#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) Citrix Systems 2008. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2009 Nicira Networks. # """Usage: %(command-name)s --session --pif [up|down|rewrite] %(command-name)s --force [up|down|rewrite ] %(command-name)s --force all down where, = --device= --mode=dhcp = --device= --mode=static --ip= --netmask= [--gateway=] Options: --session A session reference to use to access the xapi DB --pif A PIF reference. --force-interface An interface name. Mutually exclusive with --session/--pif. Either both --session and --pif or just --pif-uuid. is either "up" or "down" or "rewrite" """ # # Undocumented parameters for test & dev: # # --output-directory= Write configuration to . Also disables actually # raising/lowering the interfaces # --pif-uuid A PIF UUID, use instead of --session/--pif. # # # # Notes: # 1. Every pif belongs to exactly one network # 2. Every network has zero or one pifs # 3. A network may have an associated bridge, allowing vifs to be attached # 4. A network may be bridgeless (there's no point having a bridge over a storage pif) # XXX: --force-interface=all down # XXX: --force-interface rewrite # XXX: Sometimes this leaves "orphaned" datapaths, e.g. a datapath whose # only port is the local port. Should delete those. # XXX: This can leave crud in ovs-vswitchd.conf in this scenario: # - Create bond in XenCenter. # - Create VLAN on bond in XenCenter. # - Attempt to delete bond in XenCenter (this will fail because there # is a VLAN on the bond, although the error may not be reported # until the next step) # - Delete VLAN in XenCenter. # - Delete bond in XenCenter. # At this point there will still be some configuration data for the bond # or the VLAN in ovs-vswitchd.conf. import XenAPI import os, sys, getopt, time, signal import syslog import traceback import time import re import pickle output_directory = None db = None management_pif = None dbcache_file = "/etc/ovs-vswitch.dbcache" vswitch_config_dir = "/etc/openvswitch" class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg class ConfigurationFile(object): """Write a file, tracking old and new versions. Supports writing a new version of a file and applying and reverting those changes. """ __STATE = {"OPEN":"OPEN", "NOT-APPLIED":"NOT-APPLIED", "APPLIED":"APPLIED", "REVERTED":"REVERTED", "COMMITTED": "COMMITTED"} def __init__(self, fname, path="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"): self.__state = self.__STATE['OPEN'] self.__fname = fname self.__children = [] if debug_mode(): dirname = output_directory else: dirname = path self.__path = os.path.join(dirname, fname) self.__oldpath = os.path.join(dirname, "." + fname + ".xapi-old") self.__newpath = os.path.join(dirname, "." + fname + ".xapi-new") self.__unlink = False self.__f = open(self.__newpath, "w") def attach_child(self, child): self.__children.append(child) def path(self): return self.__path def readlines(self): try: return open(self.path()).readlines() except: return "" def write(self, args): if self.__state != self.__STATE['OPEN']: raise Error("Attempt to write to file in state %s" % self.__state) self.__f.write(args) def unlink(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['OPEN']: raise Error("Attempt to unlink file in state %s" % self.__state) self.__unlink = True self.__f.close() self.__state = self.__STATE['NOT-APPLIED'] def close(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['OPEN']: raise Error("Attempt to close file in state %s" % self.__state) self.__f.close() self.__state = self.__STATE['NOT-APPLIED'] def changed(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['NOT-APPLIED']: raise Error("Attempt to compare file in state %s" % self.__state) return True def apply(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['NOT-APPLIED']: raise Error("Attempt to apply configuration from state %s" % self.__state) for child in self.__children: child.apply() log("Applying changes to %s configuration" % self.__fname) # Remove previous backup. if os.access(self.__oldpath, os.F_OK): os.unlink(self.__oldpath) # Save current configuration. if os.access(self.__path, os.F_OK): os.link(self.__path, self.__oldpath) os.unlink(self.__path) # Apply new configuration. assert(os.path.exists(self.__newpath)) if not self.__unlink: os.link(self.__newpath, self.__path) else: pass # implicit unlink of original file # Remove temporary file. os.unlink(self.__newpath) self.__state = self.__STATE['APPLIED'] def revert(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['APPLIED']: raise Error("Attempt to revert configuration from state %s" % self.__state) for child in self.__children: child.revert() log("Reverting changes to %s configuration" % self.__fname) # Remove existing new configuration if os.access(self.__newpath, os.F_OK): os.unlink(self.__newpath) # Revert new configuration. if os.access(self.__path, os.F_OK): os.link(self.__path, self.__newpath) os.unlink(self.__path) # Revert to old configuration. if os.access(self.__oldpath, os.F_OK): os.link(self.__oldpath, self.__path) os.unlink(self.__oldpath) # Leave .*.xapi-new as an aid to debugging. self.__state = self.__STATE['REVERTED'] def commit(self): if self.__state != self.__STATE['APPLIED']: raise Error("Attempt to commit configuration from state %s" % self.__state) for child in self.__children: child.commit() log("Committing changes to %s configuration" % self.__fname) if os.access(self.__oldpath, os.F_OK): os.unlink(self.__oldpath) if os.access(self.__newpath, os.F_OK): os.unlink(self.__newpath) self.__state = self.__STATE['COMMITTED'] def debug_mode(): return output_directory is not None def log(s): if debug_mode(): print >>sys.stderr, s else: syslog.syslog(s) def check_allowed(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) try: f = open("/proc/ardence") macline = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("HWaddr:"), f.readlines()) f.close() if len(macline) == 1: p = re.compile(".