]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/commitdiff
Refactor `Job` to its own module
authorAlex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>
Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:06:39 +0000 (08:06 -0700)
committerAlex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>
Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:06:39 +0000 (08:06 -0700)
src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc.rs [deleted file]
src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/job.rs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/mod.rs [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc.rs b/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc.rs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2ec1626..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::hash::Hasher;
-use std::hash::sip::SipHasher;
-use std::io::{File, IoError};
-use std::io;
-use std::os::args;
-use std::str;
-use std::sync::{atomics, Arc};
-use term::color::YELLOW;
-use core::{Package, PackageSet, Target, Resolve};
-use util;
-use util::{CargoResult, ChainError, ProcessBuilder, CargoError, internal, human};
-use util::{Config, TaskPool, DependencyQueue, Fresh, Dirty, Freshness};
-type Args = Vec<String>;
-struct Context<'a, 'b> {
-    dest: &'a Path,
-    deps_dir: &'a Path,
-    primary: bool,
-    rustc_version: &'a str,
-    resolve: &'a Resolve,
-    package_set: &'a PackageSet,
-    config: &'b mut Config<'b>,
-    dylib: (String, String)
-enum Job {
-    Work(proc():Send -> CargoResult<Vec<Job>>),
-impl Job {
-    fn all(jobs: Vec<Job>, after: Vec<Job>) -> Job {
-        Work(proc() {
-            for Work(job) in jobs.move_iter() {
-                try!(job());
-            }
-            Ok(after)
-        })
-    }
-// This is a temporary assert that ensures the consistency of the arguments
-// given the current limitations of Cargo. The long term fix is to have each
-// Target know the absolute path to the build location.
-fn uniq_target_dest<'a>(targets: &[&'a Target]) -> Option<&'a str> {
-    let mut curr: Option<Option<&str>> = None;
-    for t in targets.iter() {
-        let dest = t.get_profile().get_dest();
-        match curr {
-            Some(curr) => assert!(curr == dest),
-            None => curr = Some(dest)
-        }
-    }
-    curr.unwrap()
-pub fn compile_targets<'a>(env: &str, targets: &[&Target], pkg: &Package,
-                           deps: &PackageSet, resolve: &'a Resolve,
-                           config: &'a mut Config<'a>) -> CargoResult<()>
-    if targets.is_empty() {
-        return Ok(());
-    }
-    debug!("compile_targets; targets={}; pkg={}; deps={}", targets, pkg, deps);
-    let target_dir = pkg.get_absolute_target_dir()
-                        .join(config.target().unwrap_or(""))
-                        .join(uniq_target_dest(targets).unwrap_or(""));
-    let deps_target_dir = target_dir.join("deps");
-    let output = try!(util::process("rustc").arg("-v").exec_with_output());
-    let rustc_version = str::from_utf8(output.output.as_slice()).unwrap();
-    // First ensure that the destination directory exists
-    debug!("creating target dir; path={}", target_dir.display());
-    try!(mk_target(&target_dir).chain_error(||
-        internal(format!("Couldn't create the target directory for {} at {}",
-                 pkg.get_name(), target_dir.display()))));
-    try!(mk_target(&deps_target_dir).chain_error(||
-        internal(format!("Couldn't create the directory for dependencies for {} at {}",
-                 pkg.get_name(), deps_target_dir.display()))));
-    let output = try!(util::process("rustc")
-                      .arg("-")
-                      .arg("--crate-name").arg("-")
-                      .arg("--crate-type").arg("dylib")
-                      .arg("--print-file-name")
-                      .exec_with_output());
-    let output = str::from_utf8(output.output.as_slice()).unwrap();
-    let parts: Vec<&str> = output.slice_to(output.len() - 1).split('-').collect();
-    assert!(parts.len() == 2, "rustc --print-file-name output has changed");
-    let mut cx = Context {
-        dest: &deps_target_dir,
-        deps_dir: &deps_target_dir,
-        primary: false,
-        rustc_version: rustc_version.as_slice(),
-        resolve: resolve,
-        package_set: deps,
-        config: config,
-        dylib: (parts.get(0).to_string(), parts.get(1).to_string())
-    };
-    // Build up a list of pending jobs, each of which represent compiling a
-    // particular package. No actual work is executed as part of this, that's
-    // all done later as part of the `execute` function which will run
-    // everything in order with proper parallelism.
