#! /usr/bin/env @PYTHON@ # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import fcntl import os import pwd import struct import subprocess import sys import time import netifaces try: from ovs.db import idl from ovs import jsonrpc from ovs.poller import Poller from ovs.stream import Stream except Exception: print("ERROR: Please install the correct Open vSwitch python support") print(" libraries (version @VERSION@).") print(" Alternatively, check that your PYTHONPATH is pointing to") print(" the correct location.") sys.exit(1) tapdev_fd = None _make_taps = {} def _doexec(*args, **kwargs): """Executes an application and returns a set of pipes""" shell = len(args) == 1 proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell, bufsize=0) return proc def _install_tap_linux(tap_name, mtu_value=None): """Uses /dev/net/tun to create a tap device""" global tapdev_fd IFF_TAP = 0x0002 IFF_NO_PI = 0x1000 TUNSETIFF = 0x400454CA # This is derived by printf() of TUNSETIFF TUNSETOWNER = TUNSETIFF + 2 tapdev_fd = open('/dev/net/tun', 'rw') ifr = struct.pack('16sH', tap_name, IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI) fcntl.ioctl(tapdev_fd, TUNSETIFF, ifr) fcntl.ioctl(tapdev_fd, TUNSETOWNER, os.getegid()) time.sleep(1) # required to give the new device settling time if mtu_value is not None: pipe = _doexec( *(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', str(tap_name), 'mtu', str(mtu_value)])) pipe.wait() pipe = _doexec( *(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', str(tap_name), 'up'])) pipe.wait() _make_taps['linux'] = _install_tap_linux _make_taps['linux2'] = _install_tap_linux def username(): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] def usage(): print("""\ %(prog)s: Open vSwitch tcpdump helper. usage: %(prog)s -i interface [TCPDUMP OPTIONS] where TCPDUMP OPTIONS represents the options normally passed to tcpdump. The following options are available: -h, --help display this help message -V, --version display version information --db-sock A connection string to reach the Open vSwitch ovsdb-server. Default 'unix:@RUNDIR@/db.sock' --dump-cmd Command to use for tcpdump (default 'tcpdump') -i, --interface Open vSwitch interface to mirror and tcpdump --mirror-to The name for the mirror port to use (optional) Default 'miINTERFACE' """ % {'prog': sys.argv[0]}) sys.exit(0) class OVSDBException(Exception): pass class OVSDB(object): @staticmethod def wait_for_db_change(idl): seq = idl.change_seqno stop = time.time() + 10 while idl.change_seqno == seq and not idl.run(): poller = Poller() idl.wait(poller) poller.block() if time.time() >= stop: raise Exception('Retry Timeout') def __init__(self, db_sock): self._db_sock = db_sock self._txn = None schema = self._get_schema() schema.register_all() self._idl_conn = idl.Idl(db_sock, schema) OVSDB.wait_for_db_change(self._idl_conn) # Initial Sync with DB def _get_schema(self): error, strm = Stream.open_block(Stream.open(self._db_sock)) if error: raise Exception("Unable to connect to %s" % self._db_sock) rpc = jsonrpc.Connection(strm) req = jsonrpc.Message.create_request('get_schema', ['Open_vSwitch']) error, resp = rpc.transact_block(req) rpc.close() if error or resp.error: raise Exception('Unable to retrieve schema.') return idl.SchemaHelper(None, resp.result) def get_table(self, table_name): return self._idl_conn.tables[table_name] def _start_txn(self): if self._txn is not None: raise OVSDBException("ERROR: A transaction was started already") self._idl_conn.change_seqno += 1 self._txn = idl.Transaction(self._idl_conn) return self._txn def _complete_txn(self, try_again_fn): if self._txn is None: raise OVSDBException("ERROR: Not in a transaction") status = self._txn.commit_block() if status is idl.Transaction.TRY_AGAIN: if self._idl_conn._session.rpc.status != 0: self._idl_conn.force_reconnect() OVSDB.wait_for_db_change(self._idl_conn) return try_again_fn(self) elif status is idl.Transaction.ERROR: return False def _find_row(self, table_name, find): return