]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blame_incremental - BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py
BaseTools: Report Structure PCD value and SKU, DefaultStore info
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / AutoGen / AutoGen.py
... / ...
1## @file\r
2# Generate AutoGen.h, AutoGen.c and *.depex files\r
4# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>\r
5# This program and the accompanying materials\r
6# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
7# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r
8# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\r
14## Import Modules\r
16import Common.LongFilePathOs as os\r
17import re\r
18import os.path as path\r
19import copy\r
20import uuid\r
22import GenC\r
23import GenMake\r
24import GenDepex\r
25from StringIO import StringIO\r
27from StrGather import *\r
28from BuildEngine import BuildRule\r
30from Common.LongFilePathSupport import CopyLongFilePath\r
31from Common.BuildToolError import *\r
32from Common.DataType import *\r
33from Common.Misc import *\r
34from Common.String import *\r
35import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData\r
36from GenFds.FdfParser import *\r
37from CommonDataClass.CommonClass import SkuInfoClass\r
38from Workspace.BuildClassObject import *\r
39from GenPatchPcdTable.GenPatchPcdTable import parsePcdInfoFromMapFile\r
40import Common.VpdInfoFile as VpdInfoFile\r
41from GenPcdDb import CreatePcdDatabaseCode\r
42from Workspace.MetaFileCommentParser import UsageList\r
43from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws\r
44import InfSectionParser\r
45import datetime\r
46import hashlib\r
47from GenVar import VariableMgr,var_info\r
49## Regular expression for splitting Dependency Expression string into tokens\r
50gDepexTokenPattern = re.compile("(\(|\)|\w+| \S+\.inf)")\r
53# Match name = variable\r
55gEfiVarStoreNamePattern = re.compile("\s*name\s*=\s*(\w+)")\r
57# The format of guid in efivarstore statement likes following and must be correct:\r
58# guid = {0xA04A27f4, 0xDF00, 0x4D42, {0xB5, 0x52, 0x39, 0x51, 0x13, 0x02, 0x11, 0x3D}}\r
60gEfiVarStoreGuidPattern = re.compile("\s*guid\s*=\s*({.*?{.*?}\s*})")\r
62## Mapping Makefile type\r
63gMakeTypeMap = {"MSFT":"nmake", "GCC":"gmake"}\r
66## Build rule configuration file\r
67gDefaultBuildRuleFile = 'build_rule.txt'\r
69## Tools definition configuration file\r
70gDefaultToolsDefFile = 'tools_def.txt'\r
72## Build rule default version\r
73AutoGenReqBuildRuleVerNum = "0.1"\r
75## default file name for AutoGen\r
76gAutoGenCodeFileName = "AutoGen.c"\r
77gAutoGenHeaderFileName = "AutoGen.h"\r
78gAutoGenStringFileName = "%(module_name)sStrDefs.h"\r
79gAutoGenStringFormFileName = "%(module_name)sStrDefs.hpk"\r
80gAutoGenDepexFileName = "%(module_name)s.depex"\r
81gAutoGenImageDefFileName = "%(module_name)sImgDefs.h"\r
82gAutoGenIdfFileName = "%(module_name)sIdf.hpk"\r
83gInfSpecVersion = "0x00010017"\r
86# Template string to generic AsBuilt INF\r
88gAsBuiltInfHeaderString = TemplateString("""${header_comments}\r
91# FILE auto-generated\r
94 INF_VERSION = ${module_inf_version}\r
95 BASE_NAME = ${module_name}\r
96 FILE_GUID = ${module_guid}\r
97 MODULE_TYPE = ${module_module_type}${BEGIN}\r
98 VERSION_STRING = ${module_version_string}${END}${BEGIN}\r
99 PCD_IS_DRIVER = ${pcd_is_driver_string}${END}${BEGIN}\r
100 UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = ${module_uefi_specification_version}${END}${BEGIN}\r
101 PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = ${module_pi_specification_version}${END}${BEGIN}\r
102 ENTRY_POINT = ${module_entry_point}${END}${BEGIN}\r
103 UNLOAD_IMAGE = ${module_unload_image}${END}${BEGIN}\r
104 CONSTRUCTOR = ${module_constructor}${END}${BEGIN}\r
105 DESTRUCTOR = ${module_destructor}${END}${BEGIN}\r
106 SHADOW = ${module_shadow}${END}${BEGIN}\r
107 PCI_VENDOR_ID = ${module_pci_vendor_id}${END}${BEGIN}\r
108 PCI_DEVICE_ID = ${module_pci_device_id}${END}${BEGIN}\r
109 PCI_CLASS_CODE = ${module_pci_class_code}${END}${BEGIN}\r
110 PCI_REVISION = ${module_pci_revision}${END}${BEGIN}\r
111 BUILD_NUMBER = ${module_build_number}${END}${BEGIN}\r
112 SPEC = ${module_spec}${END}${BEGIN}\r
113 UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION = ${module_uefi_hii_resource_section}${END}${BEGIN}\r
114 MODULE_UNI_FILE = ${module_uni_file}${END}\r
117 ${package_item}${END}\r
120 ${binary_item}${END}\r
123 ${patchablepcd_item}\r
127 ${protocol_item}\r
131 ${ppi_item}\r
135 ${guid_item}\r
139 ${pcd_item}\r
144# ${libraryclasses_item}${END}\r
153## @AsBuilt${BEGIN}\r
154## ${flags_item}${END}\r
157## Base class for AutoGen\r
159# This class just implements the cache mechanism of AutoGen objects.\r
161class AutoGen(object):\r
162 # database to maintain the objects of xxxAutoGen\r
163 _CACHE_ = {} # (BuildTarget, ToolChain) : {ARCH : {platform file: AutoGen object}}}\r
165 ## Factory method\r
166 #\r
167 # @param Class class object of real AutoGen class\r
168 # (WorkspaceAutoGen, ModuleAutoGen or PlatformAutoGen)\r
169 # @param Workspace Workspace directory or WorkspaceAutoGen object\r
170 # @param MetaFile The path of meta file\r
171 # @param Target Build target\r
172 # @param Toolchain Tool chain name\r
173 # @param Arch Target arch\r
174 # @param *args The specific class related parameters\r
175 # @param **kwargs The specific class related dict parameters\r
176 #\r
177 def __new__(Class, Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs):\r
178 # check if the object has been created\r
179 Key = (Target, Toolchain)\r
180 if Key not in Class._CACHE_ or Arch not in Class._CACHE_[Key] \\r
181 or MetaFile not in Class._CACHE_[Key][Arch]:\r
182 AutoGenObject = super(AutoGen, Class).__new__(Class)\r
183 # call real constructor\r
184 if not AutoGenObject._Init(Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs):\r
185 return None\r
186 if Key not in Class._CACHE_:\r
187 Class._CACHE_[Key] = {}\r
188 if Arch not in Class._CACHE_[Key]:\r
189 Class._CACHE_[Key][Arch] = {}\r
190 Class._CACHE_[Key][Arch][MetaFile] = AutoGenObject\r
191 else:\r
192 AutoGenObject = Class._CACHE_[Key][Arch][MetaFile]\r
194 return AutoGenObject\r
196 ## hash() operator\r
197 #\r
198 # The file path of platform file will be used to represent hash value of this object\r
199 #\r
200 # @retval int Hash value of the file path of platform file\r
201 #\r
202 def __hash__(self):\r
203 return hash(self.MetaFile)\r
205 ## str() operator\r
206 #\r
207 # The file path of platform file will be used to represent this object\r
208 #\r
209 # @retval string String of platform file path\r
210 #\r
211 def __str__(self):\r
212 return str(self.MetaFile)\r
214 ## "==" operator\r
215 def __eq__(self, Other):\r
216 return Other and self.MetaFile == Other\r
218## Workspace AutoGen class\r
220# This class is used mainly to control the whole platform build for different\r
221# architecture. This class will generate top level makefile.\r
223class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):\r
224 ## Real constructor of WorkspaceAutoGen\r
225 #\r
226 # This method behaves the same as __init__ except that it needs explicit invoke\r
227 # (in super class's __new__ method)\r
228 #\r
229 # @param WorkspaceDir Root directory of workspace\r
230 # @param ActivePlatform Meta-file of active platform\r
231 # @param Target Build target\r
232 # @param Toolchain Tool chain name\r
233 # @param ArchList List of architecture of current build\r
234 # @param MetaFileDb Database containing meta-files\r
235 # @param BuildConfig Configuration of build\r
236 # @param ToolDefinition Tool chain definitions\r
237 # @param FlashDefinitionFile File of flash definition\r
238 # @param Fds FD list to be generated\r
239 # @param Fvs FV list to be generated\r
240 # @param Caps Capsule list to be generated\r
241 # @param SkuId SKU id from command line\r
242 #\r
243 def _Init(self, WorkspaceDir, ActivePlatform, Target, Toolchain, ArchList, MetaFileDb,\r
244 BuildConfig, ToolDefinition, FlashDefinitionFile='', Fds=None, Fvs=None, Caps=None, SkuId='', UniFlag=None,\r
245 Progress=None, BuildModule=None):\r
246 if Fds is None:\r
247 Fds = []\r
248 if Fvs is None:\r
249 Fvs = []\r
250 if Caps is None:\r
251 Caps = []\r
252 self.BuildDatabase = MetaFileDb\r
253 self.MetaFile = ActivePlatform\r
254 self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir\r
255 self.Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, 'COMMON', Target, Toolchain]\r
256 GlobalData.gActivePlatform = self.Platform\r
257 self.BuildTarget = Target\r
258 self.ToolChain = Toolchain\r
259 self.ArchList = ArchList\r
260 self.SkuId = SkuId\r
261 self.UniFlag = UniFlag\r
263 self.TargetTxt = BuildConfig\r
264 self.ToolDef = ToolDefinition\r
265 self.FdfFile = FlashDefinitionFile\r
266 self.FdTargetList = Fds\r
267 self.FvTargetList = Fvs\r
268 self.CapTargetList = Caps\r
269 self.AutoGenObjectList = []\r
270 self._BuildDir = None\r
271 self._FvDir = None\r
272 self._MakeFileDir = None\r
273 self._BuildCommand = None\r
275 # there's many relative directory operations, so ...\r
276 os.chdir(self.WorkspaceDir)\r
278 #\r
279 # Merge Arch\r
280 #\r
281 if not self.ArchList:\r
282 ArchList = set(self.Platform.SupArchList)\r
283 else:\r
284 ArchList = set(self.ArchList) & set(self.Platform.SupArchList)\r
285 if not ArchList:\r
286 EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,\r
287 ExtraData = "Invalid ARCH specified. [Valid ARCH: %s]" % (" ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))\r
288 elif self.ArchList and len(ArchList) != len(self.ArchList):\r
289 SkippedArchList = set(self.ArchList).symmetric_difference(set(self.Platform.SupArchList))\r
290 EdkLogger.verbose("\nArch [%s] is ignored because the platform supports [%s] only!"\r
291 % (" ".join(SkippedArchList), " ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))\r
292 self.ArchList = tuple(ArchList)\r
294 # Validate build target\r
295 if self.BuildTarget not in self.Platform.BuildTargets:\r
296 EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,\r
297 ExtraData="Build target [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid target: %s]"\r
298 % (self.BuildTarget, " ".join(self.Platform.BuildTargets)))\r
300 \r
301 # parse FDF file to get PCDs in it, if any\r
302 if not self.FdfFile:\r
303 self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition\r
305 EdkLogger.info("")\r
306 if self.ArchList:\r
307 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Architecture(s)", ' '.join(self.ArchList)))\r
308 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Build target", self.BuildTarget))\r
309 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Toolchain", self.ToolChain))\r
311 EdkLogger.info('\n%-24s = %s' % ("Active Platform", self.Platform))\r
312 if BuildModule:\r
313 EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Active Module", BuildModule))\r
315 if self.FdfFile:\r
316 EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Flash Image Definition", self.FdfFile))\r
318 EdkLogger.verbose("\nFLASH_DEFINITION = %s" % self.FdfFile)\r
320# if Progress:\r
321# Progress.Start("\nProcessing meta-data")\r
323 if self.FdfFile:\r
324 #\r
325 # Mark now build in AutoGen Phase\r
326 #\r
327 GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True\r
328 Fdf = FdfParser(self.FdfFile.Path)\r
329 Fdf.ParseFile()\r
330 GlobalData.gFdfParser = Fdf\r
331 GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = False\r
332 PcdSet = Fdf.Profile.PcdDict\r
333 if Fdf.CurrentFdName and Fdf.CurrentFdName in Fdf.Profile.FdDict:\r
334 FdDict = Fdf.Profile.FdDict[Fdf.CurrentFdName]\r
335 for FdRegion in FdDict.RegionList:\r
336 if str(FdRegion.RegionType) is 'FILE' and self.Platform.VpdToolGuid in str(FdRegion.RegionDataList):\r
337 if int(FdRegion.Offset) % 8 != 0:\r
338 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The VPD Base Address %s must be 8-byte aligned.' % (FdRegion.Offset))\r
339 ModuleList = Fdf.Profile.InfList\r
340 self.FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile\r
341 for fvname in self.FvTargetList:\r
342 if fvname.upper() not in self.FdfProfile.FvDict:\r
343 EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID,\r
344 "No such an FV in FDF file: %s" % fvname)\r
346 # In DSC file may use FILE_GUID to override the module, then in the Platform.Modules use FILE_GUIDmodule.inf as key,\r
347 # but the path (self.MetaFile.Path) is the real path\r
348 for key in self.FdfProfile.InfDict:\r
349 if key == 'ArchTBD':\r
350 Platform_cache = {}\r
351 MetaFile_cache = {}\r
352 for Arch in self.ArchList:\r
353 Platform_cache[Arch] = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
354 MetaFile_cache[Arch] = []\r
355 for Pkey in Platform_cache[Arch].Modules.keys():\r
356 MetaFile_cache[Arch].append(Platform_cache[Arch].Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)\r
357 for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:\r
358 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)\r
359 for Arch in self.ArchList:\r
360 if ModuleFile in MetaFile_cache[Arch]:\r
361 break\r
362 else:\r
363 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
364 if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:\r
365 EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)\r
367 else:\r
368 for Arch in self.ArchList:\r
369 if Arch == key:\r
370 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
371 MetaFileList = []\r
372 for Pkey in Platform.Modules.keys():\r
373 MetaFileList.append(Platform.Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)\r
374 for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:\r
375 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)\r
376 if ModuleFile in MetaFileList:\r
377 continue\r
378 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
379 if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:\r
380 EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)\r
382 else:\r
383 PcdSet = {}\r
384 ModuleList = []\r
385 self.FdfProfile = None\r
386 if self.FdTargetList:\r
387 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FD [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FdTargetList))\r
388 self.FdTargetList = []\r
389 if self.FvTargetList:\r
390 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FV [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FvTargetList))\r
391 self.FvTargetList = []\r
392 if self.CapTargetList:\r
393 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. Capsule [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.CapTargetList))\r
394 self.CapTargetList = []\r
396 # apply SKU and inject PCDs from Flash Definition file\r
397 for Arch in self.ArchList:\r
398 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
400 DecPcds = {}\r
401 DecPcdsKey = set()\r
402 PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)\r
403 if GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:\r
404 for i, pcd in enumerate(GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd):\r
405 if type(pcd) is tuple:\r
406 continue\r
407 (pcdname, pcdvalue) = pcd.split('=')\r
408 if not pcdvalue:\r
409 EdkLogger.error('build', AUTOGEN_ERROR, "No Value specified for the PCD %s." % (pcdname))\r
410 if '.' in pcdname:\r
411 (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName) = pcdname.split('.')\r
412 HasTokenSpace = True\r
413 else:\r
414 TokenCName = pcdname\r
415 TokenSpaceGuidCName = ''\r
416 HasTokenSpace = False\r
417 TokenSpaceGuidCNameList = []\r
418 FoundFlag = False\r
419 PcdDatumType = ''\r
420 NewValue = ''\r
421 for package in PGen.PackageList:\r
422 for key in package.Pcds:\r
423 PcdItem = package.Pcds[key]\r
424 if HasTokenSpace:\r
425 if (PcdItem.TokenCName, PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName) == (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName):\r
426 PcdDatumType = PcdItem.DatumType\r
427 NewValue = BuildOptionPcdValueFormat(TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName, PcdDatumType, pcdvalue)\r
428 FoundFlag = True\r
429 else:\r
430 if PcdItem.TokenCName == TokenCName:\r
431 if not PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName in TokenSpaceGuidCNameList:\r
432 if len (TokenSpaceGuidCNameList) < 1:\r
433 TokenSpaceGuidCNameList.append(PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName)\r
434 PcdDatumType = PcdItem.DatumType\r
435 TokenSpaceGuidCName = PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName\r
436 NewValue = BuildOptionPcdValueFormat(TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName, PcdDatumType, pcdvalue)\r
437 FoundFlag = True\r
438 else:\r
439 EdkLogger.error(\r
440 'build',\r
442 "The Pcd %s is found under multiple different TokenSpaceGuid: %s and %s." % (TokenCName, PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenSpaceGuidCNameList[0])\r
443 )\r
445 GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd[i] = (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName, NewValue)\r
447 if not FoundFlag:\r
448 if HasTokenSpace:\r
449 EdkLogger.error('build', AUTOGEN_ERROR, "The Pcd %s.%s is not found in the DEC file." % (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName))\r
450 else:\r
451 EdkLogger.error('build', AUTOGEN_ERROR, "The Pcd %s is not found in the DEC file." % (TokenCName))\r
453 for BuildData in PGen.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values():\r
454 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:\r
455 continue\r
456 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.dec':\r
457 continue\r
458 for key in BuildData.Pcds:\r
459 PcdItem = BuildData.Pcds[key]\r
460 if (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName) == (PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdItem.TokenCName):\r
461 PcdItem.DefaultValue = NewValue\r
463 if (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName) in PcdSet:\r
464 PcdSet[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = NewValue\r
466 SourcePcdDict = {'DynamicEx':[], 'PatchableInModule':[],'Dynamic':[],'FixedAtBuild':[]}\r
467 BinaryPcdDict = {'DynamicEx':[], 'PatchableInModule':[]}\r
468 SourcePcdDict_Keys = SourcePcdDict.keys()\r
469 BinaryPcdDict_Keys = BinaryPcdDict.keys()\r
471 # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict\r
472 for BuildData in PGen.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values():\r
473 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:\r
474 continue\r
475 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':\r
476 for key in BuildData.Pcds:\r
477 if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:\r
478 if key in Platform.Pcds:\r
479 PcdInPlatform = Platform.Pcds[key]\r
480 if PcdInPlatform.Type not in [None, '']:\r
481 BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type\r
483 if BuildData.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:\r
484 PlatformModule = Platform.Modules[str(BuildData.MetaFile)]\r
485 if key in PlatformModule.Pcds:\r
486 PcdInPlatform = PlatformModule.Pcds[key]\r
487 if PcdInPlatform.Type not in [None, '']:\r
488 BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type\r
490 if 'DynamicEx' in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:\r
491 if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:\r
492 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in BinaryPcdDict['DynamicEx']:\r
493 BinaryPcdDict['DynamicEx'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
494 else:\r
495 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in SourcePcdDict['DynamicEx']:\r
496 SourcePcdDict['DynamicEx'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
498 elif 'PatchableInModule' in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:\r
499 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':\r
500 if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:\r
501 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in BinaryPcdDict['PatchableInModule']:\r
502 BinaryPcdDict['PatchableInModule'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
503 else:\r
504 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in SourcePcdDict['PatchableInModule']:\r
505 SourcePcdDict['PatchableInModule'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
507 elif 'Dynamic' in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:\r
508 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in SourcePcdDict['Dynamic']:\r
509 SourcePcdDict['Dynamic'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
510 elif 'FixedAtBuild' in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:\r
511 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in SourcePcdDict['FixedAtBuild']:\r
512 SourcePcdDict['FixedAtBuild'].append((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
513 else:\r
514 pass\r
515 #\r
516 # A PCD can only use one type for all source modules\r
517 #\r
518 for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:\r
519 for j in SourcePcdDict_Keys:\r
520 if i != j:\r
521 IntersectionList = list(set(SourcePcdDict[i]).intersection(set(SourcePcdDict[j])))\r
522 if len(IntersectionList) > 0:\r
523 EdkLogger.error(\r
524 'build',\r
526 "Building modules from source INFs, following PCD use %s and %s access method. It must be corrected to use only one access method." % (i, j),\r
527 ExtraData="%s" % '\n\t'.join([str(P[1]+'.'+P[0]) for P in IntersectionList])\r
528 )\r
529 else:\r
530 pass\r
532 #\r
533 # intersection the BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD\r
534 #\r
535 for i in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:\r
536 for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:\r
537 if i != j:\r
538 IntersectionList = list(set(BinaryPcdDict[i]).intersection(set(BinaryPcdDict[j])))\r
539 for item in IntersectionList:\r
540 NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])\r
541 NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])\r
542 if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
543 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]\r
544 else:\r
545 if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:\r
546 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)\r
547 if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:\r
548 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)\r
549 else:\r
550 pass\r
552 #\r
553 # intersection the SourcePCD and BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD\r
554 #\r
555 for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:\r
556 for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:\r
557 if i != j:\r
558 IntersectionList = list(set(SourcePcdDict[i]).intersection(set(BinaryPcdDict[j])))\r
559 for item in IntersectionList:\r
560 NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])\r
561 NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])\r
562 if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
563 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]\r
564 else:\r
565 if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:\r
566 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)\r
567 if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:\r
568 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)\r
569 else:\r
570 pass\r
572 for BuildData in PGen.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values():\r
573 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:\r
574 continue\r
575 for key in BuildData.Pcds:\r
576 for SinglePcd in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
577 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) == SinglePcd:\r
578 for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[SinglePcd]:\r
579 Pcd_Type = item[0].split('_')[-1]\r
580 if (Pcd_Type == BuildData.Pcds[key].Type) or (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd) or \\r
581 (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in GenC.gDynamicPcd):\r
582 Value = BuildData.Pcds[key]\r
583 Value.TokenCName = BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName + '_' + Pcd_Type\r
584 if len(key) == 2:\r
585 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1])\r