-    let mut jobs = Vec::new();
-    for dep in deps.iter() {
-        if dep == pkg { continue; }
-        // Only compile lib targets for dependencies
-        let targets = dep.get_targets().iter().filter(|target| {
-            target.is_lib() && match env {
-                "test" => target.get_profile().is_compile(),
-                _ => target.get_profile().get_env() == env,
-            }
-        }).collect::<Vec<&Target>>();
-        try!(compile(targets.as_slice(), dep, &mut cx, &mut jobs));
-    }
-    cx.primary = true;
-    cx.dest = &target_dir;
-    try!(compile(targets, pkg, &mut cx, &mut jobs));
-    // Now that we've figured out everything that we're going to do, do it!
-    execute(cx.config, jobs)
-fn compile<'a>(targets: &[&Target], pkg: &'a Package, cx: &mut Context,
-               jobs: &mut Vec<(&'a Package, Freshness, Job)>) -> CargoResult<()> {
-    debug!("compile_pkg; pkg={}; targets={}", pkg, targets);
-    if targets.is_empty() {
-        return Ok(())
-    }
-    // First check to see if this package is fresh.
-    //
-    // Note that we're compiling things in topological order, so if nothing has
-    // been built up to this point and we're fresh, then we can safely skip
-    // recompilation. If anything has previously been rebuilt, it may have been
-    // a dependency of ours, so just go ahead and rebuild ourselves.
-    //
-    // This is not quite accurate, we should only trigger forceful
-    // recompilations for downstream dependencies of ourselves, not everyone
-    // compiled afterwards.a
-    let fingerprint_loc = cx.dest.join(format!(".{}.fingerprint",
-                                               pkg.get_name()));
-    let (is_fresh, fingerprint) = try!(is_fresh(pkg, &fingerprint_loc, cx,
-                                                targets));
-    // First part of the build step of a target is to execute all of the custom
-    // build commands.
-    //
-    // TODO: Should this be on the target or the package?
-    let mut build_cmds = Vec::new();
-    for build_cmd in pkg.get_manifest().get_build().iter() {
-        build_cmds.push(compile_custom(pkg, build_cmd.as_slice(), cx));
-    }
-    // After the custom command has run, execute rustc for all targets of our
-    // package.
-    //
-    // Note that bins can all be built in parallel because they all depend on
-    // one another, but libs must be built sequentially because they may have
-    // interdependencies.
-    let mut libs = Vec::new();
-    let mut bins = Vec::new();
-    for &target in targets.iter() {
-        let job = rustc(pkg, target, cx);
-        if target.is_lib() {
-            libs.push(job);
-        } else {
-            bins.push(job);
-        }
-    }
-    // Only after all the binaries have been built can we actually write the
-    // fingerprint. Currently fingerprints are transactionally done per package,
-    // not per-target.
-    //
-    // TODO: Can a fingerprint be per-target instead of per-package? Doing so
-    //       would likely involve altering the granularity of key for the
-    //       dependency queue that is later used to run jobs.
-    let state = Arc::new(atomics::AtomicUint::new(bins.len()));
-    let write_fingerprint = || {
-        let (my_state, fingerprint_loc, fingerprint) =
-            (state.clone(), fingerprint_loc.clone(), fingerprint.clone());
-        Work(proc() {
-            if my_state.load(atomics::SeqCst) == 0 {
-                let mut file = try!(File::create(&fingerprint_loc));
-                try!(file.write_str(fingerprint.as_slice()));
-            }
-            Ok(Vec::new())
-        })
-    };
-    // Note that we build the job backwards because each job will produce more
-    // work.
