#!/usr/bin/perl # # lxc-ps # # Authors: # Daniel Lezcano # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # This script allows to # display processes information with related container name if available. # use strict; # Some globals our $PS_HEADERS; # String containing headers of the ps output our $PS_PID_INDEX; # Index of the PID column in the ps headers our @PS_LINES; # Output lines of the ps command our $LXC_DISPLAY = 0; # By default do not display container information our %LXC_NAMES; # Specified container names (if any) sub get_container_names { my $ref_names = shift; my $lxcpath='@LXCPATH@'; open(active, "netstat -xa | grep $lxcpath |") or return; while() { chomp; s#.*$lxcpath/(.*)/command.*#$1#; push @$ref_names, $_; } close active; } sub get_cgroup { my $ref_cgroup = shift; my $mount_string; $mount_string=`mount -t cgroup |grep -E -e '^lxc '`; unless ($mount_string) { $mount_string=`mount |grep -m1 'type cgroup'`; } chomp($mount_string); if ($mount_string) { $$ref_cgroup=`echo "$mount_string" |cut -d' ' -f3`; chomp($$ref_cgroup); } die "unable to find mounted cgroup" unless $$ref_cgroup; } sub get_pids_in_containers { my $ref_names = shift; my $ref_cgroup = shift; my $ref_pids = shift; my @pidlist; for (@{$ref_names}) { my $task_file = "$$ref_cgroup/$_/tasks"; $LXC_NAMES{$_} = 1; open(tasks, "cat $task_file 2>/dev/null |") or next; while () { chomp $_; push @pidlist, $_; } close tasks; } $$ref_pids = join(',', @pidlist); } sub reclaim_pid_index { my @headers = split " ", $PS_HEADERS; for my $i (0 .. $#headers) { if ($headers[$i] eq "PID") { $PS_PID_INDEX = $i; return; } } print "Cannot find ps PID column !\n"; exit 1; } sub execute_ps { open(ps, "ps @_ |") or die "Cannot execute ps command: $!\n"; $PS_HEADERS = ; reclaim_pid_index; while () { push @PS_LINES, $_; } close ps; } sub get_container { my $pid = shift; my $filename = "/proc/$pid/cgroup"; open(LXC, "$filename"); my $container = ; close LXC; chomp($container); if ($container =~ m/[:,]ns[:,]/o) { $container =~ s/.*:\///o; } else { $container =''; } return $container; } sub display_headers { printf "%-10s %s", "CONTAINER", $PS_HEADERS; } sub display_usage { print < \$arg_help, 'usage' => \$arg_usage, 'lxc' => \$arg_lxc, 'name=s' => \@arg_name); @arg_name = split(/,/, join(',', @arg_name)); # Some help if ($arg_help) {display_help; exit 0;} if ($arg_usage) {display_usage; exit 0;} # Should we filter processes related to containers if ($arg_lxc) { $LXC_DISPLAY = 1; get_container_names \@arg_name; } if (@arg_name > 0) { my $cgroup; my $pid_list; $LXC_DISPLAY = 2; get_cgroup \$cgroup; get_pids_in_containers(\@arg_name, \$cgroup, \$pid_list); if ($pid_list) { @ARGV = ("-p $pid_list",@ARGV); } } execute_ps @ARGV; display_headers; for (@PS_LINES) { my @a = split; my $container = get_container $a[$PS_PID_INDEX]; if ($LXC_DISPLAY == 2 and not $LXC_NAMES{$container}) {next;} if ($LXC_DISPLAY == 1 and $container eq '') {next;} printf "%-10s %s", $container, $_; } exit 0;