586 elif len(key) == 3:\r
587 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1], key[2])\r
588 del BuildData.Pcds[key]\r
589 BuildData.Pcds[newkey] = Value\r
590 break\r
591 else:\r
592 pass\r
593 break\r
594 else:\r
595 pass\r
597 # handle the mixed pcd in FDF file\r
598 for key in PcdSet:\r
599 if key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
600 Value = PcdSet[key]\r
601 del PcdSet[key]\r
602 for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[key]:\r
603 PcdSet[item] = Value\r
605 #Collect package set information from INF of FDF\r
606 PkgSet = set()\r
607 for Inf in ModuleList:\r
608 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)\r
609 if ModuleFile in Platform.Modules:\r
610 continue\r
611 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
612 PkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)\r
613 Pkgs = list(PkgSet) + list(PGen.PackageList)\r
614 for Pkg in Pkgs:\r
615 for Pcd in Pkg.Pcds:\r
616 DecPcds[Pcd[0], Pcd[1]] = Pkg.Pcds[Pcd]\r
617 DecPcdsKey.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Pcd[2]))\r
619 Platform.SkuName = self.SkuId\r
620 for Name, Guid in PcdSet:\r
621 if (Name, Guid) not in DecPcds:\r
622 EdkLogger.error(\r
623 'build',\r
625 "PCD (%s.%s) used in FDF is not declared in DEC files." % (Guid, Name),\r
626 File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid][0],\r
627 Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid][1]\r
628 )\r
629 else:\r
630 # Check whether Dynamic or DynamicEx PCD used in FDF file. If used, build break and give a error message.\r
631 if (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD) in DecPcdsKey \\r
632 or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE) in DecPcdsKey \\r
633 or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG) in DecPcdsKey:\r
634 Platform.AddPcd(Name, Guid, PcdSet[Name, Guid])\r
635 continue\r
636 elif (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC) in DecPcdsKey or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX) in DecPcdsKey:\r
637 EdkLogger.error(\r
638 'build',\r
640 "Using Dynamic or DynamicEx type of PCD [%s.%s] in FDF file is not allowed." % (Guid, Name),\r
641 File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid][0],\r
642 Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid][1]\r
643 )\r
645 Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)\r
646 #\r
647 # Explicitly collect platform's dynamic PCDs\r
648 #\r
649 Pa.CollectPlatformDynamicPcds()\r
650 Pa.CollectFixedAtBuildPcds()\r
651 self.AutoGenObjectList.append(Pa)\r
653 #\r
654 # Generate Package level hash value\r
655 #\r
656 GlobalData.gPackageHash[Arch] = {}\r
657 if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:\r
658 for Pkg in Pkgs:\r
659 self._GenPkgLevelHash(Pkg)\r
661 #\r
662 # Check PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.\r
663 #\r
664 self._CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict()\r
666 #\r
667 # Check PCD type and definition between DSC and DEC\r
668 #\r
669 self._CheckPcdDefineAndType()\r
671# if self.FdfFile:\r
672# self._CheckDuplicateInFV(Fdf)\r
674 #\r
675 # Create BuildOptions Macro & PCD metafile, also add the Active Platform and FDF file.\r
676 #\r
677 content = 'gCommandLineDefines: '\r
678 content += str(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)\r
679 content += os.linesep\r
680 content += 'BuildOptionPcd: '\r
681 content += str(GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd)\r
682 content += os.linesep\r
683 content += 'Active Platform: '\r
684 content += str(self.Platform)\r
685 content += os.linesep\r
686 if self.FdfFile:\r
687 content += 'Flash Image Definition: '\r
688 content += str(self.FdfFile)\r
689 content += os.linesep\r
690 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'), content, False)\r
692 #\r
693 # Create PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd.\r
694 #\r
695 PcdTokenNumber = 'PcdTokenNumber: '\r
696 if Pa.PcdTokenNumber:\r
697 if Pa.DynamicPcdList:\r
698 for Pcd in Pa.DynamicPcdList:\r
699 PcdTokenNumber += os.linesep\r
700 PcdTokenNumber += str((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName))\r
701 PcdTokenNumber += ' : '\r
702 PcdTokenNumber += str(Pa.PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName])\r
703 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'), PcdTokenNumber, False)\r
705 #\r
706 # Get set of workspace metafiles\r
707 #\r
708 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = self._GetMetaFiles(Target, Toolchain, Arch)\r
710 #\r
711 # Retrieve latest modified time of all metafiles\r
712 #\r
713 SrcTimeStamp = 0\r
714 for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles:\r
715 if os.stat(f)[8] > SrcTimeStamp:\r
716 SrcTimeStamp = os.stat(f)[8]\r
717 self._SrcTimeStamp = SrcTimeStamp\r
719 if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:\r
720 m = hashlib.md5()\r
721 for files in AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles:\r
722 if files.endswith('.dec'):\r
723 continue\r
724 f = open(files, 'r')\r
725 Content = f.read()\r
726 f.close()\r
727 m.update(Content)\r
728 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen.hash'), m.hexdigest(), True)\r
729 GlobalData.gPlatformHash = m.hexdigest()\r
731 #\r
732 # Write metafile list to build directory\r
733 #\r
734 AutoGenFilePath = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen')\r
735 if os.path.exists (AutoGenFilePath):\r
736 os.remove(AutoGenFilePath)\r
737 if not os.path.exists(self.BuildDir):\r
738 os.makedirs(self.BuildDir)\r
739 with open(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen'), 'w+') as file:\r
740 for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles:\r
741 print >> file, f\r
742 return True\r
744 def _GenPkgLevelHash(self, Pkg):\r
745 PkgDir = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, Pkg.Arch, Pkg.PackageName)\r
746 CreateDirectory(PkgDir)\r
747 HashFile = os.path.join(PkgDir, Pkg.PackageName + '.hash')\r
748 m = hashlib.md5()\r
749 # Get .dec file's hash value\r
750 f = open(Pkg.MetaFile.Path, 'r')\r
751 Content = f.read()\r
752 f.close()\r
753 m.update(Content)\r
754 # Get include files hash value\r
755 if Pkg.Includes:\r
756 for inc in Pkg.Includes:\r
757 for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(str(inc)):\r
758 for File in Files:\r
759 File_Path = os.path.join(Root, File)\r
760 f = open(File_Path, 'r')\r
761 Content = f.read()\r
762 f.close()\r
763 m.update(Content)\r
764 SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), True)\r
765 if Pkg.PackageName not in GlobalData.gPackageHash[Pkg.Arch]:\r
766 GlobalData.gPackageHash[Pkg.Arch][Pkg.PackageName] = m.hexdigest()\r
768 def _GetMetaFiles(self, Target, Toolchain, Arch):\r
769 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = set()\r
770 #\r
771 # add fdf\r
772 #\r
773 if self.FdfFile:\r
774 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (self.FdfFile.Path)\r
775 if self.FdfFile:\r
776 FdfFiles = GlobalData.gFdfParser.GetAllIncludedFile()\r
777 for f in FdfFiles:\r
778 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (f.FileName)\r
779 #\r
780 # add dsc\r
781 #\r
782 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(self.MetaFile.Path)\r
784 #\r
785 # add build_rule.txt & tools_def.txt\r
786 #\r
787 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultBuildRuleFile))\r
788 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultToolsDefFile))\r
790 # add BuildOption metafile\r
791 #\r
792 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'))\r
794 # add PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd\r
795 #\r
796 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'))\r
798 for Arch in self.ArchList:\r
799 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]\r
800 PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)\r
802 #\r
803 # add dec\r
804 #\r
805 for Package in PGen.PackageList:\r
806 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(Package.MetaFile.Path)\r
808 #\r
809 # add included dsc\r
810 #\r
811 for filePath in Platform._RawData.IncludedFiles:\r
812 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(filePath.Path)\r
814 return AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles\r
816 ## _CheckDuplicateInFV() method\r
817 #\r
818 # Check whether there is duplicate modules/files exist in FV section. \r
819 # The check base on the file GUID;\r
820 #\r
821 def _CheckDuplicateInFV(self, Fdf):\r
822 for Fv in Fdf.Profile.FvDict:\r
823 _GuidDict = {}\r
824 for FfsFile in Fdf.Profile.FvDict[Fv].FfsList:\r
825 if FfsFile.InfFileName and FfsFile.NameGuid == None:\r
826 #\r
827 # Get INF file GUID\r
828 #\r
829 InfFoundFlag = False\r
830 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
831 if InfFoundFlag:\r
832 break\r
833 for Module in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:\r
834 if path.normpath(Module.MetaFile.File) == path.normpath(FfsFile.InfFileName):\r
835 InfFoundFlag = True\r
836 if not Module.Guid.upper() in _GuidDict.keys():\r
837 _GuidDict[Module.Guid.upper()] = FfsFile\r
838 break\r
839 else:\r
840 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
842 "Duplicate GUID found for these lines: Line %d: %s and Line %d: %s. GUID: %s" % (FfsFile.CurrentLineNum,\r
843 FfsFile.CurrentLineContent,\r
844 _GuidDict[Module.Guid.upper()].CurrentLineNum,\r
845 _GuidDict[Module.Guid.upper()].CurrentLineContent,\r
846 Module.Guid.upper()),\r
847 ExtraData=self.FdfFile)\r
848 #\r
849 # Some INF files not have entity in DSC file. \r
850 #\r
851 if not InfFoundFlag:\r
852 if FfsFile.InfFileName.find('$') == -1:\r
853 InfPath = NormPath(FfsFile.InfFileName)\r
854 if not os.path.exists(InfPath):\r
855 EdkLogger.error('build', GENFDS_ERROR, "Non-existant Module %s !" % (FfsFile.InfFileName))\r
857 PathClassObj = PathClass(FfsFile.InfFileName, self.WorkspaceDir)\r
858 #\r
859 # Here we just need to get FILE_GUID from INF file, use 'COMMON' as ARCH attribute. and use \r
860 # BuildObject from one of AutoGenObjectList is enough.\r
861 #\r
862 InfObj = self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildDatabase.WorkspaceDb.BuildObject[PathClassObj, 'COMMON', self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
863 if not InfObj.Guid.upper() in _GuidDict.keys():\r
864 _GuidDict[InfObj.Guid.upper()] = FfsFile\r
865 else:\r
866 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
868 "Duplicate GUID found for these lines: Line %d: %s and Line %d: %s. GUID: %s" % (FfsFile.CurrentLineNum,\r
869 FfsFile.CurrentLineContent,\r
870 _GuidDict[InfObj.Guid.upper()].CurrentLineNum,\r
871 _GuidDict[InfObj.Guid.upper()].CurrentLineContent,\r
872 InfObj.Guid.upper()),\r
873 ExtraData=self.FdfFile)\r
874 InfFoundFlag = False\r
876 if FfsFile.NameGuid != None:\r
877 _CheckPCDAsGuidPattern = re.compile("^PCD\(.+\..+\)$")\r
879 #\r
880 # If the NameGuid reference a PCD name. \r
881 # The style must match: PCD(xxxx.yyy)\r
882 #\r
883 if _CheckPCDAsGuidPattern.match(FfsFile.NameGuid):\r
884 #\r
885 # Replace the PCD value.\r
886 #\r
887 _PcdName = FfsFile.NameGuid.lstrip("PCD(").rstrip(")")\r
888 PcdFoundFlag = False\r
889 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
890 if not PcdFoundFlag:\r
891 for PcdItem in Pa.AllPcdList:\r
892 if (PcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdItem.TokenCName) == _PcdName:\r
893 #\r
894 # First convert from CFormatGuid to GUID string\r
895 #\r
896 _PcdGuidString = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(PcdItem.DefaultValue)\r
898 if not _PcdGuidString:\r
899 #\r
900 # Then try Byte array.\r
901 #\r
902 _PcdGuidString = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(PcdItem.DefaultValue)\r
904 if not _PcdGuidString:\r
905 #\r
906 # Not Byte array or CFormat GUID, raise error.\r
907 #\r
908 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
910 "The format of PCD value is incorrect. PCD: %s , Value: %s\n" % (_PcdName, PcdItem.DefaultValue),\r
911 ExtraData=self.FdfFile)\r
913 if not _PcdGuidString.upper() in _GuidDict.keys():\r
914 _GuidDict[_PcdGuidString.upper()] = FfsFile\r
915 PcdFoundFlag = True\r
916 break\r
917 else:\r
918 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
920 "Duplicate GUID found for these lines: Line %d: %s and Line %d: %s. GUID: %s" % (FfsFile.CurrentLineNum,\r
921 FfsFile.CurrentLineContent,\r
922 _GuidDict[_PcdGuidString.upper()].CurrentLineNum,\r
923 _GuidDict[_PcdGuidString.upper()].CurrentLineContent,\r
924 FfsFile.NameGuid.upper()),\r
925 ExtraData=self.FdfFile)\r
927 if not FfsFile.NameGuid.upper() in _GuidDict.keys():\r
928 _GuidDict[FfsFile.NameGuid.upper()] = FfsFile\r
929 else:\r
930 #\r
931 # Two raw file GUID conflict.\r
932 #\r
933 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
935 "Duplicate GUID found for these lines: Line %d: %s and Line %d: %s. GUID: %s" % (FfsFile.CurrentLineNum,\r
936 FfsFile.CurrentLineContent,\r
937 _GuidDict[FfsFile.NameGuid.upper()].CurrentLineNum,\r
938 _GuidDict[FfsFile.NameGuid.upper()].CurrentLineContent,\r
939 FfsFile.NameGuid.upper()),\r
940 ExtraData=self.FdfFile)\r
943 def _CheckPcdDefineAndType(self):\r
944 PcdTypeList = [\r
945 "FixedAtBuild", "PatchableInModule", "FeatureFlag",\r
946 "Dynamic", #"DynamicHii", "DynamicVpd",\r
947 "DynamicEx", # "DynamicExHii", "DynamicExVpd"\r
948 ]\r
950 # This dict store PCDs which are not used by any modules with specified arches\r
951 UnusedPcd = sdict()\r
952 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
953 # Key of DSC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid\r
954 for Pcd in Pa.Platform.Pcds:\r
955 PcdType = Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type\r
957 # If no PCD type, this PCD comes from FDF \r
958 if not PcdType:\r
959 continue\r
961 # Try to remove Hii and Vpd suffix\r
962 if PcdType.startswith("DynamicEx"):\r
963 PcdType = "DynamicEx"\r
964 elif PcdType.startswith("Dynamic"):\r
965 PcdType = "Dynamic"\r
967 for Package in Pa.PackageList:\r
968 # Key of DEC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, PcdType\r
969 if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], PcdType) in Package.Pcds:\r
970 break\r
971 for Type in PcdTypeList:\r
972 if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Type) in Package.Pcds:\r
973 EdkLogger.error(\r
974 'build',\r
976 "Type [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in DSC file doesn't match the type [%s] defined in DEC file." \\r
977 % (Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type, Pcd[1], Pcd[0], Type),\r
978 ExtraData=None\r
979 )\r
980 return\r
981 else:\r
982 UnusedPcd.setdefault(Pcd, []).append(Pa.Arch)\r
984 for Pcd in UnusedPcd:\r
985 EdkLogger.warn(\r
986 'build',\r
987 "The PCD was not specified by any INF module in the platform for the given architecture.\n"\r
988 "\tPCD: [%s.%s]\n\tPlatform: [%s]\n\tArch: %s"\r
989 % (Pcd[1], Pcd[0], os.path.basename(str(self.MetaFile)), str(UnusedPcd[Pcd])),\r
990 ExtraData=None\r
991 )\r
993 def __repr__(self):\r
994 return "%s [%s]" % (self.MetaFile, ", ".join(self.ArchList))\r
996 ## Return the directory to store FV files\r
997 def _GetFvDir(self):\r
998 if self._FvDir == None:\r
999 self._FvDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, 'FV')\r
1000 return self._FvDir\r
1002 ## Return the directory to store all intermediate and final files built\r
1003 def _GetBuildDir(self):\r
1004 if self._BuildDir == None:\r
1005 return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildDir\r
1007 ## Return the build output directory platform specifies\r
1008 def _GetOutputDir(self):\r
1009 return self.Platform.OutputDirectory\r
1011 ## Return platform name\r
1012 def _GetName(self):\r
1013 return self.Platform.PlatformName\r
1015 ## Return meta-file GUID\r
1016 def _GetGuid(self):\r
1017 return self.Platform.Guid\r
1019 ## Return platform version\r
1020 def _GetVersion(self):\r
1021 return self.Platform.Version\r
1023 ## Return paths of tools\r
1024 def _GetToolDefinition(self):\r
1025 return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].ToolDefinition\r
1027 ## Return directory of platform makefile\r
1028 #\r
1029 # @retval string Makefile directory\r
1030 #\r
1031 def _GetMakeFileDir(self):\r
1032 if self._MakeFileDir == None:\r
1033 self._MakeFileDir = self.BuildDir\r
1034 return self._MakeFileDir\r
1036 ## Return build command string\r
1037 #\r
1038 # @retval string Build command string\r
1039 #\r
1040 def _GetBuildCommand(self):\r
1041 if self._BuildCommand == None:\r
1042 # BuildCommand should be all the same. So just get one from platform AutoGen\r
1043 self._BuildCommand = self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildCommand\r
1044 return self._BuildCommand\r
1046 ## Check the PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.\r
1047 #\r
1048 # Will cause build break and raise error message while two PCDs conflict.\r
1049 # \r
1050 # @return None\r
1051 #\r
1052 def _CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict(self):\r
1053 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
1054 for Package in Pa.PackageList:\r
1055 PcdList = Package.Pcds.values()\r
1056 PcdList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x.TokenValue, 0), int(y.TokenValue, 0))) \r
1057 Count = 0\r
1058 while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :\r
1059 Item = PcdList[Count]\r
1060 ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]\r
1061 #\r
1062 # Make sure in the same token space the TokenValue should be unique\r
1063 #\r
1064 if (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) == int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):\r
1065 SameTokenValuePcdList = []\r
1066 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(Item)\r
1067 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(ItemNext)\r
1068 RemainPcdListLength = len(PcdList) - Count - 2\r
1069 for ValueSameCount in range(RemainPcdListLength):\r
1070 if int(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount].TokenValue, 0) == int(Item.TokenValue, 0):\r
1071 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount])\r
1072 else:\r
1073 break;\r
1074 #\r
1075 # Sort same token value PCD list with TokenGuid and TokenCName\r
1076 #\r
1077 SameTokenValuePcdList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp("%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName), "%s.%s" % (y.TokenSpaceGuidCName, y.TokenCName)))\r
1078 SameTokenValuePcdListCount = 0\r
1079 while (SameTokenValuePcdListCount < len(SameTokenValuePcdList) - 1):\r
1080 Flag = False\r
1081 TemListItem = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount]\r
1082 TemListItemNext = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount + 1]\r
1084 if (TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (TemListItem.TokenCName != TemListItemNext.TokenCName):\r
1085 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
1086 if (TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem] or \\r
1087 (TemListItemNext.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:\r
1088 Flag = True\r
1089 if not Flag:\r
1090 EdkLogger.error(\r
1091 'build',\r
1093 "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] is conflict with: [%s.%s] in %s"\\r
1094 % (TemListItem.TokenValue, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItemNext.TokenCName, Package),\r
1095 ExtraData=None\r
1096 )\r
1097 SameTokenValuePcdListCount += 1\r
1098 Count += SameTokenValuePcdListCount\r
1099 Count += 1\r
1101 PcdList = Package.Pcds.values()\r
1102 PcdList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp("%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName), "%s.%s" % (y.TokenSpaceGuidCName, y.TokenCName)))\r
1103 Count = 0\r
1104 while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :\r
1105 Item = PcdList[Count]\r
1106 ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]\r
1107 #\r
1108 # Check PCDs with same TokenSpaceGuidCName.TokenCName have same token value as well.\r
1109 #\r
1110 if (Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName == ItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (Item.TokenCName == ItemNext.TokenCName) and (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) != int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):\r
1111 EdkLogger.error(\r
1112 'build',\r
1114 "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in %s defined in two places should be same as well."\\r
1115 % (Item.TokenValue, Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Item.TokenCName, Package),\r
1116 ExtraData=None\r
1117 )\r
1118 Count += 1\r
1119 ## Generate fds command\r
1120 def _GenFdsCommand(self):\r
1121 return (GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TEMPLATE_.Replace(GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TemplateDict)).strip()\r
1123 ## Create makefile for the platform and modules in it\r
1124 #\r
1125 # @param CreateDepsMakeFile Flag indicating if the makefile for\r
1126 # modules will be created as well\r
1127 #\r
1128 def CreateMakeFile(self, CreateDepsMakeFile=False):\r
1129 if CreateDepsMakeFile:\r
1130 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
1131 Pa.CreateMakeFile(CreateDepsMakeFile)\r
1133 ## Create autogen code for platform and modules\r
1134 #\r
1135 # Since there's no autogen code for platform, this method will do nothing\r
1136 # if CreateModuleCodeFile is set to False.\r
1137 #\r
1138 # @param CreateDepsCodeFile Flag indicating if creating module's\r
1139 # autogen code file or not\r
1140 #\r
1141 def CreateCodeFile(self, CreateDepsCodeFile=False):\r
1142 if not CreateDepsCodeFile:\r
1143 return\r
1144 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:\r
1145 Pa.CreateCodeFile(CreateDepsCodeFile)\r
1147 ## Create AsBuilt INF file the platform\r
1148 #\r
1149 def CreateAsBuiltInf(self):\r
1150 return\r
1152 Name = property(_GetName)\r
1153 Guid = property(_GetGuid)\r
1154 Version = property(_GetVersion)\r
1155 OutputDir = property(_GetOutputDir)\r
1157 ToolDefinition = property(_GetToolDefinition) # toolcode : tool path\r
1159 BuildDir = property(_GetBuildDir)\r
1160 FvDir = property(_GetFvDir)\r
1161 MakeFileDir = property(_GetMakeFileDir)\r
1162 BuildCommand = property(_GetBuildCommand)\r
1163 GenFdsCommand = property(_GenFdsCommand)\r
1165## AutoGen class for platform\r
1167# PlatformAutoGen class will process the original information in platform\r
1168# file in order to generate makefile for platform.\r
1170class PlatformAutoGen(AutoGen):\r
1171 #\r
1172 # Used to store all PCDs for both PEI and DXE phase, in order to generate \r
1173 # correct PCD database\r
1174 # \r
1175 _DynaPcdList_ = []\r
1176 _NonDynaPcdList_ = []\r
1177 _PlatformPcds = {}\r
1178 \r
1179 #\r
1180 # The priority list while override build option \r
1181 #\r
1182 PrioList = {"0x11111" : 16, # TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE (Highest)\r
1183 "0x01111" : 15, # ******_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
1184 "0x10111" : 14, # TARGET_*********_ARCH_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
1185 "0x00111" : 13, # ******_*********_ARCH_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE \r
1187 "0x01011" : 11, # ******_TOOLCHAIN_****_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
1188 "0x10011" : 10, # TARGET_*********_****_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
1189 "0x00011" : 9, # ******_*********_****_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
1190 "0x11101" : 8, # TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1191 "0x01101" : 7, # ******_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1192 "0x10101" : 6, # TARGET_*********_ARCH_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1193 "0x00101" : 5, # ******_*********_ARCH_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1194 "0x11001" : 4, # TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_****_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1195 "0x01001" : 3, # ******_TOOLCHAIN_****_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1196 "0x10001" : 2, # TARGET_*********_****_***********_ATTRIBUTE\r
1197 "0x00001" : 1} # ******_*********_****_***********_ATTRIBUTE (Lowest)\r
1199 ## The real constructor of PlatformAutoGen\r
1200 #\r
1201 # This method is not supposed to be called by users of PlatformAutoGen. It's\r
1202 # only used by factory method __new__() to do real initialization work for an\r
1203 # object of PlatformAutoGen\r
1204 #\r
1205 # @param Workspace WorkspaceAutoGen object\r
1206 # @param PlatformFile Platform file (DSC file)\r
1207 # @param Target Build target (DEBUG, RELEASE)\r
1208 # @param Toolchain Name of tool chain\r
1209 # @param Arch arch of the platform supports\r
1210 #\r
1211 def _Init(self, Workspace, PlatformFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch):\r
1212 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "AutoGen platform [%s] [%s]" % (PlatformFile, Arch))\r
1213 GlobalData.gProcessingFile = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (PlatformFile, Arch, Toolchain, Target)\r
1215 self.MetaFile = PlatformFile\r
1216 self.Workspace = Workspace\r
1217 self.WorkspaceDir = Workspace.WorkspaceDir\r
1218 self.ToolChain = Toolchain\r
1219 self.BuildTarget = Target\r
1220 self.Arch = Arch\r
1221 self.SourceDir = PlatformFile.SubDir\r
1222 self.SourceOverrideDir = None\r
1223 self.FdTargetList = self.Workspace.FdTargetList\r
1224 self.FvTargetList = self.Workspace.FvTargetList\r
1225 self.AllPcdList = []\r
1226 # get the original module/package/platform objects\r
1227 self.BuildDatabase = Workspace.BuildDatabase\r
1228 self.DscBuildDataObj = Workspace.Platform\r
1230 # flag indicating if the makefile/C-code file has been created or not\r
1231 self.IsMakeFileCreated = False\r
1232 self.IsCodeFileCreated = False\r
1234 self._Platform = None\r
1235 self._Name = None\r
1236 self._Guid = None\r
1237 self._Version = None\r
1239 self._BuildRule = None\r
1240 self._SourceDir = None\r
1241 self._BuildDir = None\r
1242 self._OutputDir = None\r
1243 self._FvDir = None\r
1244 self._MakeFileDir = None\r
1245 self._FdfFile = None\r
1247 self._PcdTokenNumber = None # (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName) : GeneratedTokenNumber\r
1248 self._DynamicPcdList = None # [(TokenCName1, TokenSpaceGuidCName1), (TokenCName2, TokenSpaceGuidCName2), ...]\r
1249 self._NonDynamicPcdList = None # [(TokenCName1, TokenSpaceGuidCName1), (TokenCName2, TokenSpaceGuidCName2), ...]\r
1250 self._NonDynamicPcdDict = {}\r
1252 self._ToolDefinitions = None\r
1253 self._ToolDefFile = None # toolcode : tool path\r
1254 self._ToolChainFamily = None\r
1255 self._BuildRuleFamily = None\r
1256 self._BuildOption = None # toolcode : option\r
1257 self._EdkBuildOption = None # edktoolcode : option\r
1258 self._EdkIIBuildOption = None # edkiitoolcode : option\r
1259 self._PackageList = None\r
1260 self._ModuleAutoGenList = None\r
1261 self._LibraryAutoGenList = None\r
1262 self._BuildCommand = None\r
1263 self._AsBuildInfList = []\r
1264 self._AsBuildModuleList = []\r
1265 if GlobalData.gFdfParser != None:\r
1266 self._AsBuildInfList = GlobalData.gFdfParser.Profile.InfList\r
1267 for Inf in self._AsBuildInfList:\r
1268 InfClass = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, self.Arch)\r
1269 M = self.BuildDatabase[InfClass, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
1270 if not M.IsSupportedArch:\r
1271 continue\r
1272 self._AsBuildModuleList.append(InfClass)\r
1273 # get library/modules for build\r
1274 self.LibraryBuildDirectoryList = []\r
1275 self.ModuleBuildDirectoryList = []\r
1276 return True\r
1278 def __repr__(self):\r
1279 return "%s [%s]" % (self.MetaFile, self.Arch)\r
1281 ## Create autogen code for platform and modules\r
1282 #\r
1283 # Since there's no autogen code for platform, this method will do nothing\r
1284 # if CreateModuleCodeFile is set to False.\r
1285 #\r
1286 # @param CreateModuleCodeFile Flag indicating if creating module's\r
1287 # autogen code file or not\r
1288 #\r
1289 def CreateCodeFile(self, CreateModuleCodeFile=False):\r
1290 # only module has code to be greated, so do nothing if CreateModuleCodeFile is False\r
1291 if self.IsCodeFileCreated or not CreateModuleCodeFile:\r
1292 return\r
1294 for Ma in self.ModuleAutoGenList:\r
1295 Ma.CreateCodeFile(True)\r
1297 # don't do this twice\r
1298 self.IsCodeFileCreated = True\r
1300 ## Generate Fds Command\r
1301 def _GenFdsCommand(self):\r
1302 return self.Workspace.GenFdsCommand\r
1304 ## Create makefile for the platform and mdoules in it\r
1305 #\r
1306 # @param CreateModuleMakeFile Flag indicating if the makefile for\r
1307 # modules will be created as well\r
1308 #\r
1309 def CreateMakeFile(self, CreateModuleMakeFile=False, FfsCommand = {}):\r
1310 if CreateModuleMakeFile:\r
1311 for ModuleFile in self.Platform.Modules:\r
1312 Ma = ModuleAutoGen(self.Workspace, ModuleFile, self.BuildTarget,\r
1313 self.ToolChain, self.Arch, self.MetaFile)\r
1314 if (ModuleFile.File, self.Arch) in FfsCommand:\r
1315 Ma.CreateMakeFile(True, FfsCommand[ModuleFile.File, self.Arch])\r
1316 else:\r
1317 Ma.CreateMakeFile(True)\r
1318 #Ma.CreateAsBuiltInf()\r
1320 # no need to create makefile for the platform more than once\r
1321 if self.IsMakeFileCreated:\r
1322 return\r
1324 # create library/module build dirs for platform\r
1325 Makefile = GenMake.PlatformMakefile(self)\r
1326 self.LibraryBuildDirectoryList = Makefile.GetLibraryBuildDirectoryList()\r
1327 self.ModuleBuildDirectoryList = Makefile.GetModuleBuildDirectoryList()\r
1329 self.IsMakeFileCreated = True\r
1331 ## Deal with Shared FixedAtBuild Pcds\r
1332 #\r
1333 def CollectFixedAtBuildPcds(self):\r
1334 for LibAuto in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
1335 FixedAtBuildPcds = {} \r
1336 ShareFixedAtBuildPcdsSameValue = {} \r
1337 for Module in LibAuto._ReferenceModules: \r
1338 for Pcd in Module.FixedAtBuildPcds + LibAuto.FixedAtBuildPcds:\r
1339 key = ".".join((Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,Pcd.TokenCName)) \r
1340 if key not in FixedAtBuildPcds:\r
1341 ShareFixedAtBuildPcdsSameValue[key] = True\r
1342 FixedAtBuildPcds[key] = Pcd.DefaultValue\r
1343 else:\r
1344 if FixedAtBuildPcds[key] != Pcd.DefaultValue:\r
1345 ShareFixedAtBuildPcdsSameValue[key] = False \r
1346 for Pcd in LibAuto.FixedAtBuildPcds:\r
1347 key = ".".join((Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,Pcd.TokenCName))\r
1348 if (Pcd.TokenCName,Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName) not in self.NonDynamicPcdDict:\r
1349 continue\r
1350 else:\r
1351 DscPcd = self.NonDynamicPcdDict[(Pcd.TokenCName,Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName)]\r
1352 if DscPcd.Type != "FixedAtBuild":\r
1353 continue\r
1354 if key in ShareFixedAtBuildPcdsSameValue and ShareFixedAtBuildPcdsSameValue[key]: \r
1355 LibAuto.ConstPcd[key] = Pcd.DefaultValue\r
1357 def CollectVariables(self, DynamicPcdSet):\r
1358 VariableInfo = VariableMgr(self.DscBuildDataObj._GetDefaultStores(),self.DscBuildDataObj._GetSkuIds())\r
1359 Index = 0\r
1360 for Pcd in DynamicPcdSet:\r
1361 pcdname = ".".join((Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,Pcd.TokenCName))\r
1362 for SkuName in Pcd.SkuInfoList:\r
1363 Sku = Pcd.SkuInfoList[SkuName]\r
1364 SkuId = Sku.SkuId\r
1365 if SkuId == None or SkuId == '':\r
1366 continue\r
1367 if len(Sku.VariableName) > 0:\r
1368 VariableGuidStructure = Sku.VariableGuidValue\r
1369 VariableGuid = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(VariableGuidStructure)\r
1370 if Pcd.Phase == "DXE":\r
1371 for StorageName in Sku.DefaultStoreDict:\r
1372 VariableInfo.append_variable(var_info(Index,pcdname,StorageName,SkuName, StringToArray(Sku.VariableName),VariableGuid, Sku.VariableAttribute , Pcd.DefaultValue,Sku.DefaultStoreDict[StorageName],Pcd.DatumType))\r
1373 Index += 1\r
1374 return VariableInfo\r
1375 ## Collect dynamic PCDs\r
1376 #\r
1377 # Gather dynamic PCDs list from each module and their settings from platform\r
1378 # This interface should be invoked explicitly when platform action is created.\r
1379 #\r
1380 def CollectPlatformDynamicPcds(self):\r
1381 # Override the platform Pcd's value by build option\r
1382 if GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:\r
1383 for key in self.Platform.Pcds:\r
1384 PlatformPcd = self.Platform.Pcds[key]\r
1385 for PcdItem in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:\r
1386 if (PlatformPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, PlatformPcd.TokenCName) == (PcdItem[0], PcdItem[1]):\r
1387 PlatformPcd.DefaultValue = PcdItem[2]\r
1388 if PlatformPcd.SkuInfoList:\r
1389 Sku = PlatformPcd.SkuInfoList[PlatformPcd.SkuInfoList.keys()[0]]\r
1390 Sku.DefaultValue = PcdItem[2]\r
1391 break\r
1393 for key in self.Platform.Pcds:\r
1394 for SinglePcd in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
1395 if (self.Platform.Pcds[key].TokenCName, self.Platform.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) == SinglePcd:\r
1396 for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[SinglePcd]:\r
1397 Pcd_Type = item[0].split('_')[-1]\r
1398 if (Pcd_Type == self.Platform.Pcds[key].Type) or (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX and self.Platform.Pcds[key].Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd) or \\r
1399 (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC and self.Platform.Pcds[key].Type in GenC.gDynamicPcd):\r
1400 Value = self.Platform.Pcds[key]\r
1401 Value.TokenCName = self.Platform.Pcds[key].TokenCName + '_' + Pcd_Type\r
1402 if len(key) == 2:\r
1403 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1])\r
1404 elif len(key) == 3:\r
1405 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1], key[2])\r
1406 del self.Platform.Pcds[key]\r
1407 self.Platform.Pcds[newkey] = Value\r
1408 break\r
1409 else:\r
1410 pass\r
1411 break\r
1412 else:\r
1413 pass\r
1415 # for gathering error information\r
1416 NoDatumTypePcdList = set()\r
1417 PcdNotInDb = []\r
1418 self._GuidValue = {}\r
1419 FdfModuleList = []\r
1420 for InfName in self._AsBuildInfList:\r
1421 InfName = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, InfName)\r
1422 FdfModuleList.append(os.path.normpath(InfName))\r
1423 for F in self.Platform.Modules.keys():\r
1424 M = ModuleAutoGen(self.Workspace, F, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, self.Arch, self.MetaFile)\r
1425 #GuidValue.update(M.Guids)\r
1426 \r
1427 self.Platform.Modules[F].M = M\r
1429 for PcdFromModule in M.ModulePcdList + M.LibraryPcdList:\r
1430 # make sure that the "VOID*" kind of datum has MaxDatumSize set\r
1431 if PcdFromModule.DatumType == "VOID*" and PcdFromModule.MaxDatumSize in [None, '']:\r
1432 NoDatumTypePcdList.add("%s.%s [%s]" % (PcdFromModule.TokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdFromModule.TokenCName, F))\r
1434 # Check the PCD from Binary INF or Source INF\r
1435 if M.IsBinaryModule == True:\r
1436 PcdFromModule.IsFromBinaryInf = True\r
1438 # Check the PCD from DSC or not \r
1439 if (PcdFromModule.TokenCName, PcdFromModule.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in self.Platform.Pcds.keys():\r
1440 PcdFromModule.IsFromDsc = True\r
1441 else:\r
1442 PcdFromModule.IsFromDsc = False\r
1443 if PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicPcd or PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd:\r
1444 if F.Path not in FdfModuleList:\r
1445 # If one of the Source built modules listed in the DSC is not listed \r
1446 # in FDF modules, and the INF lists a PCD can only use the PcdsDynamic \r
1447 # access method (it is only listed in the DEC file that declares the \r
1448 # PCD as PcdsDynamic), then build tool will report warning message\r
1449 # notify the PI that they are attempting to build a module that must \r
1450 # be included in a flash image in order to be functional. These Dynamic \r
1451 # PCD will not be added into the Database unless it is used by other \r
1452 # modules that are included in the FDF file.\r
1453 if PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicPcd and \\r
1454 PcdFromModule.IsFromBinaryInf == False:\r
1455 # Print warning message to let the developer make a determine.\r
1456 if PcdFromModule not in PcdNotInDb:\r
1457 PcdNotInDb.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1458 continue\r
1459 # If one of the Source built modules listed in the DSC is not listed in \r
1460 # FDF modules, and the INF lists a PCD can only use the PcdsDynamicEx \r
1461 # access method (it is only listed in the DEC file that declares the \r
1462 # PCD as PcdsDynamicEx), then DO NOT break the build; DO NOT add the \r
1463 # PCD to the Platform's PCD Database.\r
1464 if PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd:\r
1465 if PcdFromModule not in PcdNotInDb:\r
1466 PcdNotInDb.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1467 continue\r
1468 #\r
1469 # If a dynamic PCD used by a PEM module/PEI module & DXE module,\r
1470 # it should be stored in Pcd PEI database, If a dynamic only\r
1471 # used by DXE module, it should be stored in DXE PCD database.\r
1472 # The default Phase is DXE\r
1473 #\r
1474 if M.ModuleType in ["PEIM", "PEI_CORE"]:\r
1475 PcdFromModule.Phase = "PEI"\r
1476 if PcdFromModule not in self._DynaPcdList_:\r
1477 self._DynaPcdList_.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1478 elif PcdFromModule.Phase == 'PEI':\r
1479 # overwrite any the same PCD existing, if Phase is PEI\r
1480 Index = self._DynaPcdList_.index(PcdFromModule)\r
1481 self._DynaPcdList_[Index] = PcdFromModule\r
1482 elif PcdFromModule not in self._NonDynaPcdList_:\r
1483 self._NonDynaPcdList_.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1484 elif PcdFromModule in self._NonDynaPcdList_ and PcdFromModule.IsFromBinaryInf == True:\r
1485 Index = self._NonDynaPcdList_.index(PcdFromModule)\r
1486 if self._NonDynaPcdList_[Index].IsFromBinaryInf == False:\r
1487 #The PCD from Binary INF will override the same one from source INF\r
1488 self._NonDynaPcdList_.remove (self._NonDynaPcdList_[Index])\r
1489 PcdFromModule.Pending = False\r
1490 self._NonDynaPcdList_.append (PcdFromModule)\r
1491 # Parse the DynamicEx PCD from the AsBuild INF module list of FDF.\r
1492 DscModuleList = []\r
1493 for ModuleInf in self.Platform.Modules.keys():\r
1494 DscModuleList.append (os.path.normpath(ModuleInf.Path))\r
1495 # add the PCD from modules that listed in FDF but not in DSC to Database \r
1496 for InfName in FdfModuleList:\r
1497 if InfName not in DscModuleList:\r
1498 InfClass = PathClass(InfName)\r
1499 M = self.BuildDatabase[InfClass, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
1500 # If a module INF in FDF but not in current arch's DSC module list, it must be module (either binary or source) \r
1501 # for different Arch. PCDs in source module for different Arch is already added before, so skip the source module here. \r
1502 # For binary module, if in current arch, we need to list the PCDs into database. \r
1503 if not M.IsSupportedArch:\r
1504 continue\r
1505 # Override the module PCD setting by platform setting\r
1506 ModulePcdList = self.ApplyPcdSetting(M, M.Pcds)\r
1507 for PcdFromModule in ModulePcdList:\r
1508 PcdFromModule.IsFromBinaryInf = True\r
1509 PcdFromModule.IsFromDsc = False\r
1510 # Only allow the DynamicEx and Patchable PCD in AsBuild INF\r
1511 if PcdFromModule.Type not in GenC.gDynamicExPcd and PcdFromModule.Type not in TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE:\r
1512 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR, "PCD setting error",\r
1513 File=self.MetaFile,\r
1514 ExtraData="\n\tExisted %s PCD %s in:\n\t\t%s\n"\r
1515 % (PcdFromModule.Type, PcdFromModule.TokenCName, InfName))\r
1516 # make sure that the "VOID*" kind of datum has MaxDatumSize set\r
1517 if PcdFromModule.DatumType == "VOID*" and PcdFromModule.MaxDatumSize in [None, '']:\r
1518 NoDatumTypePcdList.add("%s.%s [%s]" % (PcdFromModule.TokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdFromModule.TokenCName, InfName))\r
1519 if M.ModuleType in ["PEIM", "PEI_CORE"]:\r
1520 PcdFromModule.Phase = "PEI"\r
1521 if PcdFromModule not in self._DynaPcdList_ and PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd:\r
1522 self._DynaPcdList_.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1523 elif PcdFromModule not in self._NonDynaPcdList_ and PcdFromModule.Type in TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE:\r
1524 self._NonDynaPcdList_.append(PcdFromModule)\r
1525 if PcdFromModule in self._DynaPcdList_ and PcdFromModule.Phase == 'PEI' and PcdFromModule.Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd:\r
1526 # Overwrite the phase of any the same PCD existing, if Phase is PEI.\r
1527 # It is to solve the case that a dynamic PCD used by a PEM module/PEI \r
1528 # module & DXE module at a same time.\r
1529 # Overwrite the type of the PCDs in source INF by the type of AsBuild\r
1530 # INF file as DynamicEx. \r
1531 Index = self._DynaPcdList_.index(PcdFromModule)\r
1532 self._DynaPcdList_[Index].Phase = PcdFromModule.Phase\r
1533 self._DynaPcdList_[Index].Type = PcdFromModule.Type\r
1534 for PcdFromModule in self._NonDynaPcdList_:\r
1535 # If a PCD is not listed in the DSC file, but binary INF files used by \r
1536 # this platform all (that use this PCD) list the PCD in a [PatchPcds] \r
1537 # section, AND all source INF files used by this platform the build \r
1538 # that use the PCD list the PCD in either a [Pcds] or [PatchPcds] \r
1539 # section, then the tools must NOT add the PCD to the Platform's PCD\r
1540 # Database; the build must assign the access method for this PCD as \r
1541 # PcdsPatchableInModule.\r
1542 if PcdFromModule not in self._DynaPcdList_:\r
1543 continue\r
1544 Index = self._DynaPcdList_.index(PcdFromModule)\r
1545 if PcdFromModule.IsFromDsc == False and \\r
1546 PcdFromModule.Type in TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE and \\r
1547 PcdFromModule.IsFromBinaryInf == True and \\r
1548 self._DynaPcdList_[Index].IsFromBinaryInf == False:\r
1549 Index = self._DynaPcdList_.index(PcdFromModule)\r
1550 self._DynaPcdList_.remove (self._DynaPcdList_[Index])\r
1552 # print out error information and break the build, if error found\r
1553 if len(NoDatumTypePcdList) > 0:\r
1554 NoDatumTypePcdListString = "\n\t\t".join(NoDatumTypePcdList)\r
1555 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR, "PCD setting error",\r
1556 File=self.MetaFile,\r
1557 ExtraData="\n\tPCD(s) without MaxDatumSize:\n\t\t%s\n"\r
1558 % NoDatumTypePcdListString)\r
1559 self._NonDynamicPcdList = self._NonDynaPcdList_\r
1560 self._DynamicPcdList = self._DynaPcdList_\r
1561 #\r
1562 # Sort dynamic PCD list to:\r
1563 # 1) If PCD's datum type is VOID* and value is unicode string which starts with L, the PCD item should \r
1564 # try to be put header of dynamicd List\r
1565 # 2) If PCD is HII type, the PCD item should be put after unicode type PCD\r
1566 #\r
1567 # The reason of sorting is make sure the unicode string is in double-byte alignment in string table.\r
1568 #\r
1569 UnicodePcdArray = []\r
1570 HiiPcdArray = []\r
1571 OtherPcdArray = []\r
1572 VpdPcdDict = {}\r
1573 VpdFile = VpdInfoFile.VpdInfoFile()\r
1574 NeedProcessVpdMapFile = False\r
1576 for pcd in self.Platform.Pcds.keys():\r
1577 if pcd not in self._PlatformPcds.keys():\r
1578 self._PlatformPcds[pcd] = self.Platform.Pcds[pcd]\r
1580 for item in self._PlatformPcds:\r
1581 if self._PlatformPcds[item].DatumType and self._PlatformPcds[item].DatumType not in [TAB_UINT8, TAB_UINT16, TAB_UINT32, TAB_UINT64, TAB_VOID, "BOOLEAN"]:\r
1582 self._PlatformPcds[item].DatumType = "VOID*"\r
1584 if (self.Workspace.ArchList[-1] == self.Arch): \r
1585 for Pcd in self._DynamicPcdList:\r
1586 # just pick the a value to determine whether is unicode string type\r
1587 Sku = Pcd.SkuInfoList[Pcd.SkuInfoList.keys()[0]]\r
1588 Sku.VpdOffset = Sku.VpdOffset.strip()\r
1590 if Pcd.DatumType not in [TAB_UINT8, TAB_UINT16, TAB_UINT32, TAB_UINT64, TAB_VOID, "BOOLEAN"]:\r
1591 Pcd.DatumType = "VOID*"\r
1593 PcdValue = Sku.DefaultValue\r
1594 if Pcd.DatumType == 'VOID*' and PcdValue.startswith("L"):\r
1595 # if found PCD which datum value is unicode string the insert to left size of UnicodeIndex\r
1596 UnicodePcdArray.append(Pcd)\r
1597 elif len(Sku.VariableName) > 0:\r
1598 # if found HII type PCD then insert to right of UnicodeIndex\r
1599 HiiPcdArray.append(Pcd)\r
1600 else:\r
1601 OtherPcdArray.append(Pcd)\r
1603 VpdPcdDict[(Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = Pcd\r
1605 #Collect DynamicHii PCD values and assign it to DynamicExVpd PCD gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdNvStoreDefaultValueBuffer\r
1606 PcdNvStoreDfBuffer = VpdPcdDict.get(("PcdNvStoreDefaultValueBuffer","gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid"))\r
1607 if PcdNvStoreDfBuffer:\r
1608 var_info = self.CollectVariables(self._DynamicPcdList)\r
1609 default_skuobj = PcdNvStoreDfBuffer.SkuInfoList.get("DEFAULT")\r
1610 vardump = var_info.dump()\r
1611 if vardump:\r
1612 default_skuobj.DefaultValue = vardump\r
1613 PcdNvStoreDfBuffer.DefaultValue = vardump\r
1614 if default_skuobj:\r
1615 PcdNvStoreDfBuffer.SkuInfoList.clear()\r
1616 PcdNvStoreDfBuffer.SkuInfoList['DEFAULT'] = default_skuobj\r
1617 PcdNvStoreDfBuffer.MaxDatumSize = str(len(default_skuobj.DefaultValue.split(",")))\r
1619 PlatformPcds = self._PlatformPcds.keys()\r
1620 PlatformPcds.sort()\r
1621 #\r
1622 # Add VPD type PCD into VpdFile and determine whether the VPD PCD need to be fixed up.\r
1623 #\r
1624 for PcdKey in PlatformPcds:\r
1625 Pcd = self._PlatformPcds[PcdKey]\r
1627 PcdKey in VpdPcdDict:\r
1628 Pcd = VpdPcdDict[PcdKey]\r
1629 for (SkuName,Sku) in Pcd.SkuInfoList.items():\r
1630 Sku.VpdOffset = Sku.VpdOffset.strip()\r
1631 PcdValue = Sku.DefaultValue\r
1632 if PcdValue == "":\r
1633 PcdValue = Pcd.DefaultValue\r
1634 if Sku.VpdOffset != '*':\r
1635 if PcdValue.startswith("{"):\r
1636 Alignment = 8\r
1637 elif PcdValue.startswith("L"):\r
1638 Alignment = 2\r
1639 else:\r
1640 Alignment = 1\r
1641 try:\r
1642 VpdOffset = int(Sku.VpdOffset)\r
1643 except:\r
1644 try:\r
1645 VpdOffset = int(Sku.VpdOffset, 16)\r
1646 except:\r
1647 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid offset value %s for PCD %s.%s." % (Sku.VpdOffset, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName))\r
1648 if VpdOffset % Alignment != 0:\r
1649 if PcdValue.startswith("{"):\r
1650 EdkLogger.warn("build", "The offset value of PCD %s.%s is not 8-byte aligned!" %(Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName), File=self.MetaFile)\r
1651 else:\r
1652 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The offset value of PCD %s.%s should be %s-byte aligned.' % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName, Alignment))\r
1653 VpdFile.Add(Pcd, Sku.VpdOffset)\r
1654 # if the offset of a VPD is *, then it need to be fixed up by third party tool.\r
1655 if not NeedProcessVpdMapFile and Sku.VpdOffset == "*":\r
1656 NeedProcessVpdMapFile = True\r
1657 if self.Platform.VpdToolGuid == None or self.Platform.VpdToolGuid == '':\r
1658 EdkLogger.error("Build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, \\r
1659 "Fail to find third-party BPDG tool to process VPD PCDs. BPDG Guid tool need to be defined in tools_def.txt and VPD_TOOL_GUID need to be provided in DSC file.")\r
1662 #\r
1663 # Fix the PCDs define in VPD PCD section that never referenced by module.\r
1664 # An example is PCD for signature usage.\r
1665 # \r
1666 for DscPcd in PlatformPcds:\r
1667 DscPcdEntry = self._PlatformPcds[DscPcd]\r
1669 if not (self.Platform.VpdToolGuid == None or self.Platform.VpdToolGuid == ''):\r
1670 FoundFlag = False\r
1671 for VpdPcd in VpdFile._VpdArray.keys():\r
1672 # This PCD has been referenced by module\r
1673 if (VpdPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName == DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and \\r
1674 (VpdPcd.TokenCName == DscPcdEntry.TokenCName):\r
1675 FoundFlag = True\r