*\s%(MAC)s\s.*" % pifrec, re.IGNORECASE) if p.match(macline[0]): log("Skipping PVS device %(device)s (%(MAC)s)" % pifrec) return False except IOError: pass return True def interface_exists(i): return os.path.exists("/sys/class/net/" + i) class DatabaseCache(object): def __init__(self, session_ref=None, cache_file=None): if session_ref and cache_file: raise Error("can't specify session reference and cache file") if cache_file == None: session = XenAPI.xapi_local() if not session_ref: log("No session ref given on command line, logging in.") session.xenapi.login_with_password("root", "") else: session._session = session_ref try: self.__vlans = session.xenapi.VLAN.get_all_records() self.__bonds = session.xenapi.Bond.get_all_records() self.__pifs = session.xenapi.PIF.get_all_records() self.__networks = session.xenapi.network.get_all_records() finally: if not session_ref: session.xenapi.session.logout() else: log("Loading xapi database cache from %s" % cache_file) f = open(cache_file, 'r') members = pickle.load(f) self.extras = pickle.load(f) f.close() self.__vlans = members['vlans'] self.__bonds = members['bonds'] self.__pifs = members['pifs'] self.__networks = members['networks'] def save(self, cache_file, extras): f = open(cache_file, 'w') pickle.dump({'vlans': self.__vlans, 'bonds': self.__bonds, 'pifs': self.__pifs, 'networks': self.__networks}, f) pickle.dump(extras, f) f.close() def get_pif_by_uuid(self, uuid): pifs = map(lambda (ref,rec): ref, filter(lambda (ref,rec): uuid == rec['uuid'], self.__pifs.items())) if len(pifs) == 0: raise Error("Unknown PIF \"%s\"" % uuid) elif len(pifs) > 1: raise Error("Non-unique PIF \"%s\"" % uuid) return pifs[0] def get_pifs_by_record(self, record): """record is partial pif record. Get the pif(s) whose record matches. """ def match(pifrec): for key in record: if record[key] != pifrec[key]: return False return True return map(lambda (ref,rec): ref, filter(lambda (ref,rec): match(rec), self.__pifs.items())) def get_pif_by_record(self, record): """record is partial pif record. Get the pif whose record matches. """ pifs = self.get_pifs_by_record(record) if len(pifs) == 0: raise Error("No matching PIF \"%s\"" % str(record)) elif len(pifs) > 1: raise Error("Multiple matching PIFs \"%s\"" % str(record)) return pifs[0] def get_pif_by_bridge(self, host, bridge): networks = map(lambda (ref,rec): ref, filter(lambda (ref,rec): rec['bridge'] == bridge, self.__networks.items())) if len(networks) == 0: raise Error("No matching network \"%s\"") answer = None for network in networks: nwrec = self.get_network_record(network) for pif in nwrec['PIFs']: pifrec = self.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['host'] != host: continue if answer: raise Error("Multiple PIFs on %s for network %s" % (host, bridge)) answer = pif if not answer: raise Error("No PIF on %s for network %s" % (host, bridge)) return answer def get_pif_record(self, pif): if self.__pifs.has_key(pif): return self.__pifs[pif] raise Error("Unknown PIF \"%s\"" % pif) def get_all_pifs(self): return self.__pifs def pif_exists(self, pif): return self.__pifs.has_key(pif) def get_management_pif(self, host): """ Returns the management pif on host """ all = self.get_all_pifs() for pif in all: pifrec = self.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['management'] and pifrec['host'] == host : return pif return None def get_network_record(self, network): if self.__networks.has_key(network): return self.__networks[network] raise Error("Unknown network \"%s\"" % network) def get_all_networks(self): return self.__networks def get_bond_record(self, bond): if self.__bonds.has_key(bond): return self.__bonds[bond] else: return None def get_vlan_record(self, vlan): if self.__vlans.has_key(vlan): return self.__vlans[vlan] else: return None def bridge_name(pif): """Return the bridge name associated with pif, or None if network is bridgeless""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) nwrec = db.get_network_record(pifrec['network']) if nwrec['bridge']: # TODO: sanity check that nwrec['bridgeless'] != 'true' return nwrec['bridge'] else: # TODO: sanity check that nwrec['bridgeless'] == 'true' return None def interface_name(pif): """Construct an interface name from the given PIF record.""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['VLAN'] == '-1': return pifrec['device'] else: return "%(device)s.%(VLAN)s" % pifrec def datapath_name(pif): """Return the OpenFlow datapath name associated with pif. For a non-VLAN PIF, the datapath name is the bridge name. For a VLAN PIF, the datapath name is the bridge name for the PIF's VLAN slave. (xapi will create a datapath named with the bridge name even though we won't use it.) """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['VLAN'] == '-1': return bridge_name(pif) else: return bridge_name(get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif)) def ipdev_name(pif): """Return the the name of the network device that carries the IP configuration (if any) associated with pif. The ipdev name is the same as the bridge name. """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) return bridge_name(pif) def physdev_names(pif): """Return the name(s) of the physical network device(s) associated with pif. For a VLAN PIF, the physical devices are the VLAN slave's physical devices. For a bond master PIF, the physical devices are the bond slaves. For a non-VLAN, non-bond master PIF, the physical device is the PIF itself. """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['VLAN'] != '-1': return physdev_names(get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif)) elif