[[kernel_samepage_merging]] Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) ----------------------------- ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: endif::wiki[] Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) is an optional memory deduplication feature offered by the Linux kernel, which is enabled by default in {pve}. KSM works by scanning a range of physical memory pages for identical content, and identifying the virtual pages that are mapped to them. If identical pages are found, the corresponding virtual pages are re-mapped so that they all point to the same physical page, and the old pages are freed. The virtual pages are marked as "copy-on-write", so that any writes to them will be written to a new area of memory, leaving the shared physical page intact. Implications of KSM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KSM can optimize memory usage in virtualization environments, as multiple VMs running similar operating systems or workloads could potentially share a lot of common memory pages. However, while KSM can reduce memory usage, it also comes with some security risks, as it can expose VMs to side-channel attacks. Research has shown that it is possible to infer information about a running VM via a second VM on the same host, by exploiting certain characteristics of KSM. Thus, if you are using {pve} to provide hosting services, you should consider disabling KSM, in order to provide your users with additional security. Furthermore, you should check your country's regulations, as disabling KSM may be a legal requirement. Disabling KSM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To see if KSM is active, you can check the output of: ---- # systemctl status ksmtuned ---- If it is, it can be disabled immediately with: ---- # systemctl disable --now ksmtuned ---- Finally, to unmerge all the currently merged pages, run: ---- # echo 2 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run ----