1677 # Not found, it should be signature\r
1678 if not FoundFlag :\r
1679 # just pick the a value to determine whether is unicode string type\r
1680 for (SkuName,Sku) in DscPcdEntry.SkuInfoList.items():\r
1681 Sku.VpdOffset = Sku.VpdOffset.strip() \r
1682 \r
1683 # Need to iterate DEC pcd information to get the value & datumtype\r
1684 for eachDec in self.PackageList:\r
1685 for DecPcd in eachDec.Pcds:\r
1686 DecPcdEntry = eachDec.Pcds[DecPcd]\r
1687 if (DecPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName == DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and \\r
1688 (DecPcdEntry.TokenCName == DscPcdEntry.TokenCName):\r
1689 # Print warning message to let the developer make a determine.\r
1690 EdkLogger.warn("build", "Unreferenced vpd pcd used!",\r
1691 File=self.MetaFile, \\r
1692 ExtraData = "PCD: %s.%s used in the DSC file %s is unreferenced." \\r
1693 %(DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName, DscPcdEntry.TokenCName, self.Platform.MetaFile.Path)) \r
1694 \r
1695 DscPcdEntry.DatumType = DecPcdEntry.DatumType\r
1696 DscPcdEntry.DefaultValue = DecPcdEntry.DefaultValue\r
1697 DscPcdEntry.TokenValue = DecPcdEntry.TokenValue\r
1698 DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidValue = eachDec.Guids[DecPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName]\r
1699 # Only fix the value while no value provided in DSC file.\r
1700 if (Sku.DefaultValue == "" or Sku.DefaultValue==None):\r
1701 DscPcdEntry.SkuInfoList[DscPcdEntry.SkuInfoList.keys()[0]].DefaultValue = DecPcdEntry.DefaultValue\r
1702 \r
1703 if DscPcdEntry not in self._DynamicPcdList:\r
1704 self._DynamicPcdList.append(DscPcdEntry)\r
1705# Sku = DscPcdEntry.SkuInfoList[DscPcdEntry.SkuInfoList.keys()[0]]\r
1706 Sku.VpdOffset = Sku.VpdOffset.strip()\r
1707 PcdValue = Sku.DefaultValue\r
1708 if PcdValue == "":\r
1709 PcdValue = DscPcdEntry.DefaultValue\r
1710 if Sku.VpdOffset != '*':\r
1711 if PcdValue.startswith("{"):\r
1712 Alignment = 8\r
1713 elif PcdValue.startswith("L"):\r
1714 Alignment = 2\r
1715 else:\r
1716 Alignment = 1\r
1717 try:\r
1718 VpdOffset = int(Sku.VpdOffset)\r
1719 except:\r
1720 try:\r
1721 VpdOffset = int(Sku.VpdOffset, 16)\r
1722 except:\r
1723 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid offset value %s for PCD %s.%s." % (Sku.VpdOffset, DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName, DscPcdEntry.TokenCName))\r
1724 if VpdOffset % Alignment != 0:\r
1725 if PcdValue.startswith("{"):\r
1726 EdkLogger.warn("build", "The offset value of PCD %s.%s is not 8-byte aligned!" %(DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName, DscPcdEntry.TokenCName), File=self.MetaFile)\r
1727 else:\r
1728 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The offset value of PCD %s.%s should be %s-byte aligned.' % (DscPcdEntry.TokenSpaceGuidCName, DscPcdEntry.TokenCName, Alignment))\r
1729 VpdFile.Add(DscPcdEntry, Sku.VpdOffset)\r
1730 if not NeedProcessVpdMapFile and Sku.VpdOffset == "*":\r
1731 NeedProcessVpdMapFile = True \r
1732 if DscPcdEntry.DatumType == 'VOID*' and PcdValue.startswith("L"):\r
1733 UnicodePcdArray.append(DscPcdEntry)\r
1734 elif len(Sku.VariableName) > 0:\r
1735 HiiPcdArray.append(DscPcdEntry)\r
1736 else:\r
1737 OtherPcdArray.append(DscPcdEntry)\r
1738 \r
1739 # if the offset of a VPD is *, then it need to be fixed up by third party tool.\r
1740 \r
1741 \r
1742 \r
1743 if (self.Platform.FlashDefinition == None or self.Platform.FlashDefinition == '') and \\r
1744 VpdFile.GetCount() != 0:\r
1745 EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, \r
1746 "Fail to get FLASH_DEFINITION definition in DSC file %s which is required when DSC contains VPD PCD." % str(self.Platform.MetaFile))\r
1748 if VpdFile.GetCount() != 0:\r
1749 FvPath = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, "FV")\r
1750 if not os.path.exists(FvPath):\r
1751 try:\r
1752 os.makedirs(FvPath)\r
1753 except:\r
1754 EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Fail to create FV folder under %s" % self.BuildDir)\r
1756 VpdFilePath = os.path.join(FvPath, "%s.txt" % self.Platform.VpdToolGuid)\r
1758 if VpdFile.Write(VpdFilePath):\r
1759 # retrieve BPDG tool's path from tool_def.txt according to VPD_TOOL_GUID defined in DSC file.\r
1760 BPDGToolName = None\r
1761 for ToolDef in self.ToolDefinition.values():\r
1762 if ToolDef.has_key("GUID") and ToolDef["GUID"] == self.Platform.VpdToolGuid:\r
1763 if not ToolDef.has_key("PATH"):\r
1764 EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "PATH attribute was not provided for BPDG guid tool %s in tools_def.txt" % self.Platform.VpdToolGuid)\r
1765 BPDGToolName = ToolDef["PATH"]\r
1766 break\r
1767 # Call third party GUID BPDG tool.\r
1768 if BPDGToolName != None:\r
1769 VpdInfoFile.CallExtenalBPDGTool(BPDGToolName, VpdFilePath)\r
1770 else:\r
1771 EdkLogger.error("Build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Fail to find third-party BPDG tool to process VPD PCDs. BPDG Guid tool need to be defined in tools_def.txt and VPD_TOOL_GUID need to be provided in DSC file.")\r
1773 # Process VPD map file generated by third party BPDG tool\r
1774 if NeedProcessVpdMapFile:\r
1775 VpdMapFilePath = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, "FV", "%s.map" % self.Platform.VpdToolGuid)\r
1776 if os.path.exists(VpdMapFilePath):\r
1777 VpdFile.Read(VpdMapFilePath)\r
1779 # Fixup "*" offset\r
1780 for Pcd in self._DynamicPcdList:\r
1781 # just pick the a value to determine whether is unicode string type\r
1782 i = 0\r
1783 for (SkuName,Sku) in Pcd.SkuInfoList.items(): \r
1784 if Sku.VpdOffset == "*":\r
1785 Sku.VpdOffset = VpdFile.GetOffset(Pcd)[i].strip()\r
1786 i += 1\r
1787 else:\r
1788 EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_READ_FAILURE, "Can not find VPD map file %s to fix up VPD offset." % VpdMapFilePath)\r
1790 # Delete the DynamicPcdList At the last time enter into this function \r
1791 del self._DynamicPcdList[:]\r
1792 self._DynamicPcdList.extend(UnicodePcdArray)\r
1793 self._DynamicPcdList.extend(HiiPcdArray)\r
1794 self._DynamicPcdList.extend(OtherPcdArray)\r
1795 allskuset = [(SkuName,Sku.SkuId) for pcd in self._DynamicPcdList for (SkuName,Sku) in pcd.SkuInfoList.items()]\r
1796 for pcd in self._DynamicPcdList:\r
1797 if len(pcd.SkuInfoList) == 1:\r
1798 for (SkuName,SkuId) in allskuset:\r
1799 if type(SkuId) in (str,unicode) and eval(SkuId) == 0 or SkuId == 0:\r
1800 continue\r
1801 pcd.SkuInfoList[SkuName] = pcd.SkuInfoList['DEFAULT']\r
1802 self.AllPcdList = self._NonDynamicPcdList + self._DynamicPcdList\r
1803 \r
1804 ## Return the platform build data object\r
1805 def _GetPlatform(self):\r
1806 if self._Platform == None:\r
1807 self._Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
1808 return self._Platform\r
1810 ## Return platform name\r
1811 def _GetName(self):\r
1812 return self.Platform.PlatformName\r
1814 ## Return the meta file GUID\r
1815 def _GetGuid(self):\r
1816 return self.Platform.Guid\r
1818 ## Return the platform version\r
1819 def _GetVersion(self):\r
1820 return self.Platform.Version\r
1822 ## Return the FDF file name\r
1823 def _GetFdfFile(self):\r
1824 if self._FdfFile == None:\r
1825 if self.Workspace.FdfFile != "":\r
1826 self._FdfFile= mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, self.Workspace.FdfFile)\r
1827 else:\r
1828 self._FdfFile = ''\r
1829 return self._FdfFile\r
1831 ## Return the build output directory platform specifies\r
1832 def _GetOutputDir(self):\r
1833 return self.Platform.OutputDirectory\r
1835 ## Return the directory to store all intermediate and final files built\r
1836 def _GetBuildDir(self):\r
1837 if self._BuildDir == None:\r
1838 if os.path.isabs(self.OutputDir):\r
1839 self._BuildDir = path.join(\r
1840 path.abspath(self.OutputDir),\r
1841 self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain,\r
1842 )\r
1843 else:\r
1844 self._BuildDir = path.join(\r
1845 self.WorkspaceDir,\r
1846 self.OutputDir,\r
1847 self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain,\r
1848 )\r
1849 GlobalData.gBuildDirectory = self._BuildDir\r
1850 return self._BuildDir\r
1852 ## Return directory of platform makefile\r
1853 #\r
1854 # @retval string Makefile directory\r
1855 #\r
1856 def _GetMakeFileDir(self):\r
1857 if self._MakeFileDir == None:\r
1858 self._MakeFileDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, self.Arch)\r
1859 return self._MakeFileDir\r
1861 ## Return build command string\r
1862 #\r
1863 # @retval string Build command string\r
1864 #\r
1865 def _GetBuildCommand(self):\r
1866 if self._BuildCommand == None:\r
1867 self._BuildCommand = []\r
1868 if "MAKE" in self.ToolDefinition and "PATH" in self.ToolDefinition["MAKE"]:\r
1869 self._BuildCommand += SplitOption(self.ToolDefinition["MAKE"]["PATH"])\r
1870 if "FLAGS" in self.ToolDefinition["MAKE"]:\r
1871 NewOption = self.ToolDefinition["MAKE"]["FLAGS"].strip()\r
1872 if NewOption != '':\r
1873 self._BuildCommand += SplitOption(NewOption)\r
1874 return self._BuildCommand\r
1876 ## Get tool chain definition\r
1877 #\r
1878 # Get each tool defition for given tool chain from tools_def.txt and platform\r
1879 #\r
1880 def _GetToolDefinition(self):\r
1881 if self._ToolDefinitions == None:\r
1882 ToolDefinition = self.Workspace.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary\r
1883 if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_COMMAND_TYPE not in self.Workspace.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase:\r
1884 EdkLogger.error('build', RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "No tools found in configuration",\r
1885 ExtraData="[%s]" % self.MetaFile)\r
1886 self._ToolDefinitions = {}\r
1887 DllPathList = set()\r
1888 for Def in ToolDefinition:\r
1889 Target, Tag, Arch, Tool, Attr = Def.split("_")\r
1890 if Target != self.BuildTarget or Tag != self.ToolChain or Arch != self.Arch:\r
1891 continue\r
1893 Value = ToolDefinition[Def]\r
1894 # don't record the DLL\r
1895 if Attr == "DLL":\r
1896 DllPathList.add(Value)\r
1897 continue\r
1899 if Tool not in self._ToolDefinitions:\r
1900 self._ToolDefinitions[Tool] = {}\r
1901 self._ToolDefinitions[Tool][Attr] = Value\r
1903 ToolsDef = ''\r
1904 MakePath = ''\r
1905 if GlobalData.gOptions.SilentMode and "MAKE" in self._ToolDefinitions:\r
1906 if "FLAGS" not in self._ToolDefinitions["MAKE"]:\r
1907 self._ToolDefinitions["MAKE"]["FLAGS"] = ""\r
1908 self._ToolDefinitions["MAKE"]["FLAGS"] += " -s"\r
1909 MakeFlags = ''\r
1910 for Tool in self._ToolDefinitions:\r
1911 for Attr in self._ToolDefinitions[Tool]:\r
1912 Value = self._ToolDefinitions[Tool][Attr]\r
1913 if Tool in self.BuildOption and Attr in self.BuildOption[Tool]:\r
1914 # check if override is indicated\r
1915 if self.BuildOption[Tool][Attr].startswith('='):\r
1916 Value = self.BuildOption[Tool][Attr][1:]\r
1917 else:\r
1918 if Attr != 'PATH':\r
1919 Value += " " + self.BuildOption[Tool][Attr]\r
1920 else:\r
1921 Value = self.BuildOption[Tool][Attr]\r
1923 if Attr == "PATH":\r
1924 # Don't put MAKE definition in the file\r
1925 if Tool == "MAKE":\r
1926 MakePath = Value\r
1927 else:\r
1928 ToolsDef += "%s = %s\n" % (Tool, Value)\r
1929 elif Attr != "DLL":\r
1930 # Don't put MAKE definition in the file\r
1931 if Tool == "MAKE":\r
1932 if Attr == "FLAGS":\r
1933 MakeFlags = Value\r
1934 else:\r
1935 ToolsDef += "%s_%s = %s\n" % (Tool, Attr, Value)\r
1936 ToolsDef += "\n"\r
1938 SaveFileOnChange(self.ToolDefinitionFile, ToolsDef)\r
1939 for DllPath in DllPathList:\r
1940 os.environ["PATH"] = DllPath + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]\r
1941 os.environ["MAKE_FLAGS"] = MakeFlags\r
1943 return self._ToolDefinitions\r
1945 ## Return the paths of tools\r
1946 def _GetToolDefFile(self):\r
1947 if self._ToolDefFile == None:\r
1948 self._ToolDefFile = os.path.join(self.MakeFileDir, "TOOLS_DEF." + self.Arch)\r
1949 return self._ToolDefFile\r
1951 ## Retrieve the toolchain family of given toolchain tag. Default to 'MSFT'.\r
1952 def _GetToolChainFamily(self):\r
1953 if self._ToolChainFamily == None:\r
1954 ToolDefinition = self.Workspace.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase\r
1955 if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY not in ToolDefinition \\r
1956 or self.ToolChain not in ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY] \\r
1957 or not ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][self.ToolChain]:\r
1958 EdkLogger.verbose("No tool chain family found in configuration for %s. Default to MSFT." \\r
1959 % self.ToolChain)\r
1960 self._ToolChainFamily = "MSFT"\r
1961 else:\r
1962 self._ToolChainFamily = ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][self.ToolChain]\r
1963 return self._ToolChainFamily\r
1965 def _GetBuildRuleFamily(self):\r
1966 if self._BuildRuleFamily == None:\r
1967 ToolDefinition = self.Workspace.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase\r
1968 if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY not in ToolDefinition \\r
1969 or self.ToolChain not in ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY] \\r
1970 or not ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY][self.ToolChain]:\r
1971 EdkLogger.verbose("No tool chain family found in configuration for %s. Default to MSFT." \\r
1972 % self.ToolChain)\r
1973 self._BuildRuleFamily = "MSFT"\r
1974 else:\r
1975 self._BuildRuleFamily = ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY][self.ToolChain]\r
1976 return self._BuildRuleFamily\r
1978 ## Return the build options specific for all modules in this platform\r
1979 def _GetBuildOptions(self):\r
1980 if self._BuildOption == None:\r
1981 self._BuildOption = self._ExpandBuildOption(self.Platform.BuildOptions)\r
1982 return self._BuildOption\r
1984 ## Return the build options specific for EDK modules in this platform\r
1985 def _GetEdkBuildOptions(self):\r
1986 if self._EdkBuildOption == None:\r
1987 self._EdkBuildOption = self._ExpandBuildOption(self.Platform.BuildOptions, EDK_NAME)\r
1988 return self._EdkBuildOption\r
1990 ## Return the build options specific for EDKII modules in this platform\r
1991 def _GetEdkIIBuildOptions(self):\r
1992 if self._EdkIIBuildOption == None:\r
1993 self._EdkIIBuildOption = self._ExpandBuildOption(self.Platform.BuildOptions, EDKII_NAME)\r
1994 return self._EdkIIBuildOption\r
1996 ## Parse build_rule.txt in Conf Directory.\r
1997 #\r
1998 # @retval BuildRule object\r
1999 #\r
2000 def _GetBuildRule(self):\r
2001 if self._BuildRule == None:\r
2002 BuildRuleFile = None\r
2003 if TAB_TAT_DEFINES_BUILD_RULE_CONF in self.Workspace.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary:\r
2004 BuildRuleFile = self.Workspace.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_BUILD_RULE_CONF]\r
2005 if BuildRuleFile in [None, '']:\r
2006 BuildRuleFile = gDefaultBuildRuleFile\r
2007 self._BuildRule = BuildRule(BuildRuleFile)\r
2008 if self._BuildRule._FileVersion == "":\r
2009 self._BuildRule._FileVersion = AutoGenReqBuildRuleVerNum\r
2010 else:\r
2011 if self._BuildRule._FileVersion < AutoGenReqBuildRuleVerNum :\r
2012 # If Build Rule's version is less than the version number required by the tools, halting the build.\r
2013 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR,\r
2014 ExtraData="The version number [%s] of build_rule.txt is less than the version number required by the AutoGen.(the minimum required version number is [%s])"\\r
2015 % (self._BuildRule._FileVersion, AutoGenReqBuildRuleVerNum))\r
2017 return self._BuildRule\r
2019 ## Summarize the packages used by modules in this platform\r
2020 def _GetPackageList(self):\r
2021 if self._PackageList == None:\r
2022 self._PackageList = set()\r
2023 for La in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
2024 self._PackageList.update(La.DependentPackageList)\r
2025 for Ma in self.ModuleAutoGenList:\r
2026 self._PackageList.update(Ma.DependentPackageList)\r
2027 #Collect package set information from INF of FDF\r
2028 PkgSet = set()\r
2029 for ModuleFile in self._AsBuildModuleList:\r
2030 if ModuleFile in self.Platform.Modules:\r
2031 continue\r
2032 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
2033 PkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)\r
2034 self._PackageList = list(self._PackageList) + list (PkgSet)\r
2035 return self._PackageList\r
2037 def _GetNonDynamicPcdDict(self):\r
2038 if self._NonDynamicPcdDict:\r
2039 return self._NonDynamicPcdDict\r
2040 for Pcd in self.NonDynamicPcdList:\r
2041 self._NonDynamicPcdDict[(Pcd.TokenCName,Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = Pcd\r
2042 return self._NonDynamicPcdDict\r
2044 ## Get list of non-dynamic PCDs\r
2045 def _GetNonDynamicPcdList(self):\r
2046 if self._NonDynamicPcdList == None:\r
2047 self.CollectPlatformDynamicPcds()\r
2048 return self._NonDynamicPcdList\r
2050 ## Get list of dynamic PCDs\r
2051 def _GetDynamicPcdList(self):\r
2052 if self._DynamicPcdList == None:\r
2053 self.CollectPlatformDynamicPcds()\r
2054 return self._DynamicPcdList\r
2056 ## Generate Token Number for all PCD\r
2057 def _GetPcdTokenNumbers(self):\r
2058 if self._PcdTokenNumber == None:\r
2059 self._PcdTokenNumber = sdict()\r
2060 TokenNumber = 1\r
2061 #\r
2062 # Make the Dynamic and DynamicEx PCD use within different TokenNumber area. \r
2063 # Such as:\r
2064 # \r
2065 # Dynamic PCD:\r
2066 # TokenNumber 0 ~ 10\r
2067 # DynamicEx PCD:\r
2068 # TokeNumber 11 ~ 20\r
2069 #\r
2070 for Pcd in self.DynamicPcdList:\r
2071 if Pcd.Phase == "PEI":\r
2072 if Pcd.Type in ["Dynamic", "DynamicDefault", "DynamicVpd", "DynamicHii"]:\r
2073 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s %s (%s) -> %d" % (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Phase, TokenNumber))\r
2074 self._PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName] = TokenNumber\r
2075 TokenNumber += 1\r
2077 for Pcd in self.DynamicPcdList:\r
2078 if Pcd.Phase == "PEI":\r
2079 if Pcd.Type in ["DynamicEx", "DynamicExDefault", "DynamicExVpd", "DynamicExHii"]:\r
2080 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s %s (%s) -> %d" % (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Phase, TokenNumber))\r
2081 self._PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName] = TokenNumber\r
2082 TokenNumber += 1\r
2084 for Pcd in self.DynamicPcdList:\r
2085 if Pcd.Phase == "DXE":\r
2086 if Pcd.Type in ["Dynamic", "DynamicDefault", "DynamicVpd", "DynamicHii"]:\r
2087 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s %s (%s) -> %d" % (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Phase, TokenNumber))\r
2088 self._PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName] = TokenNumber\r
2089 TokenNumber += 1\r
2091 for Pcd in self.DynamicPcdList:\r
2092 if Pcd.Phase == "DXE":\r
2093 if Pcd.Type in ["DynamicEx", "DynamicExDefault", "DynamicExVpd", "DynamicExHii"]:\r
2094 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s %s (%s) -> %d" % (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Phase, TokenNumber))\r
2095 self._PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName] = TokenNumber\r
2096 TokenNumber += 1\r
2098 for Pcd in self.NonDynamicPcdList:\r
2099 self._PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName] = TokenNumber\r
2100 TokenNumber += 1\r
2101 return self._PcdTokenNumber\r
2103 ## Summarize ModuleAutoGen objects of all modules/libraries to be built for this platform\r
2104 def _GetAutoGenObjectList(self):\r
2105 self._ModuleAutoGenList = []\r
2106 self._LibraryAutoGenList = []\r
2107 for ModuleFile in self.Platform.Modules:\r
2108 Ma = ModuleAutoGen(\r
2109 self.Workspace,\r
2110 ModuleFile,\r
2111 self.BuildTarget,\r
2112 self.ToolChain,\r
2113 self.Arch,\r
2114 self.MetaFile\r
2115 )\r
2116 if Ma not in self._ModuleAutoGenList:\r
2117 self._ModuleAutoGenList.append(Ma)\r
2118 for La in Ma.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
2119 if La not in self._LibraryAutoGenList:\r
2120 self._LibraryAutoGenList.append(La)\r
2121 if Ma not in La._ReferenceModules:\r
2122 La._ReferenceModules.append(Ma)\r
2124 ## Summarize ModuleAutoGen objects of all modules to be built for this platform\r
2125 def _GetModuleAutoGenList(self):\r
2126 if self._ModuleAutoGenList == None:\r
2127 self._GetAutoGenObjectList()\r
2128 return self._ModuleAutoGenList\r
2130 ## Summarize ModuleAutoGen objects of all libraries to be built for this platform\r
2131 def _GetLibraryAutoGenList(self):\r
2132 if self._LibraryAutoGenList == None:\r
2133 self._GetAutoGenObjectList()\r
2134 return self._LibraryAutoGenList\r
2136 ## Test if a module is supported by the platform\r
2137 #\r
2138 # An error will be raised directly if the module or its arch is not supported\r
2139 # by the platform or current configuration\r
2140 #\r
2141 def ValidModule(self, Module):\r
2142 return Module in self.Platform.Modules or Module in self.Platform.LibraryInstances \\r
2143 or Module in self._AsBuildModuleList\r
2145 ## Resolve the library classes in a module to library instances\r
2146 #\r
2147 # This method will not only resolve library classes but also sort the library\r
2148 # instances according to the dependency-ship.\r
2149 #\r
2150 # @param Module The module from which the library classes will be resolved\r
2151 #\r
2152 # @retval library_list List of library instances sorted\r
2153 #\r
2154 def ApplyLibraryInstance(self, Module):\r
2155 # Cover the case that the binary INF file is list in the FDF file but not DSC file, return empty list directly\r
2156 if str(Module) not in self.Platform.Modules:\r
2157 return []\r
2159 ModuleType = Module.ModuleType\r
2161 # for overridding library instances with module specific setting\r
2162 PlatformModule = self.Platform.Modules[str(Module)]\r
2164 # add forced library instances (specified under LibraryClasses sections)\r
2165 #\r
2166 # If a module has a MODULE_TYPE of USER_DEFINED,\r
2167 # do not link in NULL library class instances from the global [LibraryClasses.*] sections.\r
2168 #\r
2169 if Module.ModuleType != SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED:\r
2170 for LibraryClass in self.Platform.LibraryClasses.GetKeys():\r
2171 if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL") and self.Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, Module.ModuleType]:\r
2172 Module.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = self.Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, Module.ModuleType]\r
2174 # add forced library instances (specified in module overrides)\r
2175 for LibraryClass in PlatformModule.LibraryClasses:\r
2176 if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL"):\r
2177 Module.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = PlatformModule.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass]\r
2179 # EdkII module\r
2180 LibraryConsumerList = [Module]\r
2181 Constructor = []\r
2182 ConsumedByList = sdict()\r
2183 LibraryInstance = sdict()\r
2185 EdkLogger.verbose("")\r
2186 EdkLogger.verbose("Library instances of module [%s] [%s]:" % (str(Module), self.Arch))\r
2187 while len(LibraryConsumerList) > 0:\r
2188 M = LibraryConsumerList.pop()\r
2189 for LibraryClassName in M.LibraryClasses:\r
2190 if LibraryClassName not in LibraryInstance:\r
2191 # override library instance for this module\r
2192 if LibraryClassName in PlatformModule.LibraryClasses:\r
2193 LibraryPath = PlatformModule.LibraryClasses[LibraryClassName]\r
2194 else:\r
2195 LibraryPath = self.Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClassName, ModuleType]\r
2196 if LibraryPath == None or LibraryPath == "":\r
2197 LibraryPath = M.LibraryClasses[LibraryClassName]\r
2198 if LibraryPath == None or LibraryPath == "":\r
2199 EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,\r
2200 "Instance of library class [%s] is not found" % LibraryClassName,\r
2201 File=self.MetaFile,\r
2202 ExtraData="in [%s] [%s]\n\tconsumed by module [%s]" % (str(M), self.Arch, str(Module)))\r
2204 LibraryModule = self.BuildDatabase[LibraryPath, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