len(pifrec['bond_master_of']) != 0: physdevs = [] for slave in get_bond_slaves_of_pif(pif): physdevs += physdev_names(slave) return physdevs else: return [pifrec['device']] def log_pif_action(action, pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) pifrec['action'] = action pifrec['interface-name'] = interface_name(pif) if action == "rewrite": pifrec['message'] = "Rewrite PIF %(uuid)s configuration" % pifrec else: pifrec['message'] = "Bring %(action)s PIF %(uuid)s" % pifrec log("%(message)s: %(interface-name)s configured as %(ip_configuration_mode)s" % pifrec) def get_bond_masters_of_pif(pif): """Returns a list of PIFs which are bond masters of this PIF""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) bso = pifrec['bond_slave_of'] # bond-slave-of is currently a single reference but in principle a # PIF could be a member of several bonds which are not # concurrently attached. Be robust to this possibility. if not bso or bso == "OpaqueRef:NULL": bso = [] elif not type(bso) == list: bso = [bso] bondrecs = [db.get_bond_record(bond) for bond in bso] bondrecs = [rec for rec in bondrecs if rec] return [bond['master'] for bond in bondrecs] def get_bond_slaves_of_pif(pif): """Returns a list of PIFs which make up the given bonded pif.""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) host = pifrec['host'] bmo = pifrec['bond_master_of'] if len(bmo) > 1: raise Error("Bond-master-of contains too many elements") if len(bmo) == 0: return [] bondrec = db.get_bond_record(bmo[0]) if not bondrec: raise Error("No bond record for bond master PIF") return bondrec['slaves'] def get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif): """Find the PIF which is the VLAN slave of pif. Returns the 'physical' PIF underneath the a VLAN PIF @pif.""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) vlan = pifrec['VLAN_master_of'] if not vlan or vlan == "OpaqueRef:NULL": raise Error("PIF is not a VLAN master") vlanrec = db.get_vlan_record(vlan) if not vlanrec: raise Error("No VLAN record found for PIF") return vlanrec['tagged_PIF'] def get_vlan_masters_of_pif(pif): """Returns a list of PIFs which are VLANs on top of the given pif.""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) vlans = [db.get_vlan_record(v) for v in pifrec['VLAN_slave_of']] return [v['untagged_PIF'] for v in vlans if v and db.pif_exists(v['untagged_PIF'])] def interface_deconfigure_commands(interface): # The use of [!0-9] keeps an interface of 'eth0' from matching # VLANs attached to eth0 (such as 'eth0.123'), which are distinct # interfaces. return ['--del-match=bridge.*.port=%s' % interface, '--del-match=bonding.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface, '--del-match=bonding.*.slave=%s' % interface, '--del-match=vlan.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface, '--del-match=port.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface, '--del-match=iface.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface] def run_command(command): log("Running command: " + ' '.join(command)) if os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, command[0], *command) != 0: log("Command failed: " + ' '.join(command)) return False return True def down_netdev(interface, deconfigure=True): if not interface_exists(interface): log("down_netdev: interface %s does not exist, ignoring" % interface) return if deconfigure: # Kill dhclient. pidfile_name = '/var/run/dhclient-%s.pid' % interface pidfile = None try: pidfile = open(pidfile_name, 'r') os.kill(int(pidfile.readline()), signal.SIGTERM) except: pass if pidfile != None: pidfile.close() # Remove dhclient pidfile. try: os.remove(pidfile_name) except: pass run_command(["/sbin/ifconfig", interface, '']) run_command(["/sbin/ifconfig", interface, 'down']) def up_netdev(interface): run_command(["/sbin/ifconfig", interface, 'up']) def find_distinguished_pifs(pif): """Returns the PIFs on host that own DNS and the default route. The peerdns pif will be the one with pif::other-config:peerdns=true, or the mgmt pif if none have this set. The gateway pif will be the one with pif::other-config:defaultroute=true, or the mgmt pif if none have this set. Note: we prune out the bond master pif (if it exists). This is because when we are called to bring up an interface with a bond master, it is implicit that we should bring down that master.""" pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) host = pifrec['host'] pifs_on_host = [ __pif for __pif in db.get_all_pifs() if db.get_pif_record(__pif)['host'] == host and (not __pif in get_bond_masters_of_pif(pif)) ] peerdns_pif = None defaultroute_pif = None # loop through all the pifs on this host looking for one with # other-config:peerdns = true, and one with # other-config:default-route=true for __pif in pifs_on_host: __pifrec = db.get_pif_record(__pif) __oc = __pifrec['other_config'] if __oc.has_key('peerdns') and __oc['peerdns'] == 'true': if peerdns_pif == None: peerdns_pif = __pif else: log('Warning: multiple pifs with "peerdns=true" - choosing %s and ignoring %s' % \ (db.get_pif_record(peerdns_pif)['device'], __pifrec['device'])) if __oc.has_key('defaultroute') and __oc['defaultroute'] == 'true': if defaultroute_pif == None: defaultroute_pif = __pif else: log('Warning: multiple pifs with "defaultroute=true" - choosing %s and ignoring %s' % \ (db.get_pif_record(defaultroute_pif)['device'], __pifrec['device'])) # If no pif is explicitly specified then use the mgmt pif for peerdns/defaultroute if peerdns_pif == None: peerdns_pif = management_pif if defaultroute_pif == None: defaultroute_pif = management_pif return peerdns_pif, defaultroute_pif def ethtool_settings(oc): # Options for "ethtool -s" settings = [] if oc.has_key('ethtool-speed'): val = oc['ethtool-speed'] if