This schema defines various data types and naming conventions including: base name, filename and directory naming conventions. These are all simple data types. C_Names must start with either an underscore (_) character followed by one or more alpha characters, followed by any combination of underscore or alphanumeric characters. This defines what a Filename is: Alphanumeric characters and optional underscore (_) or dash (-) characters, followed by a optional dot and more alphanumeric characters. The GUID data was a union of GuidType1 and GuidType2; standardizing on GuidType2. This defines the minimum specification for a GUID Array which is 8 Hex Digits - 4 Hex Digits - 4 Hex Digits - 8 Hex Bytes, the last 16 Hex Digits can be enclosed in sqiggle {} brackets. A GUID must contain five different Hexadecimal character sets that are separated by a dash (-) character. Define a Hex 64 Bit Value to be 0x[a-f0-9]{16} Define a Hex Address, 0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,16} Define a Hex Byte Value to be 0x[a-f0-9]{2} Define a Hex Value to be 0x[a-f0-9]+ Define a Hex Diget to be 0x[a-f0-9] Define a Hex Double Word Value to be 0x[a-f0-9]{8} Define a Hex Word Value to be 0x[a-f0-9]{4} This describes the normal text of a paragraph that can be used in a license or description tag. Naming convention for a path and file name Limit Polarity vaild values to 0 and 1 This data type requires two or more words This data type is used for ToolCommand, ToolChainFamily and TagName. Definition of a UpperCase Name, which can be any combination of upper case characters followed by zero or more underscore and/or uppercase alphanumeric characters Definition of a Version Number, which is one or more strings of decimal digits separated by dots. The algorithm to compare two versions A and B is as follows. if A==B, then A is the same version as B. Otherwise, say A is and B is For the first pair (ai, bi), for i less than n and i less than m, where ai is not equal to bi, if ai is less than bi, then A is less than B. If ai is greater than bi, then A is greater than B. Define Zero as a vaild value