2205 # for those forced library instance (NULL library), add a fake library class\r
2206 if LibraryClassName.startswith("NULL"):\r
2207 LibraryModule.LibraryClass.append(LibraryClassObject(LibraryClassName, [ModuleType]))\r
2208 elif LibraryModule.LibraryClass == None \\r
2209 or len(LibraryModule.LibraryClass) == 0 \\r
2210 or (ModuleType != 'USER_DEFINED'\r
2211 and ModuleType not in LibraryModule.LibraryClass[0].SupModList):\r
2212 # only USER_DEFINED can link against any library instance despite of its SupModList\r
2213 EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,\r
2214 "Module type [%s] is not supported by library instance [%s]" \\r
2215 % (ModuleType, LibraryPath), File=self.MetaFile,\r
2216 ExtraData="consumed by [%s]" % str(Module))\r
2218 LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName] = LibraryModule\r
2219 LibraryConsumerList.append(LibraryModule)\r
2220 EdkLogger.verbose("\t" + str(LibraryClassName) + " : " + str(LibraryModule))\r
2221 else:\r
2222 LibraryModule = LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName]\r
2224 if LibraryModule == None:\r
2225 continue\r
2227 if LibraryModule.ConstructorList != [] and LibraryModule not in Constructor:\r
2228 Constructor.append(LibraryModule)\r
2230 if LibraryModule not in ConsumedByList:\r
2231 ConsumedByList[LibraryModule] = []\r
2232 # don't add current module itself to consumer list\r
2233 if M != Module:\r
2234 if M in ConsumedByList[LibraryModule]:\r
2235 continue\r
2236 ConsumedByList[LibraryModule].append(M)\r
2237 #\r
2238 # Initialize the sorted output list to the empty set\r
2239 #\r
2240 SortedLibraryList = []\r
2241 #\r
2242 # Q <- Set of all nodes with no incoming edges\r
2243 #\r
2244 LibraryList = [] #LibraryInstance.values()\r
2245 Q = []\r
2246 for LibraryClassName in LibraryInstance:\r
2247 M = LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName]\r
2248 LibraryList.append(M)\r
2249 if ConsumedByList[M] == []:\r
2250 Q.append(M)\r
2252 #\r
2253 # start the DAG algorithm\r
2254 #\r
2255 while True:\r
2256 EdgeRemoved = True\r
2257 while Q == [] and EdgeRemoved:\r
2258 EdgeRemoved = False\r
2259 # for each node Item with a Constructor\r
2260 for Item in LibraryList:\r
2261 if Item not in Constructor:\r
2262 continue\r
2263 # for each Node without a constructor with an edge e from Item to Node\r
2264 for Node in ConsumedByList[Item]:\r
2265 if Node in Constructor:\r
2266 continue\r
2267 # remove edge e from the graph if Node has no constructor\r
2268 ConsumedByList[Item].remove(Node)\r
2269 EdgeRemoved = True\r
2270 if ConsumedByList[Item] == []:\r
2271 # insert Item into Q\r
2272 Q.insert(0, Item)\r
2273 break\r
2274 if Q != []:\r
2275 break\r
2276 # DAG is done if there's no more incoming edge for all nodes\r
2277 if Q == []:\r
2278 break\r
2280 # remove node from Q\r
2281 Node = Q.pop()\r
2282 # output Node\r
2283 SortedLibraryList.append(Node)\r
2285 # for each node Item with an edge e from Node to Item do\r
2286 for Item in LibraryList:\r
2287 if Node not in ConsumedByList[Item]:\r
2288 continue\r
2289 # remove edge e from the graph\r
2290 ConsumedByList[Item].remove(Node)\r
2292 if ConsumedByList[Item] != []:\r
2293 continue\r
2294 # insert Item into Q, if Item has no other incoming edges\r
2295 Q.insert(0, Item)\r
2297 #\r
2298 # if any remaining node Item in the graph has a constructor and an incoming edge, then the graph has a cycle\r
2299 #\r
2300 for Item in LibraryList:\r
2301 if ConsumedByList[Item] != [] and Item in Constructor and len(Constructor) > 1:\r
2302 ErrorMessage = "\tconsumed by " + "\n\tconsumed by ".join([str(L) for L in ConsumedByList[Item]])\r
2303 EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, 'Library [%s] with constructors has a cycle' % str(Item),\r
2304 ExtraData=ErrorMessage, File=self.MetaFile)\r
2305 if Item not in SortedLibraryList:\r
2306 SortedLibraryList.append(Item)\r
2308 #\r
2309 # Build the list of constructor and destructir names\r
2310 # The DAG Topo sort produces the destructor order, so the list of constructors must generated in the reverse order\r
2311 #\r
2312 SortedLibraryList.reverse()\r
2313 return SortedLibraryList\r
2316 ## Override PCD setting (type, value, ...)\r
2317 #\r
2318 # @param ToPcd The PCD to be overrided\r
2319 # @param FromPcd The PCD overrideing from\r
2320 #\r
2321 def _OverridePcd(self, ToPcd, FromPcd, Module=""):\r
2322 #\r
2323 # in case there's PCDs coming from FDF file, which have no type given.\r
2324 # at this point, ToPcd.Type has the type found from dependent\r
2325 # package\r
2326 #\r
2327 TokenCName = ToPcd.TokenCName\r
2328 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
2329 if (ToPcd.TokenCName, ToPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:\r
2330 TokenCName = PcdItem[0]\r
2331 break\r
2332 if FromPcd != None:\r
2333 if GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:\r
2334 for pcd in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:\r
2335 if (FromPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, FromPcd.TokenCName) == (pcd[0], pcd[1]):\r
2336 FromPcd.DefaultValue = pcd[2]\r
2337 break\r
2338 if ToPcd.Pending and FromPcd.Type not in [None, '']:\r
2339 ToPcd.Type = FromPcd.Type\r
2340 elif (ToPcd.Type not in [None, '']) and (FromPcd.Type not in [None, ''])\\r
2341 and (ToPcd.Type != FromPcd.Type) and (ToPcd.Type in FromPcd.Type):\r
2342 if ToPcd.Type.strip() == "DynamicEx":\r
2343 ToPcd.Type = FromPcd.Type\r
2344 elif ToPcd.Type not in [None, ''] and FromPcd.Type not in [None, ''] \\r
2345 and ToPcd.Type != FromPcd.Type:\r
2346 EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_CONFLICT, "Mismatched PCD type",\r
2347 ExtraData="%s.%s is defined as [%s] in module %s, but as [%s] in platform."\\r
2348 % (ToPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName,\r
2349 ToPcd.Type, Module, FromPcd.Type),\r
2350 File=self.MetaFile)\r
2352 if FromPcd.MaxDatumSize not in [None, '']:\r
2353 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = FromPcd.MaxDatumSize\r
2354 if FromPcd.DefaultValue not in [None, '']:\r
2355 ToPcd.DefaultValue = FromPcd.DefaultValue\r
2356 if FromPcd.TokenValue not in [None, '']:\r
2357 ToPcd.TokenValue = FromPcd.TokenValue\r
2358 if FromPcd.MaxDatumSize not in [None, '']:\r
2359 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = FromPcd.MaxDatumSize\r
2360 if FromPcd.DatumType not in [None, '']:\r
2361 ToPcd.DatumType = FromPcd.DatumType\r
2362 if FromPcd.SkuInfoList not in [None, '', []]:\r
2363 ToPcd.SkuInfoList = FromPcd.SkuInfoList\r
2365 # check the validation of datum\r
2366 IsValid, Cause = CheckPcdDatum(ToPcd.DatumType, ToPcd.DefaultValue)\r
2367 if not IsValid:\r
2368 EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID, Cause, File=self.MetaFile,\r
2369 ExtraData="%s.%s" % (ToPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName))\r
2370 ToPcd.validateranges = FromPcd.validateranges\r
2371 ToPcd.validlists = FromPcd.validlists\r
2372 ToPcd.expressions = FromPcd.expressions\r
2374 if ToPcd.DatumType == "VOID*" and ToPcd.MaxDatumSize in ['', None]:\r
2375 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "No MaxDatumSize specified for PCD %s.%s" \\r
2376 % (ToPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName))\r
2377 Value = ToPcd.DefaultValue\r
2378 if Value in [None, '']:\r
2379 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = '1'\r
2380 elif Value[0] == 'L':\r
2381 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = str((len(Value) - 2) * 2)\r
2382 elif Value[0] == '{':\r
2383 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = str(len(Value.split(',')))\r
2384 else:\r
2385 ToPcd.MaxDatumSize = str(len(Value) - 1)\r
2387 # apply default SKU for dynamic PCDS if specified one is not available\r
2388 if (ToPcd.Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LIST or ToPcd.Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_TYPE_LIST) \\r
2389 and ToPcd.SkuInfoList in [None, {}, '']:\r
2390 if self.Platform.SkuName in self.Platform.SkuIds:\r
2391 SkuName = self.Platform.SkuName\r
2392 else:\r
2393 SkuName = 'DEFAULT'\r
2394 ToPcd.SkuInfoList = {\r
2395 SkuName : SkuInfoClass(SkuName, self.Platform.SkuIds[SkuName][0], '', '', '', '', '', ToPcd.DefaultValue)\r
2396 }\r
2398 ## Apply PCD setting defined platform to a module\r
2399 #\r
2400 # @param Module The module from which the PCD setting will be overrided\r
2401 #\r
2402 # @retval PCD_list The list PCDs with settings from platform\r
2403 #\r
2404 def ApplyPcdSetting(self, Module, Pcds):\r
2405 # for each PCD in module\r
2406 for Name, Guid in Pcds:\r
2407 PcdInModule = Pcds[Name, Guid]\r
2408 # find out the PCD setting in platform\r
2409 if (Name, Guid) in self.Platform.Pcds:\r
2410 PcdInPlatform = self.Platform.Pcds[Name, Guid]\r
2411 else:\r
2412 PcdInPlatform = None\r
2413 # then override the settings if any\r
2414 self._OverridePcd(PcdInModule, PcdInPlatform, Module)\r
2415 # resolve the VariableGuid value\r
2416 for SkuId in PcdInModule.SkuInfoList:\r
2417 Sku = PcdInModule.SkuInfoList[SkuId]\r
2418 if Sku.VariableGuid == '': continue\r
2419 Sku.VariableGuidValue = GuidValue(Sku.VariableGuid, self.PackageList, self.MetaFile.Path)\r
2420 if Sku.VariableGuidValue == None:\r
2421 PackageList = "\n\t".join([str(P) for P in self.PackageList])\r
2422 EdkLogger.error(\r
2423 'build',\r
2425 "Value of GUID [%s] is not found in" % Sku.VariableGuid,\r
2426 ExtraData=PackageList + "\n\t(used with %s.%s from module %s)" \\r
2427 % (Guid, Name, str(Module)),\r
2428 File=self.MetaFile\r
2429 )\r
2431 # override PCD settings with module specific setting\r
2432 if Module in self.Platform.Modules:\r
2433 PlatformModule = self.Platform.Modules[str(Module)]\r
2434 for Key in PlatformModule.Pcds:\r
2435 Flag = False\r
2436 if Key in Pcds:\r
2437 ToPcd = Pcds[Key]\r
2438 Flag = True\r
2439 elif Key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
2440 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd[Key]:\r
2441 if PcdItem in Pcds:\r
2442 ToPcd = Pcds[PcdItem]\r
2443 Flag = True\r
2444 break\r
2445 if Flag:\r
2446 self._OverridePcd(ToPcd, PlatformModule.Pcds[Key], Module)\r
2447 return Pcds.values()\r
2449 ## Resolve library names to library modules\r
2450 #\r
2451 # (for Edk.x modules)\r
2452 #\r
2453 # @param Module The module from which the library names will be resolved\r
2454 #\r
2455 # @retval library_list The list of library modules\r
2456 #\r
2457 def ResolveLibraryReference(self, Module):\r
2458 EdkLogger.verbose("")\r
2459 EdkLogger.verbose("Library instances of module [%s] [%s]:" % (str(Module), self.Arch))\r
2460 LibraryConsumerList = [Module]\r
2462 # "CompilerStub" is a must for Edk modules\r
2463 if Module.Libraries:\r
2464 Module.Libraries.append("CompilerStub")\r
2465 LibraryList = []\r
2466 while len(LibraryConsumerList) > 0:\r
2467 M = LibraryConsumerList.pop()\r
2468 for LibraryName in M.Libraries:\r
2469 Library = self.Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryName, ':dummy:']\r
2470 if Library == None:\r
2471 for Key in self.Platform.LibraryClasses.data.keys():\r
2472 if LibraryName.upper() == Key.upper():\r
2473 Library = self.Platform.LibraryClasses[Key, ':dummy:']\r
2474 break\r
2475 if Library == None:\r
2476 EdkLogger.warn("build", "Library [%s] is not found" % LibraryName, File=str(M),\r
2477 ExtraData="\t%s [%s]" % (str(Module), self.Arch))\r
2478 continue\r
2480 if Library not in LibraryList:\r
2481 LibraryList.append(Library)\r
2482 LibraryConsumerList.append(Library)\r
2483 EdkLogger.verbose("\t" + LibraryName + " : " + str(Library) + ' ' + str(type(Library)))\r
2484 return LibraryList\r
2486 ## Calculate the priority value of the build option\r
2487 #\r
2488 # @param Key Build option definition contain: TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH_COMMANDTYPE_ATTRIBUTE\r
2489 #\r
2490 # @retval Value Priority value based on the priority list.\r
2491 #\r
2492 def CalculatePriorityValue(self, Key):\r
2493 Target, ToolChain, Arch, CommandType, Attr = Key.split('_')\r
2494 PriorityValue = 0x11111\r
2495 if Target == "*":\r
2496 PriorityValue &= 0x01111\r
2497 if ToolChain == "*":\r
2498 PriorityValue &= 0x10111\r
2499 if Arch == "*":\r
2500 PriorityValue &= 0x11011\r
2501 if CommandType == "*":\r
2502 PriorityValue &= 0x11101\r
2503 if Attr == "*":\r
2504 PriorityValue &= 0x11110\r
2506 return self.PrioList["0x%0.5x" % PriorityValue]\r
2509 ## Expand * in build option key\r
2510 #\r
2511 # @param Options Options to be expanded\r
2512 #\r
2513 # @retval options Options expanded\r
2514 # \r
2515 def _ExpandBuildOption(self, Options, ModuleStyle=None):\r
2516 BuildOptions = {}\r
2517 FamilyMatch = False\r
2518 FamilyIsNull = True\r
2520 OverrideList = {}\r
2521 #\r
2522 # Construct a list contain the build options which need override.\r
2523 #\r
2524 for Key in Options:\r
2525 #\r
2526 # Key[0] -- tool family\r
2528 #\r
2529 if (Key[0] == self.BuildRuleFamily and\r
2530 (ModuleStyle == None or len(Key) < 3 or (len(Key) > 2 and Key[2] == ModuleStyle))):\r
2531 Target, ToolChain, Arch, CommandType, Attr = Key[1].split('_')\r
2532 if Target == self.BuildTarget or Target == "*":\r
2533 if ToolChain == self.ToolChain or ToolChain == "*":\r
2534 if Arch == self.Arch or Arch == "*":\r
2535 if Options[Key].startswith("="):\r
2536 if OverrideList.get(Key[1]) != None:\r
2537 OverrideList.pop(Key[1])\r
2538 OverrideList[Key[1]] = Options[Key]\r
2539 \r
2540 #\r
2541 # Use the highest priority value. \r
2542 #\r
2543 if (len(OverrideList) >= 2):\r
2544 KeyList = OverrideList.keys()\r
2545 for Index in range(len(KeyList)):\r
2546 NowKey = KeyList[Index]\r
2547 Target1, ToolChain1, Arch1, CommandType1, Attr1 = NowKey.split("_")\r
2548 for Index1 in range(len(KeyList) - Index - 1):\r
2549 NextKey = KeyList[Index1 + Index + 1]\r
2550 #\r
2551 # Compare two Key, if one is included by another, choose the higher priority one\r
2552 # \r
2553 Target2, ToolChain2, Arch2, CommandType2, Attr2 = NextKey.split("_")\r
2554 if Target1 == Target2 or Target1 == "*" or Target2 == "*":\r
2555 if ToolChain1 == ToolChain2 or ToolChain1 == "*" or ToolChain2 == "*":\r
2556 if Arch1 == Arch2 or Arch1 == "*" or Arch2 == "*":\r
2557 if CommandType1 == CommandType2 or CommandType1 == "*" or CommandType2 == "*":\r
2558 if Attr1 == Attr2 or Attr1 == "*" or Attr2 == "*":\r
2559 if self.CalculatePriorityValue(NowKey) > self.CalculatePriorityValue(NextKey):\r
2560 if Options.get((self.BuildRuleFamily, NextKey)) != None:\r
2561 Options.pop((self.BuildRuleFamily, NextKey))\r
2562 else:\r
2563 if Options.get((self.BuildRuleFamily, NowKey)) != None:\r
2564 Options.pop((self.BuildRuleFamily, NowKey))\r
2565 \r
2566 for Key in Options:\r
2567 if ModuleStyle != None and len (Key) > 2:\r
2568 # Check Module style is EDK or EDKII.\r
2569 # Only append build option for the matched style module.\r
2570 if ModuleStyle == EDK_NAME and Key[2] != EDK_NAME:\r
2571 continue\r
2572 elif ModuleStyle == EDKII_NAME and Key[2] != EDKII_NAME:\r
2573 continue\r
2574 Family = Key[0]\r
2575 Target, Tag, Arch, Tool, Attr = Key[1].split("_")\r
2576 # if tool chain family doesn't match, skip it\r
2577 if Tool in self.ToolDefinition and Family != "":\r
2578 FamilyIsNull = False\r
2579 if self.ToolDefinition[Tool].get(TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY, "") != "":\r
2580 if Family != self.ToolDefinition[Tool][TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY]:\r
2581 continue\r
2582 elif Family != self.ToolDefinition[Tool][TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY]:\r
2583 continue\r
2584 FamilyMatch = True\r
2585 # expand any wildcard\r
2586 if Target == "*" or Target == self.BuildTarget:\r
2587 if Tag == "*" or Tag == self.ToolChain:\r
2588 if Arch == "*" or Arch == self.Arch:\r
2589 if Tool not in BuildOptions:\r
2590 BuildOptions[Tool] = {}\r
2591 if Attr != "FLAGS" or Attr not in BuildOptions[Tool] or Options[Key].startswith('='):\r
2592 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = Options[Key]\r
2593 else:\r
2594 # append options for the same tool except PATH\r
2595 if Attr != 'PATH':\r
2596 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] += " " + Options[Key]\r
2597 else:\r
2598 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = Options[Key]\r
2599 # Build Option Family has been checked, which need't to be checked again for family.\r
2600 if FamilyMatch or FamilyIsNull:\r
2601 return BuildOptions\r
2603 for Key in Options:\r
2604 if ModuleStyle != None and len (Key) > 2:\r
2605 # Check Module style is EDK or EDKII.\r
2606 # Only append build option for the matched style module.\r
2607 if ModuleStyle == EDK_NAME and Key[2] != EDK_NAME:\r
2608 continue\r
2609 elif ModuleStyle == EDKII_NAME and Key[2] != EDKII_NAME:\r
2610 continue\r
2611 Family = Key[0]\r
2612 Target, Tag, Arch, Tool, Attr = Key[1].split("_")\r
2613 # if tool chain family doesn't match, skip it\r
2614 if Tool not in self.ToolDefinition or Family == "":\r
2615 continue\r
2616 # option has been added before\r
2617 if Family != self.ToolDefinition[Tool][TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY]:\r
2618 continue\r
2620 # expand any wildcard\r
2621 if Target == "*" or Target == self.BuildTarget:\r
2622 if Tag == "*" or Tag == self.ToolChain:\r
2623 if Arch == "*" or Arch == self.Arch:\r
2624 if Tool not in BuildOptions:\r
2625 BuildOptions[Tool] = {}\r
2626 if Attr != "FLAGS" or Attr not in BuildOptions[Tool] or Options[Key].startswith('='):\r
2627 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = Options[Key]\r
2628 else:\r
2629 # append options for the same tool except PATH\r
2630 if Attr != 'PATH':\r
2631 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] += " " + Options[Key]\r
2632 else:\r
2633 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = Options[Key]\r
2634 return BuildOptions\r
2636 ## Append build options in platform to a module\r
2637 #\r
2638 # @param Module The module to which the build options will be appened\r
2639 #\r
2640 # @retval options The options appended with build options in platform\r
2641 #\r
2642 def ApplyBuildOption(self, Module):\r
2643 # Get the different options for the different style module\r
2644 if Module.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:\r
2645 PlatformOptions = self.EdkBuildOption\r
2646 ModuleTypeOptions = self.Platform.GetBuildOptionsByModuleType(EDK_NAME, Module.ModuleType)\r
2647 else:\r
2648 PlatformOptions = self.EdkIIBuildOption\r
2649 ModuleTypeOptions = self.Platform.GetBuildOptionsByModuleType(EDKII_NAME, Module.ModuleType)\r
2650 ModuleTypeOptions = self._ExpandBuildOption(ModuleTypeOptions)\r
2651 ModuleOptions = self._ExpandBuildOption(Module.BuildOptions)\r
2652 if Module in self.Platform.Modules:\r
2653 PlatformModule = self.Platform.Modules[str(Module)]\r
2654 PlatformModuleOptions = self._ExpandBuildOption(PlatformModule.BuildOptions)\r
2655 else:\r
2656 PlatformModuleOptions = {}\r
2658 BuildRuleOrder = None\r
2659 for Options in [self.ToolDefinition, ModuleOptions, PlatformOptions, ModuleTypeOptions, PlatformModuleOptions]:\r
2660 for Tool in Options:\r
2661 for Attr in Options[Tool]:\r
2663 BuildRuleOrder = Options[Tool][Attr]\r
2665 AllTools = set(ModuleOptions.keys() + PlatformOptions.keys() +\r
2666 PlatformModuleOptions.keys() + ModuleTypeOptions.keys() +\r
2667 self.ToolDefinition.keys())\r
2668 BuildOptions = {}\r
2669 for Tool in AllTools:\r
2670 if Tool not in BuildOptions:\r
2671 BuildOptions[Tool] = {}\r
2673 for Options in [self.ToolDefinition, ModuleOptions, PlatformOptions, ModuleTypeOptions, PlatformModuleOptions]:\r
2674 if Tool not in Options:\r
2675 continue\r
2676 for Attr in Options[Tool]:\r
2677 Value = Options[Tool][Attr]\r
2678 #\r
2679 # Do not generate it in Makefile\r
2680 #\r
2682 continue\r
2683 if Attr not in BuildOptions[Tool]:\r
2684 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = ""\r
2685 # check if override is indicated\r
2686 if Value.startswith('='):\r
2687 ToolPath = Value[1:]\r
2688 ToolPath = mws.handleWsMacro(ToolPath)\r
2689 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = ToolPath\r
2690 else:\r
2691 Value = mws.handleWsMacro(Value)\r
2692 if Attr != 'PATH':\r
2693 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] += " " + Value\r
2694 else:\r
2695 BuildOptions[Tool][Attr] = Value\r
2696 if Module.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005 and self.Workspace.UniFlag != None:\r
2697 #\r
2698 # Override UNI flag only for EDK module.\r
2699 #\r
2700 if 'BUILD' not in BuildOptions:\r
2701 BuildOptions['BUILD'] = {}\r
2702 BuildOptions['BUILD']['FLAGS'] = self.Workspace.UniFlag\r
2703 return BuildOptions, BuildRuleOrder\r
2705 Platform = property(_GetPlatform)\r
2706 Name = property(_GetName)\r
2707 Guid = property(_GetGuid)\r
2708 Version = property(_GetVersion)\r
2710 OutputDir = property(_GetOutputDir)\r
2711 BuildDir = property(_GetBuildDir)\r
2712 MakeFileDir = property(_GetMakeFileDir)\r
2713 FdfFile = property(_GetFdfFile)\r
2715 PcdTokenNumber = property(_GetPcdTokenNumbers) # (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName) : GeneratedTokenNumber\r
2716 DynamicPcdList = property(_GetDynamicPcdList) # [(TokenCName1, TokenSpaceGuidCName1), (TokenCName2, TokenSpaceGuidCName2), ...]\r
2717 NonDynamicPcdList = property(_GetNonDynamicPcdList) # [(TokenCName1, TokenSpaceGuidCName1), (TokenCName2, TokenSpaceGuidCName2), ...]\r
2718 NonDynamicPcdDict = property(_GetNonDynamicPcdDict)\r
2719 PackageList = property(_GetPackageList)\r
2721 ToolDefinition = property(_GetToolDefinition) # toolcode : tool path\r
2722 ToolDefinitionFile = property(_GetToolDefFile) # toolcode : lib path\r
2723 ToolChainFamily = property(_GetToolChainFamily)\r
2724 BuildRuleFamily = property(_GetBuildRuleFamily)\r
2725 BuildOption = property(_GetBuildOptions) # toolcode : option\r
2726 EdkBuildOption = property(_GetEdkBuildOptions) # edktoolcode : option\r
2727 EdkIIBuildOption = property(_GetEdkIIBuildOptions) # edkiitoolcode : option\r
2729 BuildCommand = property(_GetBuildCommand)\r
2730 BuildRule = property(_GetBuildRule)\r
2731 ModuleAutoGenList = property(_GetModuleAutoGenList)\r
2732 LibraryAutoGenList = property(_GetLibraryAutoGenList)\r
2733 GenFdsCommand = property(_GenFdsCommand)\r
2735## ModuleAutoGen class\r
2737# This class encapsules the AutoGen behaviors for the build tools. In addition to\r
2738# the generation of AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c, it will generate *.depex file according\r
2739# to the [depex] section in module's inf file.\r
2741class ModuleAutoGen(AutoGen):\r
2742 ## Cache the timestamps of metafiles of every module in a class variable\r
2743 #\r
2744 TimeDict = {}\r
2746 ## The real constructor of ModuleAutoGen\r
2747 #\r
2748 # This method is not supposed to be called by users of ModuleAutoGen. It's\r
2749 # only used by factory method __new__() to do real initialization work for an\r
2750 # object of ModuleAutoGen\r
2751 #\r
2752 # @param Workspace EdkIIWorkspaceBuild object\r
2753 # @param ModuleFile The path of module file\r
2754 # @param Target Build target (DEBUG, RELEASE)\r
2755 # @param Toolchain Name of tool chain\r
2756 # @param Arch The arch the module supports\r
2757 # @param PlatformFile Platform meta-file\r
2758 #\r
2759 def _Init(self, Workspace, ModuleFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, PlatformFile):\r
2760 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "AutoGen module [%s] [%s]" % (ModuleFile, Arch))\r
2761 GlobalData.gProcessingFile = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (ModuleFile, Arch, Toolchain, Target)\r
2763 self.Workspace = Workspace\r
2764 self.WorkspaceDir = Workspace.WorkspaceDir\r
2766 self.MetaFile = ModuleFile\r
2767 self.PlatformInfo = PlatformAutoGen(Workspace, PlatformFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)\r
2768 # check if this module is employed by active platform\r
2769 if not self.PlatformInfo.ValidModule(self.MetaFile):\r
2770 EdkLogger.verbose("Module [%s] for [%s] is not employed by active platform\n" \\r