val in ["10", "100", "1000"]: settings += ['speed', val] else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-speed = %s. Must be 10|100|1000." % val) if oc.has_key('ethtool-duplex'): val = oc['ethtool-duplex'] if val in ["10", "100", "1000"]: settings += ['duplex', 'val'] else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-duplex = %s. Must be half|full." % val) if oc.has_key('ethtool-autoneg'): val = oc['ethtool-autoneg'] if val in ["true", "on"]: settings += ['autoneg', 'on'] elif val in ["false", "off"]: settings += ['autoneg', 'off'] else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-autoneg = %s. Must be on|true|off|false." % val) # Options for "ethtool -K" offload = [] for opt in ("rx", "tx", "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso"): if oc.has_key("ethtool-" + opt): val = oc["ethtool-" + opt] if val in ["true", "on"]: offload += [opt, 'on'] elif val in ["false", "off"]: offload += [opt, 'off'] else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-%s = %s. Must be on|true|off|false." % (opt, val)) return settings, offload def configure_netdev(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) datapath = datapath_name(pif) ipdev = ipdev_name(pif) host = pifrec['host'] nw = pifrec['network'] nwrec = db.get_network_record(nw) ifconfig_argv = ['/sbin/ifconfig', ipdev, 'up'] gateway = '' if pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "DHCP": pass elif pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "Static": ifconfig_argv += [pifrec['IP']] ifconfig_argv += ['netmask', pifrec['netmask']] gateway = pifrec['gateway'] elif pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "None": # Nothing to do. pass else: raise Error("Unknown IP-configuration-mode %s" % pifrec['ip_configuration_mode']) oc = {} if pifrec.has_key('other_config'): oc = pifrec['other_config'] if oc.has_key('mtu'): int(oc['mtu']) # Check that the value is an integer ifconfig_argv += ['mtu', oc['mtu']] run_command(ifconfig_argv) (peerdns_pif, defaultroute_pif) = find_distinguished_pifs(pif) if peerdns_pif == pif: f = ConfigurationFile('resolv.conf', "/etc") if oc.has_key('domain'): f.write("search %s\n" % oc['domain']) for dns in pifrec['DNS'].split(","): f.write("nameserver %s\n" % dns) f.close() f.apply() f.commit() if defaultroute_pif == pif and gateway != '': run_command(['/sbin/ip', 'route', 'replace', 'default', 'via', gateway, 'dev', ipdev]) if oc.has_key('static-routes'): for line in oc['static-routes'].split(','): network, masklen, gateway = line.split('/') run_command(['/sbin/ip', 'route', 'add', '%s/%s' % (netmask, masklen), 'via', gateway, 'dev', ipdev]) settings, offload = ethtool_settings(oc) if settings: run_command(['/sbin/ethtool', '-s', ipdev] + settings) if offload: run_command(['/sbin/ethtool', '-K', ipdev] + offload) if pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "DHCP": print print "Determining IP information for %s..." % ipdev, argv = ['/sbin/dhclient', '-q', '-lf', '/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-%s.leases' % ipdev, '-pf', '/var/run/dhclient-%s.pid' % ipdev, ipdev] if run_command(argv): print 'done.' else: print 'failed.' def modify_config(commands): run_command(['/root/vswitch/bin/ovs-cfg-mod', '-vANY:console:emer', '-F', '/etc/ovs-vswitchd.conf'] + commands + ['-c']) run_command(['/sbin/service', 'vswitch', 'reload']) def is_bond_pif(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) return len(pifrec['bond_master_of']) != 0 def configure_bond(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) ipdev = ipdev_name(pif) datapath = datapath_name(pif) physdevs = physdev_names(pif) argv = ['--del-match=bonding.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface] argv += ["--add=bonding.%s.slave=%s" % (interface, slave) for slave in physdevs] if pifrec['MAC'] != "": argv += ['--add=port.%s.mac=%s' % (interface, pifrec['MAC'])] # Bonding options. bond_options = { "mode": "balance-slb", "miimon": "100", "downdelay": "200", "updelay": "31000", "use_carrier": "1", } # override defaults with values from other-config whose keys # being with "bond-" oc = pifrec['other_config'] overrides = filter(lambda (key,val): key.startswith("bond-"), oc.items()) overrides = map(lambda (key,val): (key[5:], val), overrides) bond_options.update(overrides) for (name,val) in bond_options.items(): argv += ["--add=bonding.%s.%s=%s" % (interface, name, val)] return argv def action_up(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) bridge = bridge_name(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) ipdev = ipdev_name(pif) datapath = datapath_name(pif) physdevs = physdev_names(pif) vlan_slave = None if pifrec['VLAN'] != '-1': vlan_slave = get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif) if vlan_slave and is_bond_pif(vlan_slave): bond_master = vlan_slave elif is_bond_pif(pif): bond_master = pif else: bond_master = None if bond_master: bond_slaves = get_bond_slaves_of_pif(bond_master) else: bond_slaves = [] bond_masters = get_bond_masters_of_pif(pif) # Support "rpm -e vswitch" gracefully by keeping Centos configuration # files up-to-date, even though we don't use them or need them. f = configure_pif(pif) mode = pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] if bridge: log("Configuring %s using %s configuration" % (bridge, mode)) br = open_network_ifcfg(pif) configure_network(pif, br) br.close() f.attach_child(br) else: log("Configuring %s using %s configuration" % (interface, mode)) configure_network(pif, f) f.close() for master in bond_masters: master_bridge = bridge_name(master) removed = unconfigure_pif(master) f.attach_child(removed) if master_bridge: removed = open_network_ifcfg(master) log("Unlinking stale file %s" % removed.path()) removed.unlink() f.attach_child(removed) # /etc/xensource/scripts/vif