`comment`: `` :: Description. `group`: `` :: The HA group identifier. `max_relocate`: ` (0 - N)` ('default =' `1`):: Maximal number of service relocate tries when a service failes to start. `max_restart`: ` (0 - N)` ('default =' `1`):: Maximal number of tries to restart the service on a node after its start failed. `state`: `` ('default =' `started`):: Requested resource state. The CRM reads this state and acts accordingly. Please note that `enabled` is just an alias for `started`. + `started`;; + The CRM tries to start the resource. Service state is set to `started` after successful start. On node failures, or when start fails, it tries to recover the resource. If everything fails, service state it set to `error`. + `stopped`;; + The CRM tries to keep the resource in `stopped` state, but it still tries to relocate the resources on node failures. + `disabled`;; + The CRM tries to put the resource in `stopped` state, but does not try to relocate the resources on node failures. The main purpose of this state is error recovery, because it is the only way to move a resource out of the `error` state.