For now, AtapiPassThru driver in this package is to test Scsi Bus support: ScsiBus driver should support both/either ScsiPassThru and ExtScsiPassThru installed on a controller handle. AtapiPassThru driver in this package can selectively produce ScsiPassThru and/or ExtScsiPassThru protocol based on feature flags of PcdSupportScsiPassThru and PcdExtScsiPassThru. Please note that AtapiPassThru driver has not been tuned to size optimal. Neither is it feature complete: several driver model protocols required by option ROM driver, e.g. EFI_DRIVER_SUPPORTED_EFI_VERSION_PROTOCOL Protocol. Build Validation: MYTOOLS(VS2005) IA32 X64 IPF EBC ICC IA32 X64 IPF CYGWINGCC IA32 X64