2771 % (self.MetaFile, Arch))\r
2772 return False\r
2774 self.SourceDir = self.MetaFile.SubDir\r
2775 self.SourceDir = mws.relpath(self.SourceDir, self.WorkspaceDir)\r
2777 self.SourceOverrideDir = None\r
2778 # use overrided path defined in DSC file\r
2779 if self.MetaFile.Key in GlobalData.gOverrideDir:\r
2780 self.SourceOverrideDir = GlobalData.gOverrideDir[self.MetaFile.Key]\r
2782 self.ToolChain = Toolchain\r
2783 self.BuildTarget = Target\r
2784 self.Arch = Arch\r
2785 self.ToolChainFamily = self.PlatformInfo.ToolChainFamily\r
2786 self.BuildRuleFamily = self.PlatformInfo.BuildRuleFamily\r
2788 self.IsMakeFileCreated = False\r
2789 self.IsCodeFileCreated = False\r
2790 self.IsAsBuiltInfCreated = False\r
2791 self.DepexGenerated = False\r
2793 self.BuildDatabase = self.Workspace.BuildDatabase\r
2794 self.BuildRuleOrder = None\r
2795 self.BuildTime = 0\r
2797 self._Module = None\r
2798 self._Name = None\r
2799 self._Guid = None\r
2800 self._Version = None\r
2801 self._ModuleType = None\r
2802 self._ComponentType = None\r
2803 self._PcdIsDriver = None\r
2804 self._AutoGenVersion = None\r
2805 self._LibraryFlag = None\r
2806 self._CustomMakefile = None\r
2807 self._Macro = None\r
2809 self._BuildDir = None\r
2810 self._OutputDir = None\r
2811 self._FfsOutputDir = None\r
2812 self._DebugDir = None\r
2813 self._MakeFileDir = None\r
2815 self._IncludePathList = None\r
2816 self._IncludePathLength = 0\r
2817 self._AutoGenFileList = None\r
2818 self._UnicodeFileList = None\r
2819 self._VfrFileList = None\r
2820 self._IdfFileList = None\r
2821 self._SourceFileList = None\r
2822 self._ObjectFileList = None\r
2823 self._BinaryFileList = None\r
2825 self._DependentPackageList = None\r
2826 self._DependentLibraryList = None\r
2827 self._LibraryAutoGenList = None\r
2828 self._DerivedPackageList = None\r
2829 self._ModulePcdList = None\r
2830 self._LibraryPcdList = None\r
2831 self._PcdComments = sdict()\r
2832 self._GuidList = None\r
2833 self._GuidsUsedByPcd = None\r
2834 self._GuidComments = sdict()\r
2835 self._ProtocolList = None\r
2836 self._ProtocolComments = sdict()\r
2837 self._PpiList = None\r
2838 self._PpiComments = sdict()\r
2839 self._DepexList = None\r
2840 self._DepexExpressionList = None\r
2841 self._BuildOption = None\r
2842 self._BuildOptionIncPathList = None\r
2843 self._BuildTargets = None\r
2844 self._IntroBuildTargetList = None\r
2845 self._FinalBuildTargetList = None\r
2846 self._FileTypes = None\r
2847 self._BuildRules = None\r
2849 self._TimeStampPath = None\r
2851 self.AutoGenDepSet = set()\r
2853 \r
2854 ## The Modules referenced to this Library\r
2855 # Only Library has this attribute\r
2856 self._ReferenceModules = [] \r
2857 \r
2858 ## Store the FixedAtBuild Pcds\r
2859 # \r
2860 self._FixedAtBuildPcds = []\r
2861 self.ConstPcd = {}\r
2862 return True\r
2864 def __repr__(self):\r
2865 return "%s [%s]" % (self.MetaFile, self.Arch)\r
2867 # Get FixedAtBuild Pcds of this Module\r
2868 def _GetFixedAtBuildPcds(self):\r
2869 if self._FixedAtBuildPcds:\r
2870 return self._FixedAtBuildPcds\r
2871 for Pcd in self.ModulePcdList:\r
2872 if Pcd.Type != "FixedAtBuild":\r
2873 continue\r
2874 if Pcd not in self._FixedAtBuildPcds:\r
2875 self._FixedAtBuildPcds.append(Pcd)\r
2876 \r
2877 return self._FixedAtBuildPcds \r
2879 def _GetUniqueBaseName(self):\r
2880 BaseName = self.Name\r
2881 for Module in self.PlatformInfo.ModuleAutoGenList:\r
2882 if Module.MetaFile == self.MetaFile:\r
2883 continue\r
2884 if Module.Name == self.Name:\r
2885 if uuid.UUID(Module.Guid) == uuid.UUID(self.Guid):\r
2886 EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_DUPLICATED, 'Modules have same BaseName and FILE_GUID:\n'\r
2887 ' %s\n %s' % (Module.MetaFile, self.MetaFile))\r
2888 BaseName = '%s_%s' % (self.Name, self.Guid)\r
2889 return BaseName\r
2891 # Macros could be used in build_rule.txt (also Makefile)\r
2892 def _GetMacros(self):\r
2893 if self._Macro == None:\r
2894 self._Macro = sdict()\r
2895 self._Macro["WORKSPACE" ] = self.WorkspaceDir\r
2896 self._Macro["MODULE_NAME" ] = self.Name\r
2897 self._Macro["MODULE_NAME_GUID" ] = self._GetUniqueBaseName()\r
2898 self._Macro["MODULE_GUID" ] = self.Guid\r
2899 self._Macro["MODULE_VERSION" ] = self.Version\r
2900 self._Macro["MODULE_TYPE" ] = self.ModuleType\r
2901 self._Macro["MODULE_FILE" ] = str(self.MetaFile)\r
2902 self._Macro["MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME" ] = self.MetaFile.BaseName\r
2903 self._Macro["MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR" ] = self.SourceDir\r
2904 self._Macro["MODULE_DIR" ] = self.SourceDir\r
2906 self._Macro["BASE_NAME" ] = self.Name\r
2908 self._Macro["ARCH" ] = self.Arch\r
2909 self._Macro["TOOLCHAIN" ] = self.ToolChain\r
2910 self._Macro["TOOLCHAIN_TAG" ] = self.ToolChain\r
2911 self._Macro["TOOL_CHAIN_TAG" ] = self.ToolChain\r
2912 self._Macro["TARGET" ] = self.BuildTarget\r
2914 self._Macro["BUILD_DIR" ] = self.PlatformInfo.BuildDir\r
2915 self._Macro["BIN_DIR" ] = os.path.join(self.PlatformInfo.BuildDir, self.Arch)\r
2916 self._Macro["LIB_DIR" ] = os.path.join(self.PlatformInfo.BuildDir, self.Arch)\r
2917 self._Macro["MODULE_BUILD_DIR" ] = self.BuildDir\r
2918 self._Macro["OUTPUT_DIR" ] = self.OutputDir\r
2919 self._Macro["DEBUG_DIR" ] = self.DebugDir\r
2920 self._Macro["DEST_DIR_OUTPUT" ] = self.OutputDir\r
2921 self._Macro["DEST_DIR_DEBUG" ] = self.DebugDir\r
2922 self._Macro["PLATFORM_NAME" ] = self.PlatformInfo.Name\r
2923 self._Macro["PLATFORM_GUID" ] = self.PlatformInfo.Guid\r
2924 self._Macro["PLATFORM_VERSION" ] = self.PlatformInfo.Version\r
2925 self._Macro["PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR" ] = self.PlatformInfo.SourceDir\r
2926 self._Macro["PLATFORM_DIR" ] = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, self.PlatformInfo.SourceDir)\r
2927 self._Macro["PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR" ] = self.PlatformInfo.OutputDir\r
2928 self._Macro["FFS_OUTPUT_DIR" ] = self.FfsOutputDir\r
2929 return self._Macro\r
2931 ## Return the module build data object\r
2932 def _GetModule(self):\r
2933 if self._Module == None:\r
2934 self._Module = self.Workspace.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
2935 return self._Module\r
2937 ## Return the module name\r
2938 def _GetBaseName(self):\r
2939 return self.Module.BaseName\r
2941 ## Return the module DxsFile if exist\r
2942 def _GetDxsFile(self):\r
2943 return self.Module.DxsFile\r
2945 ## Return the module SourceOverridePath\r
2946 def _GetSourceOverridePath(self):\r
2947 return self.Module.SourceOverridePath\r
2949 ## Return the module meta-file GUID\r
2950 def _GetGuid(self):\r
2951 #\r
2952 # To build same module more than once, the module path with FILE_GUID overridden has\r
2953 # the file name FILE_GUIDmodule.inf, but the relative path (self.MetaFile.File) is the realy path\r
2954 # in DSC. The overridden GUID can be retrieved from file name\r
2955 #\r
2956 if os.path.basename(self.MetaFile.File) != os.path.basename(self.MetaFile.Path):\r
2957 #\r
2958 # Length of GUID is 36\r
2959 #\r
2960 return os.path.basename(self.MetaFile.Path)[:36]\r
2961 return self.Module.Guid\r
2963 ## Return the module version\r
2964 def _GetVersion(self):\r
2965 return self.Module.Version\r
2967 ## Return the module type\r
2968 def _GetModuleType(self):\r
2969 return self.Module.ModuleType\r
2971 ## Return the component type (for Edk.x style of module)\r
2972 def _GetComponentType(self):\r
2973 return self.Module.ComponentType\r
2975 ## Return the build type\r
2976 def _GetBuildType(self):\r
2977 return self.Module.BuildType\r
2979 ## Return the PCD_IS_DRIVER setting\r
2980 def _GetPcdIsDriver(self):\r
2981 return self.Module.PcdIsDriver\r
2983 ## Return the autogen version, i.e. module meta-file version\r
2984 def _GetAutoGenVersion(self):\r
2985 return self.Module.AutoGenVersion\r
2987 ## Check if the module is library or not\r
2988 def _IsLibrary(self):\r
2989 if self._LibraryFlag == None:\r
2990 if self.Module.LibraryClass != None and self.Module.LibraryClass != []:\r
2991 self._LibraryFlag = True\r
2992 else:\r
2993 self._LibraryFlag = False\r
2994 return self._LibraryFlag\r
2996 ## Check if the module is binary module or not\r
2997 def _IsBinaryModule(self):\r
2998 return self.Module.IsBinaryModule\r
3000 ## Return the directory to store intermediate files of the module\r
3001 def _GetBuildDir(self):\r
3002 if self._BuildDir == None:\r
3003 self._BuildDir = path.join(\r
3004 self.PlatformInfo.BuildDir,\r
3005 self.Arch,\r
3006 self.SourceDir,\r
3007 self.MetaFile.BaseName\r
3008 )\r
3009 CreateDirectory(self._BuildDir)\r
3010 return self._BuildDir\r
3012 ## Return the directory to store the intermediate object files of the mdoule\r
3013 def _GetOutputDir(self):\r
3014 if self._OutputDir == None:\r
3015 self._OutputDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, "OUTPUT")\r
3016 CreateDirectory(self._OutputDir)\r
3017 return self._OutputDir\r
3019 ## Return the directory to store ffs file\r
3020 def _GetFfsOutputDir(self):\r
3021 if self._FfsOutputDir == None:\r
3022 if GlobalData.gFdfParser != None:\r
3023 self._FfsOutputDir = path.join(self.PlatformInfo.BuildDir, "FV", "Ffs", self.Guid + self.Name)\r
3024 else:\r
3025 self._FfsOutputDir = ''\r
3026 return self._FfsOutputDir\r
3028 ## Return the directory to store auto-gened source files of the mdoule\r
3029 def _GetDebugDir(self):\r
3030 if self._DebugDir == None:\r
3031 self._DebugDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, "DEBUG")\r
3032 CreateDirectory(self._DebugDir)\r
3033 return self._DebugDir\r
3035 ## Return the path of custom file\r
3036 def _GetCustomMakefile(self):\r
3037 if self._CustomMakefile == None:\r
3038 self._CustomMakefile = {}\r
3039 for Type in self.Module.CustomMakefile:\r
3040 if Type in gMakeTypeMap:\r
3041 MakeType = gMakeTypeMap[Type]\r
3042 else:\r
3043 MakeType = 'nmake'\r
3044 if self.SourceOverrideDir != None:\r
3045 File = os.path.join(self.SourceOverrideDir, self.Module.CustomMakefile[Type])\r
3046 if not os.path.exists(File):\r
3047 File = os.path.join(self.SourceDir, self.Module.CustomMakefile[Type])\r
3048 else:\r
3049 File = os.path.join(self.SourceDir, self.Module.CustomMakefile[Type])\r
3050 self._CustomMakefile[MakeType] = File\r
3051 return self._CustomMakefile\r
3053 ## Return the directory of the makefile\r
3054 #\r
3055 # @retval string The directory string of module's makefile\r
3056 #\r
3057 def _GetMakeFileDir(self):\r
3058 return self.BuildDir\r
3060 ## Return build command string\r
3061 #\r
3062 # @retval string Build command string\r
3063 #\r
3064 def _GetBuildCommand(self):\r
3065 return self.PlatformInfo.BuildCommand\r
3067 ## Get object list of all packages the module and its dependent libraries belong to\r
3068 #\r
3069 # @retval list The list of package object\r
3070 #\r
3071 def _GetDerivedPackageList(self):\r
3072 PackageList = []\r
3073 for M in [self.Module] + self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3074 for Package in M.Packages:\r
3075 if Package in PackageList:\r
3076 continue\r
3077 PackageList.append(Package)\r
3078 return PackageList\r
3079 \r
3080 ## Get the depex string\r
3081 #\r
3082 # @return : a string contain all depex expresion.\r
3083 def _GetDepexExpresionString(self):\r
3084 DepexStr = ''\r
3085 DepexList = []\r
3086 ## DPX_SOURCE IN Define section.\r
3087 if self.Module.DxsFile:\r
3088 return DepexStr\r
3089 for M in [self.Module] + self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3090 Filename = M.MetaFile.Path\r
3091 InfObj = InfSectionParser.InfSectionParser(Filename)\r
3092 DepexExpresionList = InfObj.GetDepexExpresionList()\r
3093 for DepexExpresion in DepexExpresionList:\r
3094 for key in DepexExpresion.keys():\r
3095 Arch, ModuleType = key\r
3096 DepexExpr = [x for x in DepexExpresion[key] if not str(x).startswith('#')]\r
3097 # the type of build module is USER_DEFINED.\r
3098 # All different DEPEX section tags would be copied into the As Built INF file\r
3099 # and there would be separate DEPEX section tags\r
3100 if self.ModuleType.upper() == SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED:\r
3101 if (Arch.upper() == self.Arch.upper()) and (ModuleType.upper() != TAB_ARCH_COMMON):\r
3102 DepexList.append({(Arch, ModuleType): DepexExpr})\r
3103 else:\r
3104 if Arch.upper() == TAB_ARCH_COMMON or \\r
3105 (Arch.upper() == self.Arch.upper() and \\r
3106 ModuleType.upper() in [TAB_ARCH_COMMON, self.ModuleType.upper()]):\r
3107 DepexList.append({(Arch, ModuleType): DepexExpr})\r
3108 \r
3109 #the type of build module is USER_DEFINED.\r
3110 if self.ModuleType.upper() == SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED:\r
3111 for Depex in DepexList:\r
3112 for key in Depex.keys():\r
3113 DepexStr += '[Depex.%s.%s]\n' % key\r
3114 DepexStr += '\n'.join(['# '+ val for val in Depex[key]])\r
3115 DepexStr += '\n\n'\r
3116 if not DepexStr:\r
3117 return '[Depex.%s]\n' % self.Arch\r
3118 return DepexStr\r
3119 \r
3120 #the type of build module not is USER_DEFINED.\r
3121 Count = 0\r
3122 for Depex in DepexList:\r
3123 Count += 1\r
3124 if DepexStr != '':\r
3125 DepexStr += ' AND '\r
3126 DepexStr += '('\r
3127 for D in Depex.values():\r
3128 DepexStr += ' '.join([val for val in D])\r
3129 Index = DepexStr.find('END')\r
3130 if Index > -1 and Index == len(DepexStr) - 3:\r
3131 DepexStr = DepexStr[:-3]\r
3132 DepexStr = DepexStr.strip()\r
3133 DepexStr += ')'\r
3134 if Count == 1:\r
3135 DepexStr = DepexStr.lstrip('(').rstrip(')').strip()\r
3136 if not DepexStr:\r
3137 return '[Depex.%s]\n' % self.Arch\r
3138 return '[Depex.%s]\n# ' % self.Arch + DepexStr\r
3139 \r
3140 ## Merge dependency expression\r
3141 #\r
3142 # @retval list The token list of the dependency expression after parsed\r
3143 #\r
3144 def _GetDepexTokenList(self):\r
3145 if self._DepexList == None:\r
3146 self._DepexList = {}\r
3147 if self.DxsFile or self.IsLibrary or TAB_DEPENDENCY_EXPRESSION_FILE in self.FileTypes:\r
3148 return self._DepexList\r
3150 self._DepexList[self.ModuleType] = []\r
3152 for ModuleType in self._DepexList:\r
3153 DepexList = self._DepexList[ModuleType]\r
3154 #\r
3155 # Append depex from dependent libraries, if not "BEFORE", "AFTER" expresion\r
3156 #\r
3157 for M in [self.Module] + self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3158 Inherited = False\r
3159 for D in M.Depex[self.Arch, ModuleType]:\r
3160 if DepexList != []:\r
3161 DepexList.append('AND')\r
3162 DepexList.append('(')\r
3163 DepexList.extend(D)\r
3164 if DepexList[-1] == 'END': # no need of a END at this time\r
3165 DepexList.pop()\r
3166 DepexList.append(')')\r
3167 Inherited = True\r
3168 if Inherited:\r
3169 EdkLogger.verbose("DEPEX[%s] (+%s) = %s" % (self.Name, M.BaseName, DepexList))\r
3170 if 'BEFORE' in DepexList or 'AFTER' in DepexList:\r
3171 break\r
3172 if len(DepexList) > 0:\r
3173 EdkLogger.verbose('')\r
3174 return self._DepexList\r
3176 ## Merge dependency expression\r
3177 #\r
3178 # @retval list The token list of the dependency expression after parsed\r
3179 #\r
3180 def _GetDepexExpressionTokenList(self):\r
3181 if self._DepexExpressionList == None:\r
3182 self._DepexExpressionList = {}\r
3183 if self.DxsFile or self.IsLibrary or TAB_DEPENDENCY_EXPRESSION_FILE in self.FileTypes:\r
3184 return self._DepexExpressionList\r
3186 self._DepexExpressionList[self.ModuleType] = ''\r
3188 for ModuleType in self._DepexExpressionList:\r
3189 DepexExpressionList = self._DepexExpressionList[ModuleType]\r
3190 #\r
3191 # Append depex from dependent libraries, if not "BEFORE", "AFTER" expresion\r
3192 #\r
3193 for M in [self.Module] + self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3194 Inherited = False\r
3195 for D in M.DepexExpression[self.Arch, ModuleType]:\r
3196 if DepexExpressionList != '':\r
3197 DepexExpressionList += ' AND '\r
3198 DepexExpressionList += '('\r
3199 DepexExpressionList += D\r
3200 DepexExpressionList = DepexExpressionList.rstrip('END').strip()\r
3201 DepexExpressionList += ')'\r
3202 Inherited = True\r
3203 if Inherited:\r
3204 EdkLogger.verbose("DEPEX[%s] (+%s) = %s" % (self.Name, M.BaseName, DepexExpressionList))\r
3205 if 'BEFORE' in DepexExpressionList or 'AFTER' in DepexExpressionList:\r
3206 break\r
3207 if len(DepexExpressionList) > 0:\r
3208 EdkLogger.verbose('')\r
3209 self._DepexExpressionList[ModuleType] = DepexExpressionList\r
3210 return self._DepexExpressionList\r
3212 # Get the tiano core user extension, it is contain dependent library.\r
3213 # @retval: a list contain tiano core userextension.\r
3214 #\r
3215 def _GetTianoCoreUserExtensionList(self):\r
3216 TianoCoreUserExtentionList = []\r
3217 for M in [self.Module] + self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3218 Filename = M.MetaFile.Path\r
3219 InfObj = InfSectionParser.InfSectionParser(Filename)\r
3220 TianoCoreUserExtenList = InfObj.GetUserExtensionTianoCore()\r
3221 for TianoCoreUserExtent in TianoCoreUserExtenList:\r
3222 for Section in TianoCoreUserExtent.keys():\r
3223 ItemList = Section.split(TAB_SPLIT)\r
3224 Arch = self.Arch\r
3225 if len(ItemList) == 4:\r
3226 Arch = ItemList[3]\r
3227 if Arch.upper() == TAB_ARCH_COMMON or Arch.upper() == self.Arch.upper():\r
3228 TianoCoreList = []\r
3229 TianoCoreList.extend([TAB_SECTION_START + Section + TAB_SECTION_END])\r
3230 TianoCoreList.extend(TianoCoreUserExtent[Section][:])\r
3231 TianoCoreList.append('\n')\r
3232 TianoCoreUserExtentionList.append(TianoCoreList)\r
3234 return TianoCoreUserExtentionList\r
3236 ## Return the list of specification version required for the module\r
3237 #\r
3238 # @retval list The list of specification defined in module file\r
3239 #\r
3240 def _GetSpecification(self):\r
3241 return self.Module.Specification\r
3243 ## Tool option for the module build\r
3244 #\r
3245 # @param PlatformInfo The object of PlatformBuildInfo\r
3246 # @retval dict The dict containing valid options\r
3247 #\r
3248 def _GetModuleBuildOption(self):\r
3249 if self._BuildOption == None:\r
3250 self._BuildOption, self.BuildRuleOrder = self.PlatformInfo.ApplyBuildOption(self.Module)\r
3251 if self.BuildRuleOrder:\r
3252 self.BuildRuleOrder = ['.%s' % Ext for Ext in self.BuildRuleOrder.split()]\r
3253 return self._BuildOption\r
3255 ## Get include path list from tool option for the module build\r
3256 #\r
3257 # @retval list The include path list\r
3258 #\r
3259 def _GetBuildOptionIncPathList(self):\r
3260 if self._BuildOptionIncPathList == None:\r
3261 #\r
3262 # Regular expression for finding Include Directories, the difference between MSFT and INTEL/GCC/RVCT\r
3263 # is the former use /I , the Latter used -I to specify include directories\r
3264 #\r
3265 if self.PlatformInfo.ToolChainFamily in ('MSFT'):\r
3266 gBuildOptIncludePattern = re.compile(r"(?:.*?)/I[ \t]*([^ ]*)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)\r
3267 elif self.PlatformInfo.ToolChainFamily in ('INTEL', 'GCC', 'RVCT'):\r
3268 gBuildOptIncludePattern = re.compile(r"(?:.*?)-I[ \t]*([^ ]*)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)\r
3269 else:\r
3270 #\r
3271 # New ToolChainFamily, don't known whether there is option to specify include directories\r
3272 #\r
3273 self._BuildOptionIncPathList = []\r
3274 return self._BuildOptionIncPathList\r
3275 \r
3276 BuildOptionIncPathList = []\r
3277 for Tool in ('CC', 'PP', 'VFRPP', 'ASLPP', 'ASLCC', 'APP', 'ASM'):\r
3278 Attr = 'FLAGS'\r
3279 try:\r
3280 FlagOption = self.BuildOption[Tool][Attr]\r
3281 except KeyError:\r
3282 FlagOption = ''\r
3283 \r
3284 if self.PlatformInfo.ToolChainFamily != 'RVCT':\r
3285 IncPathList = [NormPath(Path, self.Macros) for Path in gBuildOptIncludePattern.findall(FlagOption)]\r
3286 else:\r
3287 #\r
3288 # RVCT may specify a list of directory seperated by commas\r
3289 #\r
3290 IncPathList = []\r
3291 for Path in gBuildOptIncludePattern.findall(FlagOption):\r
3292 PathList = GetSplitList(Path, TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)\r
3293 IncPathList += [NormPath(PathEntry, self.Macros) for PathEntry in PathList]\r
3295 #\r
3296 # EDK II modules must not reference header files outside of the packages they depend on or \r
3297 # within the module's directory tree. Report error if violation.\r
3298 #\r
3299 if self.AutoGenVersion >= 0x00010005 and len(IncPathList) > 0:\r
3300 for Path in IncPathList:\r
3301 if (Path not in self.IncludePathList) and (CommonPath([Path, self.MetaFile.Dir]) != self.MetaFile.Dir):\r
3302 ErrMsg = "The include directory for the EDK II module in this line is invalid %s specified in %s FLAGS '%s'" % (Path, Tool, FlagOption)\r
3303 EdkLogger.error("build",\r
3305 ExtraData=ErrMsg,\r
3306 File=str(self.MetaFile))\r
3308 \r
3309 BuildOptionIncPathList += IncPathList\r
3310 \r
3311 self._BuildOptionIncPathList = BuildOptionIncPathList\r
3312 \r
3313 return self._BuildOptionIncPathList\r
3314 \r
3315 ## Return a list of files which can be built from source\r
3316 #\r
3317 # What kind of files can be built is determined by build rules in\r
3318 # $(CONF_DIRECTORY)/build_rule.txt and toolchain family.\r
3319 #\r
3320 def _GetSourceFileList(self):\r
3321 if self._SourceFileList == None:\r
3322 self._SourceFileList = []\r
3323 for F in self.Module.Sources:\r
3324 # match tool chain\r
3325 if F.TagName not in ("", "*", self.ToolChain):\r
3326 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "The toolchain [%s] for processing file [%s] is found, "\r
3327 "but [%s] is needed" % (F.TagName, str(F), self.ToolChain))\r
3328 continue\r
3329 # match tool chain family or build rule family\r
3330 if F.ToolChainFamily not in ("", "*", self.ToolChainFamily, self.BuildRuleFamily):\r
3331 EdkLogger.debug(\r
3332 EdkLogger.DEBUG_0,\r
3333 "The file [%s] must be built by tools of [%s], " \\r
3334 "but current toolchain family is [%s], buildrule family is [%s]" \\r
3335 % (str(F), F.ToolChainFamily, self.ToolChainFamily, self.BuildRuleFamily))\r
3336 continue\r
3338 # add the file path into search path list for file including\r
3339 if F.Dir not in self.IncludePathList and self.AutoGenVersion >= 0x00010005:\r
3340 self.IncludePathList.insert(0, F.Dir)\r
3341 self._SourceFileList.append(F)\r
3343 self._MatchBuildRuleOrder(self._SourceFileList)\r
3345 for F in self._SourceFileList:\r
3346 self._ApplyBuildRule(F, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3347 return self._SourceFileList\r
3349 def _MatchBuildRuleOrder(self, FileList):\r
3350 Order_Dict = {}\r
3351 self._GetModuleBuildOption()\r
3352 for SingleFile in FileList:\r
3353 if self.BuildRuleOrder and SingleFile.Ext in self.BuildRuleOrder and SingleFile.Ext in self.BuildRules:\r
3354 key = SingleFile.Path.split(SingleFile.Ext)[0]\r
3355 if key in Order_Dict:\r
3356 Order_Dict[key].append(SingleFile.Ext)\r
3357 else:\r
3358 Order_Dict[key] = [SingleFile.Ext]\r
3360 RemoveList = []\r
3361 for F in Order_Dict:\r
3362 if len(Order_Dict[F]) > 1:\r
3363 Order_Dict[F].sort(key=lambda i: self.BuildRuleOrder.index(i))\r
3364 for Ext in Order_Dict[F][1:]:\r
3365 RemoveList.append(F + Ext)\r
3366 \r
3367 for item in RemoveList:\r
3368 FileList.remove(item)\r
3370 return FileList\r
3372 ## Return the list of unicode files\r
3373 def _GetUnicodeFileList(self):\r
3374 if self._UnicodeFileList == None:\r
3375 if TAB_UNICODE_FILE in self.FileTypes:\r
3376 self._UnicodeFileList = self.FileTypes[TAB_UNICODE_FILE]\r
3377 else:\r
3378 self._UnicodeFileList = []\r
3379 return self._UnicodeFileList\r
3381 ## Return the list of vfr files\r
3382 def _GetVfrFileList(self):\r
3383 if self._VfrFileList == None:\r
3384 if TAB_VFR_FILE in self.FileTypes:\r
3385 self._VfrFileList = self.FileTypes[TAB_VFR_FILE]\r
3386 else:\r
3387 self._VfrFileList = []\r
3388 return self._VfrFileList\r
3390 ## Return the list of Image Definition files\r
3391 def _GetIdfFileList(self):\r
3392 if self._IdfFileList == None:\r
3393 if TAB_IMAGE_FILE in self.FileTypes:\r
3394 self._IdfFileList = self.FileTypes[TAB_IMAGE_FILE]\r
3395 else:\r
3396 self._IdfFileList = []\r
