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7f989f01 1NAME
2 lxc - linux containers
5 You are in a hurry, and you don’t want to read this man page. Ok, without
6 warranty, here are the commands to launch a shell inside a container with a
7 predefined configuration template, it may work.
8 lxc-execute -n foo -f /etc/lxc/lxc-macvlan.conf /bin/bash
11 The container technology is actively being pushed into the mainstream linux
12 kernel. It provides the resource management through the control groups aka
13 process containers and resource isolation through the namespaces.
15 The linux containers, lxc, aims to use these new functionnalities to pro-
16 vide an userspace container object which provides full resource isolation
17 and resource control for an applications or a system.
19 The first objective of this project is to make the life easier for the ker-
20 nel developers involved in the containers project and especially to con-
21 tinue working on the Checkpoint/Restart new features. The lxc is small
22 enough to easily manage a container with simple command lines and complete
23 enough to be used for other purposes.
26 The lxc relies on a set of functionnalies provided by the kernel which
27 needs to be active. Depending of the missing functionnalities the lxc will
28 work with a restricted number of functionnalities or will simply fails.
30 The following list gives the kernel features to be enabled in the kernel to
31 have the full features container:
33 * General
34 * Control Group support
35 -> namespace cgroup subsystem
36 -> cpuset support
37 -> Group CPU scheduler
38 -> control group freeze subsystem
39 -> Basis for grouping tasks (Control Groups)
40 -> Simple CPU accounting
41 -> Resource counters
42 -> Memory resource controllers for Control Groups
43 -> Namespace support
44 -> UTS namespace
45 -> IPC namespace
46 -> User namespace
47 -> Pid namespace
48 * Network support
49 -> Networking options
50 -> Network namespace support
52 For the moment the easiest way to have all the features in the kernel is to
53 use the git tree at:
5e97c3fc 55
7f989f01 57 But the kernel version >= 2.6.27 shipped with the distros, may work with
58 lxc, this one will have less functionnalities but enough to be interesting.
59 The planned kernel version which lxc should be fully functionnaly is
60 2.6.29.
62 Before using the lxc, your system should be configured with the file capa-
63 bilities, otherwise you will need to run the lxc commands as root. The con-
64 trol group should be mounted anywhere, eg: mount -t cgroup cgroup /cgroup
67 A container is an object where the configuration is persistent. The appli-
68 cation will be launched inside this container and it will use the configu-
69 ration which was previously created.
71 How to run an application in a container ?
73 Before running an application, you should know what are the resource you
74 want to isolate. The default configuration is isolation of the pids, the
75 sysv ipc and the mount points. If you want to run a simple shell inside a
76 container, a basic configuration is needed, especially if you want to share
77 the rootfs. If you want to run an application like sshd, you should provide
78 a new network stack and a new hostname. If you want to avoid conflicts with
79 some files eg. /var/run/httpd.pid, you should remount /var/run with an
80 empty directory. If you want to avoid the conflicts in all the cases, you
81 can specify a rootfs for the container. The rootfs can be a directory tree,
82 previously bind mounted with the initial rootfs, so you can still use your
83 distro but with your own /etc and /home
85 Here is an example of directory tree for sshd:
87 [root@lxc sshd]$ tree -d rootfs
89 rootfs
90 |-- bin
91 |-- dev
92 | |-- pts
93 | ‘-- shm
94 | ‘-- network
95 |-- etc
96 | ‘-- ssh
97 |-- lib
98 |-- proc
99 |-- root
100 |-- sbin
101 |-- sys
102 |-- usr
103 ‘-- var
104 |-- empty
105 | ‘-- sshd
106 |-- lib
107 | ‘-- empty
108 | ‘-- sshd
109 ‘-- run
110 ‘-- sshd
111 and the mount points file associated with it:
113 [root@lxc sshd]$ cat fstab
115 /lib /home/root/sshd/rootfs/lib none ro,bind 0 0
116 /bin /home/root/sshd/rootfs/bin none ro,bind 0 0
117 /usr /home/root/sshd/rootfs/usr none ro,bind 0 0
118 /sbin /home/root/sshd/rootfs/sbin none ro,bind 0 0
120 How to run a system in a container ?
122 Running a system inside a container is paradoxically easier than running an
123 application. Why ? Because you don’t have to care about the resources to be
124 isolated, everything need to be isolated except /dev which needs to be
125 remounted in the container rootfs, the other resources are specified as
126 being isolated but without configuration because the container will set
127 them up. eg. the ipv4 address will be setup by the system container init
128 scripts. Here is an example of the mount points file:
130 [root@lxc debian]$ cat fstab
132 /dev /home/root/debian/rootfs/dev none bind 0 0
133 /dev/pts /home/root/debian/rootfs/dev/pts none bind 0 0
135 A good idea to have the console is to mount bind this one to our tty, so we
136 see the output of the system container booting and we can log to it
138 /proc/self/fd/0 /home/root/debian/rootfs/dev/console none bind 0 0
140 These examples are avaible in the contrib package located at:
141 https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxc/
144 When the container is created, it contains the configuration information.
145 When a process is launched, the container will be starting and running.
146 When the last process running inside the container exits, the container is
147 stopped.
149 In case of failure when the container is initialized, it will pass through
150 the aborting state.
152 ---------
153 | STOPPED |<---------------
154 --------- |
155 | |
156 start |
157 | |
158 V |
159 ---------- |
160 | STARTING |--error- |
161 ---------- | |
162 | | |
163 V V |
164 --------- ---------- |
165 | RUNNING | | ABORTING | |
166 --------- ---------- |
167 | | |
168 no process | |
169 | | |
170 V | |
171 ---------- | |
172 | STOPPING |<------- |
173 ---------- |
174 | |
175 ---------------------
178 The container is configured through a configuration file, the format of the
179 configuration file is described in lxc.conf(5)
182 The container is created via the lxc-create command. It takes a container
183 name as parameter and an optional configuration file. The name is used by
184 the different commands to refer to this container. The lxc-destroy command
185 will destroy the container object.
187 lxc-create -n foo
188 lxc-destroy -n foo
191 When the container has been created, it is ready to run an application /
192 system. When the application has to be destroyed the container can be
193 stopped, that will kill all the processes of the container.
195 Running an application inside a container is not exactly the same thing as
196 running a system. For this reason, there is two commands to run an applica-
197 tion into a container:
5e97c3fc 198
7f989f01 199 lxc-execute -n foo [-f config] /bin/bash
200 lxc-start -n foo [/bin/bash]
5e97c3fc 201
7f989f01 202 lxc-execute command will run the specified command into a container but it
203 will mount /proc and autocreate/autodestroy the container if it does not
204 exist. It will furthermore create an intermediate process, lxc-init, which
205 is in charge to launch the specified command, that allows to support dae-
206 mons in the container. In other words, in the container lxc-init has the
207 pid 1 and the first process of the application has the pid 2.
5e97c3fc 208
7f989f01 209 lxc-start command will run the specified command into the container doing
210 nothing else than using the configuration specified by lxc-create. The pid
211 of the first process is 1. If no command is specified lxc-start will run
212 /sbin/init.
5e97c3fc 213
7f989f01 214 To summarize, lxc-execute is for running an application and lxc-start is
215 for running a system.
5e97c3fc 216
7f989f01 217 If the application is no longer responding, inaccessible and is not able to
218 finish by itself, a wild lxc-stop command will kill all the processes in
219 the container without pity.
220 lxc-stop -n foo
5e97c3fc 221
223 Sometime, it is useful to stop all the processes belonging to a container,
224 eg. for job scheduling. The commands:
848e8927 225
7f989f01 226 lxc-freeze -n foo
5e97c3fc 227
7f989f01 228 will put all the processes in an ininteruptible state and
848e8927 229
7f989f01 230 lxc-unfreeze -n foo
5e97c3fc 231
7f989f01 232 will resume all the tasks.
