============================================== = ARM RealView Emulation Board Documentation = ============================================== Howto build UEFI RealView EB for RealTime System Model ------------------------------------------------------ For Linux --------- 1. Get EDK2 from Tianocore Subversion repository svn co https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2 edk2 --username guest 2. Get FatPkg from EDK2 SVN repository: cd edk2 svn co https://edk2-fatdriver2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2-fatdriver2/trunk/FatPkg FatPkg --username guest 3. Apply BaseTools patches (BaseTools-Pending-Patches.patch combines all the currently pending BaseTools patches) patch -p1 < ArmPlatformPkg/Documentation/patches/BaseTools-Pending-Patches.patch 4. Set up the environment. And build the EDK2’s tools export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=`pwd`/BaseTools . edksetup.sh `pwd`/BaseTools/ make -C $EDK_TOOLS_PATH 5. Build the ARM RealView EB UEFI Firmware build -a ARM -p ArmPlatformPkg/ArmRealViewEBPkg/ArmRealViewEb-RTSM-A8.dsc -t RVCTLINUX Howto test UEFI RealView EB on RealTime System Model - Example Cortex A8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Build 'ArmRealViewEb-RTSM-A8.dsc' 2. To Run ArmRealViewEbPkg on the RTSM 1. Start RealView Debugger 2. Target > "Connect to Target" 3. Add RTSM 4. Configure this new RTSM. 5. Choose CortexA8 6. Setup the 'fname' of baseboard.flashldr_0 with your FD file (eg: c:\dev\edk2\Build\ArmRealViewEb-RTSM-A8\DEBUG_RVCT\FV\ARMREALVIEWEB_EFI.fd) 7. Turn use_s8 to TRUE in baseboard.sp810_sysctrl 8. Turn uart_enable to TRUE in baseboard.uart_0 4. Connect a telnet client to the port 5000 of your localhost 5. Launch the program