[[chapter_pmgupgrade]] ifdef::manvolnum[] pmgupgrade(1) ============= :pmg-toplevel: NAME ---- pmgupgrade - Upgrade Proxmox Mail Gateway SYNOPSIS -------- include::pmgupgrade.1-synopsis.adoc[] DESCRIPTION ----------- endif::manvolnum[] ifndef::manvolnum[] Upgrade Proxmox Mail Gateway ============================ :pmg-toplevel: endif::manvolnum[] This is a small wrapper around `apt-get dist-upgrade`. We use this to print additional information (kernel restart required?), and optionally run an interactive shell after the update. This binary is invoked when starting an upgrade using the web GUI. If you are already logged in on the console, it is peferable to invoke `apt-get` directly. ---- # apt-get dist-upgrade ---- ifdef::manvolnum[] include::pmg-copyright.adoc[] endif::manvolnum[]