ifdef::manvolnum[] pvesr(1) ======== :pve-toplevel: NAME ---- pvesr - Proxmox VE Storage Replication SYNOPSIS -------- include::pvesr.1-synopsis.adoc[] DESCRIPTION ----------- endif::manvolnum[] ifndef::manvolnum[] Storage Replication =================== :pve-toplevel: endif::manvolnum[] The {PVE} storage replication tool (`pvesr`) manage the Proxmox VE Storage Based Replication. Storage Replication bring guest redundancy for local storage's, reduce the migration time and will only replicate new data. It will replicate the vdisk of guest to an other node this make that data available without using shared/distributed storage. So in case of a node failure your guest data still available on the replicated node. The minimal replication interval are 1 minute and the maximal interval is once a week. Interval schedule format is a subset of `systemd` calendar events. Every interval time your guest vdisk data will be synchronized, but only the new data will replicated. This reduce the amount of data to a minimum. New data are data what are written to the vdisk after the last replication. Every guest can replicate to many target nodes, but only one replication job per target node is allowed. The migration of guests, where storage replication is activated, is currently only offline possible. When the guest will migrate to the target of the replication, only the delta of the data must migrated and the replication direction will switched automatically in the opposite direction. If you migrate to a node where you do not replicate, it will send the whole vdisk data to the new node and after the migration it continuous the replication job as usually. WARNING: High-Availability is possible with Storage Replication but this can lead to lose data. So be aware of this problem before you use this combination. Supported Storage Types ----------------------- .Storage Types [width="100%",options="header"] |============================================ |Description |PVE type |Snapshots|Stable |ZFS (local) |zfspool |yes |yes |============================================ Schedule -------- Proxmox VE has a very flexible replication scheduler with will explained in detail here. A schedule string has following format. [day of the week]