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22 <a href="../libudev/index.html">gudev </a><span style="float:right">systemd 220</span><hr><div class="refentry"><a name="systemd.time"></a><div class="titlepage"></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>systemd.time — Time and date specifications</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185987565920"></a><h2 id="Description">Description<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Description">¶</a></h2><p>In systemd, timestamps, time spans, and calendar events are
23 displayed and may be specified in closely related syntaxes.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185987564592"></a><h2 id="Displaying Time Spans">Displaying Time Spans<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Displaying%20Time%20Spans">¶</a></h2><p>Time spans refer to time durations. On display, systemd will
24 present time spans as a space-separated series of time values each
25 suffixed by a time unit.</p><pre class="programlisting">2h 30min</pre><p>All specified time values are meant to be added up. The
e3bff60a 26 above hence refers to 150 minutes.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185987562272"></a><h2 id="Parsing Time Spans">Parsing Time Spans<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Parsing%20Time%20Spans">¶</a></h2><p>When parsing, systemd will accept the same time span syntax.
27 Separating spaces may be omitted. The following time units are
28 understood:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem"><p>usec, us</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>msec, ms</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>seconds, second, sec, s</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>minutes, minute, min, m</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>hours, hour, hr, h</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>days, day, d</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>weeks, week, w</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>months, month</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>years, year, y</p></li></ul></div><p>If no time unit is specified, generally seconds are assumed,
29 but some exceptions exist and are marked as such. In a few cases
30 "<code class="literal">ns</code>", "<code class="literal">nsec</code>" is accepted too,
31 where the granularity of the time span allows for this.</p><p>Examples for valid time span specifications:</p><pre class="programlisting">2 h
341y 12month
e3bff60a 36300ms20s 5day</pre></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185982653296"></a><h2 id="Displaying Timestamps">Displaying Timestamps<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Displaying%20Timestamps">¶</a></h2><p>Timestamps refer to specific, unique points in time. On
37 display, systemd will format these in the local timezone as
38 follows:</p><pre class="programlisting">Fri 2012-11-23 23:02:15 CET</pre><p>The weekday is printed according to the locale choice of the
e3bff60a 39 user.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185982650992"></a><h2 id="Parsing Timestamps">Parsing Timestamps<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Parsing%20Timestamps">¶</a></h2><p>When parsing systemd will accept a similar timestamp syntax,
40 but excluding any timezone specification (this limitation might be
41 removed eventually). The weekday specification is optional, but
42 when the weekday is specified it must either be in the abbreviated
43 ("<code class="literal">Wed</code>") or non-abbreviated
44 ("<code class="literal">Wednesday</code>") English language form (case does
45 not matter), and is not subject to the locale choice of the user.
46 Either the date, or the time part may be omitted, in which case
47 the current date or 00:00:00, resp., is assumed. The seconds
48 component of the time may also be omitted, in which case ":00" is
49 assumed. Year numbers may be specified in full or may be
50 abbreviated (omitting the century).</p><p>A timestamp is considered invalid if a weekday is specified
51 and the date does not actually match the specified day of the
52 week.</p><p>When parsing, systemd will also accept a few special
53 placeholders instead of timestamps: "<code class="literal">now</code>" may be
54 used to refer to the current time (or of the invocation of the
55 command that is currently executed). "<code class="literal">today</code>",
56 "<code class="literal">yesterday</code>", "<code class="literal">tomorrow</code>" refer to
57 00:00:00 of the current day, the day before or the next day,
58 respectively.</p><p>When parsing, systemd will also accept relative time
59 specifications. A time span (see above) that is prefixed with
60 "<code class="literal">+</code>" is evaluated to the current time plus the
61 specified time span. Correspondingly, a time span that is prefixed
62 with "<code class="literal">-</code>" is evaluated to the current time minus
63 the specified time span. Instead of prefixing the time span with
64 "<code class="literal">+</code>" or "<code class="literal">-</code>", it may also be
65 suffixed with a space and the word "<code class="literal">left</code>" or
66 "<code class="literal">ago</code>".</p><p>Finally, a timespan prefixed with "<code class="literal">@</code>" is
67 evaluated relative to the UNIX time epoch 1st Jan, 1970,
68 00:00.</p><p>Examples for valid timestamps and their normalized form
69 (assuming the current time was 2012-11-23 18:15:22):</p><pre class="programlisting">Fri 2012-11-23 11:12:13 → Fri 2012-11-23 11:12:13
663996b3 70 2012-11-23 11:12:13 → Fri 2012-11-23 11:12:13
71 2012-11-23 → Fri 2012-11-23 00:00:00
72 12-11-23 → Fri 2012-11-23 00:00:00
73 11:12:13 → Fri 2012-11-23 11:12:13
