ifdef::manvolnum[] pmgproxy(8) =========== :pmg-toplevel: NAME ---- pmgproxy - Proxmox Mail Gateway API Proxy Daemon SYNOPSIS -------- include::pmgproxy.8-synopsis.adoc[] DESCRIPTION ----------- endif::manvolnum[] ifndef::manvolnum[] pmgproxy - Proxmox Mail Gateway API Proxy Daemon ================================================ endif::manvolnum[] This daemon exposes the whole {pmg} API on TCP port 8006 using HTTPS. It runs as user `www-data` and has very limited permissions. Operations requiring more permissions are forwarded to the local `pmgdaemon`. Requests targeted for other nodes are automatically forwarded to those nodes. This means that you can manage your whole cluster by connecting to a single {pmg} node. Alternative HTTPS certificate ----------------------------- By default, pmgproxy uses the certificate `/etc/pmg/pmg-api.pem` for HTTPS connections. This certificate is self signed, and therefore not trusted by browsers and operating systems by default. You can simply replace this certificate with your own (please include the key inside the '.pem' file). Host based Access Control ------------------------- It is possible to configure ``apache2''-like access control lists. Values are read from file `/etc/default/pmgproxy`. For example: ---- ALLOW_FROM="," DENY_FROM="all" POLICY="allow" ---- IP addresses can be specified using any syntax understood by `Net::IP`. The name `all` is an alias for `0/0`. The default policy is `allow`. [width="100%",options="header"] |=========================================================== | Match | POLICY=deny | POLICY=allow | Match Allow only | allow | allow | Match Deny only | deny | deny | No match | deny | allow | Match Both Allow & Deny | deny | allow |=========================================================== SSL Cipher Suite ---------------- You can define the cipher list in `/etc/default/pmgproxy`, for example CIPHERS="ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256" Above is the default. See the ciphers(1) man page from the openssl package for a list of all available options. Additionally you can define that the client choses the used cipher in `/etc/default/pmgproxy` (default is the first cipher in the list available to both client and `pmgproxy`): HONOR_CIPHER_ORDER=0 Diffie-Hellman Parameters ------------------------- You can define the used Diffie-Hellman parameters in `/etc/default/pmgproxy` by setting `DHPARAMS` to the path of a file containing DH parameters in PEM format, for example DHPARAMS="/path/to/dhparams.pem" If this option is not set, the built-in `skip2048` parameters will be used. NOTE: DH parameters are only used if a cipher suite utilizing the DH key exchange algorithm is negotiated. COMPRESSION ----------- By default `pmgproxy` uses gzip HTTP-level compression for compressible content, if the client supports it. This can disabled in `/etc/default/pmgproxy` COMPRESSION=0 ifdef::manvolnum[] include::pmg-copyright.adoc[] endif::manvolnum[]