ifdef::manvolnum[] cpu-models.conf(5) ================== :pve-toplevel: NAME ---- cpu-models.conf - Custom CPU model configuration file SYNOPSIS -------- '/etc/pve/virtual-guest/cpu-models.conf' DESCRIPTION ----------- endif::manvolnum[] ifndef::manvolnum[] Custom CPU Model Configuration ============================== endif::manvolnum[] ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: :title: Manual: cpu-models.conf endif::wiki[] The `/etc/pve/virtual-guest/cpu-models.conf` file stores custom CPU models, which can be used by VMs to get access to advanced CPU features (for example custom CPU flags). File Format ----------- CPU models each have their own section in the file, beginning with the header: cpu-model: Note that does not include the 'custom-' prefix, which is required in VM configs to denote custom CPU models. For example, if the is 'foobar', the CPU for a VM would need to be configured as 'custom-foobar'. Each section can specify several options. They are indented by either one TAB character or multiple spaces. Every option and its value is separated by one space, for example: reported-model qemu64 See below for all available options. Blank lines and those starting with a `#` are ignored. Options ------- include::cpu-models.conf.5-opts.adoc[] Example File ------------ ---- cpu-model: avx flags +avx;+avx2 phys-bits host hidden 0 hv-vendor-id proxmox reported-model kvm64 ---- ifdef::manvolnum[] include::pve-copyright.adoc[] endif::manvolnum[]