[[chapter_lvm]] Logical Volume Manager (LVM) ---------------------------- ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: endif::wiki[] Most people install {pve} directly on a local disk. The {pve} installation CD offers several options for local disk management, and the current default setup uses LVM. The installer lets you select a single disk for such setup, and uses that disk as physical volume for the **V**olume **G**roup (VG) `pve`. The following output is from a test installation using a small 8GB disk: ---- # pvs PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree /dev/sda3 pve lvm2 a-- 7.87g 876.00m # vgs VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree pve 1 3 0 wz--n- 7.87g 876.00m ---- The installer allocates three **L**ogical **V**olumes (LV) inside this VG: ---- # lvs LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% data pve twi-a-tz-- 4.38g 0.00 0.63 root pve -wi-ao---- 1.75g swap pve -wi-ao---- 896.00m ---- root:: Formatted as `ext4`, and contains the operating system. swap:: Swap partition data:: This volume uses LVM-thin, and is used to store VM images. LVM-thin is preferable for this task, because it offers efficient support for snapshots and clones. For {pve} versions up to 4.1, the installer creates a standard logical volume called ``data'', which is mounted at `/var/lib/vz`. Starting from version 4.2, the logical volume ``data'' is a LVM-thin pool, used to store block based guest images, and `/var/lib/vz` is simply a directory on the root file system. Hardware ~~~~~~~~ We highly recommend to use a hardware RAID controller (with BBU) for such setups. This increases performance, provides redundancy, and make disk replacements easier (hot-pluggable). LVM itself does not need any special hardware, and memory requirements are very low. Bootloader ~~~~~~~~~~ We install two boot loaders by default. The first partition contains the standard GRUB boot loader. The second partition is an **E**FI **S**ystem **P**artition (ESP), which makes it possible to boot on EFI systems and to apply xref:sysadmin_firmware_persistent[persistent firmware updates] from the user space. Creating a Volume Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's assume we have an empty disk `/dev/sdb`, onto which we want to create a volume group named ``vmdata''. CAUTION: Please note that the following commands will destroy all existing data on `/dev/sdb`. First create a partition. # sgdisk -N 1 /dev/sdb Create a **P**hysical **V**olume (PV) without confirmation and 250K metadatasize. # pvcreate --metadatasize 250k -y -ff /dev/sdb1 Create a volume group named ``vmdata'' on `/dev/sdb1` # vgcreate vmdata /dev/sdb1 Creating an extra LV for `/var/lib/vz` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This can be easily done by creating a new thin LV. # lvcreate -n -V / A real world example: # lvcreate -n vz -V 10G pve/data Now a filesystem must be created on the LV. # mkfs.ext4 /dev/pve/vz At last this has to be mounted. WARNING: be sure that `/var/lib/vz` is empty. On a default installation it's not. To make it always accessible add the following line in `/etc/fstab`. # echo '/dev/pve/vz /var/lib/vz ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab Resizing the thin pool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resize the LV and the metadata pool with the following command: # lvresize --size + --poolmetadatasize + / NOTE: When extending the data pool, the metadata pool must also be extended. Create a LVM-thin pool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A thin pool has to be created on top of a volume group. How to create a volume group see Section LVM. # lvcreate -L 80G -T -n vmstore vmdata