pkginclude_HEADERS = attach_options.h \ lxccontainer.h \ version.h noinst_HEADERS = api_extensions.h \ attach.h \ caps.h \ cgroups/cgroup.h \ cgroups/cgroup_utils.h \ compiler.h \ conf.h \ confile.h \ confile_utils.h \ criu.h \ error.h \ file_utils.h \ ../include/netns_ifaddrs.h \ initutils.h \ list.h \ log.h \ lxc.h \ lxclock.h \ macro.h \ monitor.h \ namespace.h \ raw_syscalls.h \ start.h \ state.h \ storage/btrfs.h \ storage/dir.h \ storage/loop.h \ storage/lvm.h \ storage/nbd.h \ storage/overlay.h \ storage/rbd.h \ storage/rsync.h \ storage/storage.h \ storage/storage_utils.h \ storage/zfs.h \ string_utils.h \ syscall_wrappers.h \ terminal.h \ ../tests/lxctest.h \ tools/arguments.h \ utils.h if IS_BIONIC noinst_HEADERS += ../include/lxcmntent.h \ ../include/openpty.h endif if !HAVE_PRLIMIT if HAVE_PRLIMIT64 noinst_HEADERS += ../include/prlimit.h endif endif if !HAVE_GETLINE if HAVE_FGETLN noinst_HEADERS += ../include/getline.h endif endif if !HAVE_GETSUBOPT noinst_HEADERS += tools/include/getsubopt.h endif if !HAVE_GETGRGID_R noinst_HEADERS += ../include/getgrgid_r.h endif sodir=$(libdir) LSM_SOURCES = lsm/lsm.c \ lsm/lsm.h \ lsm/nop.c if ENABLE_APPARMOR LSM_SOURCES += lsm/apparmor.c endif if ENABLE_SELINUX LSM_SOURCES += lsm/selinux.c endif lib_LTLIBRARIES = liblxc_la_SOURCES = af_unix.c af_unix.h \ api_extensions.h \ attach.c attach.h \ caps.c caps.h \ cgroups/cgfsng.c \ cgroups/cgroup.c cgroups/cgroup.h \ cgroups/cgroup_utils.c cgroups/cgroup_utils.h \ compiler.h \ commands.c commands.h \ commands_utils.c commands_utils.h \ conf.c conf.h \ confile.c confile.h \ confile_utils.c confile_utils.h \ criu.c criu.h \ error.c error.h \ execute.c \ freezer.c \ file_utils.c file_utils.h \ ../include/netns_ifaddrs.c ../include/netns_ifaddrs.h \ initutils.c initutils.h \ list.h \ log.c log.h \ lxc.h \ lxccontainer.c lxccontainer.h \ lxclock.c lxclock.h \ lxcseccomp.h \ macro.h \ mainloop.c mainloop.h \ namespace.c namespace.h \ nl.c nl.h \ network.c network.h \ monitor.c monitor.h \ parse.c parse.h \ raw_syscalls.c raw_syscalls.h \ ringbuf.c ringbuf.h \ rtnl.c rtnl.h \ state.c state.h \ start.c start.h \ storage/btrfs.c storage/btrfs.h \ storage/dir.c storage/dir.h \ storage/loop.c storage/loop.h \ storage/lvm.c storage/lvm.h \ storage/nbd.c storage/nbd.h \ storage/overlay.c storage/overlay.h \ storage/rbd.c storage/rbd.h \ storage/rsync.c storage/rsync.h \ storage/storage.c storage/storage.h \ storage/storage_utils.c storage/storage_utils.h \ storage/zfs.c storage/zfs.h \ string_utils.c string_utils.h \ sync.c sync.h \ syscall_wrappers.h \ terminal.c \ utils.c utils.h \ version.h \ $(LSM_SOURCES) if IS_BIONIC liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/lxcmntent.c ../include/lxcmntent.h \ ../include/openpty.c ../include/openpty.h endif if !HAVE_GETGRGID_R liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/getgrgid_r.c ../include/getgrgid_r.h endif if !HAVE_GETLINE if HAVE_FGETLN liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/getline.c ../include/getline.h endif endif if !HAVE_PRLIMIT if HAVE_PRLIMIT64 liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/prlimit.c ../include/prlimit.h endif endif if ENABLE_SECCOMP liblxc_la_SOURCES += seccomp.c endif if !HAVE_STRLCPY liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/strlcpy.c ../include/strlcpy.h endif if !HAVE_STRLCAT liblxc_la_SOURCES += ../include/strlcat.c ../include/strlcat.h endif AM_CFLAGS = -DLXCROOTFSMOUNT=\"$(LXCROOTFSMOUNT)\" \ -DLXCPATH=\"$(LXCPATH)\" \ -DLXC_GLOBAL_CONF=\"$(LXC_GLOBAL_CONF)\" \ -DLXCINITDIR=\"$(LXCINITDIR)\" \ -DLIBEXECDIR=\"$(LIBEXECDIR)\" \ -DLXCTEMPLATEDIR=\"$(LXCTEMPLATEDIR)\" \ -DLXCTEMPLATECONFIG=\"$(LXCTEMPLATECONFIG)\" \ -DLOGPATH=\"$(LOGPATH)\" \ -DLXC_DEFAULT_CONFIG=\"$(LXC_DEFAULT_CONFIG)\" \ -DLXC_USERNIC_DB=\"$(LXC_USERNIC_DB)\" \ -DLXC_USERNIC_CONF=\"$(LXC_USERNIC_CONF)\" \ -DDEFAULT_CGROUP_PATTERN=\"$(DEFAULT_CGROUP_PATTERN)\" \ -DRUNTIME_PATH=\"$(RUNTIME_PATH)\" \ -DSBINDIR=\"$(SBINDIR)\" \ -DAPPARMOR_CACHE_DIR=\"$(APPARMOR_CACHE_DIR)\" \ -I $(top_srcdir)/src \ -I $(top_srcdir)/src/lxc \ -I $(top_srcdir)/src/lxc/storage \ -I $(top_srcdir)/src/lxc/cgroups if ENABLE_APPARMOR AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_APPARMOR endif if ENABLE_GNUTLS AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_LIBGNUTLS endif if ENABLE_SECCOMP AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_SECCOMP \ $(SECCOMP_CFLAGS) endif if ENABLE_SELINUX AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_SELINUX endif if ENABLE_DLOG AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_DLOG \ $(DLOG_CFLAGS) endif if USE_CONFIGPATH_LOGS AM_CFLAGS += -DUSE_CONFIGPATH_LOGS endif # build the shared library liblxc_la_CFLAGS = -fPIC \ -DPIC \ $(AM_CFLAGS) \ -pthread liblxc_la_LDFLAGS = -pthread \ -Wl,-no-undefined \ -Wl,-soname,$(firstword $(subst ., ,@LXC_ABI@)) \ -version-info @LXC_ABI_MAJOR@ liblxc_la_LIBADD = $(CAP_LIBS) \ $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \ $(SELINUX_LIBS) \ $(SECCOMP_LIBS) \ $(DLOG_LIBS) bin_SCRIPTS= if ENABLE_COMMANDS bin_SCRIPTS += cmd/lxc-checkconfig \ cmd/lxc-update-config endif if ENABLE_TOOLS bin_PROGRAMS = lxc-attach \ lxc-autostart \ lxc-cgroup \ lxc-checkpoint \ lxc-copy \ lxc-config \ lxc-console \ lxc-create \ lxc-destroy \ lxc-device \ lxc-execute \ lxc-freeze \ lxc-info \ lxc-ls \ lxc-monitor \ lxc-snapshot \ lxc-start \ lxc-stop \ lxc-top \ lxc-unfreeze \ lxc-unshare \ lxc-wait endif if ENABLE_COMMANDS if ENABLE_TOOLS bin_PROGRAMS += lxc-usernsexec else bin_PROGRAMS = lxc-usernsexec endif sbin_PROGRAMS = init.lxc pkglibexec_PROGRAMS = lxc-monitord \ lxc-user-nic endif AM_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-E if ENABLE_RPATH AM_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(libdir) endif LDADD = \ @CAP_LIBS@ \ @GNUTLS_LIBS@ \ @SECCOMP_LIBS@ \ @SELINUX_LIBS@ \ @DLOG_LIBS@ if ENABLE_TOOLS lxc_attach_SOURCES = tools/lxc_attach.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_autostart_SOURCES = tools/lxc_autostart.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_cgroup_SOURCES = tools/lxc_cgroup.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_config_SOURCES = tools/lxc_config.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_console_SOURCES = tools/lxc_console.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_destroy_SOURCES = tools/lxc_destroy.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_device_SOURCES = tools/lxc_device.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_execute_SOURCES = tools/lxc_execute.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_freeze_SOURCES = tools/lxc_freeze.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_info_SOURCES = tools/lxc_info.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_monitor_SOURCES = tools/lxc_monitor.c \ macro.h \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_ls_SOURCES = tools/lxc_ls.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_copy_SOURCES = tools/lxc_copy.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_start_SOURCES = tools/lxc_start.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_stop_SOURCES = tools/lxc_stop.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_top_SOURCES = tools/lxc_top.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_unfreeze_SOURCES = tools/lxc_unfreeze.