3397 return self._IdfFileList\r
3399 ## Return a list of files which can be built from binary\r
3400 #\r
3401 # "Build" binary files are just to copy them to build directory.\r
3402 #\r
3403 # @retval list The list of files which can be built later\r
3404 #\r
3405 def _GetBinaryFiles(self):\r
3406 if self._BinaryFileList == None:\r
3407 self._BinaryFileList = []\r
3408 for F in self.Module.Binaries:\r
3409 if F.Target not in ['COMMON', '*'] and F.Target != self.BuildTarget:\r
3410 continue\r
3411 self._BinaryFileList.append(F)\r
3412 self._ApplyBuildRule(F, F.Type)\r
3413 return self._BinaryFileList\r
3415 def _GetBuildRules(self):\r
3416 if self._BuildRules == None:\r
3417 BuildRules = {}\r
3418 BuildRuleDatabase = self.PlatformInfo.BuildRule\r
3419 for Type in BuildRuleDatabase.FileTypeList:\r
3420 #first try getting build rule by BuildRuleFamily\r
3421 RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase[Type, self.BuildType, self.Arch, self.BuildRuleFamily]\r
3422 if not RuleObject:\r
3423 # build type is always module type, but ...\r
3424 if self.ModuleType != self.BuildType:\r
3425 RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase[Type, self.ModuleType, self.Arch, self.BuildRuleFamily]\r
3426 #second try getting build rule by ToolChainFamily\r
3427 if not RuleObject:\r
3428 RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase[Type, self.BuildType, self.Arch, self.ToolChainFamily]\r
3429 if not RuleObject:\r
3430 # build type is always module type, but ...\r
3431 if self.ModuleType != self.BuildType:\r
3432 RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase[Type, self.ModuleType, self.Arch, self.ToolChainFamily]\r
3433 if not RuleObject:\r
3434 continue\r
3435 RuleObject = RuleObject.Instantiate(self.Macros)\r
3436 BuildRules[Type] = RuleObject\r
3437 for Ext in RuleObject.SourceFileExtList:\r
3438 BuildRules[Ext] = RuleObject\r
3439 self._BuildRules = BuildRules\r
3440 return self._BuildRules\r
3442 def _ApplyBuildRule(self, File, FileType):\r
3443 if self._BuildTargets == None:\r
3444 self._IntroBuildTargetList = set()\r
3445 self._FinalBuildTargetList = set()\r
3446 self._BuildTargets = {}\r
3447 self._FileTypes = {}\r
3449 SubDirectory = os.path.join(self.OutputDir, File.SubDir)\r
3450 if not os.path.exists(SubDirectory):\r
3451 CreateDirectory(SubDirectory)\r
3452 LastTarget = None\r
3453 RuleChain = []\r
3454 SourceList = [File]\r
3455 Index = 0\r
3456 #\r
3457 # Make sure to get build rule order value\r
3458 #\r
3459 self._GetModuleBuildOption()\r
3461 while Index < len(SourceList):\r
3462 Source = SourceList[Index]\r
3463 Index = Index + 1\r
3465 if Source != File:\r
3466 CreateDirectory(Source.Dir)\r
3468 if File.IsBinary and File == Source and self._BinaryFileList != None and File in self._BinaryFileList:\r
3469 # Skip all files that are not binary libraries\r
3470 if not self.IsLibrary:\r
3471 continue\r
3472 RuleObject = self.BuildRules[TAB_DEFAULT_BINARY_FILE]\r
3473 elif FileType in self.BuildRules:\r
3474 RuleObject = self.BuildRules[FileType]\r
3475 elif Source.Ext in self.BuildRules:\r
3476 RuleObject = self.BuildRules[Source.Ext]\r
3477 else:\r
3478 # stop at no more rules\r
3479 if LastTarget:\r
3480 self._FinalBuildTargetList.add(LastTarget)\r
3481 break\r
3483 FileType = RuleObject.SourceFileType\r
3484 if FileType not in self._FileTypes:\r
3485 self._FileTypes[FileType] = set()\r
3486 self._FileTypes[FileType].add(Source)\r
3488 # stop at STATIC_LIBRARY for library\r
3489 if self.IsLibrary and FileType == TAB_STATIC_LIBRARY:\r
3490 if LastTarget:\r
3491 self._FinalBuildTargetList.add(LastTarget)\r
3492 break\r
3494 Target = RuleObject.Apply(Source, self.BuildRuleOrder)\r
3495 if not Target:\r
3496 if LastTarget:\r
3497 self._FinalBuildTargetList.add(LastTarget)\r
3498 break\r
3499 elif not Target.Outputs:\r
3500 # Only do build for target with outputs\r
3501 self._FinalBuildTargetList.add(Target)\r
3503 if FileType not in self._BuildTargets:\r
3504 self._BuildTargets[FileType] = set()\r
3505 self._BuildTargets[FileType].add(Target)\r
3507 if not Source.IsBinary and Source == File:\r
3508 self._IntroBuildTargetList.add(Target)\r
3510 # to avoid cyclic rule\r
3511 if FileType in RuleChain:\r
3512 break\r
3514 RuleChain.append(FileType)\r
3515 SourceList.extend(Target.Outputs)\r
3516 LastTarget = Target\r
3517 FileType = TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE\r
3519 def _GetTargets(self):\r
3520 if self._BuildTargets == None:\r
3521 self._IntroBuildTargetList = set()\r
3522 self._FinalBuildTargetList = set()\r
3523 self._BuildTargets = {}\r
3524 self._FileTypes = {}\r
3526 #TRICK: call _GetSourceFileList to apply build rule for source files\r
3527 if self.SourceFileList:\r
3528 pass\r
3530 #TRICK: call _GetBinaryFileList to apply build rule for binary files\r
3531 if self.BinaryFileList:\r
3532 pass\r
3534 return self._BuildTargets\r
3536 def _GetIntroTargetList(self):\r
3537 self._GetTargets()\r
3538 return self._IntroBuildTargetList\r
3540 def _GetFinalTargetList(self):\r
3541 self._GetTargets()\r
3542 return self._FinalBuildTargetList\r
3544 def _GetFileTypes(self):\r
3545 self._GetTargets()\r
3546 return self._FileTypes\r
3548 ## Get the list of package object the module depends on\r
3549 #\r
3550 # @retval list The package object list\r
3551 #\r
3552 def _GetDependentPackageList(self):\r
3553 return self.Module.Packages\r
3555 ## Return the list of auto-generated code file\r
3556 #\r
3557 # @retval list The list of auto-generated file\r
3558 #\r
3559 def _GetAutoGenFileList(self):\r
3560 UniStringAutoGenC = True\r
3561 IdfStringAutoGenC = True\r
3562 UniStringBinBuffer = StringIO()\r
3563 IdfGenBinBuffer = StringIO()\r
3564 if self.BuildType == 'UEFI_HII':\r
3565 UniStringAutoGenC = False\r
3566 IdfStringAutoGenC = False\r
3567 if self._AutoGenFileList == None:\r
3568 self._AutoGenFileList = {}\r
3569 AutoGenC = TemplateString()\r
3570 AutoGenH = TemplateString()\r
3571 StringH = TemplateString()\r
3572 StringIdf = TemplateString()\r
3573 GenC.CreateCode(self, AutoGenC, AutoGenH, StringH, UniStringAutoGenC, UniStringBinBuffer, StringIdf, IdfStringAutoGenC, IdfGenBinBuffer)\r
3574 #\r
3575 # AutoGen.c is generated if there are library classes in inf, or there are object files\r
3576 #\r
3577 if str(AutoGenC) != "" and (len(self.Module.LibraryClasses) > 0\r
3578 or TAB_OBJECT_FILE in self.FileTypes):\r
3579 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenCodeFileName, self.DebugDir)\r
3580 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = str(AutoGenC)\r
3581 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3582 if str(AutoGenH) != "":\r
3583 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenHeaderFileName, self.DebugDir)\r
3584 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = str(AutoGenH)\r
3585 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3586 if str(StringH) != "":\r
3587 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenStringFileName % {"module_name":self.Name}, self.DebugDir)\r
3588 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = str(StringH)\r
3589 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3590 if UniStringBinBuffer != None and UniStringBinBuffer.getvalue() != "":\r
3591 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenStringFormFileName % {"module_name":self.Name}, self.OutputDir)\r
3592 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = UniStringBinBuffer.getvalue()\r
3593 AutoFile.IsBinary = True\r
3594 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3595 if UniStringBinBuffer != None:\r
3596 UniStringBinBuffer.close()\r
3597 if str(StringIdf) != "":\r
3598 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenImageDefFileName % {"module_name":self.Name}, self.DebugDir)\r
3599 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = str(StringIdf)\r
3600 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3601 if IdfGenBinBuffer != None and IdfGenBinBuffer.getvalue() != "":\r
3602 AutoFile = PathClass(gAutoGenIdfFileName % {"module_name":self.Name}, self.OutputDir)\r
3603 self._AutoGenFileList[AutoFile] = IdfGenBinBuffer.getvalue()\r
3604 AutoFile.IsBinary = True\r
3605 self._ApplyBuildRule(AutoFile, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
3606 if IdfGenBinBuffer != None:\r
3607 IdfGenBinBuffer.close()\r
3608 return self._AutoGenFileList\r
3610 ## Return the list of library modules explicitly or implicityly used by this module\r
3611 def _GetLibraryList(self):\r
3612 if self._DependentLibraryList == None:\r
3613 # only merge library classes and PCD for non-library module\r
3614 if self.IsLibrary:\r
3615 self._DependentLibraryList = []\r
3616 else:\r
3617 if self.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:\r
3618 self._DependentLibraryList = self.PlatformInfo.ResolveLibraryReference(self.Module)\r
3619 else:\r
3620 self._DependentLibraryList = self.PlatformInfo.ApplyLibraryInstance(self.Module)\r
3621 return self._DependentLibraryList\r
3623 @staticmethod\r
3624 def UpdateComments(Recver, Src):\r
3625 for Key in Src:\r
3626 if Key not in Recver:\r
3627 Recver[Key] = []\r
3628 Recver[Key].extend(Src[Key])\r
3629 ## Get the list of PCDs from current module\r
3630 #\r
3631 # @retval list The list of PCD\r
3632 #\r
3633 def _GetModulePcdList(self):\r
3634 if self._ModulePcdList == None:\r
3635 # apply PCD settings from platform\r
3636 self._ModulePcdList = self.PlatformInfo.ApplyPcdSetting(self.Module, self.Module.Pcds)\r
3637 self.UpdateComments(self._PcdComments, self.Module.PcdComments)\r
3638 return self._ModulePcdList\r
3640 ## Get the list of PCDs from dependent libraries\r
3641 #\r
3642 # @retval list The list of PCD\r
3643 #\r
3644 def _GetLibraryPcdList(self):\r
3645 if self._LibraryPcdList == None:\r
3646 Pcds = sdict()\r
3647 if not self.IsLibrary:\r
3648 # get PCDs from dependent libraries\r
3649 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3650 self.UpdateComments(self._PcdComments, Library.PcdComments)\r
3651 for Key in Library.Pcds:\r
3652 # skip duplicated PCDs\r
3653 if Key in self.Module.Pcds or Key in Pcds:\r
3654 continue\r
3655 Pcds[Key] = copy.copy(Library.Pcds[Key])\r
3656 # apply PCD settings from platform\r
3657 self._LibraryPcdList = self.PlatformInfo.ApplyPcdSetting(self.Module, Pcds)\r
3658 else:\r
3659 self._LibraryPcdList = []\r
3660 return self._LibraryPcdList\r
3662 ## Get the GUID value mapping\r
3663 #\r
3664 # @retval dict The mapping between GUID cname and its value\r
3665 #\r
3666 def _GetGuidList(self):\r
3667 if self._GuidList == None:\r
3668 self._GuidList = sdict()\r
3669 self._GuidList.update(self.Module.Guids)\r
3670 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3671 self._GuidList.update(Library.Guids)\r
3672 self.UpdateComments(self._GuidComments, Library.GuidComments)\r
3673 self.UpdateComments(self._GuidComments, self.Module.GuidComments)\r
3674 return self._GuidList\r
3676 def GetGuidsUsedByPcd(self):\r
3677 if self._GuidsUsedByPcd == None:\r
3678 self._GuidsUsedByPcd = sdict()\r
3679 self._GuidsUsedByPcd.update(self.Module.GetGuidsUsedByPcd())\r
3680 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3681 self._GuidsUsedByPcd.update(Library.GetGuidsUsedByPcd())\r
3682 return self._GuidsUsedByPcd\r
3683 ## Get the protocol value mapping\r
3684 #\r
3685 # @retval dict The mapping between protocol cname and its value\r
3686 #\r
3687 def _GetProtocolList(self):\r
3688 if self._ProtocolList == None:\r
3689 self._ProtocolList = sdict()\r
3690 self._ProtocolList.update(self.Module.Protocols)\r
3691 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3692 self._ProtocolList.update(Library.Protocols)\r
3693 self.UpdateComments(self._ProtocolComments, Library.ProtocolComments)\r
3694 self.UpdateComments(self._ProtocolComments, self.Module.ProtocolComments)\r
3695 return self._ProtocolList\r
3697 ## Get the PPI value mapping\r
3698 #\r
3699 # @retval dict The mapping between PPI cname and its value\r
3700 #\r
3701 def _GetPpiList(self):\r
3702 if self._PpiList == None:\r
3703 self._PpiList = sdict()\r
3704 self._PpiList.update(self.Module.Ppis)\r
3705 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
3706 self._PpiList.update(Library.Ppis)\r
3707 self.UpdateComments(self._PpiComments, Library.PpiComments)\r
3708 self.UpdateComments(self._PpiComments, self.Module.PpiComments)\r
3709 return self._PpiList\r
3711 ## Get the list of include search path\r
3712 #\r
3713 # @retval list The list path\r
3714 #\r
3715 def _GetIncludePathList(self):\r
3716 if self._IncludePathList == None:\r
3717 self._IncludePathList = []\r
3718 if self.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:\r
3719 for Inc in self.Module.Includes:\r
3720 if Inc not in self._IncludePathList:\r
3721 self._IncludePathList.append(Inc)\r
3722 # for Edk modules\r
3723 Inc = path.join(Inc, self.Arch.capitalize())\r
3724 if os.path.exists(Inc) and Inc not in self._IncludePathList:\r
3725 self._IncludePathList.append(Inc)\r
3726 # Edk module needs to put DEBUG_DIR at the end of search path and not to use SOURCE_DIR all the time\r
3727 self._IncludePathList.append(self.DebugDir)\r
3728 else:\r
3729 self._IncludePathList.append(self.MetaFile.Dir)\r
3730 self._IncludePathList.append(self.DebugDir)\r
3732 for Package in self.Module.Packages:\r
3733 PackageDir = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, Package.MetaFile.Dir)\r
3734 if PackageDir not in self._IncludePathList:\r
3735 self._IncludePathList.append(PackageDir)\r
3736 IncludesList = Package.Includes\r
3737 if Package._PrivateIncludes:\r
3738 if not self.MetaFile.Path.startswith(PackageDir):\r
3739 IncludesList = list(set(Package.Includes).difference(set(Package._PrivateIncludes)))\r
3740 for Inc in IncludesList:\r
3741 if Inc not in self._IncludePathList:\r
3742 self._IncludePathList.append(str(Inc))\r
3743 return self._IncludePathList\r
3745 def _GetIncludePathLength(self):\r
3746 self._IncludePathLength = 0\r
3747 if self._IncludePathList:\r
3748 for inc in self._IncludePathList:\r
3749 self._IncludePathLength += len(' ' + inc)\r
3750 return self._IncludePathLength\r
3752 ## Get HII EX PCDs which maybe used by VFR\r
3753 #\r
3754 # efivarstore used by VFR may relate with HII EX PCDs\r
3755 # Get the variable name and GUID from efivarstore and HII EX PCD\r
3756 # List the HII EX PCDs in As Built INF if both name and GUID match.\r
3757 #\r
3758 # @retval list HII EX PCDs\r
3759 #\r
3760 def _GetPcdsMaybeUsedByVfr(self):\r
3761 if not self.SourceFileList:\r
3762 return []\r
3764 NameGuids = []\r
3765 for SrcFile in self.SourceFileList:\r
3766 if SrcFile.Ext.lower() != '.vfr':\r
3767 continue\r
3768 Vfri = os.path.join(self.OutputDir, SrcFile.BaseName + '.i')\r
3769 if not os.path.exists(Vfri):\r
3770 continue\r
3771 VfriFile = open(Vfri, 'r')\r
3772 Content = VfriFile.read()\r
3773 VfriFile.close()\r
3774 Pos = Content.find('efivarstore')\r
3775 while Pos != -1:\r
3776 #\r
3777 # Make sure 'efivarstore' is the start of efivarstore statement\r
3778 # In case of the value of 'name' (name = efivarstore) is equal to 'efivarstore'\r
3779 #\r
3780 Index = Pos - 1\r
3781 while Index >= 0 and Content[Index] in ' \t\r\n':\r
3782 Index -= 1\r
3783 if Index >= 0 and Content[Index] != ';':\r
3784 Pos = Content.find('efivarstore', Pos + len('efivarstore'))\r
3785 continue\r
3786 #\r
3787 # 'efivarstore' must be followed by name and guid\r
3788 #\r
3789 Name = gEfiVarStoreNamePattern.search(Content, Pos)\r
3790 if not Name:\r
3791 break\r
3792 Guid = gEfiVarStoreGuidPattern.search(Content, Pos)\r
3793 if not Guid:\r
3794 break\r
3795 NameArray = ConvertStringToByteArray('L"' + Name.group(1) + '"')\r
3796 NameGuids.append((NameArray, GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Guid.group(1))))\r
3797 Pos = Content.find('efivarstore', Name.end())\r
3798 if not NameGuids:\r
3799 return []\r
3800 HiiExPcds = []\r
3801 for Pcd in self.PlatformInfo.Platform.Pcds.values():\r
3802 if Pcd.Type != TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII:\r
3803 continue\r
3804 for SkuName in Pcd.SkuInfoList:\r
3805 SkuInfo = Pcd.SkuInfoList[SkuName]\r
3806 Name = ConvertStringToByteArray(SkuInfo.VariableName)\r
3807 Value = GuidValue(SkuInfo.VariableGuid, self.PlatformInfo.PackageList, self.MetaFile.Path)\r
3808 if not Value:\r
3809 continue\r
3810 Guid = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Value)\r
3811 if (Name, Guid) in NameGuids and Pcd not in HiiExPcds:\r
3812 HiiExPcds.append(Pcd)\r
3813 break\r
3815 return HiiExPcds\r
3817 def _GenOffsetBin(self):\r
3818 VfrUniBaseName = {}\r
3819 for SourceFile in self.Module.Sources:\r
3820 if SourceFile.Type.upper() == ".VFR" :\r
3821 #\r
3822 # search the .map file to find the offset of vfr binary in the PE32+/TE file. \r
3823 #\r
3824 VfrUniBaseName[SourceFile.BaseName] = (SourceFile.BaseName + "Bin")\r
3825 if SourceFile.Type.upper() == ".UNI" :\r
3826 #\r
3827 # search the .map file to find the offset of Uni strings binary in the PE32+/TE file. \r
3828 #\r
3829 VfrUniBaseName["UniOffsetName"] = (self.Name + "Strings")\r
3831 if len(VfrUniBaseName) == 0:\r
3832 return None\r
3833 MapFileName = os.path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + ".map")\r
3834 EfiFileName = os.path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + ".efi")\r
3835 VfrUniOffsetList = GetVariableOffset(MapFileName, EfiFileName, VfrUniBaseName.values())\r
3836 if not VfrUniOffsetList:\r
3837 return None\r
3839 OutputName = '%sOffset.bin' % self.Name\r
3840 UniVfrOffsetFileName = os.path.join( self.OutputDir, OutputName)\r
3842 try:\r
3843 fInputfile = open(UniVfrOffsetFileName, "wb+", 0)\r
3844 except:\r
3845 EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File open failed for %s" % UniVfrOffsetFileName,None)\r
3847 # Use a instance of StringIO to cache data\r
3848 fStringIO = StringIO('') \r
3850 for Item in VfrUniOffsetList:\r
3851 if (Item[0].find("Strings") != -1):\r
3852 #\r
3853 # UNI offset in image.\r
3854 # GUID + Offset\r
3855 # { 0x8913c5e0, 0x33f6, 0x4d86, { 0x9b, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xef, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x6, 0x66 } }\r
3856 #\r
3857 UniGuid = [0xe0, 0xc5, 0x13, 0x89, 0xf6, 0x33, 0x86, 0x4d, 0x9b, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xef, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x6, 0x66]\r
3858 UniGuid = [chr(ItemGuid) for ItemGuid in UniGuid]\r
3859 fStringIO.write(''.join(UniGuid)) \r
3860 UniValue = pack ('Q', int (Item[1], 16))\r
3861 fStringIO.write (UniValue)\r
3862 else:\r
3863 #\r
3864 # VFR binary offset in image.\r
3865 # GUID + Offset\r
3866 # { 0xd0bc7cb4, 0x6a47, 0x495f, { 0xaa, 0x11, 0x71, 0x7, 0x46, 0xda, 0x6, 0xa2 } };\r
3867 #\r
3868 VfrGuid = [0xb4, 0x7c, 0xbc, 0xd0, 0x47, 0x6a, 0x5f, 0x49, 0xaa, 0x11, 0x71, 0x7, 0x46, 0xda, 0x6, 0xa2]\r
3869 VfrGuid = [chr(ItemGuid) for ItemGuid in VfrGuid]\r
3870 fStringIO.write(''.join(VfrGuid)) \r
3871 type (Item[1]) \r
3872 VfrValue = pack ('Q', int (Item[1], 16))\r
3873 fStringIO.write (VfrValue)\r
3874 #\r
3875 # write data into file.\r
3876 #\r
3877 try : \r
3878 fInputfile.write (fStringIO.getvalue())\r
3879 except:\r
3880 EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the "\r
3881 "file been locked or using by other applications." %UniVfrOffsetFileName,None)\r
3883 fStringIO.close ()\r
3884 fInputfile.close ()\r
3885 return OutputName\r
3887 ## Create AsBuilt INF file the module\r
3888 #\r
3889 def CreateAsBuiltInf(self, IsOnlyCopy = False):\r
3890 self.OutputFile = []\r
3891 if IsOnlyCopy:\r
3892 if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:\r
3893 self.CopyModuleToCache()\r
3894 return\r
3896 if self.IsAsBuiltInfCreated:\r
3897 return\r
3898 \r
3899 # Skip the following code for EDK I inf\r
3900 if self.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:\r
3901 return\r
3902 \r
3903 # Skip the following code for libraries\r
3904 if self.IsLibrary:\r
3905 return\r
3906 \r
3907 # Skip the following code for modules with no source files\r
3908 if self.SourceFileList == None or self.SourceFileList == []:\r
3909 return\r
3911 # Skip the following code for modules without any binary files\r
3912 if self.BinaryFileList <> None and self.BinaryFileList <> []:\r
3913 return\r
3914 \r
3915 ### TODO: How to handles mixed source and binary modules\r
3917 # Find all DynamicEx and PatchableInModule PCDs used by this module and dependent libraries\r
3918 # Also find all packages that the DynamicEx PCDs depend on\r
3919 Pcds = []\r
3920 PatchablePcds = []\r
3921 Packages = []\r
3922 PcdCheckList = []\r
3923 PcdTokenSpaceList = []\r
3924 for Pcd in self.ModulePcdList + self.LibraryPcdList:\r
3926 PatchablePcds += [Pcd]\r
3927 PcdCheckList.append((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'PatchableInModule'))\r
3928 elif Pcd.Type in GenC.gDynamicExPcd:\r
3929 if Pcd not in Pcds:\r
3930 Pcds += [Pcd]\r
3931 PcdCheckList.append((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'DynamicEx'))\r
3932 PcdCheckList.append((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'Dynamic'))\r
3933 PcdTokenSpaceList.append(Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName)\r
3934 GuidList = sdict()\r
3935 GuidList.update(self.GuidList)\r
3936 for TokenSpace in self.GetGuidsUsedByPcd():\r
3937 # If token space is not referred by patch PCD or Ex PCD, remove the GUID from GUID list\r
3938 # The GUIDs in GUIDs section should really be the GUIDs in source INF or referred by Ex an patch PCDs\r
3939 if TokenSpace not in PcdTokenSpaceList and TokenSpace in GuidList:\r
3940 GuidList.pop(TokenSpace)\r
3941 CheckList = (GuidList, self.PpiList, self.ProtocolList, PcdCheckList)\r
3942 for Package in self.DerivedPackageList:\r
3943 if Package in Packages:\r
3944 continue\r
3945 BeChecked = (Package.Guids, Package.Ppis, Package.Protocols, Package.Pcds)\r
3946 Found = False\r
3947 for Index in range(len(BeChecked)):\r
3948 for Item in CheckList[Index]:\r
3949 if Item in BeChecked[Index]:\r
3950 Packages += [Package]\r
3951 Found = True\r
3952 break\r
3953 if Found: break\r
3955 VfrPcds = self._GetPcdsMaybeUsedByVfr()\r
3956 for Pkg in self.PlatformInfo.PackageList:\r
3957 if Pkg in Packages:\r
3958 continue\r
3959 for VfrPcd in VfrPcds:\r
3960 if ((VfrPcd.TokenCName, VfrPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'DynamicEx') in Pkg.Pcds or\r
3961 (VfrPcd.TokenCName, VfrPcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'Dynamic') in Pkg.Pcds):\r
3962 Packages += [Pkg]\r
3963 break\r
3965 ModuleType = self.ModuleType\r
3966 if ModuleType == 'UEFI_DRIVER' and self.DepexGenerated:\r
3967 ModuleType = 'DXE_DRIVER'\r
3969 DriverType = ''\r
3970 if self.PcdIsDriver != '':\r
3971 DriverType = self.PcdIsDriver\r
3973 Guid = self.Guid\r
3974 MDefs = self.Module.Defines\r
3976 AsBuiltInfDict = {\r
3977 'module_name' : self.Name,\r
3978 'module_guid' : Guid,\r
3979 'module_module_type' : ModuleType,\r
3980 'module_version_string' : [MDefs['VERSION_STRING']] if 'VERSION_STRING' in MDefs else [],\r
3981 'pcd_is_driver_string' : [],\r
3982 'module_uefi_specification_version' : [],\r
3983 'module_pi_specification_version' : [],\r
3984 'module_entry_point' : self.Module.ModuleEntryPointList,\r
3985 'module_unload_image' : self.Module.ModuleUnloadImageList,\r
3986 'module_constructor' : self.Module.ConstructorList,\r
3987 'module_destructor' : self.Module.DestructorList,\r
3988 'module_shadow' : [MDefs['SHADOW']] if 'SHADOW' in MDefs else [],\r
3989 'module_pci_vendor_id' : [MDefs['PCI_VENDOR_ID']] if 'PCI_VENDOR_ID' in MDefs else [],\r
3990 'module_pci_device_id' : [MDefs['PCI_DEVICE_ID']] if 'PCI_DEVICE_ID' in MDefs else [],\r
3991 'module_pci_class_code' : [MDefs['PCI_CLASS_CODE']] if 'PCI_CLASS_CODE' in MDefs else [],\r
3992 'module_pci_revision' : [MDefs['PCI_REVISION']] if 'PCI_REVISION' in MDefs else [],\r
3993 'module_build_number' : [MDefs['BUILD_NUMBER']] if 'BUILD_NUMBER' in MDefs else [],\r
3994 'module_spec' : [MDefs['SPEC']] if 'SPEC' in MDefs else [],\r
