]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-http-server.git/commitdiff
initial import
authorDietmar Maurer <dietmar@proxmox.com>
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 11:55:20 +0000 (12:55 +0100)
committerDietmar Maurer <dietmar@proxmox.com>
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 11:57:46 +0000 (12:57 +0100)
The PVE/AsyncHTTPServer.pm code is copied from the pve-manager
package (PVE/HTTPServer.pm) and renamed.

Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
PVE/AsyncHTTPServer.pm [new file with mode: 0755]
debian/changelog [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/compat [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/control [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/copyright [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/install [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/rules [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd4085b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+all: ${DEB}
+.PHONY: deb
+deb ${DEB}:
+       rm -rf build
+       rsync -a debian build
+       make DESTDIR=./build install
+       cd build; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
+       lintian ${DEB}
+       install -d -m 755 ${PERL5DIR}/PVE/
+       install -m 0644 PVE/AsyncHTTPServer.pm ${PERL5DIR}/PVE
+.PHONY: upload
+upload: ${DEB}
+       tar cf - ${DEB} | ssh repoman@repo.proxmox.com upload
+distclean: clean
+       rm -rf ./build *.deb *.changes
+       find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} ';'
+.PHONY: dinstall
+dinstall: ${DEB}
+       dpkg -i ${DEB}
diff --git a/PVE/AsyncHTTPServer.pm b/PVE/AsyncHTTPServer.pm
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ff3d99f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1909 @@
+package PVE::HTTPServer;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval);
+use POSIX qw(strftime EINTR EAGAIN);
+use Fcntl;
+use IO::File;
+use File::stat qw();
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use Digest::SHA;
+# use AnyEvent::Strict; # only use this for debugging
+use AnyEvent::Util qw(guard fh_nonblocking WSAEWOULDBLOCK WSAEINPROGRESS);
+use AnyEvent::Socket;
+use AnyEvent::Handle;
+use Net::SSLeay;
+use AnyEvent::TLS;
+use AnyEvent::IO;
+use AnyEvent::HTTP;
+use Fcntl ();
+use Compress::Zlib;
+use PVE::SafeSyslog;
+use PVE::INotify;
+use PVE::Tools;
+use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
+use PVE::Cluster;
+use Net::IP;
+use URI;
+use URI::Escape;
+use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
+use HTTP::Date;
+use HTTP::Headers;
+use HTTP::Request;
+use HTTP::Response;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $limit_max_headers = 30;
+my $limit_max_header_size = 8*1024;
+my $limit_max_post = 16*1024;
+my $known_methods = {
+    GET => 1,
+    POST => 1,
+    PUT => 1,
+    DELETE => 1,
+my $split_abs_uri = sub {
+    my ($abs_uri, $base_uri) = @_;
+    my ($format, $rel_uri) = $abs_uri =~ m/^\Q$base_uri\E\/+([a-z][a-z0-9]+)(\/.*)?$/;
+    $rel_uri = '/' if !$rel_uri;
+    return wantarray ? ($rel_uri, $format) : $rel_uri;
+# generic formatter support
+my $formatter_hash = {};
+sub register_formatter {
+    my ($format, $func) = @_;
+    die "formatter '$format' already defined" if $formatter_hash->{$format};
+    $formatter_hash->{$format} = {
+       func => $func,
+    };
+sub get_formatter {
+    my ($format) = @_; 
+     return undef if !$format;
+    my $info = $formatter_hash->{$format};
+    return undef if !$info;
+    return $info->{func};
+my $login_formatter_hash = {};
+sub register_login_formatter {
+    my ($format, $func) = @_;
+    die "login formatter '$format' already defined" if $login_formatter_hash->{$format};
+    $login_formatter_hash->{$format} = {
+       func => $func,
+    };
+sub get_login_formatter {
+    my ($format) = @_; 
+    return undef if !$format;
+    my $info = $login_formatter_hash->{$format};
+    return undef if !$info;
+    return $info->{func};
+# server implementation
+sub log_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
+    my $loginfo = $reqstate->{log};
+    # like apache2 common log format
+    # LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""
+    return if $loginfo->{written}; # avoid duplicate logs
+    $loginfo->{written} = 1;
+    my $peerip = $reqstate->{peer_host} || '-';
+    my $userid = $loginfo->{userid} || '-';
+    my $content_length = defined($loginfo->{content_length}) ? $loginfo->{content_length} : '-';
+    my $code =  $loginfo->{code} || 500;
+    my $requestline = $loginfo->{requestline} || '-';
+    my $timestr = strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z", localtime());
+    my $msg = "$peerip - $userid [$timestr] \"$requestline\" $code $content_length\n";
+    $self->write_log($msg);
+sub log_aborted_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $error) = @_;
+    my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+    return if !$r; # no active request
+    if ($error) {
+       syslog("err", "problem with client $reqstate->{peer_host}; $error");
+    }
+    $self->log_request($reqstate);
+sub extract_auth_cookie {
+    my ($cookie, $cookie_name) = @_;
+    return undef if !$cookie;
+    my $ticket = ($cookie =~ /(?:^|\s)\Q$cookie_name\E=([^;]*)/)[0];
+    if ($ticket && $ticket =~ m/^PVE%3A/) {
+       $ticket = uri_unescape($ticket);
+    }
+    return $ticket;
+sub create_auth_cookie {
+    my ($ticket, $cookie_name) = @_;
+    my $encticket = uri_escape($ticket);
+    return "${cookie_name}=$encticket; path=/; secure;";
+sub cleanup_reqstate {
+    my ($reqstate) = @_;
+    delete $reqstate->{log};
+    delete $reqstate->{request};
+    delete $reqstate->{proto};
+    delete $reqstate->{accept_gzip};
+    delete $reqstate->{starttime};
+    if ($reqstate->{tmpfilename}) {
+       unlink $reqstate->{tmpfilename};
+       delete $reqstate->{tmpfilename};
+    }
+sub client_do_disconnect {
+    my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
+    cleanup_reqstate($reqstate);
+    my $shutdown_hdl = sub {
+       my $hdl = shift;
+       shutdown($hdl->{fh}, 1);
+       # clear all handlers
+       $hdl->on_drain(undef);
+       $hdl->on_read(undef);
+       $hdl->on_eof(undef);
+    };
+    if (my $proxyhdl = delete $reqstate->{proxyhdl}) {
+       &$shutdown_hdl($proxyhdl);
+    }
+    my $hdl = delete $reqstate->{hdl};
+    if (!$hdl) {
+       syslog('err', "detected empty handle");
+       return;
+    }
+    print "close connection $hdl\n" if $self->{debug};
+    &$shutdown_hdl($hdl);
+    $self->{conn_count}--;
+    print "$$: CLOSE FH" .  $hdl->{fh}->fileno() . " CONN$self->{conn_count}\n" if $self->{debug};
+sub finish_response {
+    my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
+    my $hdl = $reqstate->{hdl};
+    cleanup_reqstate($reqstate);
+    if (!$self->{end_loop} && $reqstate->{keep_alive} > 0) {
+       # print "KEEPALIVE $reqstate->{keep_alive}\n" if $self->{debug};
+       $hdl->on_read(sub {
+           eval { $self->push_request_header($reqstate); };
+           warn $@ if $@;
+       });
+    } else {
+       $hdl->on_drain (sub {
+           eval {
+               $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+           };
+           warn $@ if $@;
+       });
+    }
+sub response {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $resp, $mtime, $nocomp, $delay) = @_;
+    #print "$$: send response: " . Dumper($resp);
+    # activate timeout
+    $reqstate->{hdl}->timeout_reset();
+    $reqstate->{hdl}->timeout($self->{timeout});
+    $nocomp = 1 if !$reqstate->{accept_gzip};
+    my $code = $resp->code;
+    my $msg = $resp->message || HTTP::Status::status_message($code);
+    ($msg) = $msg =~m/^(.*)$/m;
+    my $content = $resp->content;
+    if ($code =~ /^(1\d\d|[23]04)$/) {
+       # make sure content we have no content
+       $content = "";
+    }
+    $reqstate->{keep_alive} = 0 if ($code >= 400) || $self->{end_loop};
+    $reqstate->{log}->{code} = $code;
