[[rule_system_macros]] Available Macros for the Rule System ------------------------------------ It is possible to use macros inside most fields of action objects. That way it is possible to access and include data contained in the original mail, get envelope sender and receivers addresses or include additional information about Viruses and Spam. Currently the following macros are defined: [cols="l,3d",options="header"] |====== |Macro |Comment |__SENDER__ |(envelope) sender mail address |__RECEIVERS__ |(envelope) receiver mail address list |__ADMIN__ |Email address of the administrator |__TARGETS__ |Subset of receivers matched by the rule |__SUBJECT__ |Subject of the message |__MSGID__ |The message ID |__RULE__ |Name of the matching rule |__RULE_INFO__ |Additional information about the matching rule |__VIRUS_INFO__ |Additional information about detected viruses |__SPAMLEVEL__ |Computed spam level |__SPAM_INFO__ |Additional information why message is spam |__SENDER_IP__ |IP address of sending host |__VERSION__ |The current software version (proxmox mail gateway) |__FILENAME__ |Attachment file name |__SPAMSTARS__ |A series of "*" charactes where each one represents a full score (__SPAMLEVEL__) point |======