next( (row for row in self.get_table(table_name).rows.values() if find(row)), None) def _find_row_by_name(self, table_name, value): return self._find_row(table_name, lambda row: row.name == value) def port_exists(self, port_name): return bool(self._find_row_by_name('Port', port_name)) def port_bridge(self, port_name): try: port = self._find_row_by_name('Port', port_name) br = self._find_row('Bridge', lambda x: port in x.ports) return br.name except Exception: raise OVSDBException('Unable to find port %s bridge' % port_name) def interface_mtu(self, intf_name): try: intf = self._find_row_by_name('Interface', intf_name) return intf.mtu[0] except Exception: return None def interface_exists(self, intf_name): return bool(self._find_row_by_name('Interface', intf_name)) def mirror_exists(self, mirror_name): return bool(self._find_row_by_name('Mirror', mirror_name)) def interface_uuid(self, intf_name): row = self._find_row_by_name('Interface', intf_name) if bool(row): return row.uuid raise OVSDBException('No such interface: %s' % intf_name) def make_interface(self, intf_name, execute_transaction=True): if self.interface_exists(intf_name): print("INFO: Interface exists.") return self.interface_uuid(intf_name) txn = self._start_txn() tmp_row = txn.insert(self.get_table('Interface')) tmp_row.name = intf_name def try_again(db_entity): db_entity.make_interface(intf_name) if not execute_transaction: return tmp_row txn.add_comment("ovs-tcpdump: user=%s,create_intf=%s" % (username(), intf_name)) status = self._complete_txn(try_again) if status is False: raise OVSDBException('Unable to create Interface %s: %s' % (intf_name, txn.get_error())) result = txn.get_insert_uuid(tmp_row.uuid) self._txn = None return result def destroy_port(self, port_name, bridge_name): if not self.interface_exists(port_name): return txn = self._start_txn() br = self._find_row_by_name('Bridge', bridge_name) ports = [port for port in br.ports if port.name != port_name] br.ports = ports def try_again(db_entity): db_entity.destroy_port(port_name) txn.add_comment("ovs-tcpdump: user=%s,destroy_port=%s" % (username(), port_name)) status = self._complete_txn(try_again) if status is False: raise OVSDBException('unable to delete Port %s: %s' % (port_name, txn.get_error())) self._txn = None def destroy_mirror(self, intf_name, bridge_name): mirror_name = 'm_%s' % intf_name if not self.mirror_exists(mirror_name): return txn = self._start_txn() mirror_row = self._find_row_by_name('Mirror', mirror_name) br = self._find_row_by_name('Bridge', bridge_name) mirrors = [mirror for mirror in br.mirrors if mirror.uuid != mirror_row.uuid] br.mirrors = mirrors def try_again(db_entity): db_entity.destroy_mirror(mirror_name, bridge_name) txn.add_comment("ovs-tcpdump: user=%s,destroy_mirror=%s" % (username(), mirror_name)) status = self._complete_txn(try_again) if status is False: raise OVSDBException('Unable to delete Mirror %s: %s' % (mirror_name, txn.get_error())) self._txn = None def make_port(self, port_name, bridge_name): iface_row = self.make_interface(port_name, False) txn = self._txn br = self._find_row_by_name('Bridge', bridge_name) if not br: raise OVSDBException('Bad bridge name %s' % bridge_name) port = txn.insert(self.get_table('Port')) port.name = port_name br.verify('ports') ports = getattr(br, 'ports', []) ports.append(port) br.ports = ports port.verify('interfaces') ifaces = getattr(port, 'interfaces', []) ifaces.append(iface_row) port.interfaces = ifaces def try_again(db_entity): db_entity.make_port(port_name, bridge_name) txn.add_comment("ovs-tcpdump: user=%s,create_port=%s" % (username(), port_name)) status = self._complete_txn(try_again) if status is False: raise OVSDBException('Unable to create Port %s: %s' % (port_name, txn.get_error())) result = txn.get_insert_uuid(port.uuid) self._txn = None return result def bridge_mirror(self, intf_name, mirror_intf_name, br_name): txn = self._start_txn() mirror = txn.insert(self.get_table('Mirror')) mirror.name = 'm_%s' % intf_name