+    my $proto = $reqstate->{proto} ? $reqstate->{proto}->{str} : 'HTTP/1.0';
+    my $res = "$proto $code $msg\015\012";
+    my $ctime = time();
+    my $date = HTTP::Date::time2str($ctime);
+    $resp->header('Date' => $date);
+    if ($mtime) {
+       $resp->header('Last-Modified' => HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime));
+    } else {
+       $resp->header('Expires' => $date);
+       $resp->header('Cache-Control' => "max-age=0");
+       $resp->header("Pragma", "no-cache");
+    }
+    $resp->header('Server' => "pve-api-daemon/3.0");
+    my $content_length;
+    if ($content) {
+       $content_length = length($content);
+       if (!$nocomp && ($content_length > 1024)) {
+           my $comp = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($content);
+           $resp->header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');
+           $content = $comp;
+           $content_length = length($content);
+       }
+       $resp->header("Content-Length" => $content_length);
+       $reqstate->{log}->{content_length} = $content_length;
+    } else {
+       $resp->remove_header("Content-Length");
+    }
+    if ($reqstate->{keep_alive} > 0) {
+       $resp->push_header('Connection' => 'Keep-Alive');
+    } else {
+       $resp->header('Connection' => 'close');
+    }
+    $res .= $resp->headers_as_string("\015\012");
+    #print "SEND(without content) $res\n" if $self->{debug};
+    $res .= "\015\012";
+    $res .= $content if $content;
+    $self->log_request($reqstate, $reqstate->{request});
+    if ($delay && $delay > 0) {
+       my $w; $w = AnyEvent->timer(after => $delay, cb => sub {
+           undef $w; # delete reference
+           $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($res);
+           $self->finish_response($reqstate);
+       });
+    } else {
+       $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($res);
+       $self->finish_response($reqstate);
+    }
+sub error {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $code, $msg, $hdr, $content) = @_;
+    eval {
+       my $resp = HTTP::Response->new($code, $msg, $hdr, $content);
+       $self->response($reqstate, $resp);
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+my $file_extension_info = {
+    css   => { ct => 'text/css' },
+    html  => { ct => 'text/html' },
+    js    => { ct => 'application/javascript' },
+    png   => { ct => 'image/png' , nocomp => 1 },
+    ico   => { ct => 'image/x-icon', nocomp => 1},
+    gif   => { ct => 'image/gif', nocomp => 1},
+    jar   => { ct => 'application/java-archive', nocomp => 1},
+    woff  => { ct => 'application/font-woff', nocomp => 1},
+    woff2 => { ct => 'application/font-woff2', nocomp => 1},
+    ttf   => { ct => 'application/font-snft', nocomp => 1},
+    pdf   => { ct => 'application/pdf', nocomp => 1},
+    epub  => { ct => 'application/epub+zip', nocomp => 1},
+sub send_file_start {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $filename) = @_;
+    eval {
+       # print "SEND FILE $filename\n";
+       # Note: aio_load() this is not really async unless we use IO::AIO!
+       eval {
+           my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+           my $fh = IO::File->new($filename, '<') ||
+               die "$!\n";
+           my $stat = File::stat::stat($fh) ||
+               die "$!\n";
+           my $mtime = $stat->mtime;
+           if (my $ifmod = $r->header('if-modified-since')) {
+               my $iftime = HTTP::Date::str2time($ifmod);
+               if ($mtime <= $iftime) {
+                   my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(304, "NOT MODIFIED");
+                   $self->response($reqstate, $resp, $mtime);
+                   return;
+               }
+           }
+           my $data;
+           my $len = sysread($fh, $data,  $stat->size);
+           die "got short file\n" if !defined($len) || $len != $stat->size;
+           my ($ext) = $filename =~ m/\.([^.]*)$/;
+           my $ext_info = $file_extension_info->{$ext};
+           die "unable to detect content type" if !$ext_info;
+           my $header = HTTP::Headers->new(Content_Type => $ext_info->{ct});
+           my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", $header, $data);
+           $self->response($reqstate, $resp, $mtime, $ext_info->{nocomp});
+       };
+       if (my $err = $@) {
+           $self->error($reqstate, 501, $err);
+       }
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+sub websocket_proxy {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $wsaccept, $wsproto, $param) = @_;
+    eval {
+       my $remhost;
+       my $remport;
+       my $max_payload_size = 65536;
+       my $binary;
+       if ($wsproto eq 'binary') {
+           $binary = 1;
+       } elsif ($wsproto eq 'base64') {
+           $binary = 0;
+       } else {
+           die "websocket_proxy: unsupported protocol '$wsproto'\n";
+       }
+       if ($param->{port}) {
+           $remhost = 'localhost';
+           $remport = $param->{port};
+       } elsif ($param->{socket}) {
+           $remhost = 'unix/';
+           $remport = $param->{socket};
+       } else {
+           die "websocket_proxy: missing port or socket\n";
+       }
+       tcp_connect $remhost, $remport, sub {
+           my ($fh) = @_ 
+               or die "connect to '$remhost:$remport' failed: $!";
+           print "$$: CONNECTed to '$remhost:$remport'\n" if $self->{debug};
+           $reqstate->{proxyhdl} = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+               fh => $fh,
+               rbuf_max => 64*1024,
+               wbuf_max => 64*10*1024,
+               timeout => 5,
+               on_eof => sub {
+                   my ($hdl) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', $err); }
+               },
+               on_error => sub {
+                   my ($hdl, $fatal, $message) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate, $message);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', "$err"); }
+               });
+           my $proxyhdlreader = sub {
+               my ($hdl) = @_;
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               my $data = substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len, '');
+               my $string;
+               my $payload;
+               if ($binary) {
+                   $string = "\x82"; # binary frame
+                   $payload = $data;
+               } else {
+                   $string = "\x81"; # text frame
+                   $payload = encode_base64($data, '');
+               }
+               my $payload_len = length($payload);
+               if ($payload_len <= 125) {
+                   $string .= pack 'C', $payload_len;
+               } elsif ($payload_len <= 0xffff) {
+                   $string .= pack 'C', 126; 
+                   $string .= pack 'n', $payload_len;
+               } else {
+                   $string .= pack 'C', 127; 
+                   $string .= pack 'Q>', $payload_len;
+               }
+               $string .= $payload;
+               $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($string) if $reqstate->{hdl};
+           };
+           my $hdlreader = sub {
+               my ($hdl) = @_;
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               return if $len < 2;
+               my $hdr = unpack('C', substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, 1));
+               my $opcode = $hdr & 0b00001111;
+               my $fin = $hdr & 0b10000000;
+               die "received fragmented websocket frame\n" if !$fin;
+               my $rsv = $hdr & 0b01110000;
+               die "received websocket frame with RSV flags\n" if $rsv;
+               my $payload_len = unpack 'C', substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 1, 1);
+               my $masked = $payload_len & 0b10000000;
+               die "received unmasked websocket frame from client\n" if !$masked;
+               my $offset = 2;
