#[prelude_import] use std::prelude::v1::*; #[macro_use] extern crate std as std; // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // pretty-compare-only // pretty-mode:hir,typed // pp-exact:issue-4264.pp // #4264 fixed-length vector types pub fn foo(_: [i32; (3 as usize)]) ({ } as ()) pub fn bar() ({ const FOO: usize = ((5 as usize) - (4 as usize) as usize); let _: [(); (FOO as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]); let _: [(); (1 as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]); let _ = (((&([(1 as i32), (2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3]) as &[i32; 3]) as *const _ as *const [i32; 3]) as *const [i32; (3 as usize)] as *const [i32; 3]); (($crate::fmt::format as fn(std::fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> std::string::String {std::fmt::format})(((<::std::fmt::Arguments>::new_v1 as fn(&[&str], &[std::fmt::ArgumentV1<'_>]) -> std::fmt::Arguments<'_> {std::fmt::Arguments<'_>::new_v1})(({ static __STATIC_FMTSTR: &'static [&'static str] = (&([("test" as &'static str)] as [&'static str; 1]) as &'static [&'static str; 1]); (__STATIC_FMTSTR as &'static [&'static str]) } as &[&str]), (&(match (() as ()) { () => ([] as [std::fmt::ArgumentV1<'_>; 0]), } as [std::fmt::ArgumentV1<'_>; 0]) as &[std::fmt::ArgumentV1<'_>; 0])) as std::fmt::Arguments<'_>)) as std::string::String); } as ()) pub type Foo = [i32; (3 as usize)]; pub struct Bar { pub x: [i32; (3 as usize)], } pub struct TupleBar([i32; (4 as usize)]); pub enum Baz { BazVariant([i32; (5 as usize)]), } pub fn id(x: T) -> T ({ (x as T) } as T) pub fn use_id() ({ let _ = ((id::<[i32; (3 as usize)]> as fn([i32; 3]) -> [i32; 3] {id::<[i32; 3]>})(([(1 as i32), (2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3])) as [i32; 3]); } as ()) fn main() ({ } as ())