needs to know where to add VIFs. if vlan_slave: if not os.path.exists(vswitch_config_dir): os.mkdir(vswitch_config_dir) br = ConfigurationFile("br-%s" % bridge, vswitch_config_dir) br.write("VLAN_SLAVE=%s\n" % datapath) br.write("VLAN_VID=%s\n" % pifrec['VLAN']) br.close() f.attach_child(br) # Update all configuration files (both ours and Centos's). f.apply() f.commit() # "ifconfig down" the network device and delete its IP address, etc. down_netdev(ipdev) for physdev in physdevs: down_netdev(physdev) # If we are bringing up a bond, remove IP addresses from the # slaves (because we are implicitly being asked to take them down). # # Conversely, if we are bringing up an interface that has bond # masters, remove IP addresses from the bond master (because we # are implicitly being asked to take it down). for bond_pif in bond_slaves + bond_masters: run_command(["/sbin/ifconfig", ipdev_name(bond_pif), '']) # Remove all keys related to pif and any bond masters linked to PIF. del_ports = [ipdev] + physdevs + bond_masters if vlan_slave and bond_master: del_ports += [interface_name(bond_master)] # What ports do we need to add to the datapath? # # We definitely need the ipdev, and ordinarily we want the # physical devices too, but for bonds we need the bond as bridge # port. add_ports = [ipdev, datapath] if not bond_master: add_ports += physdevs else: add_ports += [interface_name(bond_master)] # What ports do we need to delete? # # - All the ports that we add, to avoid duplication and to drop # them from another datapath in case they're misassigned. # # - The physical devices, since they will either be in add_ports # or added to the bonding device (see below). # # - The bond masters for pif. (Ordinarily pif shouldn't have any # bond masters. If it does then interface-reconfigure is # implicitly being asked to take them down.) del_ports = add_ports + physdevs + bond_masters # What networks does this datapath carry? # # - The network corresponding to the datapath's PIF. # # - The networks corresponding to any VLANs attached to the # datapath's PIF. network_uuids = [] for nwpif in db.get_pifs_by_record({'device': pifrec['device'], 'host': pifrec['host']}): net = db.get_pif_record(nwpif)['network'] network_uuids += [db.get_network_record(net)['uuid']] # Bring up bond slaves early, because ovs-vswitchd initially # enables or disables bond slaves based on whether carrier is # detected when they are added, and a network device that is down # always reports "no carrier". bond_slave_physdevs = [] for slave in bond_slaves: bond_slave_physdevs += physdev_names(slave) for slave_physdev in bond_slave_physdevs: up_netdev(slave_physdev) # Now modify the ovs-vswitchd config file. argv = [] for port in set(del_ports): argv += interface_deconfigure_commands(port) for port in set(add_ports): argv += ['--add=bridge.%s.port=%s' % (datapath, port)] if vlan_slave: argv += ['--add=vlan.%s.tag=%s' % (ipdev, pifrec['VLAN'])] argv += ['--add=iface.%s.internal=true' % (ipdev)] # xapi creates a bridge by the name of the ipdev and requires # that the IP address will be on it. We need to delete this # bridge because we need that device to be a member of our # datapath. argv += ['--del-match=bridge.%s.[!0-9]*' % ipdev] # xapi insists that its attempts to create the bridge succeed, # so force that to happen. argv += ['--add=iface.%s.fake-bridge=true' % (ipdev)] else: try: os.unlink("%s/br-%s" % (vswitch_config_dir, bridge)) except OSError: pass argv += ['--del-match=bridge.%s.xs-network-uuids=*' % datapath] argv += ['--add=bridge.%s.xs-network-uuids=%s' % (datapath, uuid) for uuid in set(network_uuids)] if bond_master: argv += configure_bond(bond_master) modify_config(argv) # Configure network devices. configure_netdev(pif) # Bring up VLAN slave, plus physical devices other than bond # slaves (which we brought up earlier). if vlan_slave: up_netdev(ipdev_name(vlan_slave)) for physdev in set(physdevs) - set(bond_slave_physdevs): up_netdev(physdev) # Update /etc/issue (which contains the IP address of the management interface) os.system("/sbin/update-issue") if bond_slaves: # There seems to be a race somewhere: without this sleep, using # XenCenter to create a bond that becomes the management interface # fails with "The underlying connection was closed: A connection that # was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server." on every # second or third try, even though /var/log/messages doesn't show # anything unusual. # # The race is probably present even without vswitch, but bringing up a # bond without vswitch involves a built-in pause of 10 seconds or more # to wait for the bond to transition from learning to forwarding state. time.sleep(5) def action_down(pif): rec = db.get_pif_record(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) bridge = bridge_name(pif) ipdev = ipdev_name(pif) # Support "rpm -e vswitch" gracefully by keeping Centos configuration # files up-to-date, even though we don't use them or need them. f = unconfigure_pif(pif) if bridge: br = open_network_ifcfg(pif) log("Unlinking stale file %s" % br.path()) br.unlink() f.attach_child(br) try: f.apply() f.commit() except Error, e: log("action_down failed to apply changes: %s" % e.msg) f.revert() raise argv = [] if rec['VLAN'] != '-1': # Get rid of the VLAN device itself. down_netdev(ipdev) argv += interface_deconfigure_commands(ipdev) # If the VLAN's slave is attached, stop here. slave = get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif) if db.get_pif_record(slave)['currently_attached']: log("VLAN slave is currently attached") modify_config(argv) return # If the VLAN's slave has other VLANs that are attached, stop here. masters = get_vlan_masters_of_pif(slave) for m in masters: if m != pif and