3995 'module_uefi_hii_resource_section' : [MDefs['UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION']] if 'UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION' in MDefs else [],\r
3996 'module_uni_file' : [MDefs['MODULE_UNI_FILE']] if 'MODULE_UNI_FILE' in MDefs else [],\r
3997 'module_arch' : self.Arch,\r
3998 'package_item' : ['%s' % (Package.MetaFile.File.replace('\\', '/')) for Package in Packages],\r
3999 'binary_item' : [],\r
4000 'patchablepcd_item' : [],\r
4001 'pcd_item' : [],\r
4002 'protocol_item' : [],\r
4003 'ppi_item' : [],\r
4004 'guid_item' : [],\r
4005 'flags_item' : [],\r
4006 'libraryclasses_item' : []\r
4007 }\r
4009 if 'MODULE_UNI_FILE' in MDefs:\r
4010 UNIFile = os.path.join(self.MetaFile.Dir, MDefs['MODULE_UNI_FILE'])\r
4011 if os.path.isfile(UNIFile):\r
4012 shutil.copy2(UNIFile, self.OutputDir)\r
4014 if self.AutoGenVersion > int(gInfSpecVersion, 0):\r
4015 AsBuiltInfDict['module_inf_version'] = '0x%08x' % self.AutoGenVersion\r
4016 else:\r
4017 AsBuiltInfDict['module_inf_version'] = gInfSpecVersion\r
4019 if DriverType:\r
4020 AsBuiltInfDict['pcd_is_driver_string'] += [DriverType]\r
4022 if 'UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in self.Specification:\r
4023 AsBuiltInfDict['module_uefi_specification_version'] += [self.Specification['UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']]\r
4024 if 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in self.Specification:\r
4025 AsBuiltInfDict['module_pi_specification_version'] += [self.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']]\r
4027 OutputDir = self.OutputDir.replace('\\', '/').strip('/')\r
4028 for Item in self.CodaTargetList:\r
4029 File = Item.Target.Path.replace('\\', '/').strip('/').replace(OutputDir, '').strip('/')\r
4030 if File not in self.OutputFile:\r
4031 self.OutputFile.append(File)\r
4032 if Item.Target.Ext.lower() == '.aml':\r
4033 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['ASL|' + File]\r
4034 elif Item.Target.Ext.lower() == '.acpi':\r
4035 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['ACPI|' + File]\r
4036 elif Item.Target.Ext.lower() == '.efi':\r
4037 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['PE32|' + self.Name + '.efi']\r
4038 else:\r
4039 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['BIN|' + File]\r
4040 if self.DepexGenerated:\r
4041 if self.Name + '.depex' not in self.OutputFile:\r
4042 self.OutputFile.append(self.Name + '.depex')\r
4043 if self.ModuleType in ['PEIM']:\r
4044 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['PEI_DEPEX|' + self.Name + '.depex']\r
4045 if self.ModuleType in ['DXE_DRIVER', 'DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER', 'DXE_SAL_DRIVER', 'UEFI_DRIVER']:\r
4046 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['DXE_DEPEX|' + self.Name + '.depex']\r
4047 if self.ModuleType in ['DXE_SMM_DRIVER']:\r
4048 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['SMM_DEPEX|' + self.Name + '.depex']\r
4050 Bin = self._GenOffsetBin()\r
4051 if Bin:\r
4052 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['BIN|%s' % Bin]\r
4053 if Bin not in self.OutputFile:\r
4054 self.OutputFile.append(Bin)\r
4056 for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(OutputDir):\r
4057 for File in Files:\r
4058 if File.lower().endswith('.pdb'):\r
4059 AsBuiltInfDict['binary_item'] += ['DISPOSABLE|' + File]\r
4060 if File not in self.OutputFile:\r
4061 self.OutputFile.append(File)\r
4062 HeaderComments = self.Module.HeaderComments\r
4063 StartPos = 0\r
4064 for Index in range(len(HeaderComments)):\r
4065 if HeaderComments[Index].find('@BinaryHeader') != -1:\r
4066 HeaderComments[Index] = HeaderComments[Index].replace('@BinaryHeader', '@file')\r
4067 StartPos = Index\r
4068 break\r
4069 AsBuiltInfDict['header_comments'] = '\n'.join(HeaderComments[StartPos:]).replace(':#', '://')\r
4070 AsBuiltInfDict['tail_comments'] = '\n'.join(self.Module.TailComments)\r
4072 GenList = [\r
4073 (self.ProtocolList, self._ProtocolComments, 'protocol_item'),\r
4074 (self.PpiList, self._PpiComments, 'ppi_item'),\r
4075 (GuidList, self._GuidComments, 'guid_item')\r
4076 ]\r
4077 for Item in GenList:\r
4078 for CName in Item[0]:\r
4079 Comments = ''\r
4080 if CName in Item[1]:\r
4081 Comments = '\n '.join(Item[1][CName])\r
4082 Entry = CName\r
4083 if Comments:\r
4084 Entry = Comments + '\n ' + CName\r
4085 AsBuiltInfDict[Item[2]].append(Entry)\r
4086 PatchList = parsePcdInfoFromMapFile(\r
4087 os.path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + '.map'),\r
4088 os.path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + '.efi')\r
4089 )\r
4090 if PatchList:\r
4091 for Pcd in PatchablePcds:\r
4092 TokenCName = Pcd.TokenCName\r
4093 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
4094 if (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:\r
4095 TokenCName = PcdItem[0]\r
4096 break\r
4097 for PatchPcd in PatchList:\r
4098 if TokenCName == PatchPcd[0]:\r
4099 break\r
4100 else:\r
4101 continue\r
4102 PcdValue = ''\r
4103 if Pcd.DatumType == 'BOOLEAN':\r
4104 BoolValue = Pcd.DefaultValue.upper()\r
4105 if BoolValue == 'TRUE':\r
4106 Pcd.DefaultValue = '1'\r
4107 elif BoolValue == 'FALSE':\r
4108 Pcd.DefaultValue = '0'\r
4110 if Pcd.DatumType in ['UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64', 'BOOLEAN']:\r
4111 HexFormat = '0x%02x'\r
4112 if Pcd.DatumType == 'UINT16':\r
4113 HexFormat = '0x%04x'\r
4114 elif Pcd.DatumType == 'UINT32':\r
4115 HexFormat = '0x%08x'\r
4116 elif Pcd.DatumType == 'UINT64':\r
4117 HexFormat = '0x%016x'\r
4118 PcdValue = HexFormat % int(Pcd.DefaultValue, 0)\r
4119 else:\r
4120 if Pcd.MaxDatumSize == None or Pcd.MaxDatumSize == '':\r
4121 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR,\r
4122 "Unknown [MaxDatumSize] of PCD [%s.%s]" % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName)\r
4123 )\r
4124 ArraySize = int(Pcd.MaxDatumSize, 0)\r
4125 PcdValue = Pcd.DefaultValue\r
4126 if PcdValue[0] != '{':\r
4127 Unicode = False\r
4128 if PcdValue[0] == 'L':\r
4129 Unicode = True\r
4130 PcdValue = PcdValue.lstrip('L')\r
4131 PcdValue = eval(PcdValue)\r
4132 NewValue = '{'\r
4133 for Index in range(0, len(PcdValue)):\r
4134 if Unicode:\r
4135 CharVal = ord(PcdValue[Index])\r
4136 NewValue = NewValue + '0x%02x' % (CharVal & 0x00FF) + ', ' \\r
4137 + '0x%02x' % (CharVal >> 8) + ', '\r
4138 else:\r
4139 NewValue = NewValue + '0x%02x' % (ord(PcdValue[Index]) % 0x100) + ', '\r
4140 Padding = '0x00, '\r
4141 if Unicode:\r
4142 Padding = Padding * 2\r
4143 ArraySize = ArraySize / 2\r
4144 if ArraySize < (len(PcdValue) + 1):\r
4145 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR,\r
4146 "The maximum size of VOID* type PCD '%s.%s' is less than its actual size occupied." % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName)\r
4147 )\r
4148 if ArraySize > len(PcdValue) + 1:\r
4149 NewValue = NewValue + Padding * (ArraySize - len(PcdValue) - 1)\r
4150 PcdValue = NewValue + Padding.strip().rstrip(',') + '}'\r
4151 elif len(PcdValue.split(',')) <= ArraySize:\r
4152 PcdValue = PcdValue.rstrip('}') + ', 0x00' * (ArraySize - len(PcdValue.split(',')))\r
4153 PcdValue += '}'\r
4154 else:\r
4155 EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR,\r
4156 "The maximum size of VOID* type PCD '%s.%s' is less than its actual size occupied." % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName)\r
4157 )\r
4158 PcdItem = '%s.%s|%s|0x%X' % \\r
4159 (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenCName, PcdValue, PatchPcd[1])\r
4160 PcdComments = ''\r
4161 if (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName) in self._PcdComments:\r
4162 PcdComments = '\n '.join(self._PcdComments[Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName])\r
4163 if PcdComments:\r
4164 PcdItem = PcdComments + '\n ' + PcdItem\r
4165 AsBuiltInfDict['patchablepcd_item'].append(PcdItem)\r
4167 HiiPcds = []\r
4168 for Pcd in Pcds + VfrPcds:\r
4169 PcdComments = ''\r
4170 PcdCommentList = []\r
4171 HiiInfo = ''\r
4172 SkuId = ''\r
4173 TokenCName = Pcd.TokenCName\r
4174 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:\r
4175 if (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:\r
4176 TokenCName = PcdItem[0]\r
4177 break\r
4178 if Pcd.Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII:\r
4179 for SkuName in Pcd.SkuInfoList:\r
4180 SkuInfo = Pcd.SkuInfoList[SkuName]\r
4181 SkuId = SkuInfo.SkuId\r
4182 HiiInfo = '## %s|%s|%s' % (SkuInfo.VariableName, SkuInfo.VariableGuid, SkuInfo.VariableOffset)\r
4183 break\r
4184 if SkuId:\r
4185 #\r
4186 # Don't generate duplicated HII PCD\r
4187 #\r
4188 if (SkuId, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName) in HiiPcds:\r
4189 continue\r
4190 else:\r
4191 HiiPcds.append((SkuId, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName))\r
4192 if (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName) in self._PcdComments:\r
4193 PcdCommentList = self._PcdComments[Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName][:]\r
4194 if HiiInfo:\r
4195 UsageIndex = -1\r
4196 UsageStr = ''\r
4197 for Index, Comment in enumerate(PcdCommentList):\r
4198 for Usage in UsageList:\r
4199 if Comment.find(Usage) != -1:\r
4200 UsageStr = Usage\r
4201 UsageIndex = Index\r
4202 break\r
4203 if UsageIndex != -1:\r
4204 PcdCommentList[UsageIndex] = '## %s %s %s' % (UsageStr, HiiInfo, PcdCommentList[UsageIndex].replace(UsageStr, '')) \r
4205 else:\r
4206 PcdCommentList.append('## UNDEFINED ' + HiiInfo)\r
4207 PcdComments = '\n '.join(PcdCommentList)\r
4208 PcdEntry = Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName + '.' + TokenCName\r
4209 if PcdComments:\r
4210 PcdEntry = PcdComments + '\n ' + PcdEntry\r
4211 AsBuiltInfDict['pcd_item'] += [PcdEntry]\r
4212 for Item in self.BuildOption:\r
4213 if 'FLAGS' in self.BuildOption[Item]:\r
4214 AsBuiltInfDict['flags_item'] += ['%s:%s_%s_%s_%s_FLAGS = %s' % (self.ToolChainFamily, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, self.Arch, Item, self.BuildOption[Item]['FLAGS'].strip())]\r
4216 # Generated LibraryClasses section in comments.\r
4217 for Library in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4218 AsBuiltInfDict['libraryclasses_item'] += [Library.MetaFile.File.replace('\\', '/')]\r
4219 \r
4220 # Generated UserExtensions TianoCore section.\r
4221 # All tianocore user extensions are copied.\r
4222 UserExtStr = ''\r
4223 for TianoCore in self._GetTianoCoreUserExtensionList():\r
4224 UserExtStr += '\n'.join(TianoCore)\r
4225 ExtensionFile = os.path.join(self.MetaFile.Dir, TianoCore[1])\r
4226 if os.path.isfile(ExtensionFile):\r
4227 shutil.copy2(ExtensionFile, self.OutputDir)\r
4228 AsBuiltInfDict['userextension_tianocore_item'] = UserExtStr\r
4230 # Generated depex expression section in comments.\r
4231 AsBuiltInfDict['depexsection_item'] = ''\r
4232 DepexExpresion = self._GetDepexExpresionString()\r
4233 if DepexExpresion:\r
4234 AsBuiltInfDict['depexsection_item'] = DepexExpresion\r
4235 \r
4236 AsBuiltInf = TemplateString()\r
4237 AsBuiltInf.Append(gAsBuiltInfHeaderString.Replace(AsBuiltInfDict))\r
4238 \r
4239 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + '.inf'), str(AsBuiltInf), False)\r
4240 \r
4241 self.IsAsBuiltInfCreated = True\r
4242 if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:\r
4243 self.CopyModuleToCache()\r
4245 def CopyModuleToCache(self):\r
4246 FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, self.Arch, self.SourceDir, self.MetaFile.BaseName)\r
4247 CreateDirectory (FileDir)\r
4248 HashFile = path.join(self.BuildDir, self.Name + '.hash')\r
4249 ModuleFile = path.join(self.OutputDir, self.Name + '.inf')\r
4250 if os.path.exists(HashFile):\r
4251 shutil.copy2(HashFile, FileDir)\r
4252 if os.path.exists(ModuleFile):\r
4253 shutil.copy2(ModuleFile, FileDir)\r
4254 if not self.OutputFile:\r
4255 Ma = self.Workspace.BuildDatabase[PathClass(ModuleFile), self.Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]\r
4256 self.OutputFile = Ma.Binaries\r
4257 if self.OutputFile:\r
4258 for File in self.OutputFile:\r
4259 File = str(File)\r
4260 if not os.path.isabs(File):\r
4261 File = os.path.join(self.OutputDir, File)\r
4262 if os.path.exists(File):\r
4263 shutil.copy2(File, FileDir)\r
4265 def AttemptModuleCacheCopy(self):\r
4266 if self.IsBinaryModule:\r
4267 return False\r
4268 FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheSource, self.Arch, self.SourceDir, self.MetaFile.BaseName)\r
4269 HashFile = path.join(FileDir, self.Name + '.hash')\r
4270 if os.path.exists(HashFile):\r
4271 f = open(HashFile, 'r')\r
4272 CacheHash = f.read()\r
4273 f.close()\r
4274 if GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch][self.Name]:\r
4275 if CacheHash == GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch][self.Name]:\r
4276 for root, dir, files in os.walk(FileDir):\r
4277 for f in files:\r
4278 if self.Name + '.hash' in f:\r
4279 shutil.copy2(HashFile, self.BuildDir)\r
4280 else:\r
4281 File = path.join(root, f)\r
4282 shutil.copy2(File, self.OutputDir)\r
4283 if self.Name == "PcdPeim" or self.Name == "PcdDxe":\r
4284 CreatePcdDatabaseCode(self, TemplateString(), TemplateString())\r
4285 return True\r
4286 return False\r
4288 ## Create makefile for the module and its dependent libraries\r
4289 #\r
4290 # @param CreateLibraryMakeFile Flag indicating if or not the makefiles of\r
4291 # dependent libraries will be created\r
4292 #\r
4293 def CreateMakeFile(self, CreateLibraryMakeFile=True, GenFfsList = []):\r
4294 # Ignore generating makefile when it is a binary module\r
4295 if self.IsBinaryModule:\r
4296 return\r
4298 if self.IsMakeFileCreated:\r
4299 return\r
4300 self.GenFfsList = GenFfsList\r
4301 if not self.IsLibrary and CreateLibraryMakeFile:\r
4302 for LibraryAutoGen in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4303 LibraryAutoGen.CreateMakeFile()\r
4305 if self.CanSkip():\r
4306 return\r
4308 if len(self.CustomMakefile) == 0:\r
4309 Makefile = GenMake.ModuleMakefile(self)\r
4310 else:\r
4311 Makefile = GenMake.CustomMakefile(self)\r
4312 if Makefile.Generate():\r
4313 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "Generated makefile for module %s [%s]" %\r
4314 (self.Name, self.Arch))\r
4315 else:\r
4316 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "Skipped the generation of makefile for module %s [%s]" %\r
4317 (self.Name, self.Arch))\r
4319 self.CreateTimeStamp(Makefile)\r
4320 self.IsMakeFileCreated = True\r
4322 def CopyBinaryFiles(self):\r
4323 for File in self.Module.Binaries:\r
4324 SrcPath = File.Path\r
4325 DstPath = os.path.join(self.OutputDir , os.path.basename(SrcPath))\r
4326 CopyLongFilePath(SrcPath, DstPath)\r
4327 ## Create autogen code for the module and its dependent libraries\r
4328 #\r
4329 # @param CreateLibraryCodeFile Flag indicating if or not the code of\r
4330 # dependent libraries will be created\r
4331 #\r
4332 def CreateCodeFile(self, CreateLibraryCodeFile=True):\r
4333 if self.IsCodeFileCreated:\r
4334 return\r
4336 # Need to generate PcdDatabase even PcdDriver is binarymodule\r
4337 if self.IsBinaryModule and self.PcdIsDriver != '':\r
4338 CreatePcdDatabaseCode(self, TemplateString(), TemplateString())\r
4339 return\r
4340 if self.IsBinaryModule:\r
4341 if self.IsLibrary:\r
4342 self.CopyBinaryFiles()\r
4343 return\r
4345 if not self.IsLibrary and CreateLibraryCodeFile:\r
4346 for LibraryAutoGen in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4347 LibraryAutoGen.CreateCodeFile()\r
4349 if self.CanSkip():\r
4350 return\r
4352 AutoGenList = []\r
4353 IgoredAutoGenList = []\r
4355 for File in self.AutoGenFileList:\r
4356 if GenC.Generate(File.Path, self.AutoGenFileList[File], File.IsBinary):\r
4357 #Ignore Edk AutoGen.c\r
4358 if self.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005 and File.Name == 'AutoGen.c':\r
4359 continue\r
4361 AutoGenList.append(str(File))\r
4362 else:\r
4363 IgoredAutoGenList.append(str(File))\r
4365 # Skip the following code for EDK I inf\r
4366 if self.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:\r
4367 return\r
4369 for ModuleType in self.DepexList:\r
4370 # Ignore empty [depex] section or [depex] section for "USER_DEFINED" module\r
4371 if len(self.DepexList[ModuleType]) == 0 or ModuleType == "USER_DEFINED":\r
4372 continue\r
4374 Dpx = GenDepex.DependencyExpression(self.DepexList[ModuleType], ModuleType, True)\r
4375 DpxFile = gAutoGenDepexFileName % {"module_name" : self.Name}\r
4377 if len(Dpx.PostfixNotation) <> 0:\r
4378 self.DepexGenerated = True\r
4380 if Dpx.Generate(path.join(self.OutputDir, DpxFile)):\r
4381 AutoGenList.append(str(DpxFile))\r
4382 else:\r
4383 IgoredAutoGenList.append(str(DpxFile))\r
4385 if IgoredAutoGenList == []:\r
4386 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "Generated [%s] files for module %s [%s]" %\r
4387 (" ".join(AutoGenList), self.Name, self.Arch))\r
4388 elif AutoGenList == []:\r
4389 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "Skipped the generation of [%s] files for module %s [%s]" %\r
4390 (" ".join(IgoredAutoGenList), self.Name, self.Arch))\r
4391 else:\r
4392 EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_9, "Generated [%s] (skipped %s) files for module %s [%s]" %\r
4393 (" ".join(AutoGenList), " ".join(IgoredAutoGenList), self.Name, self.Arch))\r
4395 self.IsCodeFileCreated = True\r
4396 return AutoGenList\r
4398 ## Summarize the ModuleAutoGen objects of all libraries used by this module\r
4399 def _GetLibraryAutoGenList(self):\r
4400 if self._LibraryAutoGenList == None:\r
4401 self._LibraryAutoGenList = []\r
4402 for Library in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
4403 La = ModuleAutoGen(\r
4404 self.Workspace,\r
4405 Library.MetaFile,\r
4406 self.BuildTarget,\r
4407 self.ToolChain,\r
4408 self.Arch,\r
4409 self.PlatformInfo.MetaFile\r
4410 )\r
4411 if La not in self._LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4412 self._LibraryAutoGenList.append(La)\r
4413 for Lib in La.CodaTargetList:\r
4414 self._ApplyBuildRule(Lib.Target, TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE)\r
4415 return self._LibraryAutoGenList\r
4417 def GenModuleHash(self):\r
4418 if self.Arch not in GlobalData.gModuleHash:\r
4419 GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch] = {}\r
4420 m = hashlib.md5()\r
4421 # Add Platform level hash\r
4422 m.update(GlobalData.gPlatformHash)\r
4423 # Add Package level hash\r
4424 if self.DependentPackageList:\r
4425 for Pkg in self.DependentPackageList:\r
4426 if Pkg.PackageName in GlobalData.gPackageHash[self.Arch]:\r
4427 m.update(GlobalData.gPackageHash[self.Arch][Pkg.PackageName])\r
4429 # Add Library hash\r
4430 if self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4431 for Lib in self.LibraryAutoGenList:\r
4432 if Lib.Name not in GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch]:\r
4433 Lib.GenModuleHash()\r
4434 m.update(GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch][Lib.Name])\r
4436 # Add Module self\r
4437 f = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r')\r
4438 Content = f.read()\r
4439 f.close()\r
4440 m.update(Content)\r
4441 # Add Module's source files\r
4442 if self.SourceFileList:\r
4443 for File in self.SourceFileList:\r
4444 f = open(str(File), 'r')\r
4445 Content = f.read()\r
4446 f.close()\r
4447 m.update(Content)\r
4449 ModuleHashFile = path.join(self.BuildDir, self.Name + ".hash")\r
4450 if self.Name not in GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch]:\r
4451 GlobalData.gModuleHash[self.Arch][self.Name] = m.hexdigest()\r
4452 if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:\r
4453 CacheValid = self.AttemptModuleCacheCopy()\r
4454 if CacheValid:\r
4455 return False\r
4456 return SaveFileOnChange(ModuleHashFile, m.hexdigest(), True)\r
4458 ## Decide whether we can skip the ModuleAutoGen process\r
4459 def CanSkipbyHash(self):\r
4460 if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:\r
4461 return not self.GenModuleHash()\r
4463 ## Decide whether we can skip the ModuleAutoGen process\r
4464 # If any source file is newer than the module than we cannot skip\r
4465 #\r
4466 def CanSkip(self):\r
4467 if not os.path.exists(self.GetTimeStampPath()):\r
4468 return False\r
4469 #last creation time of the module\r
4470 DstTimeStamp = os.stat(self.GetTimeStampPath())[8]\r
4472 SrcTimeStamp = self.Workspace._SrcTimeStamp\r
4473 if SrcTimeStamp > DstTimeStamp:\r
4474 return False\r
4476 with open(self.GetTimeStampPath(),'r') as f:\r
4477 for source in f:\r
4478 source = source.rstrip('\n')\r
4479 if not os.path.exists(source):\r
4480 return False\r
4481 if source not in ModuleAutoGen.TimeDict :\r
4482 ModuleAutoGen.TimeDict[source] = os.stat(source)[8]\r
4483 if ModuleAutoGen.TimeDict[source] > DstTimeStamp:\r
4484 return False\r
4485 return True\r
4487 def GetTimeStampPath(self):\r
4488 if self._TimeStampPath == None:\r
4489 self._TimeStampPath = os.path.join(self.MakeFileDir, 'AutoGenTimeStamp')\r
4490 return self._TimeStampPath\r
4491 def CreateTimeStamp(self, Makefile):\r
4493 FileSet = set()\r
4495 FileSet.add (self.MetaFile.Path)\r
4497 for SourceFile in self.Module.Sources:\r
4498 FileSet.add (SourceFile.Path)\r
4500 for Lib in self.DependentLibraryList:\r
4501 FileSet.add (Lib.MetaFile.Path)\r
4503 for f in self.AutoGenDepSet:\r
4504 FileSet.add (f.Path)\r
4506 if os.path.exists (self.GetTimeStampPath()):\r
4507 os.remove (self.GetTimeStampPath())\r
4508 with open(self.GetTimeStampPath(), 'w+') as file:\r
4509 for f in FileSet:\r
4510 print >> file, f\r
4512 Module = property(_GetModule)\r
4513 Name = property(_GetBaseName)\r
4514 Guid = property(_GetGuid)\r
4515 Version = property(_GetVersion)\r
4516 ModuleType = property(_GetModuleType)\r
4517 ComponentType = property(_GetComponentType)\r
4518 BuildType = property(_GetBuildType)\r
4519 PcdIsDriver = property(_GetPcdIsDriver)\r
4520 AutoGenVersion = property(_GetAutoGenVersion)\r
4521 Macros = property(_GetMacros)\r
4522 Specification = property(_GetSpecification)\r
4524 IsLibrary = property(_IsLibrary)\r
4525 IsBinaryModule = property(_IsBinaryModule)\r
4526 BuildDir = property(_GetBuildDir)\r
4527 OutputDir = property(_GetOutputDir)\r
4528 FfsOutputDir = property(_GetFfsOutputDir)\r
4529 DebugDir = property(_GetDebugDir)\r
4530 MakeFileDir = property(_GetMakeFileDir)\r
4531 CustomMakefile = property(_GetCustomMakefile)\r
4533 IncludePathList = property(_GetIncludePathList)\r
4534 IncludePathLength = property(_GetIncludePathLength)\r
4535 AutoGenFileList = property(_GetAutoGenFileList)\r
4536 UnicodeFileList = property(_GetUnicodeFileList)\r
4537 VfrFileList = property(_GetVfrFileList)\r
4538 SourceFileList = property(_GetSourceFileList)\r
4539 BinaryFileList = property(_GetBinaryFiles) # FileType : [File List]\r
4540 Targets = property(_GetTargets)\r
4541 IntroTargetList = property(_GetIntroTargetList)\r
4542 CodaTargetList = property(_GetFinalTargetList)\r
4543 FileTypes = property(_GetFileTypes)\r
4544 BuildRules = property(_GetBuildRules)\r
4545 IdfFileList = property(_GetIdfFileList)\r
4547 DependentPackageList = property(_GetDependentPackageList)\r
4548 DependentLibraryList = property(_GetLibraryList)\r
4549 LibraryAutoGenList = property(_GetLibraryAutoGenList)\r
4550 DerivedPackageList = property(_GetDerivedPackageList)\r
4552 ModulePcdList = property(_GetModulePcdList)\r
4553 LibraryPcdList = property(_GetLibraryPcdList)\r
4554 GuidList = property(_GetGuidList)\r
4555 ProtocolList = property(_GetProtocolList)\r
4556 PpiList = property(_GetPpiList)\r
4557 DepexList = property(_GetDepexTokenList)\r
4558 DxsFile = property(_GetDxsFile)\r
4559 DepexExpressionList = property(_GetDepexExpressionTokenList)\r
4560 BuildOption = property(_GetModuleBuildOption)\r
4561 BuildOptionIncPathList = property(_GetBuildOptionIncPathList)\r
4562 BuildCommand = property(_GetBuildCommand)\r
4563 \r
4564 FixedAtBuildPcds = property(_GetFixedAtBuildPcds)\r
4566# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another script.\r
4567if __name__ == '__main__':\r
4568 pass\r