+++ /dev/null
-use anyhow::Error;
-use serde_json::Value;
-use yew::html::{IntoEventCallback, IntoPropValue};
-use yew::prelude::*;
-use pwt_macros::{builder, widget};
-use super::{
- IntoValidateFn, ManagedField, ManagedFieldContext, ManagedFieldMaster, ManagedFieldState,
- ValidateFn,
-use crate::css::AlignItems;
-use crate::props::{ContainerBuilder, CssPaddingBuilder, EventSubscriber, WidgetBuilder};
-use crate::tr;
-use crate::widget::{Container, Fa, FieldLabel, Row, Tooltip};
-pub type PwtBoolean = ManagedFieldMaster<BooleanField>;
-/// Checkbox input element, which stores values as boolean
-#[widget(pwt=crate, comp=ManagedFieldMaster<BooleanField>, @input, @element)]
-#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Properties)]
-pub struct Boolean {
- /// The value that will be submitted when the field is checked/on.
- ///
- /// Note: must differ from the `submit_off_value` to be working correctly.
- #[builder(Into, into)]
- #[prop_or(Value::Bool(true))]
- pub submit_on_value: Value,
- /// The value that will be submitted when the field is not checked/off.
- ///
- /// Note: must differ from the `submit_on_value` to be working correctly.
- #[builder(Into, into)]
- #[prop_or(Value::Bool(false))]
- pub submit_off_value: Value,
- /// Force value (ignored by managed fields)
- #[builder(IntoPropValue, into_prop_value)]
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub checked: Option<bool>,
- /// Default value.
- #[builder(IntoPropValue, into_prop_value)]
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub default: Option<bool>,
- /// Use switch style layout.
- #[prop_or_default]
- #[builder]
- pub switch: bool,
- /// The tooltip.
- #[prop_or_default]
- #[builder(IntoPropValue, into_prop_value)]
- pub tip: Option<AttrValue>,
- /// Validation function.
- ///
- /// ```
- /// # use anyhow::bail;
- /// # use pwt::prelude::*;
- /// # use pwt::widget::form::Boolean;
- /// Boolean::new()
- /// .submit(false)
- /// .validate(|value: &bool| {
- /// if !value {
- /// bail!("Please accept the Terms Of Service")
- /// }
- /// Ok(())
- /// });
- /// ```
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub validate: Option<ValidateFn<bool>>,
- /// Change callback
- #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, bool)]
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub on_change: Option<Callback<bool>>,
- /// Input callback.
- ///
- /// Called on user interaction:
- ///
- /// - Click on the checkbox.
- /// - Click on the associated input label.
- /// - Activation by keyboard (space press).
- #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, bool)]
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub on_input: Option<Callback<bool>>,
- /// A right side label for the checkbox, to display additional information
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub box_label: Option<FieldLabel>,
-impl Boolean {
- /// Creates a new instance.
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- yew::props!(Self {})
- }
- /// Builder style method to set the validate callback
- pub fn validate(mut self, validate: impl IntoValidateFn<bool>) -> Self {
- self.set_validate(validate);
- self
- }
- /// Method to set the validate callback
- pub fn set_validate(&mut self, validate: impl IntoValidateFn<bool>) {
- self.validate = validate.into_validate_fn();
- }
- /// Method to set the box label.
- ///
- /// A right side label for the checkbox to display additional information
- pub fn set_box_label(&mut self, box_label: impl Into<FieldLabel>) {
- self.box_label = Some(box_label.into());
- }
- /// Builder method to set the box label.
