#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # # Module Name: # # Thunk16.S # # Abstract: # # Real mode thunk # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .globl _m16Start, _m16Size, _mThunk16Attr, _m16Gdt, _m16GdtrBase, _mTransition .globl _InternalAsmThunk16 _m16Start: SavedGdt: .space 6 _BackFromUserCode: push %ss push %cs .byte 0x66 call L_Base1 # push eip L_Base1: pushfw # pushfd actually cli # disable interrupts push %gs push %fs push %es push %ds pushaw # pushad actually .byte 0x66, 0xba # mov edx, imm32 _ThunkAttr: .space 4 testb $THUNK_ATTRIBUTE_DISABLE_A20_MASK_INT_15, %dl jz 1f movl $0x15cd2401, %eax # mov ax, 2401h & int 15h cli # disable interrupts jnc 2f 1: testb $THUNK_ATTRIBUTE_DISABLE_A20_MASK_KBD_CTRL, %dl jz 2f inb $0x92, %al orb $2, %al outb %al, $0x92 # deactivate A20M# 2: movl %ss, %eax .byte 0x67, 0x66, 0x8d, 0x6c, 0x24, 0x34, 0x66 mov %ebp, 0xffffffd8(%esi) mov 0xfffffff8(%esi), %ebx shlw $4, %ax # shl eax, 4 addw %ax, %bp # add ebp, eax .byte 0x66, 0xb8 # mov eax, imm32 SavedCr4: .space 4 movl %eax, %cr4 lgdtw %cs:0xfffffff2(%edi) .byte 0x66, 0xb8 # mov eax, imm32 SavedCr0: .space 4 movl %eax, %cr0 .byte 0xb8 # mov ax, imm16 SavedSs: .space 2 movl %eax, %ss .byte 0x66, 0xbc # mov esp, imm32 SavedEsp: .space 4 .byte 0x66 lret # return to protected mode _EntryPoint: .long _ToUserCode - _m16Start .word 0x8 _16Idtr: .word 0x3ff .long 0 _16Gdtr: .word GdtEnd - _NullSegDesc - 1 _16GdtrBase: .long _NullSegDesc _ToUserCode: movl %ss, %edx movl %ecx, %ss # set new segment selectors movl %ecx, %ds movl %ecx, %es movl %ecx, %fs movl %ecx, %gs movl %eax, %cr0 movl %ebp, %cr4 # real mode starts at next instruction movl %esi, %ss # set up 16-bit stack segment xchgw %bx, %sp # set up 16-bit stack pointer .byte 0x66 call L_Base # push eip L_Base: popw %bp # ebp <- offset L_Base addr16 pushl 36(%si) .byte 0x36 lea 0xc(%esi), %eax push %eax lret L_RealMode: mov %edx, %cs:0xffffffc5(%esi) mov %bx, %cs:0xffffffcb(%esi) lidtw %cs:0xffffffd7(%esi) popaw # popad actually pop %ds pop %es pop %fs pop %gs popfw # popfd lretw # transfer control to user code _NullSegDesc: .quad 0 _16CsDesc: .word -1 .word 0 .byte 0 .byte 0x9b .byte 0x8f # 16-bit segment, 4GB limit .byte 0 _16DsDesc: .word -1 .word 0 .byte 0 .byte 0x93 .byte 0x8f # 16-bit segment, 4GB limit .byte 0 GdtEnd: # # @param RegSet Pointer to a IA32_DWORD_REGS structure # @param Transition Pointer to the transition code # @return The address of the 16-bit stack after returning from user code # _InternalAsmThunk16: push %ebp push %ebx push %esi push %edi push %ds push %es push %fs push %gs movl 36(%esp), %esi # esi <- RegSet movzwl 0x32(%esi), %edx mov 0xc(%esi), %edi add $0xffffffc8, %edi movl %edi, %ebx # ebx <- stack offset imul $0x10, %edx, %eax push $0xd addl %eax, %edi # edi <- linear address of 16-bit stack pop %ecx rep movsl # copy RegSet movl 40(%esp), %eax # eax <- address of transition code movl %edx, %esi # esi <- 16-bit stack segment lea 0x5e(%eax), %edx movl %eax, %ecx andl $0xf, %ecx shll $12, %eax lea 0x6(%ecx), %ecx movw %cx, %ax stosl # [edi] <- return address of user code sgdtl 0xffffffa2(%edx) sidtl 0x24(%esp) movl %cr0, %eax movl %eax, (%edx) # save CR0 in SavedCr0 andl $0x7ffffffe, %eax # clear PE, PG bits movl %cr4, %ebp mov %ebp, 0xfffffff1(%edx) andl $0x300, %ebp # clear all but PCE and OSFXSR bits pushl $0x10 pop %ecx # ecx <- selector for data segments lgdtl 0x20(%edx) pushfl lcall *0x14(%edx) popfl lidtl 0x24(%esp) lea 0xffffffcc(%ebp), %eax pop %gs pop %fs pop %es pop %ds pop %edi pop %esi pop %ebx pop %ebp ret .const: _m16Size: .word _InternalAsmThunk16 - _m16Start _mThunk16Attr: .word _ThunkAttr - _m16Start _m16Gdt: .word _NullSegDesc - _m16Start _m16GdtrBase: .word _16GdtrBase - _m16Start _mTransition: .word _EntryPoint - _m16Start