This is the valid format for the Package Database File. Note: MsaList is used for Modules that have not yet been included in a package. DO NOT USE! - Use PlatformList instead. This is the valid format for the Framework Platform Description (FPD) File. DO NOT USE! - Use FrameworkModules instead. DO NOT USE! - Use PcdBuildDeclaratiion in ModuleSA instead. DO NOT USE - PUT IN PLATFORM DESCRIPTION FILE, FPD DO NOT USE - USE MODULE DESCRIPTION FILE, MSA DO NOT USE - PUT IN PLATFORM DESCRIPTION FILE, FPD This is the Module Surface Area Description that contains the list of the module's source files, library classes that can or must be used by the module, the Include Paths, Protocols and Ppi's that are either produced or consued. This is valid content for a Package Surface Area Description (SPD) file.