TITLE CpuInterrupt.asm: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;* ;* Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
;* This program and the accompanying materials ;* are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ;* which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ;* http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ;* ;* THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ;* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ;* ;* CpuInterrupt.asm ;* ;* Abstract: ;* ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .686p .model flat, C PUBLIC SystemTimerHandler PUBLIC SystemExceptionHandler EXTERNDEF mExceptionCodeSize:DWORD .code .stack .MMX .XMM EXTERN TimerHandler: NEAR EXTERN ExceptionHandler: NEAR EXTERN mTimerVector: DWORD mExceptionCodeSize DD 9 InitDescriptor PROC C lea eax, [GDT_BASE] ; EAX=PHYSICAL address of gdt mov dword ptr [gdtr + 2],eax ; Put address of gdt into the gdtr lgdt fword ptr [gdtr] lea eax, [IDT_BASE] ; EAX=PHYSICAL address of idt mov dword ptr [idtr + 2],eax ; Put address of idt into the idtr lidt fword ptr [idtr] ret InitDescriptor ENDP ; VOID ; InstallInterruptHandler ( ; UINTN Vector, ; VOID (*Handler)(VOID) ; ) InstallInterruptHandler PROC C \ Vector:DWORD, \ Handler:DWORD push edi pushfd ; save eflags cli ; turn off interrupts sub esp, 6 ; open some space on the stack mov edi, esp sidt es:[edi] ; get fword address of IDT mov edi, es:[edi+2] ; move offset of IDT into EDI add esp, 6 ; correct stack mov eax, Vector ; Get vector number shl eax, 3 ; multiply by 8 to get offset add edi, eax ; add to IDT base to get entry mov eax, Handler ; load new address into IDT entry mov word ptr es:[edi], ax ; write bits 15..0 of offset shr eax, 16 ; use ax to copy 31..16 to descriptors mov word ptr es:[edi+6], ax ; write bits 31..16 of offset popfd ; restore flags (possible enabling interrupts) pop edi ret InstallInterruptHandler ENDP JmpCommonIdtEntry macro ; jmp commonIdtEntry - this must be hand coded to keep the assembler from ; using a 8 bit reletive jump when the entries are ; within 255 bytes of the common entry. This must ; be done to maintain the consistency of the size ; of entry points... db 0e9h ; jmp 16 bit reletive dd commonIdtEntry - $ - 4 ; offset to jump to endm align 02h SystemExceptionHandler PROC INT0: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 0h JmpCommonIdtEntry ; db 0e9h ; jmp 16 bit reletive ; dd commonIdtEntry - $ - 4 ; offset to jump to INT1: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 1h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT2: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 2h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT3: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 3h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT4: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 4h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT5: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 5h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT6: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 6h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT7: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 7h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT8: ; Double fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 8h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT9: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 9h JmpCommonIdtEntry INT10: ; Invalid TSS causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 10 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT11: ; Segment Not Present causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 11 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT12: ; Stack fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 12 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT13: ; GP fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 13 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT14: ; Page fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 14 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT15: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 15 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT16: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 16 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT17: ; Alignment check causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary nop nop push 17 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT18: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 18 JmpCommonIdtEntry INT19: push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack push 19 JmpCommonIdtEntry INTUnknown: REPEAT (32 - 20) push 0h ; push error code place holder on the stack ; push xxh ; push vector number db 06ah db ( $ - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 ; vector number JmpCommonIdtEntry ENDM SystemExceptionHandler ENDP SystemTimerHandler PROC push 0 push mTimerVector JmpCommonIdtEntry SystemTimerHandler ENDP commonIdtEntry: ; +---------------------+ ; + EFlags + ; +---------------------+ ; + CS + ; +---------------------+ ; + EIP + ; +---------------------+ ; + Error Code + ; +---------------------+ ; + Vector Number + ; +---------------------+ ; + EBP + ; +---------------------+ <-- EBP cli push ebp mov ebp, esp ; ; Align stack to make sure that EFI_FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 of EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_IA32 ; is 16-byte aligned ; and esp, 0fffffff0h sub esp, 12 ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; push eax push ecx push edx push ebx lea ecx, [ebp + 6 * 4] push ecx ; ESP push dword ptr [ebp] ; EBP push esi push edi ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; mov eax, ss push eax movzx eax, word ptr [ebp + 4 * 4] push eax mov eax, ds push eax mov eax, es push eax mov eax, fs push eax mov eax, gs push eax ;; UINT32 Eip; push dword ptr [ebp + 3 * 4] ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; sub esp, 8 sidt fword ptr [esp] sub esp, 8 sgdt fword ptr [esp] ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; xor eax, eax str ax push eax sldt ax push eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; push dword ptr [ebp + 5 * 4] ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; mov eax, cr4 or eax, 208h mov cr4, eax push eax mov eax, cr3 push eax mov eax, cr2 push eax xor eax, eax push eax mov eax, cr0 push eax ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; mov eax, dr7 push eax ;; clear Dr7 while executing debugger itself xor eax, eax mov dr7, eax mov eax, dr6 push eax ;; insure all status bits in dr6 are clear... xor eax, eax mov dr6, eax mov eax, dr3 push eax mov eax, dr2 push eax mov eax, dr1 push eax mov eax, dr0 push eax ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; sub esp, 512 mov edi, esp db 0fh, 0aeh, 00000111y ;fxsave [edi] ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; push dword ptr [ebp + 2 * 4] ;; Prepare parameter and call mov edx, esp push edx mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + 1 * 4] push eax cmp eax, 32 jb CallException call TimerHandler jmp ExceptionDone CallException: call ExceptionHandler ExceptionDone: add esp, 8 cli ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; add esp, 4 ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; mov esi, esp db 0fh, 0aeh, 00001110y ; fxrstor [esi] add esp, 512 ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; pop eax mov dr0, eax pop eax mov dr1, eax pop eax mov dr2, eax pop eax mov dr3, eax ;; skip restore of dr6. We cleared dr6 during the context save. add esp, 4 pop eax mov dr7, eax ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; pop eax mov cr0, eax add esp, 4 ; not for Cr1 pop eax mov cr2, eax pop eax mov cr3, eax pop eax mov cr4, eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; pop dword ptr [ebp + 5 * 4] ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; ;; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers... add esp, 24 ;; UINT32 Eip; pop dword ptr [ebp + 3 * 4] ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; ;; NOTE - modified segment registers could hang the debugger... We ;; could attempt to insulate ourselves against this possibility, ;; but that poses risks as well. ;; pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds pop dword ptr [ebp + 4 * 4] pop ss ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; pop edi pop esi add esp, 4 ; not for ebp add esp, 4 ; not for esp pop ebx pop edx pop ecx pop eax mov esp, ebp pop ebp add esp, 8 iretd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 02h gdtr dw GDT_END - GDT_BASE - 1 ; GDT limit dd 0 ; (GDT base gets set above) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; global descriptor table (GDT) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 02h public GDT_BASE GDT_BASE: ; null descriptor NULL_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0 ; limit 15:0 dw 0 ; base 15:0 db 0 ; base 23:16 db 0 ; type db 0 ; limit 19:16, flags db 0 ; base 31:24 ; linear data segment descriptor LINEAR_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 092h ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; linear code segment descriptor LINEAR_CODE_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 09Ah ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; system data segment descriptor SYS_DATA_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 092h ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; system code segment descriptor SYS_CODE_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 09Ah ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; spare segment descriptor SPARE3_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0 ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 0 ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0 ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; spare segment descriptor SPARE4_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0 ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 0 ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0 ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 ; spare segment descriptor SPARE5_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE dw 0 ; limit 0xFFFFF dw 0 ; base 0 db 0 db 0 ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0 ; page-granular, 32-bit db 0 GDT_END: align 02h idtr dw IDT_END - IDT_BASE - 1 ; IDT limit dd 0 ; (IDT base gets set above) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; interrupt descriptor table (IDT) ; ; Note: The hardware IRQ's specified in this table are the normal PC/AT IRQ ; mappings. This implementation only uses the system timer and all other ; IRQs will remain masked. The descriptors for vectors 33+ are provided ; for convenience. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;idt_tag db "IDT",0 align 02h public IDT_BASE IDT_BASE: ; divide by zero (INT 0) DIV_ZERO_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; debug exception (INT 1) DEBUG_EXCEPT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; NMI (INT 2) NMI_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; soft breakpoint (INT 3) BREAKPOINT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; overflow (INT 4) OVERFLOW_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; bounds check (INT 5) BOUNDS_CHECK_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; invalid opcode (INT 6) INVALID_OPCODE_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; device not available (INT 7) DEV_NOT_AVAIL_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; double fault (INT 8) DOUBLE_FAULT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; Coprocessor segment overrun - reserved (INT 9) RSVD_INTR_SEL1 equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; invalid TSS (INT 0ah) INVALID_TSS_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; segment not present (INT 0bh) SEG_NOT_PRESENT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; stack fault (INT 0ch) STACK_FAULT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; general protection (INT 0dh) GP_FAULT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; page fault (INT 0eh) PAGE_FAULT_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; Intel reserved - do not use (INT 0fh) RSVD_INTR_SEL2 equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; floating point error (INT 10h) FLT_POINT_ERR_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; alignment check (INT 11h) ALIGNMENT_CHECK_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; machine check (INT 12h) MACHINE_CHECK_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; SIMD floating-point exception (INT 13h) SIMD_EXCEPTION_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 REPEAT (32 - 20) dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ENDM ; 72 unspecified descriptors db (72 * 8) dup(0) ; IRQ 0 (System timer) - (INT 68h) IRQ0_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 1 (8042 Keyboard controller) - (INT 69h) IRQ1_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; Reserved - IRQ 2 redirect (IRQ 2) - DO NOT USE!!! - (INT 6ah) IRQ2_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 3 (COM 2) - (INT 6bh) IRQ3_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 4 (COM 1) - (INT 6ch) IRQ4_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 5 (LPT 2) - (INT 6dh) IRQ5_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 6 (Floppy controller) - (INT 6eh) IRQ6_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 7 (LPT 1) - (INT 6fh) IRQ7_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 8 (RTC Alarm) - (INT 70h) IRQ8_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 9 - (INT 71h) IRQ9_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 10 - (INT 72h) IRQ10_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 11 - (INT 73h) IRQ11_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 12 (PS/2 mouse) - (INT 74h) IRQ12_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 13 (Floating point error) - (INT 75h) IRQ13_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 14 (Secondary IDE) - (INT 76h) IRQ14_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 ; IRQ 15 (Primary IDE) - (INT 77h) IRQ15_SEL equ $-IDT_BASE dw 0 ; offset 15:0 dw SYS_CODE_SEL ; selector 15:0 db 0 ; 0 for interrupt gate db 0eh OR 80h ; (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present dw 0 ; offset 31:16 db (1 * 8) dup(0) IDT_END: END