-    let build_libs = if bins.len() == 0 {
-        Job::all(libs, vec![write_fingerprint()])
-    } else {
-        Job::all(libs, bins.move_iter().map(|Work(bin)| {
-            let my_state = state.clone();
-            let write = write_fingerprint();
-            Work(proc() {
-                try!(bin());
-                my_state.fetch_sub(1, atomics::SeqCst);
-                Ok(vec![write])
-            })
-        }).collect())
-    };
-    let job = Job::all(build_cmds, vec![build_libs]);
-    jobs.push((pkg, if is_fresh {Fresh} else {Dirty}, job));
-    Ok(())
-fn is_fresh(dep: &Package, loc: &Path,
-            cx: &mut Context, targets: &[&Target]) -> CargoResult<(bool, String)>
-    let new_pkg_fingerprint = format!("{}{}", cx.rustc_version,
-                                  try!(dep.get_fingerprint(cx.config)));
-    let new_fingerprint = fingerprint(new_pkg_fingerprint, hash_targets(targets));
-    let mut file = match File::open(loc) {
-        Ok(file) => file,
-        Err(..) => return Ok((false, new_fingerprint)),
-    };
-    let old_fingerprint = try!(file.read_to_string());
-    log!(5, "old fingerprint: {}", old_fingerprint);
-    log!(5, "new fingerprint: {}", new_fingerprint);
-    Ok((old_fingerprint == new_fingerprint, new_fingerprint))
-fn hash_targets(targets: &[&Target]) -> u64 {
-    let hasher = SipHasher::new_with_keys(0,0);
-    let targets = targets.iter().map(|t| (*t).clone()).collect::<Vec<Target>>();
-    hasher.hash(&targets)
-fn fingerprint(package: String, profiles: u64) -> String {
-    let hasher = SipHasher::new_with_keys(0,0);
-    util::to_hex(hasher.hash(&(package, profiles)))
-fn mk_target(target: &Path) -> Result<(), IoError> {
-    io::fs::mkdir_recursive(target, io::UserRWX)
-fn compile_custom(pkg: &Package, cmd: &str,
-                  cx: &Context) -> Job {
-    // FIXME: this needs to be smarter about splitting
-    let mut cmd = cmd.split(' ');
-    let mut p = util::process(cmd.next().unwrap())
-                     .cwd(pkg.get_root())
-                     .env("OUT_DIR", Some(cx.dest.as_str().expect("non-UTF8 dest path")))
-                     .env("DEPS_DIR", Some(cx.dest.join(cx.deps_dir)
-                                             .as_str().expect("non-UTF8 deps path")))
-                     .env("TARGET", cx.config.target());
-    for arg in cmd {
-        p = p.arg(arg);
-    }
-    Work(proc() {
-        try!(p.exec_with_output().map(|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.mark_human()));
-        Ok(Vec::new())
-    })
-fn rustc(package: &Package, target: &Target, cx: &mut Context) -> Job {
-    let crate_types = target.rustc_crate_types();
-    let root = package.get_root();
-    log!(5, "root={}; target={}; crate_types={}; dest={}; deps={}; verbose={}",
-         root.display(), target, crate_types, cx.dest.display(),
-         cx.deps_dir.display(), cx.primary);
-    let primary = cx.primary;
-    let rustc = prepare_rustc(package, target, crate_types, cx);
-    log!(5, "command={}", rustc);
-    let _ = cx.config.shell().verbose(|shell| {
-        shell.status("Running", rustc.to_string())
-    });
-    Work(proc() {
-        if primary {
-            log!(5, "executing primary");
-            try!(rustc.exec().map_err(|err| human(err.to_string())))
-        } else {
-            log!(5, "executing deps");
-            try!(rustc.exec_with_output().and(Ok(())).map_err(|err| {
-                human(err.to_string())
-            }))
-        }
-        Ok(Vec::new())
-    })
-fn prepare_rustc(package: &Package, target: &Target, crate_types: Vec<&str>,
-                 cx: &Context) -> ProcessBuilder
-    let root = package.get_root();
-    let mut args = Vec::new();
-    build_base_args(&mut args, target, crate_types, cx);
-    build_deps_args(&mut args, package, cx);
-    util::process("rustc")
-        .cwd(root.clone())
-        .args(args.as_slice())
-        .env("RUST_LOG", None) // rustc is way too noisy
-fn build_base_args(into: &mut Args,
-                   target: &Target,
-                   crate_types: Vec<&str>,
-                   cx: &Context)
-    let metadata = target.get_metadata();
-    // TODO: Handle errors in converting paths into args
-    into.push(target.get_src_path().display().to_string());
-    into.push("--crate-name".to_string());
-    into.push(target.get_name().to_string());
-    for crate_type in crate_types.iter() {
-        into.push("--crate-type".to_string());
-        into.push(crate_type.to_string());
-    }
-    let out = cx.dest.clone();
-    let profile = target.get_profile();
-    if profile.get_opt_level() != 0 {
-        into.push("--opt-level".to_string());
-        into.push(profile.get_opt_level().to_string());
-    }
-    // Right now -g is a little buggy, so we're not passing -g just yet
-    // if profile.get_debug() {
-    //     into.push("-g".to_string());
-    // }
-    if profile.is_test() {
-        into.push("--test".to_string());
-    }
-    match metadata {
-        Some(m) => {
-            into.push("-C".to_string());
-            into.push(format!("metadata={}", m.metadata));
-            into.push("-C".to_string());
-            into.push(format!("extra-filename={}", m.extra_filename));
-        }
-        None => {}
-    }
-    if target.is_lib() {