+               $payload_len = $payload_len & 0b01111111;
+               if ($payload_len == 126) {
+                   return if $len < 4;
+                   $payload_len = unpack('n', substr($hdl->{rbuf}, $offset, 2));
+                   $offset += 2;
+               } elsif ($payload_len == 127) {
+                   return if $len < 10;
+                   $payload_len = unpack('Q>', substr($hdl->{rbuf}, $offset, 8));
+                   $offset += 8;
+               }
+               die "received too large websocket frame (len = $payload_len)\n" 
+                   if ($payload_len > $max_payload_size) || ($payload_len < 0);
+               return if $len < ($offset + 4 + $payload_len);
+               my $data = substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len, ''); # now consume data
+               my @mask = (unpack('C', substr($data, $offset+0, 1)),
+                           unpack('C', substr($data, $offset+1, 1)),
+                           unpack('C', substr($data, $offset+2, 1)),
+                           unpack('C', substr($data, $offset+3, 1)));
+               $offset += 4;
+               my $payload = substr($data, $offset, $payload_len);
+               for (my $i = 0; $i < $payload_len; $i++) {
+                   my $d = unpack('C', substr($payload, $i, 1));
+                   my $n = $d ^ $mask[$i % 4];
+                   substr($payload, $i, 1, pack('C', $n));
+               }
+               $payload = decode_base64($payload) if !$binary;
+               if ($opcode == 1 || $opcode == 2) {
+                   $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_write($payload) if $reqstate->{proxyhdl};
+               } elsif ($opcode == 8) {
+                   print "websocket received close\n" if $self->{debug};
+                   if ($reqstate->{proxyhdl}) {
+                       $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_write($payload);
+                       $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_shutdown();
+                   }
+                   $hdl->push_shutdown();
+               } else {
+                   die "received unhandled websocket opcode $opcode\n";
+               }
+           };
+           my $proto = $reqstate->{proto} ? $reqstate->{proto}->{str} : 'HTTP/1.1';
+           $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->timeout(0);
+           $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->on_read($proxyhdlreader);
+           $reqstate->{hdl}->on_read($hdlreader);
+           # todo: use stop_read/start_read if write buffer grows to much
+           my $res = "$proto 101 Switching Protocols\015\012" .
+               "Upgrade: websocket\015\012" .
+               "Connection: upgrade\015\012" .
+               "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: $wsaccept\015\012" .
+               "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: $wsproto\015\012" .
+               "\015\012";
+           print $res if $self->{debug};
+           $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($res);
+           # log early
+           $reqstate->{log}->{code} = 101;
+           $self->log_request($reqstate);
+       };
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       warn $err;
+       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate, $err);
+       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+    }
+sub proxy_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $clientip, $host, $node, $method, $uri, $ticket, $token, $params) = @_;
+    eval {
+       my $target;
+       my $keep_alive = 1;
+       if ($host eq 'localhost') {
+           $target = "http://$host:85$uri";
+           # keep alive for localhost is not worth (connection setup is about 0.2ms)
+           $keep_alive = 0;
+       } elsif (Net::IP::ip_is_ipv6($host)) {
+           $target = "https://[$host]:8006$uri";
+       } else {
+           $target = "https://$host:8006$uri";
+       }
+       my $headers = {
+           PVEDisableProxy => 'true',
+           PVEClientIP => $clientip,
+       };
+       $headers->{'cookie'} = create_auth_cookie($ticket, $self->{cookie_name}) if $ticket;
+       $headers->{'CSRFPreventionToken'} = $token if $token;
+       $headers->{'Accept-Encoding'} = 'gzip' if $reqstate->{accept_gzip};
+       my $content;
+       if  ($method eq 'POST' || $method eq 'PUT') {
+           $headers->{'Content-Type'} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+           # use URI object to format application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.
+           my $url = URI->new('http:');
+           $url->query_form(%$params);
+           $content = $url->query;
+           if (defined($content)) {
+               $headers->{'Content-Length'} = length($content);
+           }
+       }
+       my $tls = {
+           # TLS 1.x only, with certificate pinning
+           method => 'any',
+           sslv2 => 0,
+           sslv3 => 0,
+           verify => 1,
+           verify_cb => sub {
+               my (undef, undef, undef, $depth, undef, undef, $cert) = @_;
+               # we don't care about intermediate or root certificates
+               return 1 if $depth != 0;
+               # check server certificate against cache of pinned FPs
+               return $self->check_cert_fingerprint($cert);
+           },
+       };
+       # load and cache cert fingerprint if first time we proxy to this node
+       $self->initialize_cert_cache($node);
+       my $w; $w = http_request(
+           $method => $target,
+           headers => $headers,
+           timeout => 30,
+           recurse => 0,
+           proxy => undef, # avoid use of $ENV{HTTP_PROXY}
+           keepalive => $keep_alive,
+           body => $content,
+           tls_ctx => AnyEvent::TLS->new(%{$tls}),
+           sub {
+               my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
+               undef $w;
+               if (!$reqstate->{hdl}) {
+                   warn "proxy detected vanished client connection\n";
+                   return;
+               }
+               eval {
+                   my $code = delete $hdr->{Status};
+                   my $msg = delete $hdr->{Reason};
+                   delete $hdr->{URL};
+                   delete $hdr->{HTTPVersion};
+                   my $header = HTTP::Headers->new(%$hdr);
+                   if (my $location = $header->header('Location')) {
+                       $location =~ s|^http://localhost:85||;
+                       $header->header(Location => $location);
+                   }
+                   my $resp = HTTP::Response->new($code, $msg, $header, $body);
+                   # Note: disable compression, because body is already compressed
+                   $self->response($reqstate, $resp, undef, 1);
+               };
+               warn $@ if $@;
+           });
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+# return arrays as \0 separated strings (like CGI.pm)
+sub decode_urlencoded {
+    my ($data) = @_;
+    my $res = {};
+    return $res if !$data;
+    foreach my $kv (split(/[\&\;]/, $data)) {
+       my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $kv);
+       $k =~s/\+/ /g;
+       $k =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+       $v =~s/\+/ /g;
+       $v =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+       if (defined(my $old = $res->{$k})) {
+           $res->{$k} = "$old\0$v";
+       } else {
+           $res->{$k} = $v;
+       }       
+    }
+    return $res;
+sub extract_params {
+    my ($r, $method) = @_;
+    my $params = {};
+    if ($method eq 'PUT' || $method eq 'POST') {
+       $params = decode_urlencoded($r->content);
+    }
+    my $query_params = decode_urlencoded($r->url->query());
+    foreach my $k (keys %{$query_params}) {
+       $params->{$k} = $query_params->{$k};
+    }
+    return PVE::Tools::decode_utf8_parameters($params);