- ///
- ///A right side label for the checkbox to display additional information
- pub fn box_label(mut self, box_label: impl Into<FieldLabel>) -> Self {
- self.set_box_label(box_label);
- self
- }
-pub enum Msg {
- Toggle,
-pub struct BooleanField {}
-pub struct ValidateClosure {
- validate: Option<ValidateFn<bool>>,
- submit_on_value: Value,
- submit_off_value: Value,
-impl ManagedField for BooleanField {
- type Properties = Boolean;
- type Message = Msg;
- type ValidateClosure = ValidateClosure;
- fn validation_args(props: &Self::Properties) -> Self::ValidateClosure {
- ValidateClosure {
- validate: props.validate.clone(),
- submit_on_value: props.submit_on_value.clone(),
- submit_off_value: props.submit_off_value.clone(),
- }
- }
- fn validator(props: &Self::ValidateClosure, value: &Value) -> Result<Value, Error> {
- let value = match value {
- Value::Bool(value) => *value,
- other => {
- if *other == props.submit_on_value {
- true
- } else if *other == props.submit_off_value {
- false
- } else {
- return Err(Error::msg(tr!("got invalid value.")));
- }
- }
- };
- if let Some(validate) = &props.validate {
- validate.apply(&value)?;
- }
- Ok(Value::Bool(value))
- }
- fn setup(props: &Boolean) -> ManagedFieldState {
- let mut value = Value::Bool(false);
- if let Some(default) = &props.default {
- value = if *default {
- props.submit_on_value.clone()
- } else {
- props.submit_off_value.clone()
- };
- }
- if let Some(checked) = &props.checked {
- value = if *checked {
- props.submit_on_value.clone()
- } else {
- props.submit_off_value.clone()
- };
- }
- let valid = Ok(());
- let default = if props.default.unwrap_or(false) {
- props.submit_on_value.clone()
- } else {
- props.submit_off_value.clone()
- };
- ManagedFieldState {
- value,
- valid,
- default,
- radio_group: false,
- unique: false,
- }
- }
- fn create(_ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) -> Self {
- Self {}
- }
- fn label_clicked(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) -> bool {
- ctx.link().send_message(Msg::Toggle);
- false
- }
- fn update(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
- let props = ctx.props();
- let state = ctx.state();
- match msg {
- Msg::Toggle => {
- if props.input_props.disabled {
- return true;
- }
- let checked = state.value == props.submit_on_value;
- let new_value = if checked {
- props.submit_off_value.clone()
- } else {
- props.submit_on_value.clone()
- };
- ctx.link().update_value(new_value);
- if let Some(on_input) = &props.on_input {
- on_input.emit(!checked);
- }
- false
- }
- }
- }
- fn value_changed(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) {
- let props = ctx.props();
- let state = ctx.state();
- let checked = state.value == props.submit_on_value;
- if let Some(on_change) = &props.on_change {
- on_change.emit(checked);
- }
- }
- fn changed(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, _old_props: &Self::Properties) -> bool {
- let props = ctx.props();
- if let Some(checked) = props.checked {
- let value = if checked {
- props.submit_on_value.clone()
- } else {
- props.submit_off_value.clone()
- };
- ctx.link().force_value(Some(value), None)
- }
- true
- }
- fn view(&self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) -> Html {
- let props = ctx.props();
- let link = ctx.link();
- let disabled = props.input_props.disabled;
- let state = ctx.state();
- let (value, valid) = (&state.value, &state.valid);
- let checked = {
- let this = &props;
- *value == this.submit_on_value
- };
- let onclick = link.callback(|_| Msg::Toggle);
- let onkeyup = Callback::from({
- let link = link.clone();
- move |event: KeyboardEvent| {
- if event.key() == " " {
- link.send_message(Msg::Toggle);
- }
- }
- });
- let (layout_class, inner_class) = match props.switch {
- true => ("pwt-switch", "pwt-switch-slider"),
- false => ("pwt-checkbox", "pwt-checkbox-icon"),
- };
- let checkbox = Container::new()
- .class((!props.switch).then_some("pwt-checkbox-state"))
- .with_child(
- Container::new()
- .class(layout_class)
- .with_child(
- Container::from_tag("span")
- .class(inner_class)
- .with_child(Fa::new("check")),
- )
- .class(checked.then_some("checked"))
- .class(disabled.then_some("disabled"))
- .class(if valid.is_ok() {
- "is-valid"
- } else {
- "is-invalid"
- })
- .attribute(
- "tabindex",
- props.input_props.tabindex.unwrap_or(0).to_string(),
- )
- .attribute("role", "checkbox")
- .attribute("aria-checked", checked.then_some("true"))
- .onkeyup(onkeyup),
- );
- let box_label = props.box_label.clone().map(|label| label.padding_start(2));
- let checkbox = Row::new()
- .class(AlignItems::Center)
- .with_child(checkbox)
- .with_optional_child(box_label);
- // TODO: add other props.input_props
- let mut checkbox = Tooltip::new(checkbox)
- .with_std_props(&props.std_props)
- .listeners(&props.listeners)
- .onclick(onclick);
- if let Err(msg) = &valid {
- checkbox.set_tip(msg.clone())
- } else if let Some(tip) = &props.tip {
- if !disabled {
- checkbox.set_tip(tip.clone())
- }
- }
- checkbox.into()
- }
- fn rendered(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, first_render: bool) {
- if first_render {
- let props = ctx.props();
- if props.input_props.autofocus {
- if let Some(el) = props.std_props.node_ref.cast::<web_sys::HtmlElement>() {
- let _ = el.focus();
- }
- }
- }
- }
use pwt_macros::{builder, widget};
-use crate::props::{ContainerBuilder, EventSubscriber, WidgetBuilder};
-use crate::tr;
-use crate::widget::{Container, Tooltip};
use super::{
IntoValidateFn, ManagedField, ManagedFieldContext, ManagedFieldMaster, ManagedFieldState,
+use crate::css::AlignItems;
+use crate::props::{ContainerBuilder, CssPaddingBuilder, EventSubscriber, WidgetBuilder};
+use crate::tr;
+use crate::widget::{Container, Fa, FieldLabel, Row, Tooltip};
pub type PwtCheckbox = ManagedFieldMaster<CheckboxField>;
-/// Checkbox input element.
+/// Checkbox input element, which stores values as boolean
#[widget(pwt=crate, comp=ManagedFieldMaster<CheckboxField>, @input, @element)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Properties)]
pub struct Checkbox {
- /// Checkbox value (default is "on").
- #[builder(IntoPropValue, into_prop_value)]
- #[prop_or_default]
- pub value: Option<AttrValue>,
+ /// The value that will be submitted when the field is checked/on.
+ ///
+ /// Note: must differ from the `submit_off_value` to be working correctly.
+ #[builder(Into, into)]
+ #[prop_or(Value::Bool(true))]
+ pub submit_on_value: Value,
+ /// The value that will be submitted when the field is not checked/off.
+ ///
+ /// Note: must differ from the `submit_on_value` to be working correctly.
+ #[builder(Into, into)]
+ #[prop_or(Value::Bool(false))]
+ pub submit_off_value: Value,
- /// Force value (ignored by managed fields).
+ /// Force value (ignored by managed fields)
#[builder(IntoPropValue, into_prop_value)]
pub checked: Option<bool>,
pub default: Option<bool>,
- /// Radio group flag
- #[prop_or_default]
- #[builder]
- pub radio_group: bool,
/// Use switch style layout.
pub validate: Option<ValidateFn<bool>>,
- /// Change callback.
- #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, String)]
+ /// Change callback
+ #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, bool)]
- pub on_change: Option<Callback<String>>,
+ pub on_change: Option<Callback<bool>>,
/// Input callback.
/// - Click on the checkbox.
/// - Click on the associated input label.
/// - Activation by keyboard (space press).
- #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, String)]
+ #[builder_cb(IntoEventCallback, into_event_callback, bool)]
+ #[prop_or_default]
+ pub on_input: Option<Callback<bool>>,
+ /// A right side label for the checkbox, to display additional information
- pub on_input: Option<Callback<String>>,
+ pub box_label: Option<FieldLabel>,
impl Checkbox {
yew::props!(Self {})
- /// Creates a radio group member.
- pub fn radio() -> Self {
- yew::props!(Self { radio_group: true })
- }
/// Builder style method to set the validate callback
pub fn validate(mut self, validate: impl IntoValidateFn<bool>) -> Self {
pub fn set_validate(&mut self, validate: impl IntoValidateFn<bool>) {
self.validate = validate.into_validate_fn();
+ /// Method to set the box label.
+ ///
+ /// A right side label for the checkbox to display additional information
+ pub fn set_box_label(&mut self, box_label: impl Into<FieldLabel>) {
+ self.box_label = Some(box_label.into());
+ }
+ /// Builder method to set the box label.