-        into.push("--out-dir".to_string());
-        into.push(out.display().to_string());
-    } else {
-        into.push("-o".to_string());
-        into.push(out.join(target.get_name()).display().to_string());
-    }
-    match cx.config.target() {
-        Some(target) if !profile.is_plugin() => {
-            into.push("--target".to_string());
-            into.push(target.to_string());
-        }
-        _ => {}
-    }
-fn build_deps_args(dst: &mut Args, package: &Package, cx: &Context) {
-    dst.push("-L".to_string());
-    dst.push(cx.dest.display().to_string());
-    dst.push("-L".to_string());
-    dst.push(cx.deps_dir.display().to_string());
-    for target in dep_targets(package, cx).iter() {
-        dst.push("--extern".to_string());
-        dst.push(format!("{}={}/{}",
-                 target.get_name(),
-                 cx.deps_dir.display(),
-                 target_filename(target, cx)));
-    }
-fn target_filename(target: &Target, cx: &Context) -> String {
-    let stem = target.file_stem();
-    if target.is_dylib() {
-        let (ref prefix, ref suffix) = cx.dylib;
-        format!("{}{}{}", prefix, stem, suffix)
-    } else if target.is_rlib() {
-        format!("lib{}.rlib", stem)
-    } else {
-        unreachable!()
-    }
-fn dep_targets(pkg: &Package, cx: &Context) -> Vec<Target> {
-    match cx.resolve.deps(pkg.get_package_id()) {
-        None => vec!(),
-        Some(deps) => deps
-            .map(|pkg_id| {
-                cx.package_set.iter()
-                  .find(|pkg| pkg_id == pkg.get_package_id())
-                  .expect("Should have found package")
-            })
-            .filter_map(|pkg| {
-                pkg.get_targets().iter().find(|&t| t.is_lib() && t.get_profile().is_compile())
-            })
-            .map(|t| t.clone())
-            .collect()
-    }
-/// Execute all jobs necessary to build the dependency graph.
-/// This function will spawn off `config.jobs()` workers to build all of the
-/// necessary dependencies, in order. Freshness is propagated as far as possible
-/// along each dependency chain.
-fn execute(config: &mut Config,
-           jobs: Vec<(&Package, Freshness, Job)>) -> CargoResult<()> {
-    let pool = TaskPool::new(config.jobs());
-    let (tx, rx) = channel();
-    let mut queue = DependencyQueue::new();
-    for &(pkg, _, _) in jobs.iter() {
-        queue.register(pkg);
-    }
-    for (pkg, fresh, job) in jobs.move_iter() {
-        queue.enqueue(pkg, fresh, (pkg, job));
-    }
-    // Iteratively execute the dependency graph. Each turn of this loop will
-    // schedule as much work as possible and then wait for one job to finish,
-    // possibly scheduling more work afterwards.
-    let mut active = HashMap::new();
-    while queue.len() > 0 {
-        loop {
-            match queue.dequeue() {
-                Some((name, Fresh, (pkg, _))) => {
-                    assert!(active.insert(name.clone(), 1u));
-                    try!(config.shell().status("Fresh", pkg));
-                    tx.send((name, Fresh, Ok(Vec::new())));
-                }
-                Some((name, Dirty, (pkg, Work(job)))) => {
-                    assert!(active.insert(name.clone(), 1));
-                    try!(config.shell().status("Compiling", pkg));
-                    let my_tx = tx.clone();
-                    pool.execute(proc() my_tx.send((name, Dirty, job())));
-                }
-                None => break,
-            }
-        }
-        // Now that all possible work has been scheduled, wait for a piece of
-        // work to finish. If any package fails to build then we stop scheduling
-        // work as quickly as possibly.
-        let (name, fresh, result) = rx.recv();
-        *active.get_mut(&name) -= 1;
-        match result {
-            Ok(v) => {
-                for Work(job) in v.move_iter() {
-                    *active.get_mut(&name) += 1;
-                    let my_tx = tx.clone();
-                    let my_name = name.clone();
-                    pool.execute(proc() {
-                        my_tx.send((my_name, fresh, job()));
-                    });
-                }
-                if *active.get(&name) == 0 {
-                    active.remove(&name);
-                    queue.finish(&name, fresh);
-                }
-            }
-            Err(e) => {
-                if *active.get(&name) == 0 {
-                    active.remove(&name);
-                }
-                if active.len() > 0 && config.jobs() > 1 {
-                    try!(config.shell().say("Build failed, waiting for other \
-                                             jobs to finish...", YELLOW));
-                    for _ in rx.iter() {}
-                }
-                return Err(e)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    log!(5, "rustc jobs completed");
-    Ok(())
diff --git a/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/job.rs b/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/job.rs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..613ad0d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use util::CargoResult;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+pub struct Job {
+    work: proc():Send -> CargoResult<Vec<Job>>,
+impl Job {
+    /// Create a new job representing a unit of work.