db.get_pif_record(m)['currently_attached']: log("VLAN slave has other master %s" % interface_naem(m)) modify_config(argv) return # Otherwise, take down the VLAN's slave too. log("No more masters, bring down vlan slave %s" % interface_name(slave)) pif = slave else: # Stop here if this PIF has attached VLAN masters. vlan_masters = get_vlan_masters_of_pif(pif) log("VLAN masters of %s - %s" % (rec['device'], [interface_name(m) for m in vlan_masters])) for m in vlan_masters: if db.get_pif_record(m)['currently_attached']: log("Leaving %s up due to currently attached VLAN master %s" % (interface, interface_name(m))) return # pif is now either a bond or a physical device which needs to be # brought down. pif might have changed so re-check all its attributes. rec = db.get_pif_record(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) bridge = bridge_name(pif) ipdev = ipdev_name(pif) bond_slaves = get_bond_slaves_of_pif(pif) log("bond slaves of %s - %s" % (rec['device'], [interface_name(s) for s in bond_slaves])) for slave in bond_slaves: slave_interface = interface_name(slave) log("bring down bond slave %s" % slave_interface) argv += interface_deconfigure_commands(slave_interface) down_netdev(slave_interface) argv += interface_deconfigure_commands(ipdev) down_netdev(ipdev) argv += ['--del-match', 'bridge.%s.*' % datapath_name(pif)] argv += ['--del-match', 'bonding.%s.[!0-9]*' % interface] modify_config(argv) def action_rewrite(pif): # Support "rpm -e vswitch" gracefully by keeping Centos configuration # files up-to-date, even though we don't use them or need them. pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) f = configure_pif(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) bridge = bridge_name(pif) mode = pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] if bridge: log("Configuring %s using %s configuration" % (bridge, mode)) br = open_network_ifcfg(pif) configure_network(pif, br) br.close() f.attach_child(br) else: log("Configuring %s using %s configuration" % (interface, mode)) configure_network(pif, f) f.close() try: f.apply() f.commit() except Error, e: log("failed to apply changes: %s" % e.msg) f.revert() raise # We have no code of our own to run here. pass def main(argv=None): global output_directory, management_pif session = None pif_uuid = None pif = None force_interface = None force_management = False if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: shortops = "h" longops = [ "output-directory=", "pif=", "pif-uuid=", "session=", "force=", "force-interface=", "management", "test-mode", "device=", "mode=", "ip=", "netmask=", "gateway=", "help" ] arglist, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], shortops, longops) except getopt.GetoptError, msg: raise Usage(msg) force_rewrite_config = {} for o,a in arglist: if o == "--output-directory": output_directory = a elif o == "--pif": pif = a elif o == "--pif-uuid": pif_uuid = a elif o == "--session": session = a elif o == "--force-interface" or o == "--force": force_interface = a elif o == "--management": force_management = True elif o in ["--device", "--mode", "--ip", "--netmask", "--gateway"]: force_rewrite_config[o[2:]] = a elif o == "-h" or o == "--help": print __doc__ % {'command-name': os.path.basename(argv[0])} return 0 if not debug_mode(): syslog.openlog(os.path.basename(argv[0])) log("Called as " + str.join(" ", argv)) if len(args) < 1: raise Usage("Required option not present") if len(args) > 1: raise Usage("Too many arguments") action = args[0] # backwards compatibility if action == "rewrite-configuration": action = "rewrite" if output_directory and ( session or pif ): raise Usage("--session/--pif cannot be used with --output-directory") if ( session or pif ) and pif_uuid: raise Usage("--session/--pif and --pif-uuid are mutually exclusive.") if ( session and not pif ) or ( not session and pif ): raise Usage("--session and --pif must be used together.") if force_interface and ( session or pif or pif_uuid ): raise Usage("--force is mutually exclusive with --session, --pif and --pif-uuid") if len(force_rewrite_config) and not (force_interface and action == "rewrite"): raise Usage("\"--force rewrite\" needed for --device, --mode, --ip, --netmask, and --gateway") global db if force_interface: log("Force interface %s %s" % (force_interface, action)) if action == "rewrite": action_force_rewrite(force_interface, force_rewrite_config) else: db = DatabaseCache(cache_file=dbcache_file) host = db.extras['host'] pif = db.get_pif_by_bridge(host, force_interface) management_pif = db.get_management_pif(host) if action == "up": action_up(pif) elif action == "down": action_down(pif) else: raise Usage("Unknown action %s" % action) else: db = DatabaseCache(session_ref=session) if pif_uuid: pif = db.get_pif_by_uuid(pif_uuid) if not pif: raise Usage("No PIF given") if force_management: # pif is going to be the management pif management_pif = pif else: # pif is not going to be the management pif. # Search DB cache for pif on same host with management=true pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) host = pifrec['host'] management_pif = db.get_management_pif(host) log_pif_action(action, pif) if not check_allowed(pif): return 0 if action == "up": action_up(pif) elif action == "down": action_down(pif) elif action == "rewrite": action_rewrite(pif) else: raise Usage("Unknown action %s" % action) # Save cache. pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) db.save(dbcache_file, {'host': pifrec['host']}) except Usage, err: print >>sys.stderr, err.msg print >>sys.stderr, "For help use --help." return 2 except Error, err: log(err.msg) return 1 return 0 # The following code allows interface-reconfigure to keep Centos # network configuration files up-to-date, even though the vswitch # never