+sub handle_api2_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $auth, $method, $path, $upload_state) = @_;
+    eval {
+       my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+       my ($rel_uri, $format) = &$split_abs_uri($path, $self->{base_uri});
+       my $formatter = get_formatter($format);
+       if (!defined($formatter)) {
+           $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "no such uri $rel_uri, $format");
+           return;
+       }
+       #print Dumper($upload_state) if $upload_state;
+       my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
+       my $params;
+       if ($upload_state) {
+           $params = $upload_state->{params};
+       } else {
+           $params = extract_params($r, $method);
+       }
+       delete $params->{_dc}; # remove disable cache parameter
+       my $clientip = $reqstate->{peer_host};
+       $rpcenv->init_request();
+       my $res = $self->rest_handler($clientip, $method, $rel_uri, $auth, $params);
+       AnyEvent->now_update(); # in case somebody called sleep()
+       $rpcenv->set_user(undef); # clear after request
+       my $upgrade = $r->header('upgrade');
+       $upgrade = lc($upgrade) if $upgrade;
+       if (my $host = $res->{proxy}) {
+           if ($self->{trusted_env}) {
+               $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "proxy not allowed");
+               return;
+           }
+           if ($host ne 'localhost' && $r->header('PVEDisableProxy')) {
+               $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "proxy loop detected");
+               return;
+           }
+           $res->{proxy_params}->{tmpfilename} = $reqstate->{tmpfilename} if $upload_state;
+           $self->proxy_request($reqstate, $clientip, $host, $res->{proxynode}, $method,
+                                $r->uri, $auth->{ticket}, $auth->{token}, $res->{proxy_params}, $res->{proxynode});
+           return;
+       } elsif ($upgrade && ($method eq 'GET') && ($path =~ m|websocket$|)) {
+           die "unable to upgrade to protocol '$upgrade'\n" if !$upgrade || ($upgrade ne 'websocket');
+           my $wsver = $r->header('sec-websocket-version');
+           die "unsupported websocket-version '$wsver'\n" if !$wsver || ($wsver ne '13');
+           my $wsproto_str = $r->header('sec-websocket-protocol');
+           die "missing websocket-protocol header" if !$wsproto_str;
+           my $wsproto;
+           foreach my $p (PVE::Tools::split_list($wsproto_str)) {
+               $wsproto = $p if !$wsproto && $p eq 'base64';
+               $wsproto = $p if $p eq 'binary';
+           }
+           die "unsupported websocket-protocol protocol '$wsproto_str'\n" if !$wsproto;
+           my $wskey = $r->header('sec-websocket-key');
+           die "missing websocket-key\n" if !$wskey;
+           # Note: Digest::SHA::sha1_base64 has wrong padding
+           my $wsaccept = Digest::SHA::sha1_base64("${wskey}258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11") . "=";
+           if ($res->{status} == HTTP_OK) {
+               $self->websocket_proxy($reqstate, $wsaccept, $wsproto, $res->{data});
+               return;
+           }
+       }
+       my $delay = 0;
+       if ($res->{status} == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
+           # always delay unauthorized calls by 3 seconds
+           $delay = 3 - tv_interval($reqstate->{starttime});
+           $delay = 0 if $delay < 0;
+       }
+       if ($res->{info} && $res->{info}->{formatter}) {
+           if (defined(my $func = $res->{info}->{formatter}->{$format})) {
+               $formatter = $func;
+           }
+       }
+       my ($raw, $ct, $nocomp) = &$formatter($res, $res->{data}, $params, $path, $auth);
+       my $resp;
+       if (ref($raw) && (ref($raw) eq 'HTTP::Response')) {
+           $resp = $raw;
+       } else {
+           $resp = HTTP::Response->new($res->{status}, $res->{message});
+           $resp->header("Content-Type" => $ct);
+           $resp->content($raw);
+       }
+       $self->response($reqstate, $resp, undef, $nocomp, $delay);
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       $self->error($reqstate, 501, $err);
+    }
+sub handle_spice_proxy_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $connect_str, $vmid, $node, $spiceport) = @_;
+    eval {
+        die "Port $spiceport is not allowed" if ($spiceport < 61000 || $spiceport > 61099);
+       my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
+       $rpcenv->init_request();
+       my $clientip = $reqstate->{peer_host};
+       my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+        my $remip;
+        if ($node ne 'localhost' && PVE::INotify::nodename() !~ m/^$node$/i) {
+            $remip = $self->remote_node_ip($node);
+           print "REMOTE CONNECT $vmid, $remip, $connect_str\n" if $self->{debug};
+        } else {
+           print "$$: CONNECT $vmid, $node, $spiceport\n" if $self->{debug};
+       }
+       if ($remip && $r->header('PVEDisableProxy')) {
+           $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "proxy loop detected");
+           return;
+       }
+       $reqstate->{hdl}->timeout(0);
+       $reqstate->{hdl}->wbuf_max(64*10*1024);
+       my $remhost = $remip ? $remip : "localhost";
+       my $remport = $remip ? 3128 : $spiceport;
+       tcp_connect $remhost, $remport, sub {
+           my ($fh) = @_ 
+               or die "connect to '$remhost:$remport' failed: $!";
+           print "$$: CONNECTed to '$remhost:$remport'\n" if $self->{debug};
+           $reqstate->{proxyhdl} = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+               fh => $fh,
+               rbuf_max => 64*1024,
+               wbuf_max => 64*10*1024,
+               timeout => 5,
+               on_eof => sub {
+                   my ($hdl) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', $err); }
+               },
+               on_error => sub {
+                   my ($hdl, $fatal, $message) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate, $message);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', "$err"); }
+               });
+           my $proxyhdlreader = sub {
+               my ($hdl) = @_;
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               my $data = substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len, '');
+               #print "READ1 $len\n";
+               $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($data) if $reqstate->{hdl};
+           };
+           my $hdlreader = sub {
+               my ($hdl) = @_;
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               my $data = substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len, '');
+               #print "READ0 $len\n";
+               $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_write($data) if $reqstate->{proxyhdl};
+           };
+           my $proto = $reqstate->{proto} ? $reqstate->{proto}->{str} : 'HTTP/1.0';
+           my $startproxy = sub {
+               $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->timeout(0);
+               $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->on_read($proxyhdlreader);
+               $reqstate->{hdl}->on_read($hdlreader);
+               # todo: use stop_read/start_read if write buffer grows to much
+               my $res = "$proto 200 OK\015\012"; # hope this is the right answer?
+               $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($res);
+               # log early
+               $reqstate->{log}->{code} = 200;
+               $self->log_request($reqstate);
+           };
+           if ($remip) {
+               my $header = "CONNECT ${connect_str} $proto\015\012" .
+                   "Host: ${connect_str}\015\012" .
+                   "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\015\012" .
+                   "User-Agent: spiceproxy\015\012" .
+                   "PVEDisableProxy: true\015\012" .
+                   "PVEClientIP: $clientip\015\012" .
