io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write},
- path::PathBuf,
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use proxmox_installer_common::{
options::{BootdiskOptions, NetworkOptions, PasswordOptions, TimezoneOptions},
- setup::{LocaleInfo, ProxmoxProduct, RuntimeInfo, SetupInfo},
+ setup::{installer_setup, LocaleInfo, ProxmoxProduct, RuntimeInfo, SetupInfo},
-fn installer_setup(in_test_mode: bool) -> Result<(SetupInfo, LocaleInfo, RuntimeInfo), String> {
- let base_path = if in_test_mode { "./testdir" } else { "/" };
- let mut path = PathBuf::from(base_path);
- path.push("run");
- path.push("proxmox-installer");
- let installer_info: SetupInfo = {
- let mut path = path.clone();
- path.push("iso-info.json");
- setup::read_json(&path).map_err(|err| format!("Failed to retrieve setup info: {err}"))?
- };
- let locale_info = {
- let mut path = path.clone();
- path.push("locales.json");
- setup::read_json(&path).map_err(|err| format!("Failed to retrieve locale info: {err}"))?
- };
- let mut runtime_info: RuntimeInfo = {
- let mut path = path.clone();
- path.push("run-env-info.json");
- setup::read_json(&path)
- .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to retrieve runtime environment info: {err}"))?
- };
- runtime_info.disks.sort();
- if runtime_info.disks.is_empty() {
- Err("The installer could not find any supported hard disks.".to_owned())
- } else {
- Ok((installer_info, locale_info, runtime_info))
- }
/// Anything that can be done late in the setup and will not result in fatal errors.
fn installer_setup_late(siv: &mut Cursive) {
let state = siv.user_data::<InstallerState>().cloned().unwrap();