+    pub fn new(work: proc():Send -> CargoResult<Vec<Job>>) -> Job {
+        Job { work: work }
+    }
+    /// Creates a new job which will execute all of `jobs` and then return the
+    /// work `after` if they all succeed sequentially.
+    pub fn all(jobs: Vec<Job>, after: Vec<Job>) -> Job {
+        Job::new(proc() {
+            for job in jobs.move_iter() {
+                try!(job.run());
+            }
+            Ok(after)
+        })
+    }
+    /// Maps a list of jobs to a new list of jobs which will run `after` once
+    /// all the jobs have completed.
+    pub fn after(jobs: Vec<Job>, after: Job) -> Vec<Job> {
+        if jobs.len() == 0 { return vec![after] }
+        struct State { job: Option<Job>, remaining: uint }
+        let lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State {
+            job: Some(after),
+            remaining: jobs.len(),
+        }));
+        jobs.move_iter().map(|job| {
+            let my_lock = lock.clone();
+            Job::new(proc() {
+                try!(job.run());
+                let mut state = my_lock.lock();
+                state.remaining -= 1;
+                Ok(if state.remaining == 0 {
+                    vec![state.job.take().unwrap()]
+                } else {
+                    Vec::new()
+                })
+            })
+        }).collect()
+    }
+    /// Consumes this job by running it, returning the result of the
+    /// computation.
+    pub fn run(self) -> CargoResult<Vec<Job>> {
+        (self.work)()
+    }
diff --git a/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/mod.rs b/src/cargo/ops/cargo_rustc/mod.rs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..343f22d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::hash::Hasher;
+use std::hash::sip::SipHasher;
+use std::io::{File, IoError};
+use std::io;
+use std::os::args;
+use std::str;
+use term::color::YELLOW;
+use core::{Package, PackageSet, Target, Resolve};
+use util;
+use util::{CargoResult, ChainError, ProcessBuilder, CargoError, internal, human};
+use util::{Config, TaskPool, DependencyQueue, Fresh, Dirty, Freshness};
+use self::job::Job;
+mod job;
+type Args = Vec<String>;
+struct Context<'a, 'b> {
+    dest: &'a Path,
+    deps_dir: &'a Path,
+    primary: bool,
+    rustc_version: &'a str,
+    resolve: &'a Resolve,
+    package_set: &'a PackageSet,
+    config: &'b mut Config<'b>,
+    dylib: (String, String)
+// This is a temporary assert that ensures the consistency of the arguments
+// given the current limitations of Cargo. The long term fix is to have each
+// Target know the absolute path to the build location.
+fn uniq_target_dest<'a>(targets: &[&'a Target]) -> Option<&'a str> {
+    let mut curr: Option<Option<&str>> = None;
+    for t in targets.iter() {
+        let dest = t.get_profile().get_dest();
+        match curr {
+            Some(curr) => assert!(curr == dest),
+            None => curr = Some(dest)
+        }
+    }
+    curr.unwrap()
+pub fn compile_targets<'a>(env: &str, targets: &[&Target], pkg: &Package,
+                           deps: &PackageSet, resolve: &'a Resolve,
+                           config: &'a mut Config<'a>) -> CargoResult<()>
+    if targets.is_empty() {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    debug!("compile_targets; targets={}; pkg={}; deps={}", targets, pkg, deps);
+    let target_dir = pkg.get_absolute_target_dir()
+                        .join(config.target().unwrap_or(""))
+                        .join(uniq_target_dest(targets).unwrap_or(""));
+    let deps_target_dir = target_dir.join("deps");
+    let output = try!(util::process("rustc").arg("-v").exec_with_output());
+    let rustc_version = str::from_utf8(output.output.as_slice()).unwrap();
+    // First ensure that the destination directory exists
+    debug!("creating target dir; path={}", target_dir.display());
+    try!(mk_target(&target_dir).chain_error(||
+        internal(format!("Couldn't create the target directory for {} at {}",
+                 pkg.get_name(), target_dir.display()))));
+    try!(mk_target(&deps_target_dir).chain_error(||
+        internal(format!("Couldn't create the directory for dependencies for {} at {}",
+                 pkg.get_name(), deps_target_dir.display()))));
+    let output = try!(util::process("rustc")
+                      .arg("-")
+                      .arg("--crate-name").arg("-")
+                      .arg("--crate-type").arg("dylib")
+                      .arg("--print-file-name")
+                      .exec_with_output());
+    let output = str::from_utf8(output.output.as_slice()).unwrap();
+    let parts: Vec<&str> = output.slice_to(output.len() - 1).split('-').collect();
+    assert!(parts.len() == 2, "rustc --print-file-name output has changed");
+    let mut cx = Context {
+        dest: &deps_target_dir,
+        deps_dir: &deps_target_dir,
+        primary: false,
+        rustc_version: rustc_version.as_slice(),
+        resolve: resolve,
+        package_set: deps,
+        config: config,
+        dylib: (parts.get(0).to_string(), parts.get(1).to_string())
+    };
+    // Build up a list of pending jobs, each of which represent compiling a
+    // particular package. No actual work is executed as part of this, that's
+    // all done later as part of the `execute` function which will run
+    // everything in order with proper parallelism.
