- Decide a new version number X.Y.Z (follow SemVer) - Update version in package.json - Update version in docs/VERSION - Commit the change with a commit like "Release X.Y.Z" - Add a new release on GitHub called "vX.Y.Z", and populate it with release notes of the following form (where A.B.C is the last release): Major Changes Since A.B.C ========================= *Insert warnings here about incompatibilities* *Thanks to all the contributors who filed bugs, added features, and fixed bugs during this release :tada:* App-visible Changes ------------------- - *feature* a feature which improves the app usage (#PRNUM) - *bugfix* a bug fix which fixes the app usage (#PRNUM) - *refactor* a refactor which changes the app usage (#PRNUM) Library-visible Changes ----------------------- - *feature* a feature which improves the noVNC APIs (#PRNUM) - *bugfix* a bug fix which fixes the noVNC APIs (#PRNUM) - *refactor* a refactor which changes the noVNC APIs (#PRNUM) App-internals Changes --------------------- - *bugfix* a bug fix with affects the internals of noVNC only (#PRNUM) - *refactor* a refactor which affects the internals of noVNC only (#PRNUM)