#!/usr/bin/env bash # For the license, see the LICENSE file in the root directory. if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Need to be root to run this test." exit 77 fi # tpmtool is not packaged everywhere ... if [ -z "$(type -P tpmtool)" ]; then echo "Could not find tpmtool in PATH" exit 77 fi ROOT=${abs_top_builddir:-$(dirname "$0")/..} TESTDIR=${abs_top_testdir:=$(dirname "$0")} SRCDIR=${abs_top_srcdir:-$(dirname "$0")/..} SWTPM_SETUP=${ROOT}/src/swtpm_setup/swtpm_setup SWTPM_CREATE_TPMCA=${SRCDIR}/samples/swtpm-create-tpmca SWTPM_LOCALCA=${SRCDIR}/samples/swtpm-localca SWTPM=${ROOT}/src/swtpm/swtpm SWTPM_IOCTL=${ROOT}/src/swtpm_ioctl/swtpm_ioctl SWTPM_INTERFACE=socket+socket SWTPM_SERVER_NAME=localhost SWTPM_SERVER_PORT=65434 SWTPM_CTRL_PORT=65435 TCSD_LISTEN_PORT=65436 SRK_PASSWORD=srk OWNER_PASSWORD=owner workdir=$(mktemp -d) TCSD_CONF=${workdir}/tcsd.conf TCSD_SYSTEM_PS_FILE=${workdir}/system_ps_file TCSD_PIDFILE=${workdir}/tcsd.pid SWTPM_LOCALCA_DIR=${workdir}/localca SWTPM_LOCALCA_CONF=${workdir}/localca/swtpm-localca.conf function cleanup() { if [ -n "${TCSD_PID}" ]; then kill_quiet -15 ${TCSD_PID} fi if [ -n "${SWTPM_PID}" ]; then kill_quiet -9 ${SWTPM_PID} fi if [ -n "${BASH_PID}" ]; then kill_quiet -9 ${BASH_PID} fi rm -rf ${workdir} } trap "cleanup" SIGTERM EXIT source ${TESTDIR}/common case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) CERTTOOL=gnutls-certtool;; *) CERTTOOL=certtool;; esac PATH=${ROOT}/src/swtpm_bios:${ROOT}/src/swtpm_cert:${PATH} # run the test with the given owner and SRK passwords # @param1: owner password; empty means to use well known password # @param2: SRK password; empty means to use well known password # @param3: vTPM is a TPM 2.0 function run_test() { local owner_password="$1" local srk_password="$2" local vtpm_is_tpm2=$3 local params certinfo regex regexs fil i skip rm -rf ${workdir}/* cat <<_EOF_ > ${workdir}/swtpm_setup.conf create_certs_tool=${SWTPM_LOCALCA} create_certs_tool_config=${workdir}/swtpm-localca.conf create_certs_tool_options=/dev/null _EOF_ params="" if [ -n "${owner_password}" ]; then params="${params} --ownerpass ${owner_password}" else params="${params} --owner-well-known" fi if [ -n "${srk_password}" ]; then params="${params} --srkpass ${srk_password}" else params="${params} --srk-well-known" fi # First setup the TPM and take ownership of it and set SRK password $SWTPM_SETUP \ --runas root \ --tpm-state ${workdir} \ --logfile ${workdir}/logfile \ --config ${workdir}/swtpm_setup.conf \ --tpm "${SWTPM_EXE} socket" \ --swtpm_ioctl ${SWTPM_IOCTL} \ --take-ownership \ ${params} \ --tcsd-system-ps-file ${TCSD_SYSTEM_PS_FILE} &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Could not run $SWTPM_SETUP." echo "Setup Logfile:" cat ${workdir}/logfile exit 1 fi echo "Successfully took ownership of TPM and set owner and SRK passwords." run_swtpm ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} \ --flags not-need-init \ --tpmstate dir=${workdir} swtpm_open_cmddev ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} 100 # Startup the TPM res="$(swtpm_cmd_tx ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} '\x00\xC1\x00\x00\x00\x0C\x00\x00\x00\x99\x00\x01')" exp=' 00 c4 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00' if [ "$res" != "$exp" ]; then echo "Error: Did not get expected result from TPM_Startup(ST_Clear)" echo "expected: $exp" echo "received: $res" exit 1 fi # Setup the TCSD config file and start TCSD with it cat <<_EOF_ > ${TCSD_CONF} port = ${TCSD_LISTEN_PORT} system_ps_file = ${TCSD_SYSTEM_PS_FILE} _EOF_ chown tss:tss ${TCSD_CONF} chmod 0600 ${TCSD_CONF} bash -c "TCSD_USE_TCP_DEVICE=1 TCSD_TCP_DEVICE_PORT=${SWTPM_SERVER_PORT} tcsd -c ${TCSD_CONF} -e -f &>/dev/null & echo \$! > ${TCSD_PIDFILE}; wait" & BASH_PID=$! if wait_for_file ${TCSD_PIDFILE} 3; then echo "Error: Could not get TCSD's PID file" exit 1 fi TCSD_PID=$(cat ${TCSD_PIDFILE}) kill_quiet -0 ${TCSD_PID} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: TCSD with pid ${TCSD_PID} must have terminated" exit 1 fi if [ -n "${srk_password}" ]; then params="--srk-password ${srk_password}" else params="" fi ${SWTPM_CREATE_TPMCA} \ --dir ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_DIR} \ ${params} \ --register \ --group tss \ --tss-tcsd-port ${TCSD_LISTEN_PORT} \ --outfile ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_CONF} &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Could not create TPM CA" exit 1 fi for fil in \ swtpm-localca-rootca-cert.pem \ swtpm-localca-rootca-privkey.pem \ swtpm-localca-tpmca-cert.pem \ swtpm-localca-tpmca-pubkey.pem; do if [ ! -r ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_DIR}/${fil} ]; then echo "Error: TPM CA tool did not create file ${fil}." exit 1 fi done params="" if [ -n "${srk_password}" ]; then params="^parentkey_password =" fi for regex in \ "^statedir = " \ "^signingkey = " \ "^issuercert = " \ "^certserial = " \ "^TSS_TCSD_HOSTNAME = " \ "^TSS_TCSD_PORT = " \ ${params}; do if [ -n "${regex}" ] && \ [ -z "$(grep -E "${regex}" ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_CONF})" ]; then echo "Error: Could not find regex '${line}' in CA config file." cat ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_CONF} exit 1 fi done params="" if [ ${vtpm_is_tpm2} -ne 0 ]; then params="--tpm2" skip=0 else skip=7 # header in cert fi # make sure we can actually sign with this new certificate ${SWTPM_LOCALCA} \ --type ek \ --ek x=739192d8f1004283957a7b1568d610b41c637ccc114aadcac4908c20456468fa,y=59f63ac06f8011f6fdd1460c6bc8e3e0a2d090d4fc188c7e04870e06795ce8ae \ --dir ${workdir} --vmid test \ ${params} \ --tpm-spec-family 2.0 --tpm-spec-revision 146 --tpm-spec-level 00 \ --tpm-model swtpm --tpm-version 20170101 --tpm-manufacturer IBM \ --configfile ${SWTPM_LOCALCA_CONF} \ --optsfile /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: The CA could not sign with the new certificate" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f ${workdir}/ek.cert ]; then echo "Error: The CA did not produce a certificate" exit 1 fi # cert was for example 541 bytes long if [ $(get_filesize ${workdir}/ek.cert) -lt 500 ]; then echo "Error: The certificate's size is dubious" ls -l ${workdir}/ek.cert exit 1 fi # Check the contents of the certificate certinfo=$(dd if=${workdir}/ek.cert bs=1 skip=$skip status=none | \ $CERTTOOL -i --inder) regexs=('^[[:space:]]+$' '^[[:space:]]+directoryName:.*(,)?*' '^[[:space:]]+directoryName:.*(,)?*' '^[[:space:]]+directoryName:.*(,)?*' '^[[:space:]]+Certificate Authority \(CA\): FALSE$' '^[[:space:]]+Unknown extension \(not critical\):$' '^[[:space:]]+Hexdump: 3019301706056781050210310e300c0c03322e3002010002020092$') if [ ${vtpm_is_tpm2} -ne 0 ]; then # TPM 2.0; due to ecc: Key agreement regexs+=('^[[:space:]]+Key agreement\.$' '^[[:space:]]+Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256$') else regexs+=('^[[:space:]]+Key encipherment\.$' '^[[:space:]]+Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA1$') fi for ((i=0; i < ${#regexs}; i++)); do \ if [ -n "${regexs[$i]}" ] && \ [ -z "$(echo "${certinfo}" | grep -E "${regexs[$i]}")" ]; then echo "Error: Could not match regex '${regexs[$i]}' with certificate info:" echo "${certinfo}" exit 1 fi done # Send SIGTERM to TCSD kill_quiet -15 ${TCSD_PID} # Shut down TPM run_swtpm_ioctl ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} -s if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Could not shut down the ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} TPM." exit 1 fi if wait_process_gone ${SWTPM_PID} 4; then echo "Error: ${SWTPM_INTERFACE} TPM should not be running anymore." exit 1 fi if wait_process_gone ${SWTPM_PID} 4; then echo "Error: tcsd should not be running anymore." exit 1 fi } # run_test run_test "${OWNER_PASSWORD}" "${SRK_PASSWORD}" 1 echo "Test 1: OK" run_test "${OWNER_PASSWORD}" "${SRK_PASSWORD}" 0 echo "Test 2: OK" run_test "" "${SRK_PASSWORD}" 1 echo "Test 3: OK" run_test "" "${SRK_PASSWORD}" 0 echo "Test 4: OK" # Repeat the test with the SRK having the well known password of 20 zero bytes # We will have to check the help screen of swtpm-create-tpmca for whether # it supports it, which in turn depends on tpmtool supporting it... if [ -n "$(${SWTPM_CREATE_TPMCA} --help | grep "use 'well known' password if")" ]; then run_test "${OWNER_PASSWORD}" "" 1 echo "Test 5: OK" run_test "${OWNER_PASSWORD}" "" 0 echo "Test 6: OK" run_test "" "" 1 echo "Test 7: OK" run_test "" "" 0 echo "Test 8: OK" else if [ -n "$(tpmtool --help | grep srk-well-known)" ]; then echo "Error: tpmtool seems to support --srk-well-known" exit 1 fi echo "tpmtool does not seem to support --srk-well-known" echo "Tests 5..8: SKIP" fi exit 0