+                   "\015\012";
+               $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_write($header);
+               $reqstate->{proxyhdl}->push_read(line => sub {
+                   my ($hdl, $line) = @_;
+                   if ($line =~ m!^$proto 200 OK$!) {
+                       &$startproxy();
+                   } else {
+                       $reqstate->{hdl}->push_write($line);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   }
+                });
+           } else {
+               &$startproxy();
+           }
+       };
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       warn $err;
+       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate, $err);
+       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+    }
+sub handle_request {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $auth, $method, $path) = @_;
+    my $base_uri = $self->{base_uri};
+    eval {
+       my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+       # disable timeout on handle (we already have all data we need)
+       # we re-enable timeout in response()
+       $reqstate->{hdl}->timeout(0);
+       if ($path =~ m/^\Q$base_uri\E/) {
+           $self->handle_api2_request($reqstate, $auth, $method, $path);
+           return;
+       }
+       if ($self->{pages} && ($method eq 'GET') && (my $handler = $self->{pages}->{$path})) {
+           if (ref($handler) eq 'CODE') {
+               my $params = decode_urlencoded($r->url->query());
+               my ($resp, $userid) = &$handler($self, $reqstate->{request}, $params);
+               $self->response($reqstate, $resp);
+           } elsif (ref($handler) eq 'HASH') {
+               if (my $filename = $handler->{file}) {
+                   my $fh = IO::File->new($filename) ||
+                       die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!\n";
+                   send_file_start($self, $reqstate, $filename);
+               } else {
+                   die "internal error - no handler";
+               }
+           } else {
+               die "internal error - no handler";
+           }
+           return;
+       }
+       if ($self->{dirs} && ($method eq 'GET')) {
+           # we only allow simple names
+           if ($path =~ m!^(/\S+/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)$!) {
+               my ($subdir, $file) = ($1, $2);
+               if (my $dir = $self->{dirs}->{$subdir}) {
+                   my $filename = "$dir$file";
+                   my $fh = IO::File->new($filename) ||
+                       die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!\n";
+                   send_file_start($self, $reqstate, $filename);
+                   return;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       die "no such file '$path'";
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       $self->error($reqstate, 501, $err);
+    }
+sub file_upload_multipart {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $auth, $method, $path, $rstate) = @_;
+    eval {
+       my $boundary = $rstate->{boundary};
+       my $hdl = $reqstate->{hdl};
+       my $startlen = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+       if ($rstate->{phase} == 0) { # skip everything until start
+           if ($hdl->{rbuf} =~ s/^.*?--\Q$boundary\E  \015?\012
+                       ((?:[^\015]+\015\012)* ) \015?\012//xs) {
+               my $header = $1;
+               my ($ct, $disp, $name, $filename);
+               foreach my $line (split(/\015?\012/, $header)) {
+                   # assume we have single line headers
+                   if ($line =~ m/^Content-Type\s*:\s*(.*)/i) {
+                       $ct = parse_content_type($1);
+                   } elsif ($line =~ m/^Content-Disposition\s*:\s*(.*)/i) {
+                       ($disp, $name, $filename) = parse_content_disposition($1);
+                   }
+               }
+               if (!($disp && $disp eq 'form-data' && $name)) {
+                   syslog('err', "wrong content disposition in multipart - abort upload");
+                   $rstate->{phase} = -1;
+               } else {
+                   $rstate->{fieldname} = $name;
+                   if ($filename) {
+                       if ($name eq 'filename') {
+                           # found file upload data
+                           $rstate->{phase} = 1;
+                           $rstate->{filename} = $filename;
+                       } else {
+                           syslog('err', "wrong field name for file upload - abort upload");
+                           $rstate->{phase} = -1;
+                       }
+                   } else {
+                       # found form data for field $name
+                       $rstate->{phase} = 2;
+                   }
+               }
+           } else {
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len - $rstate->{maxheader}, '') 
+                   if $len > $rstate->{maxheader}; # skip garbage
+           }
+       } elsif ($rstate->{phase} == 1) { # inside file - dump until end marker
+           if ($hdl->{rbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)\015?\012(--\Q$boundary\E(--)? \015?\012(.*))$/$2/xs) {
+               my ($rest, $eof) = ($1, $3);
+               my $len = length($rest);
+               die "write to temporary file failed - $!" 
+                   if syswrite($rstate->{outfh}, $rest) != $len;
+               $rstate->{ctx}->add($rest);
+               $rstate->{params}->{filename} = $rstate->{filename};
+               $rstate->{md5sum} = $rstate->{ctx}->hexdigest;
+               $rstate->{bytes} += $len;
+               $rstate->{phase} =  $eof ? 100 : 0;
+           } else {
+               my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+               my $wlen = $len - $rstate->{boundlen};
+               if ($wlen > 0) {
+                   my $data = substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $wlen, '');
+                   die "write to temporary file failed - $!" 
+                       if syswrite($rstate->{outfh}, $data) != $wlen;
+                   $rstate->{bytes} += $wlen;
+                   $rstate->{ctx}->add($data);
+               }
+           }
+       } elsif ($rstate->{phase} == 2) { # inside normal field
+           if ($hdl->{rbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)\015?\012(--\Q$boundary\E(--)? \015?\012(.*))$/$2/xs) {
+               my ($rest, $eof) = ($1, $3);
+               my $len = length($rest);
+               $rstate->{post_size} += $len;
+               if ($rstate->{post_size} < $limit_max_post) {
+                   $rstate->{params}->{$rstate->{fieldname}} = $rest;
+                   $rstate->{phase} = $eof ? 100 : 0;
+               } else {
+                   syslog('err', "form data to large - abort upload");
+                   $rstate->{phase} = -1; # skip
+               }
+           }
+       } else { # skip 
+           my $len = length($hdl->{rbuf});
+           substr($hdl->{rbuf}, 0, $len, ''); # empty rbuf
+       }
+       $rstate->{read} += ($startlen - length($hdl->{rbuf}));
+       if (!$rstate->{done} && ($rstate->{read} + length($hdl->{rbuf})) >= $rstate->{size}) {
+           $rstate->{done} = 1; # make sure we dont get called twice 
+           if ($rstate->{phase} < 0 || !$rstate->{md5sum}) {
+               die "upload failed\n"; 
+           } else {
+               my $elapsed = tv_interval($rstate->{starttime});
+               my $rate = int($rstate->{bytes}/($elapsed*1024*1024));
+               syslog('info', "multipart upload complete " . 
+                      "(size: %d time: %ds rate: %.2fMiB/s md5sum: $rstate->{md5sum})", 
+                      $rstate->{bytes}, $elapsed, $rate);
+               $self->handle_api2_request($reqstate, $auth, $method, $path, $rstate);
+           }
+       }
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       syslog('err', $err);
+       $self->error($reqstate, 501, $err);
+    }
+sub parse_content_type {
+    my ($ctype) = @_;
+    my ($ct, @params) = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/o, $ctype);
+    foreach my $v (@params) {
+       if ($v =~ m/^\s*boundary\s*=\s*(\S+?)\s*$/o) {
+           return wantarray ? ($ct, $1) : $ct;
+       }
+    }
+    return  wantarray ? ($ct) : $ct;
+sub parse_content_disposition {
+    my ($line) = @_;
+    my ($disp, @params) = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/o, $line);
+    my $name;
+    my $filename;
+    foreach my $v (@params) {
+       if ($v =~ m/^\s*name\s*=\s*(\S+?)\s*$/o) {
+           $name = $1;
+           $name =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
+       } elsif ($v =~ m/^\s*filename\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/o) {
+           $filename = $1;
+           $filename =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
+       }
+    }
+    return  wantarray ? ($disp, $name, $filename) : $disp;
+my $tmpfile_seq_no = 0;
+sub get_upload_filename {
+    # choose unpredictable tmpfile name
+    $tmpfile_seq_no++;
+    return "/var/tmp/pveupload-" . Digest::MD5::md5_hex($tmpfile_seq_no . time() . $$);
+sub unshift_read_header {
+    my ($self, $reqstate, $state) = @_;
+    $state = { size => 0, count => 0 } if !$state;
+    $reqstate->{hdl}->unshift_read(line => sub {
+       my ($hdl, $line) = @_;
+       eval {
+           # print "$$: got header: $line\n" if $self->{debug};
+           die "to many http header lines\n" if ++$state->{count} >= $limit_max_headers;
+           die "http header too large\n" if ($state->{size} += length($line)) >= $limit_max_header_size;
+           my $r = $reqstate->{request};
+           if ($line eq '') {
+               my $path = uri_unescape($r->uri->path());
+               my $method = $r->method();
+               $r->push_header($state->{key}, $state->{val})
+                   if $state->{key};
+               if (!$known_methods->{$method}) {
+                   my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "method '$method' not available");
+                   $self->response($reqstate, $resp);
+                   return;
+               }
+               my $conn = $r->header('Connection');
+               my $accept_enc = $r->header('Accept-Encoding');
+               $reqstate->{accept_gzip} = ($accept_enc && $accept_enc =~ m/gzip/) ? 1 : 0;
+               if ($conn) {
+                   $reqstate->{keep_alive} = 0 if $conn =~ m/close/oi;
+               } else {
+                   if ($reqstate->{proto}->{ver} < 1001) {
+                       $reqstate->{keep_alive} = 0;
+                   }
+               }
+               my $te  = $r->header('Transfer-Encoding');
+               if ($te && lc($te) eq 'chunked') {
+                   # Handle chunked transfer encoding
+                   $self->error($reqstate, 501, "chunked transfer encoding not supported");
+                   return;
+               } elsif ($te) {
+                   $self->error($reqstate, 501, "Unknown transfer encoding '$te'");
+                   return;
+               }
+               my $pveclientip = $r->header('PVEClientIP');
+               my $base_uri = $self->{base_uri};
+               # fixme: how can we make PVEClientIP header trusted?