+    let mut jobs = Vec::new();
+    for dep in deps.iter() {
+        if dep == pkg { continue; }
+        // Only compile lib targets for dependencies
+        let targets = dep.get_targets().iter().filter(|target| {
+            target.is_lib() && match env {
+                "test" => target.get_profile().is_compile(),
+                _ => target.get_profile().get_env() == env,
+            }
+        }).collect::<Vec<&Target>>();
+        try!(compile(targets.as_slice(), dep, &mut cx, &mut jobs));
+    }
+    cx.primary = true;
+    cx.dest = &target_dir;
+    try!(compile(targets, pkg, &mut cx, &mut jobs));
+    // Now that we've figured out everything that we're going to do, do it!
+    execute(cx.config, jobs)
+fn compile<'a>(targets: &[&Target], pkg: &'a Package, cx: &mut Context,
+               jobs: &mut Vec<(&'a Package, Freshness, Job)>) -> CargoResult<()> {
+    debug!("compile_pkg; pkg={}; targets={}", pkg, targets);
+    if targets.is_empty() {
+        return Ok(())
+    }
+    // First part of the build step of a target is to execute all of the custom
+    // build commands.
+    //
+    // TODO: Should this be on the target or the package?
+    let mut build_cmds = Vec::new();
+    for build_cmd in pkg.get_manifest().get_build().iter() {
+        build_cmds.push(compile_custom(pkg, build_cmd.as_slice(), cx));
+    }
+    // After the custom command has run, execute rustc for all targets of our
+    // package.
+    //
+    // Note that bins can all be built in parallel because they all depend on
+    // one another, but libs must be built sequentially because they may have
+    // interdependencies.
+    let mut libs = Vec::new();
+    let mut bins = Vec::new();
+    for &target in targets.iter() {
+        let job = rustc(pkg, target, cx);
+        if target.is_lib() {
+            libs.push(job);
+        } else {
+            bins.push(job);
+        }
+    }
+    // Only after all the binaries have been built can we actually write the
+    // fingerprint. Currently fingerprints are transactionally done per package,
+    // not per-target.
+    //
+    // TODO: Can a fingerprint be per-target instead of per-package? Doing so
+    //       would likely involve altering the granularity of key for the
+    //       dependency queue that is later used to run jobs.
+    let fingerprint_loc = cx.dest.join(format!(".{}.fingerprint",
+                                               pkg.get_name()));
+    let (is_fresh, fingerprint) = try!(is_fresh(pkg, &fingerprint_loc, cx,
+                                                targets));
+    let write_fingerprint = Job::new(proc() {
+        try!(File::create(&fingerprint_loc).write_str(fingerprint.as_slice()));
+        Ok(Vec::new())
+    });
+    // Note that we build the job backwards because each job will produce more
+    // work.
+    let bins = Job::after(bins, write_fingerprint);
+    let build_libs = Job::all(libs, bins);
+    let job = Job::all(build_cmds, vec![build_libs]);
+    jobs.push((pkg, if is_fresh {Fresh} else {Dirty}, job));
+    Ok(())
+fn is_fresh(dep: &Package, loc: &Path,
+            cx: &mut Context, targets: &[&Target]) -> CargoResult<(bool, String)>
+    let new_pkg_fingerprint = format!("{}{}", cx.rustc_version,
+                                  try!(dep.get_fingerprint(cx.config)));
+    let new_fingerprint = fingerprint(new_pkg_fingerprint, hash_targets(targets));
+    let mut file = match File::open(loc) {
+        Ok(file) => file,
+        Err(..) => return Ok((false, new_fingerprint)),
+    };
+    let old_fingerprint = try!(file.read_to_string());
+    log!(5, "old fingerprint: {}", old_fingerprint);
+    log!(5, "new fingerprint: {}", new_fingerprint);
+    Ok((old_fingerprint == new_fingerprint, new_fingerprint))
+fn hash_targets(targets: &[&Target]) -> u64 {
+    let hasher = SipHasher::new_with_keys(0,0);
+    let targets = targets.iter().map(|t| (*t).clone()).collect::<Vec<Target>>();
+    hasher.hash(&targets)
+fn fingerprint(package: String, profiles: u64) -> String {
+    let hasher = SipHasher::new_with_keys(0,0);
+    util::to_hex(hasher.hash(&(package, profiles)))
+fn mk_target(target: &Path) -> Result<(), IoError> {
+    io::fs::mkdir_recursive(target, io::UserRWX)
+fn compile_custom(pkg: &Package, cmd: &str,
+                  cx: &Context) -> Job {
+    // FIXME: this needs to be smarter about splitting
+    let mut cmd = cmd.split(' ');
+    let mut p = util::process(cmd.next().unwrap())
+                     .cwd(pkg.get_root())
+                     .env("OUT_DIR", Some(cx.dest.as_str().expect("non-UTF8 dest path")))
+                     .env("DEPS_DIR", Some(cx.dest.join(cx.deps_dir)
+                                             .as_str().expect("non-UTF8 deps path")))
+                     .env("TARGET", cx.config.target());
+    for arg in cmd {
+        p = p.arg(arg);
+    }
+    Job::new(proc() {
+        try!(p.exec_with_output().map(|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.mark_human()));
+        Ok(Vec::new())
+    })
+fn rustc(package: &Package, target: &Target, cx: &mut Context) -> Job {
+    let crate_types = target.rustc_crate_types();
+    let root = package.get_root();
+    log!(5, "root={}; target={}; crate_types={}; dest={}; deps={}; verbose={}",
+         root.display(), target, crate_types, cx.dest.display(),
+         cx.deps_dir.display(), cx.primary);
+    let primary = cx.primary;
+    let rustc = prepare_rustc(package, target, crate_types, cx);
+    log!(5, "command={}", rustc);
+    let _ = cx.config.shell().verbose(|shell| {
+        shell.status("Running", rustc.to_string())
+    });
+    Job::new(proc() {
+        if primary {
+            log!(5, "executing primary");
+            try!(rustc.exec().map_err(|err| human(err.to_string())))
+        } else {
+            log!(5, "executing deps");
+            try!(rustc.exec_with_output().and(Ok(())).map_err(|err| {
+                human(err.to_string())
+            }))
+        }
+        Ok(Vec::new())
+    })
+fn prepare_rustc(package: &Package, target: &Target, crate_types: Vec<&str>,
+                 cx: &Context) -> ProcessBuilder
+    let root = package.get_root();
+    let mut args = Vec::new();
+    build_base_args(&mut args, target, crate_types, cx);
+    build_deps_args(&mut args, package, cx);
+    util::process("rustc")
+        .cwd(root.clone())
+        .args(args.as_slice())
+        .env("RUST_LOG", None) // rustc is way too noisy
+fn build_base_args(into: &mut Args,
+                   target: &Target,
+                   crate_types: Vec<&str>,
+                   cx: &Context)
+    let metadata = target.get_metadata();
+    // TODO: Handle errors in converting paths into args
+    into.push(target.get_src_path().display().to_string());
+    into.push("--crate-name".to_string());
+    into.push(target.get_name().to_string());
+    for crate_type in crate_types.iter() {
+        into.push("--crate-type".to_string());
+        into.push(crate_type.to_string());
+    }
+    let out = cx.dest.clone();
+    let profile = target.get_profile();
+    if profile.get_opt_level() != 0 {
+        into.push("--opt-level".to_string());
+        into.push(profile.get_opt_level().to_string());
+    }
+    // Right now -g is a little buggy, so we're not passing -g just yet
+    // if profile.get_debug() {
+    //     into.push("-g".to_string());
+    // }
+    if profile.is_test() {
+        into.push("--test".to_string());
+    }
+    match metadata {
+        Some(m) => {
+            into.push("-C".to_string());
+            into.push(format!("metadata={}", m.metadata));
+            into.push("-C".to_string());
+            into.push(format!("extra-filename={}", m.extra_filename));
+        }
+        None => {}