mirror.select_all = False mirrored_port = self._find_row_by_name('Port', intf_name) mirror.verify('select_dst_port') dst_port = getattr(mirror, 'select_dst_port', []) dst_port.append(mirrored_port) mirror.select_dst_port = dst_port mirror.verify('select_src_port') src_port = getattr(mirror, 'select_src_port', []) src_port.append(mirrored_port) mirror.select_src_port = src_port output_port = self._find_row_by_name('Port', mirror_intf_name) mirror.verify('output_port') out_port = getattr(mirror, 'output_port', []) out_port.append(output_port.uuid) mirror.output_port = out_port br = self._find_row_by_name('Bridge', br_name) br.verify('mirrors') mirrors = getattr(br, 'mirrors', []) mirrors.append(mirror.uuid) br.mirrors = mirrors def try_again(db_entity): db_entity.bridge_mirror(intf_name, mirror_intf_name, br_name) txn.add_comment("ovs-tcpdump: user=%s,create_mirror=%s" % (username(), mirror.name)) status = self._complete_txn(try_again) if status is False: raise OVSDBException('Unable to create Mirror %s: %s' % (mirror_intf_name, txn.get_error())) result = txn.get_insert_uuid(mirror.uuid) self._txn = None return result def argv_tuples(lst): cur, nxt = iter(lst), iter(lst) next(nxt, None) try: while True: yield next(cur), next(nxt, None) except StopIteration: pass def main(): db_sock = 'unix:@RUNDIR@/db.sock' interface = None tcpdargs = [] skip_next = False mirror_interface = None dump_cmd = 'tcpdump' for cur, nxt in argv_tuples(sys.argv[1:]): if skip_next: skip_next = False continue if cur in ['-h', '--help']: usage() elif cur in ['-V', '--version']: print("ovs-tcpdump (Open vSwitch) @VERSION@") sys.exit(0) elif cur in ['--db-sock']: db_sock = nxt skip_next = True continue elif cur in ['--dump-cmd']: dump_cmd = nxt skip_next = True continue elif cur in ['-i', '--interface']: interface = nxt skip_next = True continue elif cur in ['--mirror-to']: mirror_interface = nxt skip_next = True continue tcpdargs.append(cur) if interface is None: print("Error: must at least specify an interface with '-i' option") sys.exit(1) if '-l' not in tcpdargs: tcpdargs.insert(0, '-l') if '-vv' in tcpdargs: print("TCPDUMP Args: %s" % ' '.join(tcpdargs)) ovsdb = OVSDB(db_sock) mirror_interface = mirror_interface or "mi%s" % interface if sys.platform in _make_taps and \ mirror_interface not in netifaces.interfaces(): _make_taps[sys.platform](mirror_interface, ovsdb.interface_mtu(interface)) if mirror_interface not in netifaces.interfaces(): print("ERROR: Please create an interface called `%s`" % mirror_interface) print("See your OS guide for how to do this.") print("Ex: ip link add %s type veth peer name %s" % (mirror_interface, mirror_interface + "2")) sys.exit(1) if not ovsdb.port_exists(interface): print("ERROR: Port %s does not exist." % interface) sys.exit(1) if ovsdb.port_exists(mirror_interface): print("ERROR: Mirror port (%s) exists for port %s." % (mirror_interface, interface)) sys.exit(1) try: ovsdb.make_port(mirror_interface, ovsdb.port_bridge(interface)) ovsdb.bridge_mirror(interface, mirror_interface, ovsdb.port_bridge(interface)) except OVSDBException as oe: print("ERROR: Unable to properly setup the mirror: %s." % str(oe)) try: ovsdb.destroy_port(mirror_interface, ovsdb.port_bridge(interface)) except Exception: pass sys.exit(1) pipes = _doexec(*([dump_cmd, '-i', mirror_interface] + tcpdargs)) try: while pipes.poll() is None: data = pipes.stdout.readline().strip('\n') if len(data) == 0: raise KeyboardInterrupt print(data) raise KeyboardInterrupt except KeyboardInterrupt: if pipes.poll() is None: pipes.terminate() ovsdb.destroy_mirror(interface, ovsdb.port_bridge(interface)) ovsdb.destroy_port(mirror_interface, ovsdb.port_bridge(interface)) except Exception: print("Unable to tear down the ports and mirrors.") print("Please use ovs-vsctl to remove the ports and mirrors created.") print(" ex: ovs-vsctl --db=%s del-port %s" % (db_sock, mirror_interface)) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # Local variables: # mode: python # End: