#!/usr/bin/perl # hi there { # startup 'n' => 30, # number of mpi nodes 'sleep' => 3, # seconds to sleep between runs (so you have time to control-c out) 'nummds' => 1, 'numosd' => 6, 'numclient' => 100, 'until' => 100, # --syn until $n ... synthetic client will stop itself after this many seconds. 'kill_after' => 300, # seconds before everything commits suicide (in case something hangs) # stuff i want to vary # here's a simple example: # do --syn writefile command 'writefile' => 1, # and very the write size 'writefile_size' => [ # vary # 2048*1024, 1024*1024, 512*1024, 256*1024, 128*1024, 64*1024, 48*1024, 32*1024, 28*1024, 24*1024, 16*1024, 12*1024, 8*1024, 4096, # 256, # 16, # 1 ], 'writefile_mb' => 1000, # each client shoudl write 1GB (or more likely, keep going until time runs out) 'file_layout_num_rep'=> [1,2], # also vary the replication level # pass some other random things to newsyn 'custom' => '--', # for final summation (script/sum.pl) # specify time period to look at the results 'start' => 30, # skip first 30 seconds, so that caches are full etc. 'end' => 90, # go for 60 seconds # what should i parse/plot? 'comb' => { 'x' => 'writefile_size', 'vars' => [ 'osd.c_wrb', 'osd.r_wrb' ], } };