`advfilter`: `` ('default =' `1`):: Use advanced filters for statistic. `avast`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Use Avast Virus Scanner (/usr/bin/scan). You need to buy and install 'Avast Core Security' before you can enable this feature. `clamav`: `` ('default =' `1`):: Use ClamAV Virus Scanner. This is the default virus scanner and is enabled by default. `custom_check`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Use Custom Check Script. The script has to take the defined arguments and can return Virus findings or a Spamscore. `custom_check_path`: `^/([^/\0]+\/)+[^/\0]+$` ('default =' `/usr/local/bin/pmg-custom-check`):: Absolute Path to the Custom Check Script `dailyreport`: `` ('default =' `1`):: Send daily reports. `demo`: `` ('default =' `0`):: Demo mode - do not start SMTP filter. `dkim_selector`: `` :: Default DKIM selector `dkim_sign`: `` ('default =' `0`):: DKIM sign outbound mails with the configured Selector. `dkim_sign_all_mail`: `` ('default =' `0`):: DKIM sign all outgoing mails irrespective of the Envelope From domain. `email`: `` ('default =' `admin@domain.tld`):: Administrator E-Mail address. `http_proxy`: `http://.*` :: Specify external http proxy which is used for downloads (example: 'http://username:password@host:port/') `statlifetime`: ` (1 - N)` ('default =' `7`):: User Statistics Lifetime (days)