+               if ($self->{trusted_env} && $pveclientip) {
+                   $reqstate->{peer_host} = $pveclientip;
+               } else {
+                   $r->header('PVEClientIP', $reqstate->{peer_host});
+               }
+               my $len = $r->header('Content-Length');
+               # header processing complete - authenticate now
+               my $auth = {};
+               if ($self->{spiceproxy}) {
+                   my $connect_str = $r->header('Host');
+                   my ($vmid, $node, $port) = PVE::AccessControl::verify_spice_connect_url($connect_str);
+                   if (!(defined($vmid) && $node && $port)) {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "invalid ticket");
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   $self->handle_spice_proxy_request($reqstate, $connect_str, $vmid, $node, $port);
+                   return;
+               } elsif ($path =~ m/^\Q$base_uri\E/) {
+                   my $token = $r->header('CSRFPreventionToken');
+                   my $cookie = $r->header('Cookie');
+                   my $ticket = extract_auth_cookie($cookie, $self->{cookie_name});
+                   my ($rel_uri, $format) = &$split_abs_uri($path, $self->{base_uri});
+                   if (!$format) {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "no such uri");
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
+                   # set environment variables
+                   $rpcenv->set_user(undef);
+                   $rpcenv->set_language('C');
+                   $rpcenv->set_client_ip($reqstate->{peer_host});
+                   eval {
+                       $auth = $self->auth_handler($method, $rel_uri, $ticket, $token);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) {
+                       # always delay unauthorized calls by 3 seconds
+                       my $delay = 3;
+                       if (my $formatter = get_login_formatter($format)) {
+                           my ($raw, $ct, $nocomp) = &$formatter($path, $auth);
+                           my $resp;
+                           if (ref($raw) && (ref($raw) eq 'HTTP::Response')) {
+                               $resp = $raw;
+                           } else {
+                               $resp = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "Login Required");
+                               $resp->header("Content-Type" => $ct);
+                               $resp->content($raw);
+                           }
+                           $self->response($reqstate, $resp, undef, $nocomp, 3);
+                       } else {
+                           my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, $err);
+                           $self->response($reqstate, $resp, undef, 0, $delay);
+                       }
+                       return;
+                   }
+               }
+               $reqstate->{log}->{userid} = $auth->{userid};
+               if ($len) {
+                   if (!($method eq 'PUT' || $method eq 'POST')) {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, 501, "Unexpected content for method '$method'");
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   my $ctype = $r->header('Content-Type');
+                   my ($ct, $boundary) = parse_content_type($ctype) if $ctype;
+                   if ($auth->{isUpload} && !$self->{trusted_env}) {
+                       die "upload 'Content-Type '$ctype' not implemented\n" 
+                           if !($boundary && $ct && ($ct eq 'multipart/form-data'));
+                       die "upload without content length header not supported" if !$len;
+                       die "upload without content length header not supported" if !$len;
+                       print "start upload $path $ct $boundary\n" if $self->{debug};
+                       my $tmpfilename = get_upload_filename();
+                       my $outfh = IO::File->new($tmpfilename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600) ||
+                           die "unable to create temporary upload file '$tmpfilename'";
+                       $reqstate->{keep_alive} = 0;
+                       my $boundlen = length($boundary) + 8; # \015?\012--$boundary--\015?\012
+                       my $state = {
+                           size => $len,
+                           boundary => $boundary,
+                           ctx => Digest::MD5->new,
+                           boundlen =>  $boundlen,
+                           maxheader => 2048 + $boundlen, # should be large enough
+                           params => decode_urlencoded($r->url->query()),
+                           phase => 0,
+                           read => 0,
+                           post_size => 0,
+                           starttime => [gettimeofday],
+                           outfh => $outfh,
+                       };
+                       $reqstate->{tmpfilename} = $tmpfilename;
+                       $reqstate->{hdl}->on_read(sub { $self->file_upload_multipart($reqstate, $auth, $method, $path, $state); });
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   if ($len > $limit_max_post) {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, 501, "for data too large");
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   if (!$ct || $ct eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
+                       $reqstate->{hdl}->unshift_read(chunk => $len, sub {
+                           my ($hdl, $data) = @_;
+                           $r->content($data);
+                           $self->handle_request($reqstate, $auth, $method, $path);
+                       });
+                   } else {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, 506, "upload 'Content-Type '$ctype' not implemented");
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   $self->handle_request($reqstate, $auth, $method, $path);
+               }
+           } elsif ($line =~ /^([^:\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*)/) {
+               $r->push_header($state->{key}, $state->{val}) if $state->{key};
+               ($state->{key}, $state->{val}) = ($1, $2);
+               $self->unshift_read_header($reqstate, $state);
+           } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(.*)/) {
+               $state->{val} .= " $1";
+               $self->unshift_read_header($reqstate, $state);
+           } else {
+               $self->error($reqstate, 506, "unable to parse request header");
+           }
+       };
+       warn $@ if $@;
+    });
+sub push_request_header {
+    my ($self, $reqstate) = @_;
+    eval {
+       $reqstate->{hdl}->push_read(line => sub {
+           my ($hdl, $line) = @_;
+           eval {
+               # print "got request header: $line\n" if $self->{debug};
+               $reqstate->{keep_alive}--;
+               if ($line =~ /(\S+)\040(\S+)\040HTTP\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/o) {
+                   my ($method, $url, $maj, $min) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+                   if ($maj != 1) {
+                       $self->error($reqstate, 506, "http protocol version $maj.$min not supported");
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   $self->{request_count}++; # only count valid request headers
+                   if ($self->{request_count} >= $self->{max_requests}) {
+                       $self->{end_loop} = 1;
+                   }
+                   $reqstate->{log} = { requestline => $line };
+                   $reqstate->{proto}->{str} = "HTTP/$maj.$min";
+                   $reqstate->{proto}->{maj} = $maj;
+                   $reqstate->{proto}->{min} = $min;
+                   $reqstate->{proto}->{ver} = $maj*1000+$min;
+                   $reqstate->{request} = HTTP::Request->new($method, $url);
+                   $reqstate->{starttime} = [gettimeofday],
+                   $self->unshift_read_header($reqstate);
+               } elsif ($line eq '') {
+                   # ignore empty lines before requests (browser bugs?)
