#/* @file # Copyright (c) 2011-2012, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # #*/ # Define the following variables to specify an alternative toolchain to the one located in your PATH: # - RVCT_TOOLS_PATH: for RVCT and RVCTLINUX toolchains # - ARMGCC_TOOLS_PATH: for ARMGCC toolchain # - ARMLINUXGCC_TOOLS_PATH: for ARMLINUXGCC EDK2_TOOLCHAIN ?= RVCTLINUX EDK2_ARCH ?= ARM EDK2_BUILD ?= DEBUG ifeq ($(EDK2_DSC),"") $(error The Makfile macro 'EDK2_DSC' must be defined with an EDK2 DSC file.) endif ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT") WORKSPACE?=$(PWD) EDK_TOOLS_PATH ?= $(WORKSPACE)\BaseTools endif SHELL := /bin/bash SILENT ?= @ ECHO ?= echo MAKE ?= make -i -k RM ?= rm -f .PHONY: all clean EDK2_CONF = Conf/BuildEnv.sh Conf/build_rule.txt Conf/target.txt Conf/tools_def.txt all: $(EDK2_CONF) ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT") echo %PATH% build -a $(EDK2_ARCH) -p $(EDK2_PKG) -t $(EDK2_TOOLCHAIN) -b $(EDK2_BUILD) $(EDK2_MACROS) else . ./edksetup.sh `pwd`/BaseTools; build -a $(EDK2_ARCH) -p $(EDK2_DSC) -t $(EDK2_TOOLCHAIN) -b $(EDK2_BUILD) $(EDK2_MACROS) endif $(EDK2_CONF): ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT") copy $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)\Conf\build_rule.template Conf\build_rule.txt copy $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)\Conf\FrameworkDatabase.template Conf\FrameworkDatabase.txt copy $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)\Conf\target.template Conf\target.txt copy $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)\Conf\tools_def.template Conf\tools_def.txt else . ./edksetup.sh `pwd`/BaseTools; $(MAKE) -C BaseTools endif clean: ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT") build -a $(EDK2_ARCH) -p $(EDK2_PKG) -t $(EDK2_TOOLCHAIN) -b $(EDK2_BUILD) $(EDK2_MACROS) cleanall else . ./edksetup.sh `pwd`/BaseTools; build -a $(EDK2_ARCH) -p $(EDK2_DSC) -t $(EDK2_TOOLCHAIN) -b $(EDK2_BUILD) $(EDK2_MACROS) cleanall; \ rm -Rf $(EDK2_CONF) Conf/.cache endif