umac_wl(intf, 0x800, UMC_RX_MAX_PKT_SZ);
-static int bcmasp_tx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
+static int bcmasp_tx_reclaim(struct bcmasp_intf *intf)
- struct bcmasp_intf *intf =
- container_of(napi, struct bcmasp_intf, tx_napi);
struct bcmasp_intf_stats64 *stats = &intf->stats64;
struct device *kdev = &intf->parent->pdev->dev;
unsigned long read, released = 0;
- /* Ensure all descriptors have been written to DRAM for the hardware
- * to see updated contents.
- */
- wmb();
+ return released;
+static int bcmasp_tx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
+ struct bcmasp_intf *intf =
+ container_of(napi, struct bcmasp_intf, tx_napi);
+ int released = 0;
+ released = bcmasp_tx_reclaim(intf);
intf->tx_spb_dma_read = intf->tx_spb_dma_addr;
intf->tx_spb_index = 0;
intf->tx_spb_clean_index = 0;
+ memset(intf->tx_cbs, 0, sizeof(struct bcmasp_tx_cb) * DESC_RING_COUNT);
/* Make sure channels are disabled */
tx_spb_ctrl_wl(intf, 0x0, TX_SPB_CTRL_ENABLE);
} while (timeout-- > 0);
tx_spb_dma_wl(intf, 0x0, TX_SPB_DMA_FIFO_CTRL);
+ bcmasp_tx_reclaim(intf);
umac_enable_set(intf, UMC_CMD_TX_EN, 0);