+                   $self->push_request_header($reqstate);
+               } else {
+                   $self->error($reqstate, 400, 'bad request');
+               }
+           };
+           warn $@ if $@;
+       });
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+sub accept {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $clientfh;
+    return if $self->{end_loop};
+    # we need to m make sure that only one process calls accept
+    while (!flock($self->{lockfh}, Fcntl::LOCK_EX())) {
+       next if $! == EINTR;
+       die "could not get lock on file '$self->{lockfile}' -  $!\n";
+    }
+    my $again = 0;
+    my $errmsg;
+    eval {
+       while (!$self->{end_loop} &&
+              !defined($clientfh = $self->{socket}->accept()) &&
+              ($! == EINTR)) {};
+       if ($self->{end_loop}) {
+           $again = 0;
+       } else {
+           $again = ($! == EAGAIN || $! == WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
+           if (!defined($clientfh)) {
+               $errmsg = "failed to accept connection: $!\n";
+           }
+       }
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+    flock($self->{lockfh}, Fcntl::LOCK_UN());
+    if (!defined($clientfh)) {
+       return if $again;
+       die $errmsg if $errmsg;
+    }
+    fh_nonblocking $clientfh, 1;
+    $self->{conn_count}++;
+    return $clientfh;
+sub wait_end_loop {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->{end_loop} = 1;
+    undef $self->{socket_watch};
+    $0 = "$0 (shutdown)" if $0 !~ m/\(shutdown\)$/;
+    if ($self->{conn_count} <= 0) {
+       $self->{end_cond}->send(1);
+       return;
+    }
+    # fork and exit, so that parent starts a new worker
+    if (fork()) {
+       exit(0);
+    }
+    # else we need to wait until all open connections gets closed
+    my $w; $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => 1, interval => 1, cb => sub {
+       eval {
+           # todo: test for active connections instead (we can abort idle connections)
+           if ($self->{conn_count} <= 0) {
+               undef $w;
+               $self->{end_cond}->send(1);
+           }
+       };
+       warn $@ if $@;
+    });
+sub check_host_access {
+    my ($self, $clientip) = @_;
+    my $cip = Net::IP->new($clientip);
+    my $match_allow = 0;
+    my $match_deny = 0;
+    if ($self->{allow_from}) {
+       foreach my $t (@{$self->{allow_from}}) {
+           if ($t->overlaps($cip)) {
+               $match_allow = 1;
+               last;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    if ($self->{deny_from}) {
+       foreach my $t (@{$self->{deny_from}}) {
+           if ($t->overlaps($cip)) {
+               $match_deny = 1;
+               last;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    if ($match_allow == $match_deny) {
+       # match both allow and deny, or no match
+       return $self->{policy} && $self->{policy} eq 'allow' ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    return $match_allow;
+sub accept_connections {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    eval {
+       while (my $clientfh = $self->accept()) {
+           my $reqstate = { keep_alive => $self->{keep_alive} };
+           # stop keep-alive when there are many open connections
+           if ($self->{conn_count} >= $self->{max_conn_soft_limit}) {
+               $reqstate->{keep_alive} = 0;
+           }
+           if (my $sin = getpeername($clientfh)) {
+               my ($pfamily, $pport, $phost) = PVE::Tools::unpack_sockaddr_in46($sin);
+               ($reqstate->{peer_port}, $reqstate->{peer_host}) = ($pport,  Socket::inet_ntop($pfamily, $phost));
+           }
+           if (!$self->{trusted_env} && !$self->check_host_access($reqstate->{peer_host})) {
+               print "$$: ABORT request from $reqstate->{peer_host} - access denied\n" if $self->{debug};
+               $reqstate->{log}->{code} = 403;
+               $self->log_request($reqstate);
+               next;
+           }
+           $reqstate->{hdl} = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+               fh => $clientfh,
+               rbuf_max => 64*1024,
+               timeout => $self->{timeout},
+               linger => 0, # avoid problems with ssh - really needed ?
+               on_eof   => sub {
+                   my ($hdl) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', $err); }
+               },
+               on_error => sub {
+                   my ($hdl, $fatal, $message) = @_;
+                   eval {
+                       $self->log_aborted_request($reqstate, $message);
+                       $self->client_do_disconnect($reqstate);
+                   };
+                   if (my $err = $@) { syslog('err', "$err"); }
+               },
+               ($self->{tls_ctx} ? (tls => "accept", tls_ctx => $self->{tls_ctx}) : ()));
+           print "$$: ACCEPT FH" .  $clientfh->fileno() . " CONN$self->{conn_count}\n" if $self->{debug};
+           $self->push_request_header($reqstate);
+       }
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       syslog('err', $err);
+       $self->{end_loop} = 1;
+    }
+    $self->wait_end_loop() if $self->{end_loop};
+# Note: We can't open log file in non-blocking mode and use AnyEvent::Handle,
+# because we write from multiple processes, and that would arbitrarily mix output
+# of all processes.
+sub open_access_log {
+    my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+    my $old_mask = umask(0137);;
+    my $logfh = IO::File->new($filename, ">>") ||
+       die "unable to open log file '$filename' - $!\n";
+    umask($old_mask);
+    $logfh->autoflush(1);
+    $self->{logfh} = $logfh;
+sub write_log {
+    my ($self, $data) = @_;
+    return if !defined($self->{logfh}) || !$data;
+    my $res = $self->{logfh}->print($data);
+    if (!$res) {
+       delete $self->{logfh};
+       syslog('err', "error writing access log");
+       $self->{end_loop} = 1; # terminate asap
+    }
+sub atfork_handler {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    eval {
+       # something else do to ?
+       close($self->{socket});
+    };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+sub new {
+    my ($this, %args) = @_;
+    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+    foreach my $req (qw(base_handler_class socket lockfh lockfile)) {
+       die "misssing required argument '$req'" if !defined($args{$req});
+    }
+    my $self = bless { %args }, $class;
+    $self->{cookie_name} //= 'PVEAuthCookie';
+    $self->{base_uri} //= "/api2";
+    # init inotify
+    PVE::INotify::inotify_init();
+    $self->{rpcenv} = PVE::RPCEnvironment->init(
+       $self->{trusted_env} ? 'priv' : 'pub', atfork =>  sub { $self-> atfork_handler() });
+    fh_nonblocking($self->{socket}, 1);
+    $self->{end_loop} = 0;
+    $self->{conn_count} = 0;
+    $self->{request_count} = 0;
+    $self->{timeout} = 5 if !$self->{timeout};
+    $self->{keep_alive} = 0 if !defined($self->{keep_alive});
+    $self->{max_conn} = 800 if !$self->{max_conn};
+    $self->{max_requests} = 8000 if !$self->{max_requests};
+    $self->{policy} = 'allow' if !$self->{policy};
+    $self->{end_cond} = AnyEvent->condvar;
+    if ($self->{ssl}) {
+       $self->{tls_ctx} = AnyEvent::TLS->new(%{$self->{ssl}});
+       # TODO : openssl >= 1.0.2 supports SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto to select a curve depending on 
+       # server and client availability from SSL_CTX_set1_curves. 
+       # that way other curves like 25519 can be used.
+       # openssl 1.0.1 can only support 1 curve at a time.