uses them. In turn, that means that "rpm -e vswitch" does not # have to update any configuration files. def configure_ethtool(oc, f): # Options for "ethtool -s" settings = None setting_opts = ["autoneg", "speed", "duplex"] # Options for "ethtool -K" offload = None offload_opts = ["rx", "tx", "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso"] for opt in [opt for opt in setting_opts + offload_opts if oc.has_key("ethtool-" + opt)]: val = oc["ethtool-" + opt] if opt in ["speed"]: if val in ["10", "100", "1000"]: val = "speed " + val else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-speed = %s. Must be 10|100|1000." % val) val = None elif opt in ["duplex"]: if val in ["half", "full"]: val = "duplex " + val else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-duplex = %s. Must be half|full." % val) val = None elif opt in ["autoneg"] + offload_opts: if val in ["true", "on"]: val = opt + " on" elif val in ["false", "off"]: val = opt + " off" else: log("Invalid value for ethtool-%s = %s. Must be on|true|off|false." % (opt, val)) val = None if opt in setting_opts: if val and settings: settings = settings + " " + val else: settings = val elif opt in offload_opts: if val and offload: offload = offload + " " + val else: offload = val if settings: f.write("ETHTOOL_OPTS=\"%s\"\n" % settings) if offload: f.write("ETHTOOL_OFFLOAD_OPTS=\"%s\"\n" % offload) def configure_mtu(oc, f): if not oc.has_key('mtu'): return try: mtu = int(oc['mtu']) f.write("MTU=%d\n" % mtu) except ValueError, x: log("Invalid value for mtu = %s" % mtu) def configure_static_routes(interface, oc, f): """Open a route- file for static routes. Opens the static routes configuration file for interface and writes one line for each route specified in the network's other config "static-routes" value. E.g. if interface ( RO): xenbr1 other-config (MRW): static-routes:,;... Then route-xenbr1 should be via dev xenbr1 via dev xenbr1 """ fname = "route-%s" % interface if oc.has_key('static-routes'): # The key is present - extract comma seperates entries lines = oc['static-routes'].split(',') else: # The key is not present, i.e. there are no static routes lines = [] child = ConfigurationFile(fname) child.write("# DO NOT EDIT: This file (%s) was autogenerated by %s\n" % \ (os.path.basename(child.path()), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) try: for l in lines: network, masklen, gateway = l.split('/') child.write("%s/%s via %s dev %s\n" % (network, masklen, gateway, interface)) f.attach_child(child) child.close() except ValueError, e: log("Error in other-config['static-routes'] format for network %s: %s" % (interface, e)) def __open_ifcfg(interface): """Open a network interface configuration file. Opens the configuration file for interface, writes a header and common options and returns the file object. """ fname = "ifcfg-%s" % interface f = ConfigurationFile(fname) f.write("# DO NOT EDIT: This file (%s) was autogenerated by %s\n" % \ (os.path.basename(f.path()), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) f.write("XEMANAGED=yes\n") f.write("DEVICE=%s\n" % interface) f.write("ONBOOT=no\n") return f def open_network_ifcfg(pif): bridge = bridge_name(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) if bridge: return __open_ifcfg(bridge) else: return __open_ifcfg(interface) def open_pif_ifcfg(pif): pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) log("Configuring %s (%s)" % (interface_name(pif), pifrec['MAC'])) f = __open_ifcfg(interface_name(pif)) if pifrec.has_key('other_config'): configure_ethtool(pifrec['other_config'], f) configure_mtu(pifrec['other_config'], f) return f def configure_network(pif, f): """Write the configuration file for a network. Writes configuration derived from the network object into the relevant ifcfg file. The configuration file is passed in, but if the network is bridgeless it will be ifcfg-, otherwise it will be ifcfg-. This routine may also write ifcfg files of the networks corresponding to other PIFs in order to maintain consistency. params: pif: Opaque_ref of pif f : ConfigurationFile(/path/to/ifcfg) to which we append network configuration """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) host = pifrec['host'] nw = pifrec['network'] nwrec = db.get_network_record(nw) oc = None bridge = bridge_name(pif) interface = interface_name(pif) if bridge: device = bridge else: device = interface if nwrec.has_key('other_config'): configure_ethtool(nwrec['other_config'], f) configure_mtu(nwrec['other_config'], f) configure_static_routes(device, nwrec['other_config'], f) if pifrec.has_key('other_config'): oc = pifrec['other_config'] if device == bridge: f.write("TYPE=Bridge\n") f.write("DELAY=0\n") f.write("STP=off\n") f.write("PIFDEV=%s\n" % interface_name(pif)) if pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "DHCP": f.write("BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n") f.write("PERSISTENT_DHCLIENT=yes\n") elif pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "Static": f.write("BOOTPROTO=none\n") f.write("NETMASK=%(netmask)s\n" % pifrec) f.write("IPADDR=%(IP)s\n" % pifrec) f.write("GATEWAY=%(gateway)s\n" % pifrec) elif pifrec['ip_configuration_mode'] == "None": f.write("BOOTPROTO=none\n") else: raise Error("Unknown ip-configuration-mode %s" % pifrec['ip_configuration_mode']) if pifrec.has_key('DNS') and pifrec['DNS'] != "": ServerList = pifrec['DNS'].split(",") for i in range(len(ServerList)): f.write("DNS%d=%s\n" % (i+1, ServerList[i])) if oc and oc.has_key('domain'): f.write("DOMAIN='%s'\n" % oc['domain'].replace(',', ' ')) # We only allow one ifcfg-xenbr* to have PEERDNS=yes and there can be only one GATEWAYDEV in /etc/sysconfig/network. # The peerdns pif will be the one with pif::other-config:peerdns=true, or the mgmt pif