This is the header for the Framework Package Database (DB) file. The Guid MUST change if backward compatibility breaks caused by a new release of XML Schema. The Version will change if a minor change to XML Schema has been made, but backward compatiblity is maintained. This is the header for the Framework Archive Manifest file. This header is for the Module Surface Area Description (MSA) files The Guid MUST change if the Module changes break backward compatibility. The Version MUST change if the Module changes, however, backward compatiblity is maintained. This header is for the Framework Platform Description (FPD) files. The Guid MUST change if the FPD changes break backward compatibility. The Version MUST change if the FPD changes, however, backward compatiblity is maintained. This head is for the Surface Area Package Description file (SPD) The Guid MUST change when the contents of the file undergo MAJOR FUNCTIONALITY changes. The Version MUST change when the contents of the file undergo MINOR FUNCTIONALITY changes.