#!/bin/bash # Create application containers from OCI images # Copyright © 2014 Stéphane Graber # Copyright © 2017 Serge Hallyn # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA set -eu # Make sure the usual locations are in PATH export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # Check for required binaries for bin in skopeo umoci jq; do if ! which $bin >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "ERROR: Missing required tool: $bin" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done LOCALSTATEDIR="@LOCALSTATEDIR@" LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG="@LXCTEMPLATECONFIG@" LXC_HOOK_DIR="@LXCHOOKDIR@" # Some useful functions cleanup() { if [ -d "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}" ]; then rm -Rf "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}" fi if [ -d "${LXC_ROOTFS}.tmp" ]; then rm -Rf "${LXC_ROOTFS}.tmp" fi } in_userns() { [ -e /proc/self/uid_map ] || { echo no; return; } while read -r line; do fields="$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $3 }')" if [ "${fields}" = "0 0 4294967295" ]; then echo no; return; fi if echo "${fields}" | grep -q " 0 1$"; then echo userns-root; return; fi done < /proc/self/uid_map if [ -e /proc/1/uid_map ]; then if [ "$(cat /proc/self/uid_map)" = "$(cat /proc/1/uid_map)" ]; then echo userns-root return fi fi echo yes } getconfigpath() { basedir="$1" q="$2" digest=$(jq -c -r --arg q "$q" '.manifests[] | if .annotations."org.opencontainers.image.ref.name" == $q then .digest else empty end' < "${basedir}/index.json") if [ -z "${digest}" ]; then echo "$q not found in index.json" >&2 return fi # Ok we have the image config digest, now get the config from that # shellcheck disable=SC2039 d=${digest:7} cdigest=$(jq -c -r '.config.digest' < "${basedir}/blobs/sha256/${d}") if [ -z "${cdigest}" ]; then echo "container config not found" >&2 return fi # shellcheck disable=SC2039 d2=${cdigest:7} echo "${basedir}/blobs/sha256/${d2}" return } # Get entrypoint from oci image. Use sh if unspecified getep() { if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then echo "/bin/sh" return fi configpath="$1" ep=$(jq -c '.config.Entrypoint[]?'< "${configpath}" | tr '\n' ' ') cmd=$(jq -c '.config.Cmd[]?'< "${configpath}" | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -z "${ep}" ]; then ep="${cmd}" if [ -z "${ep}" ]; then ep="/bin/sh" fi elif [ -n "${cmd}" ]; then ep="${ep} ${cmd}" fi echo "${ep}" return } # get environment from oci image. getenv() { if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then return fi configpath="$1" env=$(jq -c -r '.config.Env[]'< "${configpath}") echo "${env}" return } # check var is decimal. isdecimal() { var="$1" if [ "${var}" -eq "${var}" ] 2> /dev/null; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # get uid, gid from oci image. getuidgid() { configpath="$1" rootpath="$2" passwdpath="${rootpath}/etc/passwd" grouppath="${rootpath}/etc/group" usergroup=$(jq -c -r '.config.User' < "${configpath}") # shellcheck disable=SC2039 usergroup=(${usergroup//:/ }) user=${usergroup[0]:-0} if ! isdecimal "${user}"; then if [ -f ${passwdpath} ]; then user=$(grep "^${user}:" "${passwdpath}" | awk -F: '{print $3}') else user=0 fi fi group=${usergroup[1]:-} if [ -z "${group}" ]; then if [ -f "${passwdpath}" ]; then group=$(grep "^[^:]*:[^:]*:${user}:" "${passwdpath}" | awk -F: '{print $4}') else group=0 fi elif ! isdecimal "${group}"; then if [ -f "${grouppath}" ]; then group=$(grep "^${group}:" "${grouppath}" | awk -F: '{print $3}') else group=0 fi fi echo "${user:-0} ${group:-0}" return } # get cwd from oci image. getcwd() { if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then echo "/" return fi configpath="$1" cwd=$(jq -c -r '.config.WorkingDir // "/"' < "${configpath}") echo "${cwd}" return } usage() { cat < ]: The OCI image URL Optional arguments: [ --username ]: The username for the registry [ --password ]: The password for the registry LXC internal arguments (do not pass manually!): [ --name ]: The container name [ --path ]: The path to the container [ --rootfs ]: The path to the container's rootfs [ --mapped-uid ]: A uid map (user namespaces) [ --mapped-gid ]: A gid map (user namespaces) EOF return 0 } if ! options=$(getopt -o u:h -l help,url:,username:,password:,no-cache,dhcp,name:,path:,rootfs:,mapped-uid:,mapped-gid: -- "$@"); then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$options" OCI_URL="" OCI_USERNAME= OCI_PASSWORD= OCI_USE_CACHE="true" OCI_USE_DHCP="false" LXC_MAPPED_GID= LXC_MAPPED_UID= LXC_NAME= LXC_PATH= LXC_ROOTFS= while :; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage && exit 1;; -u|--url) OCI_URL=$2; shift 2;; --username) OCI_USERNAME=$2; shift 2;; --password) OCI_PASSWORD=$2; shift 2;; --no-cache) OCI_USE_CACHE="false"; shift 1;; --dhcp) OCI_USE_DHCP="true"; shift 1;; --name) LXC_NAME=$2; shift 2;; --path) LXC_PATH=$2; shift 2;; --rootfs) LXC_ROOTFS=$2; shift 2;; --mapped-uid) LXC_MAPPED_UID=$2; shift 2;; --mapped-gid) LXC_MAPPED_GID=$2; shift 2;; *) break;; esac done # Check that we have all variables we need if [ -z "$LXC_NAME" ] || [ -z "$LXC_PATH" ] || [ -z "$LXC_ROOTFS" ]; then echo "ERROR: Not running through LXC" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "$OCI_URL" ]; then echo "ERROR: no OCI URL given" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$OCI_PASSWORD" ] && [ -z "$OCI_USERNAME" ]; then echo "ERROR: password given but no username specified" exit 1 fi if [ "${OCI_USE_CACHE}" = "true" ]; then if ! skopeo copy --help | grep -q 'dest-shared-blob-dir'; then echo "INFO: skopeo doesn't support blob caching" OCI_USE_CACHE="false" fi fi USERNS=$(in_userns) if [ "$USERNS" = "yes" ]; then if [ -z "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" ] || [ "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" = "-1" ]; then echo "ERROR: In a user namespace without a map" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi if [ "${OCI_USE_CACHE}" = "true" ]; then if [ "$USERNS" = "yes" ]; then DOWNLOAD_BASE="${HOME}/.cache/lxc" else DOWNLOAD_BASE="${LOCALSTATEDIR}/cache/lxc" fi else DOWNLOAD_BASE=/tmp fi mkdir -p "${DOWNLOAD_BASE}" # Trap all exit signals trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT TERM if ! which mktemp >/dev/null 2>&1; then DOWNLOAD_TEMP="${DOWNLOAD_BASE}/lxc-oci.$$" mkdir -p "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}" else DOWNLOAD_TEMP=$(mktemp -d -p "${DOWNLOAD_BASE}") fi # Download the image # shellcheck disable=SC2039 skopeo_args=("") if [ -n "$OCI_USERNAME" ]; then CREDENTIALS="${OCI_USERNAME}" if [ -n "$OCI_PASSWORD" ]; then CREDENTIALS="${CREDENTIALS}:${OCI_PASSWORD}" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2039 skopeo_args+=(--src-creds "${CREDENTIALS}") fi if [ "${OCI_USE_CACHE}" = "true" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 skopeo_args+=(--dest-shared-blob-dir "${DOWNLOAD_BASE}") # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 skopeo copy ${skopeo_args[@]} "${OCI_URL}" "oci:${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}:latest" ln -s "${DOWNLOAD_BASE}/sha256" "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}/blobs/sha256" else # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 skopeo copy ${skopeo_args[@]} "${OCI_URL}" "oci:${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}:latest" fi echo "Unpacking the rootfs" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 umoci_args=("") if [ -n "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" ] && [ "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" != "-1" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2039 umoci_args+=(--rootless) fi # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 umoci --log=error unpack ${umoci_args[@]} --image "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}:latest" "${LXC_ROOTFS}.tmp" find "${LXC_ROOTFS}.tmp/rootfs" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec mv '{}' "${LXC_ROOTFS}/" \; OCI_CONF_FILE=$(getconfigpath "${DOWNLOAD_TEMP}" latest) LXC_CONF_FILE="${LXC_PATH}/config" entrypoint=$(getep "${OCI_CONF_FILE}") echo "lxc.execute.cmd = '${entrypoint}'" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" echo "lxc.mount.auto = proc:mixed sys:mixed cgroup:mixed" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" environment=$(getenv "${OCI_CONF_FILE}") # shellcheck disable=SC2039 while read -r line; do echo "lxc.environment = ${line}" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" done <<< "${environment}" if [ -e "${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/common.conf" ]; then echo "lxc.include = ${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/common.conf" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" fi if [ -n "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" ] && [ "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" != "-1" ] && [ -e "${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/userns.conf" ]; then echo "lxc.include = ${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/userns.conf" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" fi if [ -e "${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/oci.common.conf" ]; then echo "lxc.include = ${LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG}/oci.common.conf" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" fi if [ "${OCI_USE_DHCP}" = "true" ]; then echo "lxc.hook.start-host = ${LXC_HOOK_DIR}/dhclient" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" echo "lxc.hook.stop = ${LXC_HOOK_DIR}/dhclient" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" fi echo "lxc.uts.name = ${LXC_NAME}" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" # set the hostname cat < "${LXC_ROOTFS}/etc/hostname" ${LXC_NAME} EOF # set minimal hosts cat < "${LXC_ROOTFS}/etc/hosts" localhost ${LXC_NAME} ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF # shellcheck disable=SC2039 uidgid=($(getuidgid "${OCI_CONF_FILE}" "${LXC_ROOTFS}" )) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 echo "lxc.init.uid = ${uidgid[0]}" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 echo "lxc.init.gid = ${uidgid[1]}" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" cwd=$(getcwd "${OCI_CONF_FILE}") echo "lxc.init.cwd = ${cwd}" >> "${LXC_CONF_FILE}" if [ -n "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" ] && [ "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" != "-1" ]; then chown "$LXC_MAPPED_UID" "$LXC_PATH/config" "$LXC_PATH/fstab" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [ -n "$LXC_MAPPED_GID" ] && [ "$LXC_MAPPED_GID" != "-1" ]; then chgrp "$LXC_MAPPED_GID" "$LXC_PATH/config" "$LXC_PATH/fstab" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true fi exit 0