2011-08-17 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/PodParser.pm: split out pod generation code 2011-08-16 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (dump_config): a simply way to generate key/value configuration files. 2011-08-15 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (parse_config): a simply way to verify key/value configuration files. 2011-08-11 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/*: remove useless 'fixme' comments. * PVE/Tools.pm (lock_file): removed $text parameter (to simplify code), better timeout error message. 2011-08-10 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/RESTHandler.pm (cli_handler): renamed cli_handler2 to cli_handler. * PVE/CLIHandler.pm (print_pod_manpage): add method to generate pod base manual pages (SYNOPSIS is auto generated). 2011-08-05 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/CLIHandler.pm (help): avoid warning on undefined commands 2011-08-02 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/CLIHandler.pm (handle_cmd): auto-complete commands 2011-07-28 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (get_standard_option): register option 'pve-node-list' * PVE/Tools.pm (run_command): fix $laststderr (do not suppress last line in some rare cases). 2011-07-14 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (encode_text, decode_text): useful functions to store comments in config files (uri encoding) 2011-07-04 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (check_format): allow to add '-opt' to format specifier which allows to pass empty strings. For example format 'email' always requires a valid email address, whereas format 'email-opt' also accepts an emtpy string. 2011-06-21 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (run_command): use alarm to impl. timeout * PVE/RESTHandler.pm (api_dump): new - used to generate docu * PVE/Tools.pm (upid_decode): fix upid parser 2011-05-10 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/RESTHandler.pm (handle): untaint parameters after validate 2011-03-23 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (debmirrors): return list of debian mirrors (per country). 2011-03-21 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/INotify.pm (read_active_workers): simply skip entries we cannot parse, add additional 'id' field to upid 2011-03-18 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (upid_read_status): read/parse last line from worker output file. 2011-03-17 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/INotify.pm (read/write_active_workers): list/update list of active/recent worker processes 2011-03-16 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (upid_*): add code to handle worker processes. 2011-03-14 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (upid_encode,upid_decode): moved from pve-access-control. 2011-03-09 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/ProcFSTools.pm (read_proc_net_dev): first impl. * PVE/Tools.pm (df): implement interruptible version of 'df' (workd with timeout on NFS) 2011-03-03 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/ProcFSTools.pm (read_memory_usage): memory usage of current process 2011-02-22 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (pve_verify_email): verify email address 2011-02-16 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/RPCEnvironment.pm: moved to pve-access-control 2011-02-15 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (template_replace): support simple uri templates * PVE/JSONSchema.pm: add permissions property (path, privs). Allows use to specify required access permissions. 2011-02-14 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/ProcFSTools.pm: impl. new helpers read_loadavg(), read_meminfo() and read_proc_stat(). 2011-02-08 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/INotify.pm (update_file): use PVE::Tools, changed interface (update_etc_resolv_conf): do not touch other options (like 'sortlist' and 'options'), (read_etc_timezone): add timezone parser (write_etc_timezone): add timezone writer * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (pve_verify_ipv4): register IPv4 format. 2011-02-02 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/Tools.pm (next_vnc_port): moved from qemu-server 2011-01-28 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/SafeSyslog.pm (initlog): enable default for facility. 2011-01-25 Proxmox Support Team * PVE/JSONSchema.pm (get_options): make boolean arguments optional, allow "true|yes|on|false|no|off|0|1" 2011-01-19 root * PVE/SafeSyslog.pm (tag): a way to read the log tag 2011-01-12 root * INotify.pm (read/write_etc_resolv_conf): functions to read/write resolv.config (nodename): new method to read actual node name (hostname) 2010-11-09 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (check_type): only allow '0' and '1' for boolean values, because we often use perl directly to test (if ($param->{force}) ...) * INotify.pm (read_vmlist): add parser for vmlist file. 2010-11-08 Proxmox Support Team * INotify.pm (read_etc_hostname): impl. read/write /etc/hostname 2010-09-17 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (AUTOLOAD): bug fix. (usage_str): add info about required options. 