $method = $method_map->{$cmd}) { my $path; if (scalar(@ARGV) && $ARGV[0] !~ m/^\-/) { $path = shift @ARGV; } my $res = call_method($path, $method, \@ARGV); die "implement me"; } elsif (my $class = $cli_class_handlers->{$cmd}) { $class->run_cli_handler(); } elsif ($cmd eq 'bashcomplete') { exit(0) if !(defined($ENV{COMP_LINE}) && defined($ENV{COMP_POINT})); my $cmdlist = join('|', keys %$cli_class_handlers); if ($ENV{COMP_LINE} =~ m/^(.*pveclient\s+($cmdlist)\s+)(.*)$/) { my $cmd = $2; my $class = $cli_class_handlers->{$cmd} || die "internal error"; $ENV{COMP_LINE} = "pveclient $3"; $ENV{COMP_POINT} = length($ENV{COMP_LINE}); @ARGV = ('bashcomplete', 'pveclient', $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); $class->run_cli_handler(); } else { my $cmdline = substr($ENV{COMP_LINE}, 0, $ENV{COMP_POINT}); my ($bash_command, $cur, $prev) = @ARGV; $cmdline =~ s/\Q$cur\E$//; my $args = PVE::Tools::split_args($cmdline); my @cmds = (keys %$method_map, keys %$cli_class_handlers); if (scalar(@$args) == 1) { foreach my $p (@cmds) { print "$p\n" if $p =~ m/^$cur/; } } elsif (scalar(@$args) == 2) { if (my $method = $method_map->{$args->[1]}) { PVE::APIClient::Helpers::complete_api_path($cur); } } elsif (scalar(@$args) >= 3) { my $path = $args->[2]; if (my $method = $method_map->{$args->[1]}) { if (my $info = PVE::APIClient::Helpers::lookup_api_method($path, $method, 1)) { my $prop = $info->{parameters}->{properties}; PVE::APIClient::Helpers::complete_api_call_options($method, $prop, $prev, $cur, $args); } } } } } elsif ($cmd eq 'packagedepends') { # experimental code to print required perl packages my $packages = {}; my $dir = Cwd::getcwd; foreach my $k (keys %INC) { my $file = abs_path($INC{$k}); next if $file =~ m/^\Q$dir\E/; my $res = `dpkg -S '$file'`; if ($res && $res =~ m/^(\S+): $file$/) { my $debian_package = $1; $debian_package =~ s/:amd64$//; $packages->{$debian_package} = 1; } else { die "unable to find package for '$file'\n"; } } print join("\n", sort(keys %$packages)) . "\n"; } else { PVE::APIClient::Commands::help->help({}); } exit(0);