ifdef::manvolnum[] qm.conf(5) ========== :pve-toplevel: NAME ---- qm.conf - Proxmox VE Virtual Machine Configuration SYNOPSIS -------- '/etc/pve/qemu-server/.conf' DESCRIPTION ----------- endif::manvolnum[] ifndef::manvolnum[] Virtual Machine Configuration ============================= endif::manvolnum[] ifdef::wiki[] :pve-toplevel: :title: Manual: qm.conf endif::wiki[] The `/etc/pve/qemu-server/.conf` files stores VM configuration, where "VMID" is the numeric ID of the given VM. NOTE: IDs < 100 are reserved for internal purposes. File Format ----------- The file uses a simple colon separated key/value format. Each line has the following format: OPTION: value Blank lines in the file are ignored, and lines starting with a `#` character are treated as comments and are also ignored. One can use the `qm` command to generate and modify those files. Options ------- include::qm.conf.5-opts.adoc[] ifdef::manvolnum[] include::pve-copyright.adoc[] endif::manvolnum[]