.so lib/ovs.tmac .TH ovs\-tcpdump 8 "@VERSION@" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual" . .SH NAME ovs\-tcpdump \- Dump traffic from an Open vSwitch port using \fBtcpdump\fR. . .SH SYNOPSIS \fBovs\-tcpdump\fR \fB\-i\fR \fIport\fR \fBtcpdump options...\fR . .SH DESCRIPTION \fBovs\-tcpdump\fR creates switch mirror ports in the \fBovs\-vswitchd\fR daemon and executes \fBtcpdump\fR to listen against those ports. When the \fBtcpdump\fR instance exits, it then cleans up the mirror port it created. .PP \fBovs\-tcpdump\fR will not allow multiple mirrors for the same port. It has some logic to parse the current configuration and prevent duplicate mirrors. .PP The \fB\-i\fR option may not appear multiple times. .PP It is important to note that under \fBLinux\fR based kernels, tap devices do not receive packets unless the specific tuntap device has been opened by an application. This requires \fBCAP_NET_ADMIN\fR privileges, so the \fBovs-tcpdump\fR command must be run as a user with such permissions (this is usually a super-user). . .SH "OPTIONS" .so lib/common.man . .IP "\fB\-\-db\-sock\fR" The Open vSwitch database socket connection string. The default is \fIunix:@RUNDIR@/db.sock\fR . .IP "\fB\-\-dump\-cmd\fR" The command to run instead of \fBtcpdump\fR. . .IP "\fB\-i\fR" .IQ "\fB\-\-interface\fR" The interface for which a mirror port should be created, and packets should be dumped. . .IP "\fB\-\-mirror\-to\fR" The name of the interface which should be the destination of the mirrored packets. The default is miINTERFACE . .IP "\fB\-\-span\fR" If specified, mirror all ports (optional). . .SH "SEE ALSO" . .BR ovs\-appctl (8), .BR ovs\-vswitchd (8), .BR ovs\-pcap (1), .BR ovs\-tcpundump (1), .BR tcpdump (8), .BR wireshark (8).