2010-09-15 Proxmox Support Team * RPCEnvironment.pm (fork_worker): moved from PVE::Utils (get_remote_node_ip): new helper * ProcFSTools.pm (read_proc_starttime): moved from PVE::Utils 2010-09-14 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (get_standard_option): allow to set defaults. * RPCEnvironment.pm (get_nodelist): new helper * RESTHandler.pm (register_method): do not validate method (that is too slow - delays startup). (validate_method_schemas): new method to validate all registered methods. We can no do that once when we create a package. 2010-09-13 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (validate): add minLength/maxLength to the default schema. 2010-09-10 Proxmox Support Team * INotify.pm (ccache_info): fix serious bug by duplicating cache info entry. * CLIHandler.pm (print_usage_short): group command by class * JSONSchema.pm (register_standard_option, get_standard_option): a way to register/get commom schemas by name. * Tools.pm (extract_param): new helper * CLIHandler.pm: new verbose option for help. * Tools.pm (kvmkeymaps): moved from PVE::Utils. * JSONSchema.pm: add a new attribute caled 'typetext' (any better name?), used to generate nice docs. 2010-09-08 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (usage_str): only print indexed options once (-vlan\d+ -scsi\d+) (usage_str): sort options (usage_str): use Text::Wrap to format output * JSONSchema.pm (check_format): revert previous change - to keep it simply 2010-09-07 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (check_format): return parsed value * ProcFSTools.pm: new file - utilities to read /proc/ * ProcFSTools.pm (get_cpu_info): read cpu info from /proc 2010-08-27 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (cli_handler2): simplify code - allow to pass optional parameters as arguments. (find_handler): return matched path template as 3rd argument 2010-08-26 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (usage_str): new '$hidepw' parameter to correctly handle hidden password parameter. * README.dev: update docu about find_handler() * RESTHandler.pm (find_handler): use '$path' instead of strange '$stack' parameter. 2010-08-25 Proxmox Support Team * Exception.pm (raise_param_exc): allow to specify usage information. * RESTHandler.pm (usage_str): first try to autogenerate usage information. (cli_handler2): experimental code used by new CLIHandler.pm * CLIHandler.pm: new class for command line tools like 'pvesm' - automatically create 'help' and usage information. 2010-08-24 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (handle): remove $conn parameter. We use new RPCEnvironment class to pass environment values. 2010-08-20 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (register_method): allow us to use regex in the path template, for example path => '{method:(lvm|iscsi|nfs)}' * JSONSchema.pm (validate): new 'fragmentDelimiter' option. * RESTHandler.pm (find_handler): remove 'require' - we load statically instead 2010-08-17 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (get_options): we use option type 's' for boolean values - that way we can pass true and false (and any alias for them) * Exception.pm (raise_param_exc): new helper function 2010-08-16 Proxmox Support Team * Tools.pm (run_command): remove 'ticket' parameter - I think we do not need it. (file_read_firstline): new function to read first line of file - moved fron Storage.pm (trim): new trim() command * RESTHandler.pm (handle): remove ugly $resp parameter - we can now use the new Expection object to return better error info. * JSONSchema.pm (validate): use new PVE::Exception::raise() in validate() * Exception.pm (new): finalize implementation 2010-08-13 Proxmox Support Team * JSONSchema.pm (register_format): implement a way to register 'format' verification methods. (check_format): make it possible to automagically check comman separated lists. 2010-08-12 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (AUTOLOAD): cache autoload 2010-08-11 Proxmox Support Team * RESTHandler.pm (cli_handler): helper function to call method directly, parsing command line args using new JSONSchema::get_options() * JSONSchema.pm (get_options): a way to parse command line parameters, using a schema to configure Getopt::Long 2010-08-10 Proxmox Support Team * INotify.pm (parse_ccache_options): new shadow option (parse_ccache_options): new perm option (set file perm (example 0664)); (write_file): do not use PVE::AtomicFile, correctly set file permissions