74 11:12 → Fri 2012-11-23 11:12:00
75 now → Fri 2012-11-23 18:15:22
76 today → Fri 2012-11-23 00:00:00
77 yesterday → Fri 2012-11-22 00:00:00
78 tomorrow → Fri 2012-11-24 00:00:00
79 +3h30min → Fri 2012-11-23 21:45:22
80 -5s → Fri 2012-11-23 18:15:17
81 11min ago → Fri 2012-11-23 18:04:22
82 @1395716396 → Tue 2014-03-25 03:59:56</pre><p>Note that timestamps printed by systemd will not be parsed
83 correctly by systemd, as the timezone specification is not
84 accepted, and printing timestamps is subject to locale settings
85 for the weekday while parsing only accepts English weekday
86 names.</p><p>In some cases, systemd will display a relative timestamp
87 (relative to the current time, or the time of invocation of the
88 command) instead or in addition to an absolute timestamp as
89 described above. A relative timestamp is formatted as
90 follows:</p><p>2 months 5 days ago</p><p>Note that any relative timestamp will also parse correctly
e3bff60a 91 where a timestamp is expected. (see above)</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185982634544"></a><h2 id="Calendar Events">Calendar Events<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Calendar%20Events">¶</a></h2><p>Calendar events may be used to refer to one or more points
92 in time in a single expression. They form a superset of the
93 absolute timestamps explained above:</p><pre class="programlisting">Thu,Fri 2012-*-1,5 11:12:13</pre><p>The above refers to 11:12:13 of the first or fifth day of
94 any month of the year 2012, but only if that day is a Thursday or
95 Friday.</p><p>The weekday specification is optional. If specified, it
96 should consist of one or more English language weekday names,
97 either in the abbreviated (Wed) or non-abbreviated (Wednesday)
98 form (case does not matter), separated by commas. Specifying two
99 weekdays separated by "<code class="literal">-</code>" refers to a range of
100 continuous weekdays. "<code class="literal">,</code>" and "<code class="literal">-</code>"
101 may be combined freely.</p><p>In the date and time specifications, any component may be
102 specified as "<code class="literal">*</code>" in which case any value will
103 match. Alternatively, each component can be specified as a list of
104 values separated by commas. Values may also be suffixed with
105 "<code class="literal">/</code>" and a repetition value, which indicates that
106 the value and all values plus multiples of the repetition value
107 are matched.</p><p>Either time or date specification may be omitted, in which
108 case the current day and 00:00:00 is implied, respectively. If the
109 second component is not specified, "<code class="literal">:00</code>" is
110 assumed.</p><p>Timezone names may not be specified.</p><p>The special expressions
111 "<code class="literal">minutely</code>",
112 "<code class="literal">hourly</code>", "<code class="literal">daily</code>",
113 "<code class="literal">monthly</code>", "<code class="literal">weekly</code>",
114 "<code class="literal">yearly</code>",
115 "<code class="literal">quarterly</code>",
116 "<code class="literal">semiannually</code>" may be used as
117 calendar events which refer to
118 "<code class="literal">*-*-* *:*:00</code>",
119 "<code class="literal">*-*-* *:00:00</code>",
120 "<code class="literal">*-*-* 00:00:00</code>",
121 "<code class="literal">*-*-01 00:00:00</code>",
122 "<code class="literal">Mon *-*-* 00:00:00</code>",
123 "<code class="literal">*-01-01 00:00:00</code>",
124 "<code class="literal">*-01,04,07,10-01 00:00:0</code>" and
125 "<code class="literal">*-01,07-01 00:00:00</code>" respectively.
126 </p><p>Examples for valid timestamps and their
127 normalized form:</p><pre class="programlisting"> Sat,Thu,Mon-Wed,Sat-Sun → Mon-Thu,Sat,Sun *-*-* 00:00:00
663996b3 128 Mon,Sun 12-*-* 2,1:23 → Mon,Sun 2012-*-* 01,02:23:00
129 Wed *-1 → Wed *-*-01 00:00:00
130 Wed-Wed,Wed *-1 → Wed *-*-01 00:00:00
131 Wed, 17:48 → Wed *-*-* 17:48:00
663996b3 132Wed-Sat,Tue 12-10-15 1:2:3 → Tue-Sat 2012-10-15 01:02:03
133 *-*-7 0:0:0 → *-*-07 00:00:00
134 10-15 → *-10-15 00:00:00
135 monday *-12-* 17:00 → Mon *-12-* 17:00:00
136 Mon,Fri *-*-3,1,2 *:30:45 → Mon,Fri *-*-01,02,03 *:30:45
137 12,14,13,12:20,10,30 → *-*-* 12,13,14:10,20,30:00
138 mon,fri *-1/2-1,3 *:30:45 → Mon,Fri *-01/2-01,03 *:30:45
139 03-05 08:05:40 → *-03-05 08:05:40
140 08:05:40 → *-*-* 08:05:40
141 05:40 → *-*-* 05:40:00
663996b3 142 Sat,Sun 12-05 08:05:40 → Sat,Sun *-12-05 08:05:40
143 Sat,Sun 08:05:40 → Sat,Sun *-*-* 08:05:40
144 2003-03-05 05:40 → 2003-03-05 05:40:00
145 2003-03-05 → 2003-03-05 00:00:00
146 03-05 → *-03-05 00:00:00
147 hourly → *-*-* *:00:00
148 daily → *-*-* 00:00:00
149 monthly → *-*-01 00:00:00
150 weekly → Mon *-*-* 00:00:00
151 yearly → *-01-01 00:00:00
152 annually → *-01-01 00:00:00
153 *:2/3 → *-*-* *:02/3:00</pre><p>Calendar events are used by timer units, see
154 <a href="systemd.timer.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.timer</span>(5)</span></a>
e3bff60a 155 for details.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm140185982611488"></a><h2 id="See Also">See Also<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#See%20Also">¶</a></h2><p>
156 <a href="systemd.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd</span>(1)</span></a>,
157 <a href="journalctl.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">journalctl</span>(1)</span></a>,
158 <a href="systemd.timer.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.timer</span>(5)</span></a>,
159 <a href="systemd.unit.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.unit</span>(5)</span></a>,
160 <a href="systemd.directives.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd.directives</span>(7)</span></a>
161 </p></div></div></body></html>