/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */ @use './src/styles/defaults' as *; // Angular2-Tree Component @import '~@circlon/angular-tree-component/css/angular-tree-component.css'; // Fork-Awesome $fa-font-path: '~fork-awesome/fonts'; $font-family-icon: 'ForkAwesome'; $badge-font-size: 1rem; $form-feedback-font-size: 100%; $popover-max-width: 350px; $popover-font-size: 1rem; // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/layout/grid/#variables $grid-breakpoints: ( xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, 2xl: 1450px ); @import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap'; @import '~fork-awesome/scss/fork-awesome'; @import 'app/ceph/dashboard/info-card/info-card-popover.scss'; @import './src/styles/bootstrap-extends'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/basics'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/buttons'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/dropdown'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/forms'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/grid'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/icons'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/navs'; @import './src/styles/ceph-custom/toast'; /* If javascript is disabled. */ .noscript { padding-top: 5em; } // TODO: Replace (cd-)col-form-label with something more generic. @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { .col-form-label { text-align: right; } } .col-form-label { font-weight: 700; } //Displaying the password strength .password-strength-level { flex: 100%; margin-top: 2px; .weak, .ok, .strong, .very-strong { border-radius: 0.25rem; height: 13px; } .weak { background: $danger; width: 25%; } .ok { background: $warning; width: 50%; } .strong { background: $success; width: 75%; } .very-strong { background: darken($success, 15%); width: 100%; } } // Custom badges. .badge-background-gray, .badge-hdd { background-color: $gray-600; color: $white; } .badge-background-primary, .badge-ssd { background-color: $primary; color: $white; } .badge-tab { background-color: $gray-200; color: $gray-700; } .badge-cd-label-green { background-color: $green-300; color: $white; } .badge-cd-label-cyan { background-color: $cyan-300; color: $white; } .badge-cd-label-purple { background-color: $purple-300; color: $white; } .badge-cd-label-light-blue { background-color: $light-blue-300; color: $white; } .badge-cd-label-gold { background-color: $gold-300; color: $white; } .badge-cd-label-light-green { background-color: $light-green-300; color: $white; font-weight: bolder; } // angular-tree-component tree-root { tree-viewport { // Fix visual bug when tree is empty min-height: 1em; } } // Other tags-input .tags { border: 1px solid $gray-400; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba($black, 0.09); } .card-header { font-size: 1.3em; } .card-body h2:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .disabled { pointer-events: none; } a { &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } } .clickable, a { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; } a.nav-link, a.btn-light { text-decoration: none; } // Overrides the badge to rounded-pill .badge { @extend .badge, .rounded-pill, .mb-1; } // Overriding badges to match the class name of badges in Bootstrap v5 .badge-primary { @extend .badge, .bg-primary; } .badge-secondary { @extend .badge, .bg-secondary; } .badge-success { @extend .badge, .bg-success; } .badge-danger { @extend .badge, .bg-danger; } .badge-info { @extend .badge, .bg-primary; } .badge-warning { @extend .badge, .bg-warning, .text-dark; } .badge-light { @extend .badge, .bg-light, .text-dark; } .badge-dark { @extend .badge, .bg-dark; } formly-form { .ng-touched.ng-invalid { @extend .is-invalid; } .ng-touched.ng-valid { @extend .is-valid; } .form-label { @extend .cd-col-form-label; text-align: start; white-space: nowrap; width: fit-content; span[aria-hidden='true'] { color: $danger; } } }