/** @file String definitions for IP6 configuration. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #langdef en-US "English" #string STR_IP6_CONFIG_FORM_TITLE #language en-US "IPv6 Network Configuration" #string STR_IP6_CONFIG_FORM_HELP #language en-US "Configure IPv6 network parameters." #string STR_IP6_DEVICE_FORM_TITLE #language en-US "IPv6 Current Setting" #string STR_IP6_DEVICE_FORM_HELP #language en-US "Display IPv6 network parameters." #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_NAME #language en-US "Interface Name :" #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_NAME_HELP #language en-US "The name of the interface." #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_NAME_CONTENT #language en-US "" #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_TYPE #language en-US "Interface Type :" #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_TYPE_HELP #language en-US "The interface type of the network interface, defined in RFC1700." #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_TYPE_CONTENT #language en-US "" #string STR_IP6_MAC_ADDRESS #language en-US "MAC address :" #string STR_IP6_MAC_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "The hardware address of the network interface." #string STR_IP6_MAC_ADDRESS_CONTENT #language en-US "" #string STR_IP6_HOST_ADDRESS #language en-US "Host addresses :" #string STR_IP6_HOST_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "The address list which contain the local IPv6 addresses and the corresponding prefix length information." #string STR_IP6_ROUTE_TABLE #language en-US "Route Table :" #string STR_IP6_ROUTE_TABLE_HELP #language en-US "The route table of the IPv6 network stack runs on this interface." #string STR_IP6_GATEWAY_ADDRESS #language en-US "Gateway addresses :" #string STR_IP6_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "Current gateway IPv6 addresses." #string STR_IP6_DNS_ADDRESS #language en-US "DNS addresses :" #string STR_IP6_DNS_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "Current DNS server list." #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_ID #language en-US "Interface ID" #string STR_IP6_INTERFACE_ID_HELP #language en-US "The 64 bit alternative interface ID for the device. The string is colon separated. e.g. ff:dd:88:66:cc:1:2:3" #string STR_IP6_DAD_TRANSMIT_COUNT #language en-US "DAD Transmit Count" #string STR_IP6_DAD_TRANSMIT_COUNT_HELP #language en-US "The number of consecutive Neighbor Solicitation messages sent while performing Duplicate Address Detection on a tentative address. A value of zero indicates that Duplicate Address Detection is not performed." #string STR_POLICY_TYPE_PROMPT #language en-US "Policy" #string STR_POLICY_TYPE_HELP #language en-US "automatic or manual" #string STR_POLICY_TYPE_AUTO #language en-US "automatic" #string STR_POLICY_TYPE_MANUAL #language en-US "manual" #string STR_IP6_AD_CONFIG_FORM #language en-US "Advanced Configuration" #string STR_IP6_AD_CONFIG_FORM_HELP #language en-US "Configure the interface manually. IP address, gateway address, and DNS server address can be configured." #string STR_IP6_MANUAL_ADDRESS #language en-US "New IPv6 address" #string STR_IP6_MANUAL_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "Manual IP address can only be configured under manual policy. Separate the IP address with blank space to configure more than one address. e.g. 2002::1/64 2002::2/64" #string STR_IP6_NEW_GATEWAY_ADDRESS #language en-US "New Gateway addresses" #string STR_IP6_NEW_GATEWAY_ADDR_HELP #language en-US "Gateway IP address can only be configured under manual policy. e.g. 2002::3. Separate the IP address with blank space to configure more than one address." #string STR_IP6_NEW_DNS_ADDRESS #language en-US "New DNS addresses" #string STR_IP6_NEW_DNS_ADDRESS_HELP #language en-US "DNS addresses can only be configured under manual policy. e.g. 2002::4. Separate the IP address with blank space to configure more than one address." #string STR_SAVE_CHANGES #language en-US "Save Changes and Exit" #string STR_SAVE_CHANGES_HELP #language en-US "Save Changes for interface ID, DAD transmit count, policy, and data in advanced configuration." #string STR_SAVE_AND_EXIT #language en-US "Commit Changes and Exit" #string STR_NO_SAVE_AND_EXIT #language en-US "Discard Changes and Exit" #string STR_NULL #language en-US "" #string STR_GET_CURRENT_SETTING #language en-US "Enter Configuration Menu" #string STR_GET_CURRENT_SETTING_HELP #language en-US "Press ENTER to enter configuration menu for IPv6 configuration."