`enable`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Flag to enable or disable polling. `interval`: ` (1 - 2016)` :: Only check this site every poll cycles. A poll cycle is 5 minutes. `keep`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Keep retrieved messages on the remote mailserver. `pass`: `` :: The password used tfor server login. `port`: ` (1 - 65535)` :: Port number. `protocol`: `` :: Specify the protocol to use when communicating with the remote mailserver `server`: `` :: Server address (IP or DNS name). `ssl`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Use SSL. `target`: `(?:[^\s\\@]+\@[^\s\/\\@]+)` :: The target email address (where to deliver fetched mails). `user`: `` :: The user identification to be used when logging in to the server