+ ///
+ ///A right side label for the checkbox to display additional information
+ pub fn box_label(mut self, box_label: impl Into<FieldLabel>) -> Self {
+ self.set_box_label(box_label);
+ self
+ }
pub enum Msg {
pub struct ValidateClosure {
validate: Option<ValidateFn<bool>>,
- on_value: AttrValue,
+ submit_on_value: Value,
+ submit_off_value: Value,
impl ManagedField for CheckboxField {
- type Message = Msg;
type Properties = Checkbox;
+ type Message = Msg;
type ValidateClosure = ValidateClosure;
fn validation_args(props: &Self::Properties) -> Self::ValidateClosure {
ValidateClosure {
validate: props.validate.clone(),
- on_value: props.value.clone().unwrap_or(AttrValue::Static("on")),
+ submit_on_value: props.submit_on_value.clone(),
+ submit_off_value: props.submit_off_value.clone(),
fn validator(props: &Self::ValidateClosure, value: &Value) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let value = match value {
- Value::String(value) => value == &props.on_value,
- _ => return Err(Error::msg(tr!("got wrong data type."))),
+ Value::Bool(value) => *value,
+ other => {
+ if *other == props.submit_on_value {
+ true
+ } else if *other == props.submit_off_value {
+ false
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::msg(tr!("got invalid value.")));
+ }
+ }
if let Some(validate) = &props.validate {
- Ok(if value {
- Value::String(props.on_value.to_string())
- } else {
- Value::String(String::new())
- })
+ Ok(Value::Bool(value))
fn setup(props: &Checkbox) -> ManagedFieldState {
- let on_value = props.value.as_deref().unwrap_or("on").to_string();
+ let mut value = Value::Bool(false);
+ if let Some(default) = &props.default {
+ value = if *default {
+ props.submit_on_value.clone()
+ } else {
+ props.submit_off_value.clone()
+ };
+ }
+ if let Some(checked) = &props.checked {
+ value = if *checked {
+ props.submit_on_value.clone()
+ } else {
+ props.submit_off_value.clone()
+ };
+ }
- let default = match props.default {
- Some(true) => on_value.clone(),
- _ => String::new(),
- };
+ let valid = Ok(());
- let value = match props.checked {
- Some(true) => on_value.clone(),
- Some(false) => String::new(),
- None => default.clone(),
+ let default = if props.default.unwrap_or(false) {
+ props.submit_on_value.clone()
+ } else {
+ props.submit_off_value.clone()
ManagedFieldState {
- value: value.into(),
- valid: Ok(()),
- default: default.into(),
- radio_group: props.radio_group,
+ value,
+ valid,
+ default,
+ radio_group: false,
unique: false,
- fn value_changed(&mut self, ctx: &super::ManagedFieldContext<Self>) {
- let props = ctx.props();
- let state = ctx.state();
- let value = state.value.as_str().unwrap_or("").to_string();
- if let Some(on_change) = &props.on_change {
- on_change.emit(value);
- }
- }
fn create(_ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) -> Self {
Self {}
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
let props = ctx.props();
let state = ctx.state();
match msg {
Msg::Toggle => {
if props.input_props.disabled {
return true;
- let on_value = props.value.as_deref().unwrap_or("on").to_string();
- let value = state.value.clone();
- let new_value = if value == on_value {
- if props.radio_group {
- // do not allow to deselect radio buttons (same behaviour as browser).
