#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use IO::File; use File::Basename; use MediaWiki::API; use HTML::Parser; use JSON; my $data_str = ""; while () { $data_str .= $_; } my $fileinfo = decode_json($data_str); my $config_fn = "/root/.pve-docs"; # format 'username:pw' my $fh = IO::File->new("$config_fn") || die "Please configure the mediawiki user/passswd in '$config_fn'\n"; my $api_url = "http://localhost/mediawiki/api.php"; my $config = <$fh>; chomp $config; my ($username, $passwd) = split(':', $config, 2); my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new(); $mw->{config}->{api_url} = $api_url; # log in to the wiki $mw->login({ lgname => $username, lgpassword => $passwd }) || die $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details}; sub update_page { my ($pagename, $filename, $category) = @_; print "update mediawiki page: $pagename\n"; my $ref = $mw->get_page( { title => $pagename } ); my $page = $ref->{'*'} || ''; my $pve_content = "\n"; $pve_content .= "{{#pvedocs:$filename}}\n"; $pve_content .= "[[Category:$category]]\n" if $category; my $starttag = ''; my $endtag = ''; $pve_content .= "\n"; my $parser_opts = { api_version => 3, text_h => [ sub { $pve_content .= shift }, "dtext" ], }; my $parser = HTML::Parser->new(%$parser_opts); my $fh = IO::File->new("/usr/share/pve-docs/$filename", "r") or die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { $parser->parse($line); } $pve_content .= "\n"; $pve_content =~ s/\s+$//gm; chomp $pve_content; if ($page =~ m/^(.*)$starttag\n.*\n$endtag(.*)$/s) { my ($top_content, $bottom_content) = ($1, $2); chomp $top_content; chomp $bottom_content; $page = $top_content; $page .= "$starttag\n"; $page .= $pve_content; $page .= "\n$endtag\n"; $page .= $bottom_content; } elsif ($page =~ m/(.*)\{\{#pvedocs:.*?\}\}(.*)$/) { # old style my ($top_content, $bottom_content) = ($1, $2); chomp $top_content; chomp $bottom_content; $page = $top_content; $page .= "$starttag\n"; $page .= $pve_content; $page .= "\n$endtag\n"; $page .= $bottom_content; } else { $page = "$starttag\n$pve_content\n$endtag\n$page"; } my $timestamp = $ref->{timestamp}; my $wcmd = { action => 'edit', title => $pagename, basetimestamp => $timestamp, # to avoid edit conflicts text => $page, }; $mw->edit($wcmd) || die $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details}; } my $cat_refdoc = "Reference Documentation"; my $docs = {}; foreach my $source (sort keys %{$fileinfo->{toplevel}->{wiki}}) { my $title = $fileinfo->{titles}->{wiki}->{$source}; my $filename = $fileinfo->{outfile}->{wiki}->{$source} || die "found no file name mapping for '$source'"; my $path = "/usr/share/pve-docs/$filename"; die "no such file '$path'" if ! -f $path; update_page($title, $filename, $cat_refdoc); } # also update 'Get support' page, because this is used since a long # time and is referenced from outside update_page("Get support", 'getting-help-plain.html', 'HOWTO'); __END__