+       my $curve = Net::SSLeay::OBJ_txt2nid('prime256v1');
+       my $ecdh = Net::SSLeay::EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name($curve);
+       Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($self->{tls_ctx}->{ctx}, &Net::SSLeay::OP_NO_COMPRESSION | &Net::SSLeay::OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE | &Net::SSLeay::OP_SINGLE_DH_USE);
+       Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tmp_ecdh($self->{tls_ctx}->{ctx}, $ecdh);
+       Net::SSLeay::EC_KEY_free($ecdh);
+    }
+    if ($self->{spiceproxy}) {
+       $known_methods = { CONNECT => 1 };
+    }
+    $self->open_access_log($self->{logfile}) if $self->{logfile};
+    $self->{max_conn_soft_limit} = $self->{max_conn} > 100 ? $self->{max_conn} - 20 : $self->{max_conn};
+    $self->{socket_watch} = AnyEvent->io(fh => $self->{socket}, poll => 'r', cb => sub {
+       eval {
+           if ($self->{conn_count} >= $self->{max_conn}) {
+               my $w; $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => 1, interval => 1, cb => sub {
+                   if ($self->{conn_count} < $self->{max_conn}) {
+                       undef $w;
+                       $self->accept_connections();
+                   }
+               });
+           } else {
+               $self->accept_connections();
+           }
+       };
+       warn $@ if $@;
+    });
+    $self->{term_watch} = AnyEvent->signal(signal => "TERM", cb => sub {
+       undef $self->{term_watch};
+       $self->wait_end_loop();
+    });
+    $self->{quit_watch} = AnyEvent->signal(signal => "QUIT", cb => sub {
+       undef $self->{quit_watch};
+       $self->wait_end_loop();
+    });
+    $self->{inotify_poll} = AnyEvent->timer(after => 5, interval => 5, cb => sub {
+       PVE::INotify::poll(); # read inotify events
+    });
+    return $self;
+sub auth_handler {
+    my ($self, $method, $rel_uri, $ticket, $token) = @_;
+    my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
+    my $require_auth = 1;
+    # explicitly allow some calls without auth
+    if (($rel_uri eq '/access/domains' && $method eq 'GET') ||
+       ($rel_uri eq '/access/ticket' && ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'POST'))) {
+       $require_auth = 0;
+    }
+    my ($username, $age);
+    my $isUpload = 0;
+    if ($require_auth) {
+       die "No ticket\n" if !$ticket;
+       ($username, $age) = PVE::AccessControl::verify_ticket($ticket);
+       $rpcenv->set_user($username);
+       if ($method eq 'POST' && $rel_uri =~ m|^/nodes/([^/]+)/storage/([^/]+)/upload$|) {
+           my ($node, $storeid) = ($1, $2);
+           # we disable CSRF checks if $isUpload is set,
+           # to improve security we check user upload permission here
+           my $perm = { check => ['perm', "/storage/$storeid", ['Datastore.AllocateTemplate']] };
+           $rpcenv->check_api2_permissions($perm, $username, {});
+           $isUpload = 1;
+       }
+       # we skip CSRF check for file upload, because it is
+       # difficult to pass CSRF HTTP headers with native html forms,
+       # and it should not be necessary at all.
+       my $euid = $>;
+       PVE::AccessControl::verify_csrf_prevention_token($username, $token)
+           if !$isUpload && ($euid != 0) && ($method ne 'GET');
+    }
+    return {
+       ticket => $ticket,
+       token => $token,
+       userid => $username,
+       age => $age,
+       isUpload => $isUpload,
+       cookie_name => $self->{cookie_name},
+    };
+my $exc_to_res = sub {
+    my ($info, $err, $status) = @_;
+    $status = $status || HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
+    my $resp = { info => $info };
+    if (ref($err) eq "PVE::Exception") {
+       $resp->{status} = $err->{code} || $status;
+       $resp->{errors} = $err->{errors} if $err->{errors};
+       $resp->{message} = $err->{msg};
+    } else {
+       $resp->{status} = $status;
+       $resp->{message} = $err;
+    }
+    return $resp;
+sub rest_handler {
+    my ($self, $clientip, $method, $rel_uri, $auth, $params) = @_;
+    my $rpcenv = $self->{rpcenv};
+    my $base_handler_class = $self->{base_handler_class};
+    die "no base handler - internal error" if !$base_handler_class;
+    my $uri_param = {};
+    my ($handler, $info) = $base_handler_class->find_handler($method, $rel_uri, $uri_param);
+    if (!$handler || !$info) {
+       return {
+           status => HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+           message => "Method '$method $rel_uri' not implemented",
+       };
+    }
+    foreach my $p (keys %{$params}) {
+       if (defined($uri_param->{$p})) {
+           return {
+               status => HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
+               message => "Parameter verification failed - duplicate parameter '$p'",
+           };
+       }
+       $uri_param->{$p} = $params->{$p};
+    }
+    # check access permissions
+    eval { $rpcenv->check_api2_permissions($info->{permissions}, $auth->{userid}, $uri_param); };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       return &$exc_to_res($info, $err, HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
+    }
+    if ($info->{proxyto}) {
+       my $remip;
+       my $node;
+       eval {
+           my $pn = $info->{proxyto};
+           $node = $uri_param->{$pn};
+           die "proxy parameter '$pn' does not exists" if !$node;
+           if ($node ne 'localhost' && $node ne PVE::INotify::nodename()) {
+               die "unable to proxy file uploads" if $auth->{isUpload};
+               $remip = $self->remote_node_ip($node);
+           }
+       };
+       if (my $err = $@) {
+           return &$exc_to_res($info, $err);
+       }
+       if ($remip) {
+           return { proxy => $remip, proxynode => $node, proxy_params => $params };
+       }
+    }
+    my $euid = $>;
+    if ($info->{protected} && ($euid != 0)) {
+       return { proxy => 'localhost' , proxy_params => $params }
+    }
+    my $resp = {
+       info => $info, # useful to format output
+       status => HTTP_OK,
+    };
+    eval {
+       $resp->{data} = $handler->handle($info, $uri_param);
+       if (my $count = $rpcenv->get_result_attrib('total')) {
+           $resp->{total} = $count;
+       }
+       if (my $diff = $rpcenv->get_result_attrib('changes')) {
+           $resp->{changes} = $diff;
+       }
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       return &$exc_to_res($info, $err);
+    }
+    return $resp;
+sub check_cert_fingerprint {
+    my ($self, $cert) = @_;
+    return PVE::Cluster::check_cert_fingerprint($cert);
+sub initialize_cert_cache {
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    PVE::Cluster::initialize_cert_cache($node);
+sub remote_node_ip {
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    my $remip = PVE::Cluster::remote_node_ip($node);
+    die "unable to get remote IP address for node '$node'\n" if !$remip;
+    return $remip;
+sub run {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->{end_cond}->recv;
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8fb13de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+libpve-http-server-perl (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * first try
+ -- Proxmox Support Team <support@proxmox.com>  Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:47:07 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec63514
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ab84bdd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Source: libpve-http-server-perl
+Section: perl
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Proxmox Support Team <support@proxmox.com>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), perl (>= 5.10.0-19)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Homepage: http://www.proxmox.com
+Package: libpve-http-server-perl
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libjson-perl, libcrypt-ssleay-perl, libhttp-message-perl, liburi-perl, libanyevent-perl, libanyevent-http-perl
+Description: Proxmox Asynchrounous HTTP Server Implementation
+ This is used to implement the PVE REST API.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22c3a5e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH
+This software is written by Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH <support@proxmox.com>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/debian/install b/debian/install
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..02830ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2a6e77d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable)
+# output every command that modifies files on the build system.
+       dh $@