ifndef::manvolnum[] Output format otions `[FORMAT_OPTIONS]` --------------------------------------- endif::manvolnum[] ifdef::manvolnum[] FORMAT_OPTIONS -------------- endif::manvolnum[] It is possible to specify the output format using the `--outout-format` parameter. The default format 'text' uses ASCII-art to draw nice borders around tables. It additionally transforms some values into human-readable text, for example: - Unix epoch is displayed as ISO 8601 date string. - Durations are displayed as week/day/hour/miniute/secound count, i.e `1d 5h`. - Byte sizes value include units (`B`, `KiB`, `MiB`, `GiB`, `TiB`, `PiB`). - Fractions are display as percentage, i.e. 1.0 is displayed as 100%. You can also completely suppress output using option `--quiet`. include::output-format-opts.adoc[]