if none have this set. # The gateway pif will be the one with pif::other-config:defaultroute=true, or the mgmt pif if none have this set. # Work out which pif on this host should be the one with PEERDNS=yes and which should be the GATEWAYDEV # # Note: we prune out the bond master pif (if it exists). # This is because when we are called to bring up an interface with a bond master, it is implicit that # we should bring down that master. pifs_on_host = [ __pif for __pif in db.get_all_pifs() if db.get_pif_record(__pif)['host'] == host and (not __pif in get_bond_masters_of_pif(pif)) ] other_pifs_on_host = [ __pif for __pif in pifs_on_host if __pif != pif ] peerdns_pif = None defaultroute_pif = None # loop through all the pifs on this host looking for one with # other-config:peerdns = true, and one with # other-config:default-route=true for __pif in pifs_on_host: __pifrec = db.get_pif_record(__pif) __oc = __pifrec['other_config'] if __oc.has_key('peerdns') and __oc['peerdns'] == 'true': if peerdns_pif == None: peerdns_pif = __pif else: log('Warning: multiple pifs with "peerdns=true" - choosing %s and ignoring %s' % \ (db.get_pif_record(peerdns_pif)['device'], __pifrec['device'])) if __oc.has_key('defaultroute') and __oc['defaultroute'] == 'true': if defaultroute_pif == None: defaultroute_pif = __pif else: log('Warning: multiple pifs with "defaultroute=true" - choosing %s and ignoring %s' % \ (db.get_pif_record(defaultroute_pif)['device'], __pifrec['device'])) # If no pif is explicitly specified then use the mgmt pif for peerdns/defaultroute if peerdns_pif == None: peerdns_pif = management_pif if defaultroute_pif == None: defaultroute_pif = management_pif # Update all the other network's ifcfg files and ensure consistency for __pif in other_pifs_on_host: __f = open_network_ifcfg(__pif) peerdns_line_wanted = 'PEERDNS=%s\n' % ((__pif == peerdns_pif) and 'yes' or 'no') lines = __f.readlines() if not peerdns_line_wanted in lines: # the PIF selected for DNS has changed and as a result this ifcfg file needs rewriting for line in lines: if not line.lstrip().startswith('PEERDNS'): __f.write(line) log("Setting %s in %s" % (peerdns_line_wanted.strip(), __f.path())) __f.write(peerdns_line_wanted) __f.close() f.attach_child(__f) else: # There is no need to change this ifcfg file. So don't attach_child. pass # ... and for this pif too f.write('PEERDNS=%s\n' % ((pif == peerdns_pif) and 'yes' or 'no')) # Update gatewaydev fnetwork = ConfigurationFile("network", "/etc/sysconfig") for line in fnetwork.readlines(): if line.lstrip().startswith('GATEWAY') : continue fnetwork.write(line) if defaultroute_pif: gatewaydev = bridge_name(defaultroute_pif) if not gatewaydev: gatewaydev = interface_name(defaultroute_pif) fnetwork.write('GATEWAYDEV=%s\n' % gatewaydev) fnetwork.close() f.attach_child(fnetwork) return def configure_physical_interface(pif): """Write the configuration for a physical interface. Writes the configuration file for the physical interface described by the pif object. Returns the open file handle for the interface configuration file. """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) f = open_pif_ifcfg(pif) f.write("TYPE=Ethernet\n") f.write("HWADDR=%(MAC)s\n" % pifrec) return f def configure_bond_interface(pif): """Write the configuration for a bond interface. Writes the configuration file for the bond interface described by the pif object. Handles writing the configuration for the slave interfaces. Returns the open file handle for the bond interface configuration file. """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) oc = pifrec['other_config'] f = open_pif_ifcfg(pif) if pifrec['MAC'] != "": f.write("MACADDR=%s\n" % pifrec['MAC']) for slave in get_bond_slaves_of_pif(pif): s = configure_physical_interface(slave) s.write("MASTER=%(device)s\n" % pifrec) s.write("SLAVE=yes\n") s.close() f.attach_child(s) # The bond option defaults bond_options = { "mode": "balance-slb", "miimon": "100", "downdelay": "200", "updelay": "31000", "use_carrier": "1", } # override defaults with values from other-config whose keys being with "bond-" overrides = filter(lambda (key,val): key.startswith("bond-"), oc.items()) overrides = map(lambda (key,val): (key[5:], val), overrides) bond_options.update(overrides) # write the bond options to ifcfg-bondX f.write('BONDING_OPTS="') for (name,val) in bond_options.items(): f.write("%s=%s " % (name,val)) f.write('"\n') return f def configure_vlan_interface(pif): """Write the configuration for a VLAN interface. Writes the configuration file for the VLAN interface described by the pif object. Handles writing the configuration for the master interface if necessary. Returns the open file handle for the VLAN interface configuration file. """ slave = configure_pif(get_vlan_slave_of_pif(pif)) slave.close() f = open_pif_ifcfg(pif) f.write("VLAN=yes\n") f.attach_child(slave) return f def configure_pif(pif): """Write the configuration for a PIF object. Writes the configuration file the PIF and all dependent interfaces (bond slaves and VLAN masters etc). Returns the open file handle for the interface configuration file. """ pifrec = db.get_pif_record(pif) if pifrec['VLAN'] != '-1': f = configure_vlan_interface(pif) elif len(pifrec['bond_master_of']) != 0: f = configure_bond_interface(pif) else: f = configure_physical_interface(pif) bridge = bridge_name(pif) if bridge: f.write("BRIDGE=%s\n" % bridge) return f def unconfigure_pif(pif): """Clear up the files created by configure_pif""" f = open_pif_ifcfg(pif) log("Unlinking stale file %s" % f.path()) f.unlink() return f if __name__ == "__main__": rc = 1 try: rc = main() except: ex = sys.exc_info() err = traceback.format_exception(*ex) for exline in err: log(exline) if not debug_mode(): syslog.closelog() sys.exit(rc)