*pvenode* ` [ARGS] [OPTIONS]` *pvenode acme account deactivate* `[]` Deactivate existing ACME account at CA. ``: `` ('default =' `default`):: ACME account config file name. *pvenode acme account info* `[]` Return existing ACME account information. ``: `` ('default =' `default`):: ACME account config file name. *pvenode acme account list* ACMEAccount index. *pvenode acme account register* `[] {}` `[OPTIONS]` Register a new ACME account with a compatible CA. ``: `` ('default =' `default`):: ACME account config file name. ``: `` :: Contact email addresses. `--directory` `^https?://.*` :: URL of ACME CA directory endpoint. *pvenode acme account update* `[]` `[OPTIONS]` Update existing ACME account information with CA. Note: not specifying any new account information triggers a refresh. ``: `` ('default =' `default`):: ACME account config file name. `--contact` `` :: Contact email addresses. *pvenode acme cert order* `[OPTIONS]` Order a new certificate from ACME-compatible CA. `--force` `` ('default =' `0`):: Overwrite existing custom certificate. *pvenode acme cert renew* `[OPTIONS]` Renew existing certificate from CA. `--force` `` ('default =' `0`):: Force renewal even if expiry is more than 30 days away. *pvenode acme cert revoke* Revoke existing certificate from CA. *pvenode cert delete* `[]` DELETE custom certificate chain and key. ``: `` ('default =' `0`):: Restart pveproxy. *pvenode cert info* Get information about node's certificates. *pvenode cert set* ` []` `[OPTIONS]` Upload or update custom certificate chain and key. ``: `` :: PEM encoded certificate (chain). ``: `` :: PEM encoded private key. `--force` `` ('default =' `0`):: Overwrite existing custom or ACME certificate files. `--restart` `` ('default =' `0`):: Restart pveproxy. *pvenode config get* Get node configuration options. *pvenode config set* `[OPTIONS]` Set node configuration options. `--acme` `domains= [,account=]` :: Node specific ACME settings. `--delete` `` :: A list of settings you want to delete. `--description` `` :: Node description/comment. `--digest` `` :: Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications. *pvenode help* `[OPTIONS]` Get help about specified command. `--extra-args` `` :: Shows help for a specific command `--verbose` `` :: Verbose output format. *pvenode migrateall* `` `[OPTIONS]` Migrate all VMs and Containers. ``: `` :: Target node. `--maxworkers` ` (1 - N)` :: Maximal number of parallel migration job. If not set use 'max_workers' from datacenter.cfg, one of both must be set! `--vms` `` :: Only consider Guests with these IDs. *pvenode startall* `[OPTIONS]` Start all VMs and containers (when onboot=1). `--force` `` :: force if onboot=0. `--vms` `` :: Only consider Guests with these IDs. *pvenode stopall* `[OPTIONS]` Stop all VMs and Containers. `--vms` `` :: Only consider Guests with these IDs.