## @file # Web Server Application # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## [Defines] INF_VERSION = 0x00010005 BASE_NAME = WebServer FILE_GUID = 99E87DCF-6162-40c5-9FA1-32111F5197F7 MODULE_TYPE = UEFI_APPLICATION VERSION_STRING = 1.0 ENTRY_POINT = ShellCEntryLib # # The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools. # # VALID_ARCHITECTURES = IA32 X64 EBC # [Sources] ACPI.c BootServicesTable.c ConfigurationTable.c DhcpOptions.c DxeServicesTable.c Exit.c Firmware.c Handles.c Hello.c HTTP.c Index.c MemoryMap.c PageList.c Ports.c Reboot.c RuntimeServicesTable.c SystemTable.c WebServer.c [Sources.IA32] Mtrr.c [Sources.X64] Mtrr.c [Pcd] gAppPkgTokenSpaceGuid.WebServer_HttpPort [Packages] AppPkg/AppPkg.dec MdePkg/MdePkg.dec MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec ShellPkg/ShellPkg.dec StdLib/StdLib.dec [Packages.IA32] UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec [Packages.X64] UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec [LibraryClasses] BaseMemoryLib BsdSocketLib DebugLib DevMedia DxeServicesTableLib EfiSocketLib LibC ShellLib ShellCEntryLib UefiBootServicesTableLib UefiLib UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib # UseSocketDxe [LibraryClasses.IA32] MtrrLib [LibraryClasses.X64] MtrrLib [Guids] gEfiAcpi10TableGuid gEfiAcpiTableGuid gEfiDebugImageInfoTableGuid gEfiDxeServicesTableGuid gEfiHobListGuid gEfiMemoryTypeInformationGuid gLoadFixedAddressConfigurationTableGuid [Protocols] gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid # PROTOCOL ALWAYS_CONSUMED gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid # PROTOCOL ALWAYS_CONSUMED [BuildOptions] INTEL:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = /Qdiag-disable:181,186 MSFT:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = /Od GCC:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -O0 -Wno-unused-variable