- on_value
- } else {
- String::new()
- }
+ let checked = state.value == props.submit_on_value;
+ let new_value = if checked {
+ props.submit_off_value.clone()
} else {
- on_value
+ props.submit_on_value.clone()
+ ctx.link().update_value(new_value);
- let changes = value != new_value;
- if changes {
- ctx.link().update_value(new_value.clone());
- if let Some(on_input) = &props.on_input {
- on_input.emit(new_value);
- }
+ if let Some(on_input) = &props.on_input {
+ on_input.emit(!checked);
- true
+ false
- fn changed(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, _old_props: &Self::Properties) -> bool {
+ fn value_changed(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) {
let props = ctx.props();
+ let state = ctx.state();
+ let checked = state.value == props.submit_on_value;
+ if let Some(on_change) = &props.on_change {
+ on_change.emit(checked);
+ }
+ }
+ fn changed(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, _old_props: &Self::Properties) -> bool {
+ let props = ctx.props();
if let Some(checked) = props.checked {
- let on_value = props.value.as_deref().unwrap_or("on").to_string();
- let value = if checked { on_value } else { String::new() };
- ctx.link().force_value(Some(value), None);
+ let value = if checked {
+ props.submit_on_value.clone()
+ } else {
+ props.submit_off_value.clone()
+ };
+ ctx.link().force_value(Some(value), None)
fn view(&self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>) -> Html {
let props = ctx.props();
- let state = ctx.state();
+ let link = ctx.link();
let disabled = props.input_props.disabled;
- let on_value = props.value.as_deref().unwrap_or("on").to_string();
+ let state = ctx.state();
let (value, valid) = (&state.value, &state.valid);
- let checked = *value == on_value;
+ let checked = {
+ let this = &props;
+ *value == this.submit_on_value
+ };
- let onclick = ctx.link().callback(|_| Msg::Toggle);
+ let onclick = link.callback(|_| Msg::Toggle);
let onkeyup = Callback::from({
- let link = ctx.link().clone();
+ let link = link.clone();
move |event: KeyboardEvent| {
if event.key() == " " {
- let (layout_class, inner) = match (props.switch, props.radio_group) {
- (true, _) => (
- "pwt-switch",
- html! {<span class="pwt-switch-slider"><i class="fa fa-check"/></span>},
- ),
- (false, true) => {
- // Note: icon is invisible, but necessary for correct baseline alignment
- (
- "pwt-radio-button",
- html! {<span class="pwt-checkbox-icon"><i class="fa fa-check"/></span>},
- )
- }
- (false, false) => (
- "pwt-checkbox",
- html! {<span class="pwt-checkbox-icon"><i class="fa fa-check"/></span>},
- ),
+ let (layout_class, inner_class) = match props.switch {
+ true => ("pwt-switch", "pwt-switch-slider"),
+ false => ("pwt-checkbox", "pwt-checkbox-icon"),
+ let checkbox = Container::new()
+ .class((!props.switch).then_some("pwt-checkbox-state"))
+ .with_child(
+ Container::new()
+ .class(layout_class)
+ .with_child(
+ Container::from_tag("span")
+ .class(inner_class)
+ .with_child(Fa::new("check")),
+ )
+ .class(checked.then_some("checked"))
+ .class(disabled.then_some("disabled"))
+ .class(if valid.is_ok() {
+ "is-valid"
+ } else {
+ "is-invalid"
+ })
+ .attribute(
+ "tabindex",
+ props.input_props.tabindex.unwrap_or(0).to_string(),
+ )
+ .attribute("role", "checkbox")
+ .attribute("aria-checked", checked.then_some("true"))
+ .onkeyup(onkeyup),
+ );
+ let box_label = props.box_label.clone().map(|label| label.padding_start(2));
+ let checkbox = Row::new()
+ .class(AlignItems::Center)
+ .with_child(checkbox)
+ .with_optional_child(box_label);
// TODO: add other props.input_props
- let mut checkbox = Tooltip::new(inner)
+ let mut checkbox = Tooltip::new(checkbox)
- .class(layout_class)
- .class(checked.then(|| "checked"))
- .class(disabled.then(|| "disabled"))
- .class(if valid.is_ok() {
- "is-valid"
- } else {
- "is-invalid"
- })
- .attribute(
- "tabindex",
- props.input_props.tabindex.unwrap_or(0).to_string(),
- )
- .attribute("role", "checkbox")
- .attribute("aria-checked", checked.then(|| "true"))
- .onkeyup(onkeyup);
+ .onclick(onclick);
if let Err(msg) = &valid {
- if props.switch {
- checkbox.onclick(onclick).into()
- } else {
- Container::new()
- .class("pwt-checkbox-state")
- .onclick(onclick)
- .with_child(checkbox)
- .into()
- }
+ checkbox.into()
fn rendered(&mut self, ctx: &ManagedFieldContext<Self>, first_render: bool) {