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_unshare_SOURCES = tools/lxc_unshare.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_wait_SOURCES = tools/lxc_wait.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_create_SOURCES = tools/lxc_create.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_snapshot_SOURCES = tools/lxc_snapshot.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h lxc_checkpoint_SOURCES = tools/lxc_checkpoint.c \ tools/arguments.c tools/arguments.h endif if ENABLE_COMMANDS # Binaries shipping with liblxc init_lxc_SOURCES = cmd/lxc_init.c \ compiler.h \ error.h \ initutils.c initutils.h \ parse.c parse.h \ raw_syscalls.c raw_syscalls.h \ string_utils.c string_utils.h lxc_monitord_SOURCES = cmd/lxc_monitord.c \ af_unix.c af_unix.h \ log.c log.h \ mainloop.c mainloop.h \ monitor.c monitor.h \ raw_syscalls.c raw_syscalls.h \ utils.c utils.h lxc_user_nic_SOURCES = cmd/lxc_user_nic.c \ ../include/netns_ifaddrs.c ../include/netns_ifaddrs.h \ log.c log.h \ network.c network.h \ parse.c parse.h \ raw_syscalls.c raw_syscalls.h \ syscall_wrappers.h lxc_usernsexec_SOURCES = cmd/lxc_usernsexec.c \ conf.c conf.h \ list.h \ log.c log.h \ macro.h \ file_utils.c file_utils.h \ string_utils.c string_utils.h \ syscall_wrappers.h \ utils.c utils.h endif if ENABLE_TOOLS if !HAVE_GETSUBOPT lxc_copy_SOURCES += tools/include/getsubopt.c tools/include/getsubopt.h endif endif if ENABLE_COMMANDS if HAVE_STATIC_LIBCAP sbin_PROGRAMS += init.lxc.static init_lxc_static_SOURCES = cmd/lxc_init.c \ caps.c caps.h \ error.c error.h \ initutils.c initutils.h \ file_utils.c file_utils.h \ log.c log.h \ macro.h \ namespace.c namespace.h \ string_utils.c string_utils.h if !HAVE_GETLINE if HAVE_FGETLN init_lxc_static_SOURCES += ../include/getline.c ../include/getline.h endif endif if !HAVE_STRLCPY init_lxc_static_SOURCES += ../include/strlcpy.c ../include/strlcpy.h endif if !HAVE_STRLCAT init_lxc_static_SOURCES += ../include/strlcat.c ../include/strlcat.h endif init_lxc_static_LDFLAGS = -all-static init_lxc_static_LDADD = @CAP_LIBS@ init_lxc_static_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNO_LXC_CONF endif endif if ENABLE_PAM if HAVE_PAM pam_LTLIBRARIES = pam_cgfs_la_SOURCES = pam/pam_cgfs.c \ caps.c caps.h \ file_utils.c file_utils.h \ log.c log.h \ macro.h \ string_utils.c string_utils.h if !HAVE_STRLCAT pam_cgfs_la_SOURCES += ../include/strlcat.c ../include/strlcat.h endif if !HAVE_STRLCPY pam_cgfs_la_SOURCES += ../include/strlcpy.c ../include/strlcpy.h endif pam_cgfs_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNO_LXC_CONF pam_cgfs_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBS) \ $(PAM_LIBS) \ $(DLOG_LIBS) \ -L$(top_srcdir) pam_cgfs_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) \ -avoid-version \ -module \ -shared \ -Wl,-no-undefined endif endif install-exec-local: install-libLTLIBRARIES mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/lxc install -c -m 644 lxc.functions $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/lxc mv $(shell readlink -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ ln -sf$(firstword $(subst ., ,@LXC_ABI@)); \ ln -sf$(firstword $(subst ., ,@LXC_ABI@)) install-exec-hook: chmod u+s $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/lxc/lxc-user-nic uninstall-local: $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/* $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/liblxc.a if ENABLE_PAM if HAVE_PAM $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(pamdir)/* install-data-hook: install-pamLTLIBRARIES $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(pamdir)/" $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(pamdir)/pam_cgfs.a" endif endif