5e97c3fc 233
7f989f01 234 This feature is enabled if the cgroup freezer is enabled in the kernel.
5e97c3fc 235
237 When there are a lot of containers, it is hard to follow what has been cre-
238 ated or destroyed, what is running or what are the pids running into a spe-
239 cific container. For this reason, the following commands give this informa-
240 tion:
5e97c3fc 241
7f989f01 242 lxc-ls
243 lxc-ps -n foo
244 lxc-info -n foo
5e97c3fc 245
7f989f01 246 lxc-ls list the containers of the system. The command is a script built on
247 top of ls, so it accepts the options of the ls commands, eg:
5e97c3fc 248
7f989f01 249 lxc-ls -1
5e97c3fc 250
7f989f01 251 will display the containers list in one column or:
5e97c3fc 252
7f989f01 253 lxc-ls -l
5e97c3fc 254
7f989f01 255 will display the containers list and their permissions.
5e97c3fc 256
7f989f01 257 lxc-ps will display the pids for a specific container. Like lxc-ls, lxc-ps
258 is built on top of ps and accepts the same options, eg:
5e97c3fc 259
7f989f01 260 lxc-ps -n foo --forest
5e97c3fc 261
7f989f01 262 will display the process hierarchy for the container ’foo’.
5e97c3fc 263
7f989f01 264 lxc-info gives informations for a specific container, at present only the
265 state of the container is displayed.
5e97c3fc 266
7f989f01 267 Here is an example on how the combination of these commands allow to list
268 all the containers and retrieve their state.
5e97c3fc 269
7f989f01 270 for i in $(lxc-ls -1); do
271 lxc-info -n $i
272 done
5e97c3fc 273
7f989f01 274 And displaying all the pids of all the containers:
275 for i in $(lxc-ls -1); do
276 lxc-info -n $i
277 done
5e97c3fc 278
7f989f01 279 And displaying all the pids of all the containers:
5e97c3fc 280
7f989f01 281 for i in $(lxc-ls -1); do
282 lxc-ps -n $i --forest
283 done
5e97c3fc 284
286 It is sometime useful to track the states of a container, for example to
287 monitor it or just to wait for a specific state in a script.
5e97c3fc 288
7f989f01 289 lxc-monitor command will monitor one or several containers. The parameter
290 of this command accept a regular expression for example:
5e97c3fc 291
7f989f01 292 lxc-monitor -n "foo|bar"
5e97c3fc 293
7f989f01 294 will monitor the states of containers named ’foo’ and ’bar’, and:
5e97c3fc 295
7f989f01 296 lxc-monitor -n ".*"
5e97c3fc 297
7f989f01 298 will monitor all the containers.
5e97c3fc 299
301 The container is tied with the control groups. A control group can be setup
302 when the container is running to change or to retrieve its value.
5e97c3fc 303
7f989f01 304 lxc-cgroup command is used to set or get a control group subsystem which is
305 associated with a container. The subsystem name is handle by the user, the
306 command won’t do any syntax checking on name, if the name does not exists,
307 the command will fail.
5e97c3fc 308
7f989f01 309 lxc-cgroup -n foo cpuset.cpus
5e97c3fc 310
7f989f01 311 will display the content of this subsystem.
848e8927 312
7f989f01 313 lxc-cgroup -n foo cpus.share 512
848e8927 314
7f989f01 315 will set the subsystem to the specified value.
848e8927 316
7f989f01 317BUGS
318 The lxc is still in development, so the command syntax and the API can
319 change. The version 1.0.0 will be the frozen version.
848e8927 320
7f989f01 321SEE ALSO
322 lxc-create(1), lxc-destroy(1), lxc-start(1), lxc-execute(1), lxc-stop(1),
323 lxc-monitor(1), lxc-wait(1), lxc-cgroup(1), lxc-ls(1), lxc-ps(1), lxc-
324 info(1), lxc-freeze(1), lxc-unfreeze(1), lxc.conf(5),
5e97c3fc 325
7f989f01 326AUTHOR
327 Daniel Lezcano <daniel.lezcano@free.fr>