*pvesm* ` [ARGS] [OPTIONS]` *pvesm add* ` ` `[OPTIONS]` Create a new storage. ``: `` :: Storage type. ``: `` :: The storage identifier. `-authsupported` `` :: Authsupported. `-base` `` :: Base volume. This volume is automatically activated. `-blocksize` `` :: block size `-comstar_hg` `` :: host group for comstar views `-comstar_tg` `` :: target group for comstar views `-content` `` :: Allowed content types. + NOTE: the value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for VMs. `-disable` `` :: Flag to disable the storage. `-export` `` :: NFS export path. `-format` `` :: Default image format. `-is_mountpoint` `` ('default =' `no`):: Assume the directory is an externally managed mountpoint. If nothing is mounted the storage will be considered offline. `-iscsiprovider` `` :: iscsi provider `-krbd` `` :: Access rbd through krbd kernel module. `-maxfiles` ` (0 - N)` :: Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimted. `-mkdir` `` ('default =' `yes`):: Create the directory if it doesn't exist. `-monhost` `` :: Monitors daemon ips. `-nodes` `` :: List of cluster node names. `-nowritecache` `` :: disable write caching on the target `-options` `` :: NFS mount options (see 'man nfs') `-path` `` :: File system path. `-pool` `` :: Pool. `-portal` `` :: iSCSI portal (IP or DNS name with optional port). `-redundancy` ` (1 - 16)` ('default =' `2`):: The redundancy count specifies the number of nodes to which the resource should be deployed. It must be at least 1 and at most the number of nodes in the cluster. `-saferemove` `` :: Zero-out data when removing LVs. `-saferemove_throughput` `` :: Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value). `-server` `` :: Server IP or DNS name. `-server2` `` :: Backup volfile server IP or DNS name. + NOTE: Requires option(s): `server` `-shared` `` :: Mark storage as shared. `-sparse` `` :: use sparse volumes `-tagged_only` `` :: Only use logical volumes tagged with 'pve-vm-ID'. `-target` `` :: iSCSI target. `-thinpool` `` :: LVM thin pool LV name. `-transport` `` :: Gluster transport: tcp or rdma `-username` `` :: RBD Id. `-vgname` `` :: Volume group name. `-volume` `` :: Glusterfs Volume. *pvesm alloc* ` ` `[OPTIONS]` Allocate disk images. ``: `` :: The storage identifier. ``: ` (1 - N)` :: Specify owner VM ``: `` :: The name of the file to create. ``: `\d+[MG]?` :: Size in kilobyte (1024 bytes). Optional suffixes 'M' (megabyte, 1024K) and 'G' (gigabyte, 1024M) `-format` `` :: no description available + NOTE: Requires option(s): `size` *pvesm export* ` ` `[OPTIONS]` Export a volume. ``: `` :: Volume identifier ``: `` :: Export stream format ``: `` :: Destination file name `-base` `(?^:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` :: Snapshot to start an incremental stream from `-snapshot` `(?^:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` :: Snapshot to export `-with-snapshots` `` ('default =' `0`):: Whether to include intermediate snapshots in the stream *pvesm extractconfig* `` Extract configuration from vzdump backup archive. ``: `` :: Volume identifier *pvesm free* `` `[OPTIONS]` Delete volume ``: `` :: Volume identifier `-storage` `` :: The storage identifier. *pvesm glusterfsscan* `` Scan remote GlusterFS server. ``: `` :: no description available *pvesm help* `[]` `[OPTIONS]` Get help about specified command. ``: `` :: Command name `-verbose` `` :: Verbose output format. *pvesm import* ` ` `[OPTIONS]` Import a volume. ``: `` :: Volume identifier ``: `` :: Import stream format ``: `` :: Source file name `-base` `(?^:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,40})` :: Base snapshot of an incremental stream `-delete-snapshot` `(?^:[a-z0-9_\-]{1,80})` :: A snapshot to delete on success `-with-snapshots` `` ('default =' `0`):: Whether the stream includes intermediate snapshots *pvesm iscsiscan* `-portal ` `[OPTIONS]` Scan remote iSCSI server. `-portal` `` :: no description available *pvesm list* `` `[OPTIONS]` List storage content. ``: `` :: The storage identifier. `-content` `` :: Only list content of this type. `-vmid` ` (1 - N)` :: Only list images for this VM *pvesm lvmscan* List local LVM volume groups. *pvesm lvmthinscan* `` List local LVM Thin Pools. ``: `[a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\+\_\-]+` :: no description available *pvesm nfsscan* `` Scan remote NFS server. ``: `` :: no description available *pvesm path* `` Get filesystem path for specified volume ``: `` :: Volume identifier *pvesm remove* `` Delete storage configuration. ``: `` :: The storage identifier. *pvesm set* `` `[OPTIONS]` Update storage configuration. ``: `` :: The storage identifier. `-blocksize` `` :: block size `-comstar_hg` `` :: host group for comstar views `-comstar_tg` `` :: target group for comstar views `-content` `` :: Allowed content types. + NOTE: the value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for VMs. `-delete` `` :: A list of settings you want to delete. `-digest` `` :: Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications. `-disable` `` :: Flag to disable the storage. `-format` `` :: Default image format. `-is_mountpoint` `` ('default =' `no`):: Assume the directory is an externally managed mountpoint. If nothing is mounted the storage will be considered offline. `-krbd` `` :: Access rbd through krbd kernel module. `-maxfiles` ` (0 - N)` :: Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimted. `-mkdir` `` ('default =' `yes`):: Create the directory if it doesn't exist. `-nodes` `` :: List of cluster node names. `-nowritecache` `` :: disable write caching on the target `-options` `` :: NFS mount options (see 'man nfs') `-pool` `` :: Pool. `-redundancy` ` (1 - 16)` ('default =' `2`):: The redundancy count specifies the number of nodes to which the resource should be deployed. It must be at least 1 and at most the number of nodes in the cluster. `-saferemove` `` :: Zero-out data when removing LVs. `-saferemove_throughput` `` :: Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value). `-server` `` :: Server IP or DNS name. `-server2` `` :: Backup volfile server IP or DNS name. + NOTE: Requires option(s): `server` `-shared` `` :: Mark storage as shared. `-sparse` `` :: use sparse volumes `-tagged_only` `` :: Only use logical volumes tagged with 'pve-vm-ID'. `-transport` `` :: Gluster transport: tcp or rdma `-username` `` :: RBD Id. *pvesm status* `[OPTIONS]` Get status for all datastores. `-content` `` :: Only list stores which support this content type. `-enabled` `` ('default =' `0`):: Only list stores which are enabled (not disabled in config). `-storage` `` :: Only list status for specified storage `-target` `` :: If target is different to 'node', we only lists shared storages which content is accessible on this 'node' and the specified 'target' node. *pvesm zfsscan* Scan zfs pool list on local node.