[[storage_cephfs]] Ceph Filesystem (CephFS) ------------------------ ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: :title: Storage: CephFS endif::wiki[] Storage pool type: `cephfs` http://ceph.com[Ceph] is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. CephFS implements a POSIX-compliant filesystem storage, with the following advantages: * thin provisioning * distributed and redundant (striped over multiple OSDs) * snapshot capabilities * self healing * no single point of failure * scalable to the exabyte level * kernel and user space implementation available NOTE: For smaller deployments, it is also possible to run Ceph services directly on your {pve} nodes. Recent hardware has plenty of CPU power and RAM, so running storage services and VMs on same node is possible. [[storage_cephfs_config]] Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This backend supports the common storage properties `nodes`, `disable`, `content`, and the following `cephfs` specific properties: monhost:: List of monitor daemon IPs. Optional, only needed if Ceph is not running on the PVE cluster. path:: The local mount point. Optional, defaults to `/mnt/pve//`. username:: Ceph user Id. Optional, only needed if Ceph is not running on the PVE cluster. subdir:: CephFS subdirectory to mount. Optional, defaults to `/`. fuse:: Access CephFS through FUSE, instead of the kernel client. Optional, defaults to `0`. .Configuration Example for a external Ceph cluster (`/etc/pve/storage.cfg`) ---- cephfs: cephfs-external monhost path /mnt/pve/cephfs-external content backup username admin ---- Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use `cephx` authentication, you need to copy the secret from your external Ceph cluster to a Proxmox VE host. Create the directory `/etc/pve/priv/ceph` with mkdir /etc/pve/priv/ceph Then copy the secret scp :/etc/ceph/cephfs.secret /etc/pve/priv/ceph/.secret The secret must be named to match your ``. Copying the secret generally requires root privileges. The file must only contain the secret itself, opposed to the `rbd` backend. If Ceph is installed locally on the PVE cluster, this is done automatically. Storage Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `cephfs` backend is a POSIX-compliant filesystem on top of a Ceph cluster. .Storage features for backend `cephfs` [width="100%",cols="m,m,3*d",options="header"] |============================================================================== |Content types |Image formats |Shared |Snapshots |Clones |vztmpl iso backup |none |yes |yes |no |============================================================================== ifdef::wiki[] See Also ~~~~~~~~ * link:/wiki/Storage[Storage] endif::wiki[]