+    }
+    if target.is_lib() {
+        into.push("--out-dir".to_string());
+        into.push(out.display().to_string());
+    } else {
+        into.push("-o".to_string());
+        into.push(out.join(target.get_name()).display().to_string());
+    }
+    match cx.config.target() {
+        Some(target) if !profile.is_plugin() => {
+            into.push("--target".to_string());
+            into.push(target.to_string());
+        }
+        _ => {}
+    }
+fn build_deps_args(dst: &mut Args, package: &Package, cx: &Context) {
+    dst.push("-L".to_string());
+    dst.push(cx.dest.display().to_string());
+    dst.push("-L".to_string());
+    dst.push(cx.deps_dir.display().to_string());
+    for target in dep_targets(package, cx).iter() {
+        dst.push("--extern".to_string());
+        dst.push(format!("{}={}/{}",
+                 target.get_name(),
+                 cx.deps_dir.display(),
+                 target_filename(target, cx)));
+    }
+fn target_filename(target: &Target, cx: &Context) -> String {
+    let stem = target.file_stem();
+    if target.is_dylib() {
+        let (ref prefix, ref suffix) = cx.dylib;
+        format!("{}{}{}", prefix, stem, suffix)
+    } else if target.is_rlib() {
+        format!("lib{}.rlib", stem)
+    } else {
+        unreachable!()
+    }
+fn dep_targets(pkg: &Package, cx: &Context) -> Vec<Target> {
+    match cx.resolve.deps(pkg.get_package_id()) {
+        None => vec!(),
+        Some(deps) => deps
+            .map(|pkg_id| {
+                cx.package_set.iter()
+                  .find(|pkg| pkg_id == pkg.get_package_id())
+                  .expect("Should have found package")
+            })
+            .filter_map(|pkg| {
+                pkg.get_targets().iter().find(|&t| t.is_lib() && t.get_profile().is_compile())
+            })
+            .map(|t| t.clone())
+            .collect()
+    }
+/// Execute all jobs necessary to build the dependency graph.
+/// This function will spawn off `config.jobs()` workers to build all of the
+/// necessary dependencies, in order. Freshness is propagated as far as possible
+/// along each dependency chain.
+fn execute(config: &mut Config,
+           jobs: Vec<(&Package, Freshness, Job)>) -> CargoResult<()> {
+    let pool = TaskPool::new(config.jobs());
+    let (tx, rx) = channel();
+    let mut queue = DependencyQueue::new();
+    for &(pkg, _, _) in jobs.iter() {
+        queue.register(pkg);
+    }
+    for (pkg, fresh, job) in jobs.move_iter() {
+        queue.enqueue(pkg, fresh, (pkg, job));
+    }
+    // Iteratively execute the dependency graph. Each turn of this loop will
+    // schedule as much work as possible and then wait for one job to finish,
+    // possibly scheduling more work afterwards.
+    let mut active = HashMap::new();
+    while queue.len() > 0 {
+        loop {
+            match queue.dequeue() {
+                Some((name, Fresh, (pkg, _))) => {
+                    assert!(active.insert(name.clone(), 1u));
+                    try!(config.shell().status("Fresh", pkg));
+                    tx.send((name, Fresh, Ok(Vec::new())));
+                }
+                Some((name, Dirty, (pkg, job))) => {
+                    assert!(active.insert(name.clone(), 1));
+                    try!(config.shell().status("Compiling", pkg));
+                    let my_tx = tx.clone();
+                    pool.execute(proc() my_tx.send((name, Dirty, job.run())));
+                }
+                None => break,
+            }
+        }
+        // Now that all possible work has been scheduled, wait for a piece of
+        // work to finish. If any package fails to build then we stop scheduling
+        // work as quickly as possibly.
+        let (name, fresh, result) = rx.recv();
+        *active.get_mut(&name) -= 1;
+        match result {
+            Ok(v) => {
+                for job in v.move_iter() {
+                    *active.get_mut(&name) += 1;
+                    let my_tx = tx.clone();
+                    let my_name = name.clone();
+                    pool.execute(proc() {
+                        my_tx.send((my_name, fresh, job.run()));
+                    });
+                }
+                if *active.get(&name) == 0 {
+                    active.remove(&name);
+                    queue.finish(&name, fresh);
+                }
+            }
+            Err(e) => {
+                if *active.get(&name) == 0 {
+                    active.remove(&name);
+                }
+                if active.len() > 0 && config.jobs() > 1 {
+                    try!(config.shell().say("Build failed, waiting for other \
+                                             jobs to finish...", YELLOW));
+                    for _ in rx.iter() {}
+                }
+                return Err(e)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    log!(5, "rustc jobs completed");
+    Ok(())